316 research outputs found

    Prevalence of ticks on dogs in Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria

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    Ticks and tick-borne diseases have in addition to other socio-economic parameters, constituted major setbacks to the development of an economically viable livestock industry in Nigeria and other parts of the world. The prevalence of ticks on dogs brought to ECWA Veterinary clinic and Jos Veterinary clinic all in Jos Plateau State was studied. A total of 1,146 ticks were collected from 300 dogs randomly selected. Three species of ticks all from the family ixodidae were encountered and identified in order of abundance namely; Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Boophilus decoloratus and Haemaphysalis leachii. Of the 154 male dogs examined 70(45.16%) were infested with ticks. Of the remaining 146 female counterpart 85(54.84%) were infested. The investigation further revealed that adolescent dogs were more susceptible to tick infestation 73(47.10%) than the adult hosts 48(30.90%) when compared to the young dogs or puppies who were the least infested 34(22.00%). Statistical analysis using Chi-Square, showed a significant difference in the infestation rate between sexes of dogs and among tick species (p<0.05) however, such difference was not observed in the ages of dogs and tick species (p>0.05). Based on these findings, any strategy intended at mitigating the problems of tick infestation of dogs in Jos Plateau and the country at large should take into account the identified tick species.Keywords: Prevalence, ticks, dogs, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria

    Multiple sulfur isotope constraints on the sulfur cycle in the modern ocean

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    We present 28 multiple sulfur isotope measurements of seawater sulfate (δ34SSO4δ34SSO4 and Δ33SSO4Δ33SSO4) from the modern ocean over a range of water depths and sites along the eastern margin of the Pacific Ocean. The average measured δ34SSO4δ34SSO4 is 21.24‰ (±0.88‰,2σ±0.88‰,2σ) with a calculated Δ33SSO4Δ33SSO4 of +0.050‰+0.050‰ (±0.014‰,2σ±0.014‰,2σ). With these values, we use a box-model to place constraints on the gross fraction of pyrite burial in modern sediments. This model presents an improvement on previous estimates of the global pyrite burial flux because it does not rely on the assumed value of δ34Spyriteδ34Spyrite, which is poorly constrained, but instead uses new information about the relationship between δ34Sδ34S and δ33Sδ33S in global marine sulfate. Our calculations indicate that the pyrite burial flux from the modern ocean is between 10% and 45% of the total sulfur lost from the oceans, with a more probable range between 20% and 35%

    Optical techniques for remote and in-situ characterization of particles pertinent to GEOTRACES

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    Field and laboratory characterization of marine particles is laborious and expensive. Proxies of particle properties have been developed that allow researchers to obtain high frequency distributions of such properties in space or time. We focus on optical techniques used to characterize marine particles in-situ, with a focus on GEOTRACES-relevant properties, such as bulk properties including particle mass, cross-sectional area, particle size distribution, particle shape information, and also single particle optical properties, such as individual particle type and size. We also address the use of optical properties of particles to infer particulate organic or inorganic carbon. In addition to optical sensors we review advances in imaging technology and its use to study marine particles in situ. This review addresses commercially available technology and techniques that can be used as a proxy for particle properties and the associated uncertainties with particular focus to open ocean environments, the focus of GEOTRACES

    Spatial and temporal occurrence of killer whale ecotypes off the outer coast of Washington State, USA

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    Three killer whale Orcinus orca ecotypes inhabit the northeastern Pacific: residents, transients, and offshores. To investigate intraspecific differences in spatial and temporal occur-rence off the outer coast of Washington State, USA, 2 long-term acoustic recorders were deployed from July 2004 to August 2013: one off the continental shelf in Quinault Canyon (QC) and the other on the shelf, off Cape Elizabeth (CE). Acoustic encounters containing pulsed calls were analyzed for call types attributable to specific ecotypes, as no calls are shared between ecotypes. Both sites showed killer whale presence year-round, although site CE had a higher number of days with en- counters overall. Transients were the most common ecotype at both sites and were encountered mainly during the spring and early summer. Residents were encountered primarily at site CE and showed potential seasonal segregation between the 2 resident communities, with northern resi- dents present mainly during summer and early fall when southern residents were not encountered. Offshore encounters were higher at site QC, with little evidence for seasonality. Spatial and temporal variability of residents and transients matches the distribution of their prey and can potentially be used for further inferences about prey preferences for different transient groups

    HLA-A*32:01 is strongly associated with vancomycin-induced drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms

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    Background Vancomycin is a prevalent cause of the severe hypersensitivity syndrome drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) which leads to significant morbidity and mortality and commonly occurs in the setting of combination antibiotic therapy which impacts future treatment choices. Variations in human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I in particular have been associated with serious T-cell mediated adverse drug reactions which has led to preventive screening strategies for some drugs. Objective To determine if variation in the HLA region is associated with vancomycin-induced DRESS. Methods Probable vancomycin DRESS cases were matched 1:2 with tolerant controls based on sex, race, and age using BioVU, Vanderbilt’s deidentified electronic health record database. Associations between DRESS and carriage of HLA class I and II alleles were assessed by conditional logistic regression. An extended sample set from BioVU was utilized to conduct a time-to-event analysis of those exposed to vancomycin with and without the identified HLA risk allele. Results Twenty-three individuals met inclusion criteria for vancomycin-associated DRESS. 19/23 (82.6%) cases carried HLA-A*32:01 compared to 0/46 (0%) of the matched vancomycin tolerant controls (p=1x10-8) and 6.3% of the BioVU population (n=54,249) (p=2x10-16). Time-to-event analysis of DRESS development during vancomycin treatment among the HLA-A*32:01 positive group indicated that 19.2% developed DRESS and did so within four weeks. Conclusions HLA-A*32:01 is strongly associated with vancomycin DRESS in a population of predominantly European ancestry. HLA-A*32:01 testing could improve antibiotic safety, help implicate vancomycin as the causal drug and preserve future treatment options with co-administered antibiotics

    High biomass, low export regimes in the Southern Ocean

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 54 (2007): 601-638, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.01.013.This paper investigates ballasting and remineralization controls of carbon sedimentation in the twilight zone (100-1000 m) of the Southern Ocean. Size-fractionated (<1 μm, 1-51 μm, >51 μm) suspended particulate matter was collected by large volume in-situ filtration from the upper 1000 m in the Subantarctic (55°S, 172°W) and Antarctic (66°S, 172°W) zones of the Southern Ocean during the Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX) in January-February 2002. Particles were analyzed for major chemical constituents (POC, P, biogenic Si, CaCO3), and digital and SEM image analyses of particles were used to aid in the interpretation of the chemical profiles. Twilight zone waters at 66°S in the Antarctic had a steeper decrease in POC with depth than at 55°S in the Subantarctic, with lower POC concentrations in all size fractions at 66°S than at 55°S, despite up to an order of magnitude higher POC in surface waters at 66°S. The decay length scale of >51 μm POC was significantly shorter in the upper twilight zone at 66°S (δe=26 m) compared to 55°S (δe=81 m). Particles in the carbonate-producing 55°S did not have higher excess densities than particles from the diatom-dominated 66°S, indicating that there was no direct ballast effect that accounted for deeper POC penetration at 55°S. An indirect ballast effect due to differences in particle packaging and porosities cannot be ruled out, however, as aggregate porosities were high (~97%) and variable. Image analyses point to the importance of particle loss rates from zooplankton grazing and remineralization as determining factors for the difference in twilight zone POC concentrations at 55°S and 66°S, with stronger and more focused shallow remineralization at 66°S. At 66°S, an abundance of large (several mm long) fecal pellets from the surface to 150 m, and almost total removal of large aggregates by 200 m, reflected the actions of a single or few zooplankton species capable of grazing diatoms in the euphotic zone, coupled with a more diverse particle feeding zooplankton community immediately below. Surface waters with high biomass levels and high proportion of biomass in the large size fraction were associated with low particle loading at depth, with all indications implying conditions of low export. The 66°S region exhibits this “High Biomass, Low Export” (HBLE) condition, with very high >51 μm POC concentrations at the surface (~2.1 μM POC), but low concentrations below 200 m (<0.07 μM POC). The 66°S region remained HBLE after iron fertilization. Iron addition at 55°S caused a ten fold increase in >51 μm biomass concentrations in the euphotic zone, bringing surface POC concentrations to levels found at 66°S (~3.8 μM), and a concurrent decrease in POC concentrations below 200 m. The 55°S region, which began with moderate levels of biomass and stronger particle export, transitioned to being HBLE after iron fertilization. We propose that iron addition to already HBLE waters will not cause mass sedimentation events. The stability of an iron-induced HBLE condition is unknown. Better understanding of biological pump processes in non-HBLE Subantarctic waters is needed.This work was supported by the DOE Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Program. Shiptime for SOFeX was funded by NSF

    Prevalence and risk factors of latent Tuberculosis among adolescents in rural Eastern Uganda

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    Background: Latent Tuberculosis treatment is a key tuberculosis control intervention. Adolescents are a high risk group that is not routinely treated in low income countries. Knowledge of latent Tuberculosis (TB) burden among adolescents may influence policy. Objectives: We determined the prevalence and risk factors of latent TB infection among adolescents in rural Uganda. Methods: We analyzed baseline data from a study that assessed the prevalence and incidence of Tuberculosis disease among adolescents. We extracted socio-demographics, medical assessment information, and tuberculin skin test results and estimated prevalence ratios (PR) of latent TB infection risk factors by binomial regression. Results: The prevalence of latent TB was 16.1%, 95% CI (15.1 \u2013 17.2). Significant risk factors were: a BCG scar, APR 1.29 (95% CI 1.12 \u2013 1.48); male gender, APR 1.37 (95% CI 1.21 \u2013 1.56); age 17 -18 years, APR 1.46 (95% CI 1.24 \u2013 1.71) and 15-16 years, APR 1.25 (95% CI 1.07 \u2013 1.46) compared to 12-14 years; being out of school, APR 1.31 (95% CI 1.05 \u2013 1.62); and a known history of household TB contact in last 2 years, APR 1.91 (95% CI 1.55 \u2013 2.35) Conclusion: Targeted routine latent TB treatment among adolescents out of school may be crucial for TB disease control in low income countries