167 research outputs found

    An Educational Interventional Study to Assess Awareness about Mosquito Breeding, Diseases Caused and Protective Measures Against them among Families Residing in an Urban Slum of Indore City

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    Background: Community participation plays an important role in control of Mosquito borne diseases. This study tries to assess impact of educational intervention on various aspects of mosquito borne diseases in an urban slum. Methodology: An educational interventional study was done in 200 families residing in a slum (Badi Gwaltoli) which is in field practice area of Urban Health Centre attached to Department of Community Medicine of M.G.M.Medical College, Indore. A pretested semi-structured questionnaire was administered to the Head of the family which studied their awareness and perception regarding breeding sites and biting habits of mosquitoes, diseases spread by them and personal protective measures used, followed by an educational intervention and post assessment. Data was entered into Microsoft excel spread sheet and analysed using SPSS version 20 software. Results: 46% of study population knew the correct breeding season of mosquitoes (monsoon season) during pre-intervention and 68% of the population post- intervention (p- value 0.004). When asked at what time mosquitoes bite the most, maximum number (92%) of people said that mosquitoes bite most in the evening and night, while only 6% and 2% were for morning and noon, respectively. Only 3.5% of the population who knew about breeding sites knew about artificial collections of water. Majority said mosquito breed in dirty stagnant water (78.5%). About 96%of the study population was aware that mosquitoes spread diseases. However, only 33.3%of respondents knew correctly about the diseases spread which improved to 68% in the post-intervention period (p-value=.000). 46% knew all the protection measures against mosquitoes in the pre-intervention which increased to 86% in the post intervention (p.value-.005). Conclusion: Awareness about Aedes mosquitoes and its habits is quite poor and many people still believe that only dirty water serves as a breeding place in mosquitoes. Regular IEC sessions informing community about mosquito-borne diseases will improve community participation

    Developing textile entrepreneurial inclination model by integrating experts mining and ISM-MICMAC

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    The Indian textile industry is lacking in an entrepreneurial inclination of a skilled young generation; because of this, the industry is facing a challenge to achieve sustainable development and growth. To overcome this problem, the goal of this work is to build an entrepreneurial inclination model in the context of the textile industry. For achieving this goal, a combined approach of an extensive literature review and experts mining has been used to establish the entrepreneurial inclination factors in phased of the study. In the second phase, an Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) with Matrice d'Impacts Croisés Multiplication Appliqués à un Classement (MICMAC) has been applied to build a structural model and to find the driving force factors and dependence power. The results show that effective entrepreneurship courses, institutional policy, training and internship, institutional corporation and the involvement of institutional heads play a very significant role in encouraging youth towards entrepreneurship. The outcomes of the study can help both the government and academic institutes to draw up effective policy and develop an entrepreneurial culture which can help to create more entrepreneurs in the textile field.N

    A robust spectral method for solving Heston’s model

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    In this paper, we consider the Heston’s volatility model (Heston in Rev. Financ. Stud. 6: 327–343, 1993]. We simulate this model using a combination of the spectral collocation method and the Laplace transforms method. To approximate the two dimensional PDE, we construct a grid which is the tensor product of the two grids, each of which is based on the Chebyshev points in the two spacial directions. The resulting semi-discrete problem is then solved by applying the Laplace transform method based on Talbot’s idea of deformation of the contour integral (Talbot in IMA J. Appl. Math. 23(1): 97–120, 1979)

    Comprehensive characterization of 536 patient-derived xenograft models prioritizes candidatesfor targeted treatment

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    Development of candidate cancer treatments is a resource-intensive process, with the research community continuing to investigate options beyond static genomic characterization. Toward this goal, we have established the genomic landscapes of 536 patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models across 25 cancer types, together with mutation, copy number, fusion, transcriptomic profiles, and NCI-MATCH arms. Compared with human tumors, PDXs typically have higher purity and fit to investigate dynamic driver events and molecular properties via multiple time points from same case PDXs. Here, we report on dynamic genomic landscapes and pharmacogenomic associations, including associations between activating oncogenic events and drugs, correlations between whole-genome duplications and subclone events, and the potential PDX models for NCI-MATCH trials. Lastly, we provide a web portal having comprehensive pan-cancer PDX genomic profiles and source code to facilitate identification of more druggable events and further insights into PDXs' recapitulation of human tumors

    An open-access database and analysis tool for perovskite solar cells based on the FAIR data principles

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    Large datasets are now ubiquitous as technology enables higher-throughput experiments, but rarely can a research field truly benefit from the research data generated due to inconsistent formatting, undocumented storage or improper dissemination. Here we extract all the meaningful device data from peer-reviewed papers on metal-halide perovskite solar cells published so far and make them available in a database. We collect data from over 42,400 photovoltaic devices with up to 100 parameters per device. We then develop open-source and accessible procedures to analyse the data, providing examples of insights that can be gleaned from the analysis of a large dataset. The database, graphics and analysis tools are made available to the community and will continue to evolve as an open-source initiative. This approach of extensively capturing the progress of an entire field, including sorting, interactive exploration and graphical representation of the data, will be applicable to many fields in materials science, engineering and biosciences

    An open-access database and analysis tool for perovskite solar cells based on the FAIR data principles

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    Large datasets are now ubiquitous as technology enables higher-throughput experiments, but rarely can a research field truly benefit from the research data generated due to inconsistent formatting, undocumented storage or improper dissemination. Here we extract all the meaningful device data from peer-reviewed papers on metal-halide perovskite solar cells published so far and make them available in a database. We collect data from over 42, 400 photovoltaic devices with up to 100 parameters per device. We then develop open-source and accessible procedures to analyse the data, providing examples of insights that can be gleaned from the analysis of a large dataset. The database, graphics and analysis tools are made available to the community and will continue to evolve as an open-source initiative. This approach of extensively capturing the progress of an entire field, including sorting, interactive exploration and graphical representation of the data, will be applicable to many fields in materials science, engineering and biosciences. © 2021, The Author(s)

    XRN2 Links Transcription Termination to DNA Damage and Replication Stress

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    We thank the Proteomics Core Facility. We thank Dr. Robert J. Crouch for providing us with GFP- and GFP-RNase H expression plasmids. We also thank Dr. Stephen H. Leppla for providing us with antibodies directed against RNA:DNA hybrids (R loops) (S9.6). We thank Novus Biologicals for generously providing XRN2 and Rrp45 antibodies. We also thank the members of the Boothman lab for critical reading of this manuscript.Author Summary Genomic instability is one of the primary causes of disease states, in particular cancer. One major cause of genomic instability is the formation of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), which are one of the most dangerous types of DNA lesions the cell can encounter. If not repaired in a timely manner, one DSB can lead not only to cell death. If misrepaired, one DSB can lead to a hazardous chromosomal aberration, such as a translocation, that can eventually lead to cancer. The cell encounters and repairs DSBs that arise from naturally occurring cellular processes on a daily basis. A number of studies have demonstrated that aberrant structures that form during transcription under certain circumstances, in particular RNA:DNA hybrids (R loops), can lead to DSB formation and genomic instability, especially during DNA synthesis. Thus, it is important to understand how the cell responds and repairs transcription-mediated DNA damage in general and R loop-related DNA damage in particular. This paper both demonstrates that the XRN transcription termination factor links transcription and DNA damage, but also provides a better understanding of how the cell prevents transcription-related DNA damage.Yeshttp://www.plosgenetics.org/static/editorial#pee

    An open-access database and analysis tool for perovskite solar cells based on the FAIR data principles

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    AbstractLarge datasets are now ubiquitous as technology enables higher-throughput experiments, but rarely can a research field truly benefit from the research data generated due to inconsistent formatting, undocumented storage or improper dissemination. Here we extract all the meaningful device data from peer-reviewed papers on metal-halide perovskite solar cells published so far and make them available in a database. We collect data from over 42,400 photovoltaic devices with up to 100 parameters per device. We then develop open-source and accessible procedures to analyse the data, providing examples of insights that can be gleaned from the analysis of a large dataset. The database, graphics and analysis tools are made available to the community and will continue to evolve as an open-source initiative. This approach of extensively capturing the progress of an entire field, including sorting, interactive exploration and graphical representation of the data, will be applicable to many fields in materials science, engineering and biosciences.</jats:p
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