1,101 research outputs found

    Infrared photometric study of the massive star forming region S235 using Spitzer-IRAC and JHK observations

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    We present the {\it Spitzer}-IRAC images of the S235 star forming complex that includes the East~1 & 2, Central and S235 A & B regions. In addition, we present the near-infrared images of the S235 A & B regions. The IRAC photometry reveals on-going star formation, with 86 Class 0/I and 144 Class II YSOs in the entire S235 complex. Nearly 73% of these YSOs are present in clusters with a maximum surface density of 120 YSOs/pc2^{2} (in the vicinity of S235A & B regions). A few YSOs, possibly in an arc-like formation, are identified towards the south of S235A region, which may be speculated as an evidence for magnetically super-critical collapse. One of the sources in the arc-like formation, namely S235AB-MIR, seems to be a young, massive star that is still accreting matter. SED modeling of some of the newly identified YSOs confirms the classification made on the basis of IRAC colours. The IRAC ratio map of Ch2/Ch4 traces clearly the Brα\alpha emission associated with the HII region of S235A within the horse-shoe envelope. Outside the horse-shoe structure, the ratio map indicates shock-excited H2_{2} emission. Brα\alpha emission is also seen around S235B (from the ratio map). The ratio map of Ch2/Ch4 reveals that the source "e2s3" in the East~2 region may be associated with shock-excited H2_2 emission outflow or jet. The SED modeling of this new source indicates that it is a very young massive star that is not yet able to drive an HII region.Comment: 19 pages; 13 figures; 8 tables. Accepted in MNRAS, Feb 201

    A self-consistent model of Galactic stellar and dust infrared emission and the abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

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    We present a self-consistent three-dimensional Monte-Carlo radiative transfer model of the stellar and dust emission in the Milky-Way, and have computed synthetic observations of the 3.6 to 100 microns emission in the Galactic mid-plane. In order to compare the model to observations, we use the GLIMPSE, MIPSGAL, and IRAS surveys to construct total emission spectra, as well as longitude and latitude profiles for the emission. The distribution of stars and dust is taken from the SKY model, and the dust emissivities includes an approximation of the emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in addition to thermal emission. The model emission is in broad agreement with the observations, but a few modifications are needed to obtain a good fit. Firstly, by adjusting the model to include two major and two minor spiral arms rather than four equal spiral arms, the fit to the longitude profiles for |l|>30 degrees can be improved. Secondly, introducing a deficit in the dust distribution in the inner Galaxy results in a better fit to the shape of the IRAS longitude profiles at 60 and 100 microns. With these modifications, the model fits the observed profiles well, although it systematically under-estimates the 5.8 and 8.0 microns fluxes. One way to resolve this discrepancy is to increase the abundance of PAH molecules by 50% compared to the original model, although we note that changes to the dust distribution or radiation field may provide alternative solutions. Finally, we use the model to quantify which stellar populations contribute the most to the heating of different dust types, and which stellar populations and dust types contribute the most to the emission at different wavelengths.Comment: Published in A&A. This version has been revised (compared to the published version) to include additional references to previous work. Scripts to reproduce the results in this paper can be found as supplementary material on the A&A site, or at https://github.com/hyperion-rt/paper-galaxy-rt-mode

    Star Formation and Young Population of the HII Complex Sh2-294

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    The Sh2-294 HII region ionized by a single B0V star features several infrared excess sources, a photodissociation region, and also a group of reddened stars at its border. The star formation scenario in the region seems to be quite complex. In this paper, we present follow-up results of Sh2-294 HII region at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 microns observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Array Camera (IRAC), coupled with H2 (2.12 microns) observation, to characterize the young population of the region and to understand its star formation history. We identified 36 young stellar object (YSO, Class I, Class II and Class I/II) candidates using IRAC color-color diagrams. It is found that Class I sources are preferentially located at the outskirts of the HII region and associated with enhanced H2 emission; none of them are located near the central cluster. Combining the optical to mid-infrared (MIR) photometry of the YSO candidates and using the spectral energy distribution fitting models, we constrained stellar parameters and the evolutionary status of 33 YSO candidates. Most of them are interpreted by the model as low-mass (< 4 solar masses) YSOs; however, we also detected a massive YSO (~9 solar masses) of Class I nature, embedded in a cloud of visual extinction of ~24 mag. Present analysis suggests that the Class I sources are indeed younger population of the region relative to Class II sources (age ~ 4.5 x 10^6 yr). We suggest that the majority of the Class I sources, including the massive YSOs, are second-generation stars of the region whose formation is possibly induced by the expansion of the HII region powered by a ~ 4 x 10^6 yr B0 main-sequence star.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Sky maps without anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background are a better fit to WMAP's uncalibrated time ordered data than the official sky maps

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    The purpose of this reanalysis of the WMAP uncalibrated time ordered data (TOD) was two fold. The first was to reassess the reliability of the detection of the anisotropies in the official WMAP sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The second was to assess the performance of a proposed criterion in avoiding systematic error in detecting a signal of interest. The criterion was implemented by testing the null hypothesis that the uncalibrated TOD was consistent with no anisotropies when WMAP's hourly calibration parameters were allowed to vary. It was shown independently for all 20 WMAP channels that sky maps with no anisotropies were a better fit to the TOD than those from the official analysis. The recently launched Planck satellite should help sort out this perplexing result.Comment: 11 pages with 1 figure and 2 tables. Extensively rewritten to explain the research bette

    A Pan-Carina YSO Catalog: Intermediate-Mass Young Stellar Objects in the Carina Nebula Identified Via Mid-Infrared Excess Emission

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    We present a catalog of 1439 young stellar objects (YSOs) spanning the 1.42 deg^2 field surveyed by the Chandra Carina Complex Project (CCCP), which includes the major ionizing clusters and the most active sites of ongoing star formation within the Great Nebula in Carina. Candidate YSOs were identified via infrared (IR) excess emission from dusty circumstellar disks and envelopes, using data from the Spitzer Space Telescope Vela--Carina survey and the Two-Micron All Sky Survey. We model the 1--24 /mu m IR spectral energy distributions of the YSOs to constrain physical properties. Our Pan-Carina YSO Catalog (PCYC) is dominated by intermediate-mass (2 Msun < m < 10 Msun) objects with disks, including Herbig Ae/Be stars and their less evolved progenitors. The PCYC provides a valuable complementary dataset to the CCCP X-ray source catalogs, identifying 1029 YSOs in Carina with no X-ray detection. We also catalog 410 YSOs with X-ray counterparts, including 62 candidate protostars. Candidate protostars with X-ray detections tend to be more evolved than those without. In most cases, X-ray emission apparently originating from intermediate-mass, disk-dominated YSOs is consistent with the presence of low-mass companions, but we also find that X-ray emission correlates with cooler stellar photospheres and higher disk masses. We suggest that intermediate-mass YSOs produce X-rays during their early pre-main sequence evolution, perhaps driven by magnetic dynamo activity during the convective atmosphere phase, but this emission dies off as the stars approach the main sequence. Extrapolating over the stellar initial mass function scaled to the PCYC population, we predict a total population of >2x10^4 YSOs and a present-day star formation rate (SFR) of >0.008 Msun/yr. The global SFR in the Carina Nebula, averaged over the past ~5 Myr, has been approximately constant.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, accepted for the ApJS Special Issue on the Chandra Carina Complex Project (CCCP), scheduled for publication in May 2011. All 16 CCCP Special Issue papers, including a version of this article with high-quality figures and full electronic tables, are available at http://cochise.astro.psu.edu/Carina_public/special_issue.html (through 2011 at least

    Object-X: The Brightest Mid-IR Point Source in M33

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    We discuss the nature of the brightest mid-IR point source (which we dub Object X) in the nearby galaxy M33. Although multi-wavelength data on this object have existed in the literature for some time, it has not previously been recognized as the most luminous mid-IR object in M33 because it is entirely unremarkable in both optical and near-IR light. In the Local Group Galaxies Survey, Object X is a faint red source visible in VRI and H-alpha but not U or B. It was easily seen at JHK_s in the 2MASS survey. It is the brightest point source in all four Spitzer IRAC bands and is also visible in the MIPS 24-micron band. Its bolometric luminosity is 5x10^5 L_sun. The source is optically variable on short time scales (tens of days) and is also slightly variable in the mid-IR, indicating that it is a star. Archival photographic plates (from 1949 and 1991) show no optical source, so the star has been obscured for at least half a century. Its properties are similar to those of the Galactic OH/IR star IRC+10420 which has a complex dusty circumstellar structure resulting from episodic low velocity mass ejections. We propose that Object X is a M>30 M_sun evolved star obscured in its own dust ejected during episodic mass loss events over at least half a century. It may emerge from its current ultra-short evolutionary phase as a hotter post-RSG star analogous to M33 Var A. The existence and rarity of such objects can be an important probe of a very brief yet eventful stellar evolutionary phase.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication by Ap

    Rapid Circumstellar Disk Evolution and an Accelerating Star Formation Rate in the Infrared Dark Cloud M17 SWex

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    We present a catalog of 840 X-ray sources and first results from a 100 ks Chandra X-ray Observatory imaging study of the filamentary infrared dark cloud G014.225-00.506, which forms the central regions of a larger cloud complex known as the M17 southwest extension (M17 SWex). In addition to the rich population of protostars and young stellar objects with dusty circumstellar disks revealed by Spitzer Space Telescope archival data, we discover a population of X-ray-emitting, intermediate-mass pre--main-sequence stars (IMPS) that lack infrared excess emission from circumstellar disks. We model the infrared spectral energy distributions of this source population to measure its mass function and place new constraints on the inner dust disk destruction timescales for 2-8 MM_{\odot} stars. We also place a lower limit on the star formation rate (SFR) and find that it is quite high (M˙0.007 M\dot{M}\ge 0.007~M_{\odot} yr1^{-1}), equivalent to several Orion Nebula Clusters in G14.225-0.506 alone, and likely accelerating. The cloud complex has not produced a population of massive, O-type stars commensurate with its SFR. This absence of very massive (20 M{\ge}20~M_{\odot}) stars suggests that either (1) M17 SWex is an example of a distributed mode of star formation that will produce a large OB association dominated by intermediate-mass stars but relatively few massive clusters, or (2) the massive cores are still in the process of accreting sufficient mass to form massive clusters hosting O stars.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Ap

    A Mid-Infrared Census of Star Formation Activity in Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey Sources

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    We present the results of a search for mid-infrared signs of star formation activity in the 1.1 mm sources in the Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS). We have correlated the BGPS catalog with available mid-IR Galactic plane catalogs based on the Spitzer Space Telescope GLIMPSE legacy survey and the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) Galactic plane survey. We find that 44% (3,712 of 8,358) of the BGPS sources contain at least one mid-IR source, including 2,457 of 5,067 (49%) within the area where all surveys overlap (10 deg < l < 65 deg). Accounting for chance alignments between the BGPS and mid-IR sources, we conservatively estimate that 20% of the BPGS sources within the area where all surveys overlap show signs of active star formation. We separate the BGPS sources into four groups based on their probability of star formation activity. Extended Green Objects (EGOs) and Red MSX Sources (RMS) make up the highest probability group, while the lowest probability group is comprised of "starless" BGPS sources which were not matched to any mid-IR sources. The mean 1.1 mm flux of each group increases with increasing probability of active star formation. We also find that the "starless" BGPS sources are the most compact, while the sources with the highest probability of star formation activity are on average more extended with large skirts of emission. A subsample of 280 BGPS sources with known distances demonstrates that mass and mean H_2 column density also increase with probability of star formation activity.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Full Table 2 will be available online through Ap

    The youngest massive protostars in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We demonstrate the unique capabilities of Herschel to study very young luminous extragalactic young stellar objects (YSOs) by analyzing a central strip of the Large Magellanic Cloud obtained through the HERITAGE Science Demonstration Program. We combine PACS 100 and 160, and SPIRE 250, 350, and 500 microns photometry with 2MASS (1.25-2.17 microns) and Spitzer IRAC and MIPS (3.6-70 microns) to construct complete spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of compact sources. From these, we identify 207 candidate embedded YSOs in the observed region, ~40% never-before identified. We discuss their position in far-infrared color-magnitude space, comparing with previously studied, spectroscopically confirmed YSOs and maser emission. All have red colors indicating massive cool envelopes and great youth. We analyze four example YSOs, determining their physical properties by fitting their SEDs with radiative transfer models. Fitting full SEDs including the Herschel data requires us to increase the size and mass of envelopes included in the models. This implies higher accretion rates (greater than or equal to 0.0001 M_sun/yr), in agreement with previous outflow studies of high-mass protostars. Our results show that Herschel provides reliable longwave SEDs of large samples of high-mass YSOs; discovers the youngest YSOs whose SEDs peak in Herschel bands; and constrains the physical properties and evolutionary stages of YSOs more precisely than was previously possible.Comment: Main text: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; Online material: 3 figures, 1 table; to appear in the A&A Herschel Special Issu