8 research outputs found

    Synchronous Occurrence of Papillary Carcinoma in the Thyroid Gland and Thyroglossal Duct in an Adolescent with Congenital Hypothyroidism

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    Thyroid carcinoma (TC) combined with congenital hypothyroidism is rare. The synchronous occurrence of these two conditions is even rarer. We describe a patient with congenital hypothyroidism in whom hyperthyroglobulinemia and nodules developed despite adequate replacement therapy. Papillary TC was detected at age 19 years. Postoperative diagnostic scintigraphy showed increased uptake in the thyroglossal duct region. Repetitive imaging of the thyroid gland can be useful in the early detection of TC in patients with congenital hypothyroidism. Moreover, this rare situation can be complicated by a synchronous thyroglossal duct carcinoma. Thyroglossal duct carcinoma can be detected if diagnostic scintigraphy is performed after total thyroidectomy

    The impact of periodized core training program on accurate service velocity of male tennis players aged 11-1311-13 yaş arası erkek tenisçilerde periyotlanmış core antrenman programının isabetli servis hızına etkisi

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of periodized core training program on the serve velocity in male tennis players aged 11-13 years. 24 male nationally ranged (age 11.9±1.63, height 154.4±11.32, weight 43±8.76) participated to the study from a professional tennis club. Pre-post-training - control group design was applied and subjects were randomly assigned to Control Group and Training Group. Training Group participated to the core training program consisted of isometric and isotonic core stabilization exercises on stable and nonstable surfaces, three days in a week for 8 weeks in addition to tennis training sessions. Accurate service velocity, was assessed initially and at the end of the 8-week core program for both control and training groups. There was a significant improvement (6.6 %) in the serve velocity for the training group after the experiment, whereas there were no differences in the control group. Core stabilization training improved service velocity for young tennis players. It is recommended tennis coaches to apply periodized core stabilization exercises to young athletes and plan training programs in this way. Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı 11-13 yaş arası erkek tenisçilerde periyodlanmış core antrenman programının isabetli servis hızına etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmaya profesyonel bir tenis kulübünden ulusal müsabık 24 erkek tenisçi (yaş 11.9±1.63, boy 154.4±11.32, ağırlık 43±8.76) katılmıştır. Araştırmada ön-test son-test kontrol gruplu model uygulanmış, denekler iki gruba rastgele atanmıştır. 12 sporcu Kontrol Grubunu, 12 sporcu ise Deney Grubunu oluşturmuştur. Deney Grubuna haftanın üç günü yarım saatlik 8 hafta boyunca toplamda 24 antrenman birimi stabil ve stabil olmayan yüzeylerde izometrik ve izotonik core stabilizasyon egzersizlerinden oluşan program, tenis antrenmanlarına ek olarak uygulanmıştır. Program öncesi ve sonrasında her katılımcı maksimal hızda 10 servis kullanarak en hızlı ve geçerli atışları kaydedilmiştir. Core antrenman uygulaması sonrası Kontrol Grubunun servis atış hızı değişmezken, Deney Grubu servis atış hızını ortalama 120.93 km/s hızdan 128.6 km/s hıza (% 6.6) çıkarmıştır. Core antrenman uygulamalarının genç tenisçilerde isabetli servis hızını olumlu etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Tenis antrenörlerinin yüksek şiddet içermeyen, core antrenmanlarını ve stabilizasyon uygulamalarını genç sporcularda uygulamasının yararlı olacağı düşünülmekte ve antrenman programlarını buna göre planlamaları tavsiye edilmektedir

    Primer ve metastatik karaciğer tümörlü hastalarda transarteriyel radyoembolizasyon ve kemoembolizasyona erken yanıtı değerlendirmede18F-FLT PET/BT’nin rolü

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    Objectives: Metastases and primary malignancies are common in the liver. Local ablative applications such as transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), and transarterial radioembolization (TARE) provide minimally invasive and safe treatment in unresectable liver tumors. Early detection of response to treatment prevents unnecessary toxicity and cost in non-responder patients and provides an earlier use of other options that may be effective. This study aimed to identify the role of18F-fluorothymidine (FLT) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) in the assessment of early response to TACE and TARE treatments in patients with unresectable primary and metastatic liver tumors. Methods: This single-center study included 63 patients who underwent18F-FLT PET/CT for response evaluation after TACE and TARE. After excluding 20 patients whose data were missing 43 TARE-receiving patients were analyzed. The compatibility of change in semi-quantitative values obtained from the18F-FLT PET/CT images with the treatment responses detected in18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT, CT, and MR images and survival was evaluated. Results: There was no correlation between early metabolic, morphological response, and18F-FLT uptake pattern, and change in standardized uptake values (SUV) which were ΔSUVmax, ΔSUVmean, ΔSUVpeak., ΔSUVmean, ΔSUVpeak values. There was no significant correlation between18F-FLT uptake pattern, ΔSUVmax, ΔSUVmean, ΔSUVpeak, and overall survival, progression-free survival (PFS) for the target lobe PFS for the whole-body. The survival distributions for the patients with >30% change in ΔSUVmax and ΔSUVpeak values were statistically significantly longer than the patients with <30% change (p<0.009 and p<0.024, respectively). Conclusion: There was significant longer PFS for target liver lobe in patients with more than 30% decrease in18F-FLT SUVmax and SUVpeak of the liver lesion in primary and metastatic unresectable liver tumors undergoing TARE


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    We aimed to obtain information about the characteristics of the ICUs in our country via a point prevalence study