315 research outputs found

    Topics in logistics

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    Immunomodulation stimulates the innervation of engineered tooth organ

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    The sensory innervation of the dental mesenchyme is essential for tooth function and protection. Sensory innervation of the dental pulp is mediated by axons originating from the trigeminal ganglia and is strictly regulated in time. Teeth can develop from cultured re-associations between dissociated dental epithelial and mesenchymal cells from Embryonic Day 14 mouse molars, after implantation under the skin of adult ICR mice. In these conditions however, the innervation of the dental mesenchyme did not occur spontaneously. In order to go further with this question, complementary experimental approaches were designed. Cultured cell re-associations were implanted together with trigeminal ganglia for one or two weeks. Although axonal growth was regularly observed extending from the trigeminal ganglia to all around the forming teeth, the presence of axons in the dental mesenchyme was detected in less than 2.5% of samples after two weeks, demonstrating a specific impairment of their entering the dental mesenchyme. In clinical context, immunosuppressive therapy using cyclosporin A was found to accelerate the innervation of transplanted tissues. Indeed, when cultured cell re-associations and trigeminal ganglia were co-implanted in cyclosporin A-treated ICR mice, nerve fibers were detected in the dental pulp, even reaching odontoblasts after one week. However, cyclosporin A shows multiple effects, including direct ones on nerve growth. To test whether there may be a direct functional relationship between immunomodulation and innervation, cell re-associations and trigeminal ganglia were co-implanted in immunocompromised Nude mice. In these conditions as well, the innervation of the dental mesenchyme was observed already after one week of implantation, but axons reached the odontoblast layer after two weeks only. This study demonstrated that immunodepression per se does stimulate the innervation of the dental mesenchyme

    Hermeneutic perspectives of pre-service science teachers about science

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    Science education emphasizes the development of individuals’ ability to make comments, reasoning, and critical reflection while expressing their scientific thoughts. In this sense, future science teachers have great responsibility to develop those skills of the learners and their meaningful learning. Many researches emphasize hermeneutical thinking for disciplines such as mathematics and science to create meaningful learning. The current research aimed to reveal pre-service science teachers’ hermeneutical perspectives about science and to determine their existing ideas. For this aim, scientific problems presented to pre-service science teachers via scenarios, and how they developed their approaches to solve these problems, and whether they used hermeneutics in this process were examined. The hermeneutical perspectives of pre-service teachers were selected as a single case -by using qualitative research method- to have a deep understanding of their hermeneutical perspectives. The research group consisted of nine third-year-students. Semi-structured interviews prepared by the researchers were applied before and after the intervention in the research conducted for 14 weeks in Science Teaching Laboratory Applications-I course. The data were analysed by a descriptive analysis method. It has been evidenced that science-related hermeneutical perspectives of the pre-service science teachers have developed as a result of the problem-based scenario studies

    Cmmi Implementation Framework

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007Bu çalısmada, sistematik ve en iyi pratiklere dayanan bir süreç yönetimi yazılımı gelistirilmektir. Tasarlanan proses altyapısı ve gelistirilen yazılım, yazılım mühendisliginin proje yönetimi, gereksinim yönetimi, analiz ve tasarm, uygulama gelistirme, test, degisiklik yönetimi ve aktarım süreçlerinde gerekli olan spesifik tecrübeleri bir bütün içinde, yönetilebilir bir sekilde tutulmasını hedeflemektedir. CMMI modelinde yer alan temel özellik olan izlenebilirligin süreç altyapısına uygulanması ve uygulamada maksimum faydanın alınması amaçlanmaktadır. Orta ve küçük ölçekli firmaların süreç yönetimi konularına adaptasyonunu en hızlı ve en dogru yapabilecekleri bir ortam gelistirilmistir.This thesis studies the development of a systematic software solution to provide software engineering process management based on best practices. The said software solution which has been designed and developed for this study aims to provide specific practices for integrated management of project management, requirements management, analysis & design, implementation, testing, change management, and deployment. Accordingly, this thesis aims to establish an environment that provides fast and applicable adaptation to such software engineering processes for small and medium scale companies. The solution provided within this thesis study is based on one of the more popular models developed by Carnegie Mellon University (U.S.) Software Engineering Institute, the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) model.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Discovering Sequential Source Code Patterns in Software Engineering

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    Discovering sequential patterns in source codes is an important issue in software engineering since it can provide useful knowledge to help in a variety of tasks such as code completion, code refactoring, developer profiling, and code complexity measurement. This paper proposes a new framework, called Source Code Miner (SCodeMiner), which discovers frequent sequential rules within a software project. The proposed framework firstly transforms a Java code into a sequence data and then applies a sequential pattern mining (SPM) algorithm. This study is also original in that it compares four SPM algorithms in terms of computational time, including sequential pattern discovery using equivalence classes (SPADE), prefix-projected sequential pattern mining (PrefixSpan), bi-directional extension (BIDE+), and last position induction (LAPIN). The experiments that carried out on an open-source software project showed that the proposed SCodeMiner framework is an effective mining tool in identifying coding patterns

    Evaluation of Hazelnut Husk as a Growing Medium in Primrose Cultivation

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    In this study, the effects of hazelnut husk on growth, quality parameters, and nutrient content of primrose were evaluated. For this purpose, thirteen different growing media were prepared by mixing fresh hazelnut husk (FHH) and mature husk wastes (MHH) with peat at different rates. Some physical and chemical properties of the media and nutrient analyses were made for the nutritional status of the plants. The study was carried out in greenhouse conditions with four replications according to the randomized plot design. The aeration capacity and easily available content of the growing media is within the limit values, the medias with 50% FHH and MHH were prominent in terms of air-water balance. The effect of the medium on the aesthetic appearance, total shoot, leaf, and flower number of the primrose was not significant, but it was effective on flower weight, plant height, and root fresh-dry weight. In terms of plant root-shoot development, 30% FHH and 50% MHH were prominent. The media have caused significant differences in nutrient concentrations in primrose except for nitrogen, phosphorus, and copper. The leaf phosphorus concentration was high, nitrogen and potassium concentrations were within the limit value range, iron was sufficient, and manganese and copper were insufficient, while zinc was mostly lower than limit values. When all the data are evaluated, 50% ratios of hazelnut husks can be recommended in primrose cultivation and hazelnut husk can be evaluate in ornamental plant cultivation as a growing media

    Determination of germination and emergence performances of some forage pea lines and varieties at different temperatures

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    Bu çalışma, bazı yem bezelyesi (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L.) hat ve çeşitlerinin farklı sıcaklıklarda çimlenme ve çıkış oranlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Denemede materyal olarak 13 adet yem bezelyesi hat ve çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Yem bezelyesi tohumları dört farklı sıcaklıkta (10 0 C, 20 0 C, 24 0 C ve 30 0 C) çimlenme ve çıkış testlerine tabi tutulmuştur. Hat ve çeşitler çimlenme oranı ve hızı ile çıkış oranı ve hızı bakımından karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre en iyi çimlenme oranları 10 0 C, 20 0 C ve 24 0 C’de çimlendirilen yem bezelyesi tohumlarından elde edilmiştir. Bu sıcaklıklarda en yüksek çimlenme oranı istatistiksel olarak aynı grupta yer alan 88P038-4-3-683, Spring pea 3-638, P57B, P101 ve P104 hatları ile Atos ve Özkaynak çeşitlerinden elde edilmiştir. Tüm sıcaklık değerlerinde benzer çıkış oranları elde edilmesine karşın 88P038-4-3-683, Spring pea 3-638, P57B ve P101 hatları ile Özkaynak, Reyna ve Bolero çeşitlerinin en yüksek değerleri vererek öne çıktıkları tespit edilmiştir. Hem çimlenme oranı hem de çıkış oranı açısından en iyi performans Spring pea 3-638, P101 ve P104 hatlarından elde edilmiştir. Sıcaklık arttıkça çimlenme ve çıkış hızları da doğru orantılı bir şekilde artmıştır.This study was conducted to determine germination and emergence rates of some forage pea (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L.) lines and varieties at different temperatures. As plant material, 13 forage pea lines and varieties were used for the experiment. The forage pea seeds were subjected to germination and emergence tests at four different temperatures (10 0 C, 20 0 C, 24 0 C, and 30 0 C). The lines and varieties were compared for rates and percentages of germination and emergence. According to the research results, the\ud best germination rates were obtained from forage pea seeds germinated at 10 0 C, 20 0 C, and 24 0 C. At these temperatures, the highest germination and emergence rates were obtained from 88P038-4-3-683, Spring pea 3-638, P57B, P101, P104, Atos and Özkaynak lines and/or varieties falling into the same group as the statistical. Although similar emergence rates were obtained at all temperatures evaluated, giving the highest values of 88P038-4-3-683, Spring pea 3-638, P57B ve P101, Özkaynak, Reyna and Bolero lines and varieties were found to be come forward. The best performance in terms of both emergence and germination rate was obtained from the Spring pea 3-638, P101, and P104 lines. Germination and emergence rates increased with increasing temperature

    Determination of Environmental Impacts using Life Cycle Assessment of Plants Grown for Bioenergy: Example of Sorghum x Sudan Grass Hybrid

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    Renewable energy sources are the most effective and cheapest method for combating climate change. Biomass, which is one of the renewable energy sources, is also one of the raw materials for biofuels. Sorghum x Sudan grass hybrid, which is drought tolerant and has a short vegetation period, is a biomass source. This study was carried out to determine the ethanol yield of sorghum x Sudan grass hybrid plants grown in an area with a semi-humid climate and to determine the environmental impacts of biomass. Environmental impacts were assessed using the life cycle assessment method. Environmental impact categories are divided into 11 categories according to the CML-IA Baseline model. As a result, the biomass yield was 49888 kg ha-1 and the ethanol yield was 1674.1 l ha-1. According to the life cycle impact category of sorghum x Sudan grass hybrid biomass production, the highest environmental impact was 79.21%, causing marine aquatic ecotoxicity. According to the life cycle interpretation, it caused a global effect with a rate of 83.87%. In addition, the global warming value was calculated as 0.195 kg CO2-eq kgbiomass-1 (9728.16 kg CO2-eq ha-1). The agricultural phases with the most negative impact on the environment are irrigation and fertilization