47 research outputs found

    Intratumoural mRNA expression of genes from the oestradiol metabolic pathway and clinical and histopathological parameters of breast cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: The expression of the oestrogen receptor (ER) is one of the more important clinical parameters of breast cancer. However, the relationship between the ER and its ligand, oestradiol, and the enzymes that synthesise it are not well understood. The expression of mRNA transcripts of members of the oestradiol metabolic and signalling pathways including the ER was studied in detail. METHOD: mRNA transcripts for aromatase (CYP19), 17-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase I, 17-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase II, ERα, ERβ, steroid sulfatase (STS), oestradiol sulfotransferase (EST), cyclin D(1 )(CYCLD1) and ERBB2 were fluorometrically quantified by competitive RT-PCR using an internal standard in 155 breast carcinomas. In addition, the transcripts of CYP19 were analysed for alternative splicing/usage of exon 1 and an alternative poly A tail. RESULTS: A great variability of expression was observed, ranging from 0 to 2376 amol/mg RNA. The highest levels were observed for STS and EST, and the lowest levels (close to zero) were observed for the 17-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase isoenzymes. The levels of mRNA expression were analysed with respect to clinical and histopathological parameters as well as for disease-free survival. High correlation of the mRNA expression of STS, EST and 17-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the tumours suggested a common regulation, possibly by their common metabolite (oestradiol). Hierarchical clustering analysis in the 155 patients resulted in two main clusters, representing the ERα-negative and ERα-positive breast cancer cases. The mRNA expression of the oestradiol metabolising enzymes did not follow the expression of the ERα in all cases, leading to the formation of several subclasses of tumours. Patients with no expression of CYP19 and patients with high levels of expression of STS had significantly shorter disease-free survival time (P > 0.0005 and P < 0.03, respectively). Expression of ERβ mRNA was a better prognostic factor than that of ERα in this material. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate the importance of CYP19 and the enzymes regulating the oestrone sulfate metabolism as factors of disease-free survival in breast cancer, in addition to the well-known factors ER and ERBB2

    Penggunaan Media Gambar Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Kelas I SDN Uwedaka Kecamatan Pagimana Kabupaten Banggai

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    Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya tingkat kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa kelas I SDN Uwedaka dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa kelas I SDN Uwedaka Kecamatan Pagimana Kabupaten Banggai. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang didapatkan masih terdapat beberapa siswa yang sama sekali belum bisa membaca. Pembelajaran membaca permulaan di SDN Uwedaka selama ini hanya menggunakan media pembelajaran yang konvensional yaitu dengan menggunakan papan tulis, pembelajaran yang hanya berpusat pada guru, penggunaan media dalam pembelajaran sebagai alat bantu masih sangat terbatas, hal ini menyebabkan kemampuan membaca permulaan yang masih rendah dan terlihat hampir 65% siswa masih mengalami kesulitan membaca dalam proses belajar mengajar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kualitatif didapatkan dari hasil tes dan observasi siswa dan guru. data kuantitatif didapatkan dari hasil tes belajar. Desain penelitian ini mengacu pada desain oleh Kemmis dan Mc Taggart yang terdiri dari empat tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Data dikumpulkan melalui penilaian proses dan penilaian hasil setiap akhir tindakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Pada siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata siswa yaitu sebesar 67 dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebesar 40% serta daya serap 66,6%. Pada siklus II, nilai rata-rata meningkat menjadi 83 dengan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 100% serta daya serap klasikal sebesar 83,3%. Bersarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media gambar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan terhadap siswa kelas I SDN Uwedaka Kecamatan Pagimana Kabupaten Banggai

    Germline HOXB13 mutations p.G84E and p.R217C do not confer an increased breast cancer risk

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    In breast cancer, high levels of homeobox protein Hox-B13 (HOXB13) have been associated with disease progression of ER-positive breast cancer patients and resistance to tamoxifen treatment. Since HOXB13 p.G84E is a prostate cancer risk allele, we evaluated the association between HOXB13 germline mutations and breast cancer risk in a previous study consisting of 3,270 familial non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer cases and 2,327 controls from the Netherlands. Although both recurrent HOXB13 mutations p.G84E and p.R217C were not associated with breast cancer risk, the risk estimation for p.R217C was not very precise. To provide more conclusive evidence regarding the role of HOXB13 in breast cancer susceptibility, we here evaluated the association between HOXB13 mutations and increased breast cancer risk within 81 studies of the international Breast Cancer Association Consortium containing 68,521 invasive breast cancer patients and 54,865 controls. Both HOXB13 p.G84E and p.R217C did not associate with the development of breast cancer in European women, neither in the overall analysis (OR = 1.035, 95% CI = 0.859-1.246, P = 0.718 and OR = 0.798, 95% CI = 0.482-1.322, P = 0.381 respectively), nor in specific high-risk subgroups or breast cancer subtypes. Thus, although involved in breast cancer progression, HOXB13 is not a material breast cancer susceptibility gene.Peer reviewe

    rs2735383, located at a microRNA binding site in the 3 ' UTR of NBS1, is not associated with breast cancer risk

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    NBS1, also known as NBN, plays an important role in maintaining genomic stability. Interestingly, rs2735383 G > C, located in a microRNA binding site in the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of NBS1, was shown to be associated with increased susceptibility to lung and colorectal cancer. However, the relation between rs2735383 and susceptibility to breast cancer is not yet clear. Therefore, we genotyped rs2735383 in 1,170 familial non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer cases and 1,077 controls using PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP-PCR) analysis, but found no association between rs2735383CC and breast cancer risk (OR = 1.214, 95% CI = 0.936-1.574, P = 0.144). Because we could not exclude a small effect size due to a limited sample size, we further analyzed imputed rs2735383 genotypes (r(2) > 0.999) of 47,640 breast cancer cases and 46,656 controls from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC). However, rs2735383CC was not associated with overall breast cancer risk in European (OR = 1.014, 95% CI = 0.969-1.060, P = 0.556) nor in Asian women (OR = 0.998, 95% CI = 0.905-1.100, P = 0.961). Subgroup analyses by age, age at menarche, age at menopause, menopausal status, number of pregnancies, breast feeding, family history and receptor status also did not reveal a significant association. This study therefore does not support the involvement of the genotype at NBS1 rs2735383 in breast cancer susceptibility.Peer reviewe