7 research outputs found

    Fluorinated analogues of amicetose and rhodinose - novel racemic and asymmetric routes

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    Trifluoroethanol was converted into difluorinated (racemic) analogues of amicetose and rhodinose by metallated difluoroenol acetal chemistry, protection, release of the latent difluoromethyl ketone, stereoselective reduction and ozonolysis in acidic methanol. A fortuitous separation of diastereoisomers allowed the diastereoisomeric pyranoses to be obtained cleanly. Though reductive defluorination allowed a facile entry to the route, the corresponding monofluoro sugar analogues could not be separated. Instead, Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation followed by epoxide ring-opening with an unusual nucleophilic fluoride source allowed enantiomerically highly enriched and selectively protected fluorodiols to be obtained. Ozonolysis then afforded the methyl pyranosides, which could be transformed in a number of ways

    Developing an asymmetric, stereo-divergent route to selected 6-deoxy-6-fluoro-hexoses

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    Free radical bromination and nucleophilic fluorination allows the conversion of Me sorbate into the 6-fluoro analog which undergoes sequential asym. dihydroxylation reactions. A range of 6-deoxy-6-fluoro-sugars were prepd. by using different combinations of ligands. While the enantiomeric excesses obtained were comparable to those from other 6-substituted sorbates, the regioselectivity of dihydroxylation was moderate, with both 2,3- and 4,5-diols being obtained. A successful temporary persilylation strategy was evolved to convert the products of dihydroxylation rapidly to the fluoro-sugars 6-deoxy-6-fluoro-L-idose, 6-fluoro-L-fucose and 6-deoxy-6-fluoro-D-galactose, which were obtained in overall yields of 4%, 6% and 8% from Me 6-fluoro-hexa-2E,4E-dienoate