1,612 research outputs found

    Early stage fatigue damage occurs in bovine tendon fascicles in the absence of changes in mechanics at either the gross or micro-structural level

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    Many tendon injuries are believed to result from repetitive motion or overuse, leading to the accumulation of micro-damage over time. In vitro fatigue loading can be used to characterise damage during repeated use and investigate how this may relate to the aetiology of tendinopathy. This study considered the effect of fatigue loading on fascicles from two functionally distinct bovine tendons: the digital extensor and deep digital flexor. Micro-scale extension mechanisms were investigated in fascicles before or after a period of cyclic creep loading, comparing two different measurement techniques - the displacement of a photo-bleached grid and the use of nuclei as fiducial markers. Whilst visual damage was clearly identified after only 300 cycles of creep loading, these visual changes did not affect either gross fascicle mechanics or fascicle microstructural extension mechanisms over the 900 fatigue cycles investigated. However, significantly greater fibre sliding was measured when observing grid deformation rather than the analysis of nuclei movement. Measurement of microstructural extension with both techniques was localised and this may explain the absence of change in microstructural deformation in response to fatigue loading. Alternatively, the data may demonstrate that fascicles can withstand a degree of matrix disruption with no impact on mechanics. Whilst use of a photo-bleached grid to directly measure the collagen is the best indicator of matrix deformation, nuclei tracking may provide a better measure of the strain perceived directly by the cells

    Audit of Moving Image Education & Media Access Centres in Scotland

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    Cyclic loading of tendon fascicles using a novel fatigue loading system increases interleukin-6 expression by tenocytes

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    Repetitive strain or ‘overuse’ is thought to be a major factor contributing to the development of tendinopathy. The aims of our study were to develop a novel cyclic loading system, and use it to investigate the effect of defined loading conditions on the mechanical properties and gene expression of isolated tendon fascicles. Tendon fascicles were dissected from bovine-foot extensors and subjected to cyclic tensile strain (1 Hz) at 30% or 60% of the strain at failure, for 0 h (control), 15 min, 30 min, 1 h, or 5 h. Post loading, a quasi-static test to failure assessed damage. Gene expression at a selected loading regime (1 h at 30% failure strain) was analyzed 6 h post loading by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Compared with unloaded controls, loading at 30% failure strain took 5 h to lead to a significant decrease in failure stress, whereas loading to 60% led to a significant reduction after 15 min. Loading for 1 h at 30% failure strain did not create significant structural damage, but increased Collagen-1-alpha-chain-1 and interleukin-6 (IL6) expression, suggesting a role of IL6 in tendon adaptation to exercise. Correlating failure properties with fatigue damage provides a method by which changes in gene expression can be associated with different degrees of fatigue damage

    Effaith Defnyddio Cofion Cyfieithu ar y Broses Cyfieithu: Ymdrech a Chynhyrchiant Cyfieithwyr Proffesiynol Cymraeg

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    Mae cyfieithu i’r Gymraeg wedi tyfu bellach yn ddiwydiant pwysig, ac mae’r berthynas rhwng cyfieithu proffesiynol a chynllunio ieithyddol ehangach wedi cael sylw academaidd yn ddiweddar ochr yn ochr â hyn (cf. Gonzalez 2005, O’Connall a Walsh 2006, Kaufmann 2010, 2012, Nunez 2013). Mae cyfieithwyr yn hwyluso ac yn cynorthwyo ymdrechion i amddiffyn hawliau iaith siaradwyr lleiafrifol ac yn cyfrannu at y gwaith ehangach o adfer yr ieithoedd hyn, trwy ddarparu cyfieithiadau o destunau amrywiol ac wrth alluogi siaradwyr ieithoedd lleiafrifol i siarad eu hiaith. O ganlyniad i bwysigrwydd cyfieithwyr i lwyddiant polisïau iaith a’u lle canolog yn y broses o amddiffyn hyfywedd y gymuned Gymraeg, mae’r dulliau y mae cyfieithwyr y Gymraeg yn cyfieithu drwyddynt hefyd yn ystyriaeth berthnasol i gynllunwyr iaith. A all technolegau cyfieithu penodol gyflymu cyfieithu, gan leihau’r ymdrech sydd ynghlwm wrth greu cyfieithiad a chan gynyddu cynhyrchiant cyfieithwyr proffesiynol? Mae hyn yn ystyriaeth berthnasol yng nghyd-destun datblygiadau polisi diweddar, gyda safonau cyntaf Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011 wrthi’n cael eu gweithredu. Bydd yr erthygl hon yn mynd i’r afael â’r effaith y mae golygu allbwn Cofion Cyfieithu ar ffurf Cyfatebiaethau Rhannol yn ei gael ar y broses o ffurfio cyfieithiad, ar y cyd ag ystyried yr effaith ar brosesau cynhyrchu testun, gan gynnwys ystyried hefyd nifer y geiriau a gynhyrchir. Gwneir hynny o fewn fframwaith cymharol, lle y defnyddir cyfieithu heb gymorth allbwn o’r cof cyfieithu yn waelodlin

    Simulated Atmospheric Response to Regional and Pan-Arctic Sea-Ice Loss

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from American Meteorological Society via the DOI in this record.The loss of Arctic sea-ice is already having profound environmental, societal and ecological impacts locally. A highly uncertain area of scientific research, however, is whether such Arctic change has a tangible effect on weather and climate at lower latitudes. There is emerging evidence that the geographical location of sea-ice loss is critically important in determining the large-scale atmospheric circulation response and associated mid-latitude impacts. However, such regional dependencies have not been explored in a thorough and systematic manner. To make progress on this issue, this study analyses ensemble simulations with an atmospheric general circulation model prescribed with sea-ice loss separately in nine regions of the Arctic, to elucidate the distinct responses to regional sea-ice loss. The results suggest that in some regions sea-ice loss triggers large-scale dynamical responses whereas in other regions sea-ice loss induces only local thermodynamical changes. Sea-ice loss in the Barents- Kara Sea is unique in driving a weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex, followed in time by a tropospheric circulation response that resembles the North Atlantic Oscillation. For October-to-March, the largest spatial-scale responses are driven by sea-ice loss in the Barents-Kara Sea and Sea of Okhotsk; however, different regions assume greater importance in other seasons. The atmosphere responds very differently to regional sea-ice losses than to pan-Arctic sea-ice loss, and the latter cannot be obtained by linear addition of the responses to regional sea-ice losses. The results imply that diversity in past studies of the simulated response to Arctic sea-ice loss can be partly explained by the different spatial patterns of sea- ice loss imposed.This work was supported by Natural Environment Research Council grants NE/J019585/1 and NE/M006123/1

    What does translation memory do to translation? The effect of translation memory output on specific aspects of the translation process

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    This article reports on a key-logging experiment carried out in order to investigate the effect that Translation Memory matches in the 70%-95% range have on particular aspects of the translation process. Operationalising the translation process as text (re)production following Englund-Dimitrova (2005), Translog-II is used to investigate whether the use of fuzzy matches in this range can reduce cognitive effort based on Working Memory Capacity and recorded pauses, to study the effect that adapting and correcting fuzzy matches in this range has on linear and non-linear writing processes, and to examine variables related to revision, time and productivity. Results show that initial reading time and self-revision is longer in the case of fuzzy match correction compared to manual translation. Data also show however that cognitive load as measured by pauses is reduced and that productivity is also increased. Significant differences are also observed in terms of text production strategies between the translators who edited the fuzzy matches and those who translated without them

    The missing Northern European winter cooling response to Arctic sea ice loss

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Reductions in Arctic sea ice may promote the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO-). It has been argued that NAO-related variability can be used an as analogue to predict the effects of Arctic sea ice loss on mid-latitude weather. Since NAO- events are associated with colder winters over Northern Europe, a negatively-shifted NAO has been proposed as a dynamical pathway for Arctic sea ice loss to cause Northern European cooling. This study uses large-ensemble atmospheric simulations with prescribed ocean surface conditions to examine how seasonal-scale NAO- events are affected by Arctic sea ice loss. Despite an intensification of NAO- events, reflected by more prevalent easterly flow, sea ice loss doesn’t lead to Northern European winter cooling, and daily cold extremes actually decrease. The dynamical cooling from the changed NAO is “missing” because it is offset (or exceeded) by a thermodynamical effect owing to advection of warmer air masses.J.A.S. was funded by UK Natural Environment Research Council grants NE/J019585/1, NE/M006123/1 and NE/P006760/1

    Machine translation and Welsh: analysing free statistical machine translation for the professional translation of an under-researched language pair

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    This article reports on a key-logging study carried out to test the benefits of post-editing Machine Translation (MT) for the professional translator within a hypothetico-deductive framework, contrasting the outcomes of a number of variables which are inextricably linked to the professional translation process. Given the current trend of allowing the professional translator to connect to Google Translate services within the main Translation Memory (TM) systems via an API, a between-groups design is utilized in which cognitive, technical and temporal effort are gauged between translation and post-editing the statistical MT engine Google Translate. The language pair investigated is English and Welsh. Results show no statistical difference between post-editing and translation in terms of processing time. Using a novel measure of cognitive effort focused on pauses, the cognitive effort exerted by post-editors and translators was also found to be statistically different. Results also show however that a complex relationship exists between post-editing, translation and technical effort, in that aspects of text production processes were seen to be eased by post-editing. Finally, a bilingual review by two different translators found little difference in quality between the translated and post-edited texts, and that both sets of texts were acceptable according to accuracy and fidelity


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    Program merdeka belajar yang dikembangkan oleh Kemendikbud  salah satu upayanya adalah di satuan pendidikan tercipta Wellbeing Student yang mampu mrnciptakan kebahagiaan, pola fikir positif dan emosi positif siswa. Student wellbeing dapat diwujudkan apabila merumuskan tujuan pendidikan melalui pembelajaran yang dilakukan di kelas harus berorientasi pada siswa. Untuk mewujudkannya maka akan berkaitan dengan bagaimana seorang guru memiliki pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam penyusunan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa saat ini. Selain pemahaman seorang guru sebagai ujung tombak dalam menciptakan kebahagiaan siswa maka diharapkan memiliki pengetahuan pedagogic yang sesuai dengan perkembangan peserta didik baik secara fisik, pengetahuan, pengalaman baik secara individu ataupun social. Dalam kondisi pandemic covid-19 justru yang harus diutamakan adalah kondisi siswa yang memiliki kekuatan baik dari factor eksternal maupun factor internal salah satunya pembelajaran yang dihadirkan untuk siswa mendatangkan kebahagiaan bukan kesulitan dan membebani secara psikologi pada masa pandemic ini. Begitu besar amanah yang diterima oleh seorang guru sehingga dapat memotivasi diri untuk selalu memperbaiki kualitas persiapan mengajarnya guna mewujudkan peserta didik yang memiliki kebahgiaan

    Arctic amplification decreases temperature variance in Northern mid- to high-latitudes

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    Copyright © 2014 Nature Publishing GroupChanges in climate variability are arguably more important for society and ecosystems than changes in mean climate, especially if they translate into altered extremes [1, 2, 3]. There is a common perception and growing concern that human-induced climate change will lead to more volatile and extreme weather [4]. Certain types of extreme weather have increased in frequency and/or severity [5, 6, 7], in part because of a shift in mean climate but also because of changing variability [1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10]. In spite of mean climate warming, an ostensibly large number of high-impact cold extremes have occurred in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes over the past decade [11]. One explanation is that Arctic amplification—the greater warming of the Arctic compared with lower latitudes [12] associated with diminishing sea ice and snow cover—is altering the polar jet stream and increasing temperature variability [13, 14, 15, 16]. This study shows, however, that subseasonal cold-season temperature variability has significantly decreased over the mid- to high-latitude Northern Hemisphere in recent decades. This is partly because northerly winds and associated cold days are warming more rapidly than southerly winds and warm days, and so Arctic amplification acts to reduce subseasonal temperature variance. Previous hypotheses linking Arctic amplification to increased weather extremes invoke dynamical changes in atmospheric circulation [11, 13, 14, 15, 16], which are hard to detect in present observations [17, 18] and highly uncertain in the future [19, 20]. In contrast, decreases in subseasonal cold-season temperature variability, in accordance with the mechanism proposed here, are detectable in the observational record and are highly robust in twenty-first-century climate model simulations.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC