196 research outputs found

    Influência do músculo pterigóideo lateral no crescimento cartilagem condilar na mandíbula

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    At the end of the last century, a model to explain clinical observations related to the mandibular growth was developed. According to it, the lateral pterigoid muscle (LPM) was one of the main modulators of the differentiation of mesenquimal cells inside the condyle to condroblasts or osteoblasts, and therefore of the growth of the mandibular condilar cartilage (CCM). The main components of the model were the humoral and the mechanical. Nowadays, the humoral would include growth factors such as IGF-I, FGF-2 and VEGF, which seem to be involved in mandibular growth. Since skeletal muscle can secrete these growth factors, there is a possibility that LPM modulates the growth of CCM by a paracrine or endocrine mechanism. The mechanical component derived from the observations that both the blood flow inside the temporomandibular joint (ATM) and the action of the retrodiscal pad on the growth of the CCM, depend, in part, on the contractile activity of the LPM. Despite the fact that there are some results suggesting  hat LPM is activated under conditions of mandibular protrusion, there is no full agreement on whether this can stimulate the growth of CCM. In this review, the contributions and limitations of the works related to mandibular growth are discussed and a model which integrates the available information to explain the role of the LPM in the growth of the CCM is proposed.A finales del siglo pasado se desarrolló un modelo para explicar observaciones clínicas relacionadas con el crecimiento mandibular, según el cual el músculo pterigoideo lateral (LPM) era uno de los principales moduladores de la diferenciación de las células mesenquimales del cóndilo mandibular a condroblastos u osteoblastos y por lo tanto del crecimiento del cartílago condilar mandibular (CCM). Dos grandes componentes eran los pilares fundamentales del modelo: el humoral y el mecánico. En la actualidad, el componente humoral estaría dado por factores de crecimiento como el IGF-I, el FGF-2 y el VEGF, los cuales parecen estar involucrados en el crecimiento mandibular. Debido a que el músculo esquelético tiene un papel como órgano secretor de ellos, se abre la posibilidad de que el LPM regule el crecimiento del CCM por un mecanismo paracrino o endocrino mediado por estos factores. El componente mecánico nació de las observaciones de que tanto el flujo sanguíneo dentro de la articulación temporomandibular como la cción de la almohadilla retrodiscal en el crecimiento del CCM depende, en parte, de la actividad contráctil del LPM. A pesar de que hay evidencia de que el LPM se activa en situaciones de adelantamiento mandibular, no hay consenso sobre si esto estimula el crecimiento del CCM. En esta revisión se discuten los aportes y limitaciones de los trabajos relacionados con el crecimiento mandibular y se propone un modelo que integra la información disponible para explicar el papel del LPM en el crecimiento del CCM.No fim do século passado desenhou-se um modelo para esclarecer as observações clínicas envolvidas no crescimento da mandíbula, no qual o músculo pterigoideo lateral (LPM) foi um dois moduladores principais da diferenciação das células messenquimais do côndilo mandibular em condroblastos ou osteoblastos e porém do crescimento da cartilagem condilar mandibular (CCM). Dois componentes principais possui o modelo: o humoral e o mecânico. Na atualidade, há evidência que o componente humoral é dado pelos fatores de crescimento IGF-1, IGF2 e VEGF que estimulam diretamente o crescimento mandibular. Devido a que o músculo esquelético pode desempenhar uma função endócrina fica aberta a possibilidade que o LPM regule o crescimento do CCM por mecanismos paracrinos ou autocrinos, mediante a secreção desses fatores de crescimento que estimulam diretamente o crescimiento mandibular. O componente mecânico é derivado das observações do que tanto o fluxo sanguíneo na articulação tempo-mandibular quanto a ação da almofadinha retro-discal no crescimento do CCM, dependem parcialmente da atividade contrátil do LPM. Embora, há evidências que o LPM é ativado pelo adiantamento mandibular, ainda não há consenso sob seu possível papel na estimulação do crescimento do CCM. Esta revisão tem o objetivo de discutir as evidencias e limitações de trabalhos relativos ao crescimento mandibular e propõe-se um modelo que integra a informação disponível para explicar a função do IPM no crescimento do CCM

    The electric vehicle routing problem with non-linear charging functions

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    International audienceThe use of electric vehicles (EVs) in freight and passenger transportation gives birth to a new family of vehicle routing problems (VRPs), the so-called electric VRPs (e-VRPs). As their name suggests, e-VRPs extend classical VRPs to account (mainly) for two constraining EV features: the short driving range and the long battery charging time. As a matter of fact, routes performed by EVs usually need to include time-consuming detours to charging stations. Most of the existing literature on e-VRPs relies on one of the following assumptions: i) vehicles recharge to their battery to its maximum level every time they reach a charging station or ii) the amount of battery charge is a linear function of the charging time. In practical situations, however, the amount of charge (and thus the time spent at each charging point) is a decision variable and battery charge levels are a concave function of the charging times. In this research we introduce the electric vehicle routing problem with non-linear charging functions (e-VRP-NLCF). We propose a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulation that, running on a commercial solver, is able to solve small instances of the problem. To tackle large-scale instances we propose a metaheuristic that uses a MILP formulation to find the optimal charging policy. We report on extensive computational experiments evaluating the performance of the proposed methods and analyzing the impact on the solutions of different charging policy assumptions

    Recuperación de sulfato de aluminio a partir de lodos generados en plantas de potabilización de agua

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    Se estudió la recuperación mediante ácido sulfúrico, de sulfato de aluminio a partir de lodos recolectados durante las diferentes rutinas de operación y mantenimiento de los sedimentadores en plantas de potabilización. Se efectuaron ensayos de jarras a pHs 1,5, 2,5 y 3,5 y tiempos de mezcla lenta de 5, 30 y 100 minutos. Se alcanzaron porcentajes de recuperación de aluminio entre 18 y 64% y soluciones con concentraciones entre 8,9 y 1510 mg Al/l. Finalmente, se evaluó la factibilidad económica de la reutilización en el proceso de potabilización, de la solución de coagulante recuperado

    Detección anticipada de riesgos en la web

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    Este artículo describe, brevemente, las tareas de investigación que nuestro grupo está llevando a cabo en el área de Detección Anticipada de Riesgos (DAR) en la Web. Esta línea de investigación comenzó en el año 2017 con la participación de nuestro grupo en la tarea eRisk 2017: Pilot Task on Early Detection of Depression donde se obtuvo el mejor desempeño (de acuerdo a la medida ERDE50) sobre un total de 30 contribuciones de 8 instituciones diferentes de Francia, Alemania, USA, México, Argentina, Canadá y Rusia. A patir de ese evento, se continuó participando en forma ininterrumpida en este evento en otras tareas de DAR vinculadas a depresión, anorexia, y auto-lesiones con distintos enfoques surgidos de los trabajos de postgrado de 5 tesistas de Maestría y Doctorado. En todas las participaciones del grupo, se han presentado propuestas que consituyen en la actualidad el estado del arte del área con más de 12 publicaciones en el tema.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Multi-Country Evaluation of the Sensitivity and Specificity of Two Commercially-Available NS1 ELISA Assays for Dengue Diagnosis

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    Dengue is the most important mosquito-borne viral disease of humans and an enormous public health burden in affected countries. Early, sensitive and specific diagnosis of dengue is needed for appropriate patient management as well as for early epidemic detection. Commercially available assays that detect the dengue virus protein NS1 in the plasma/serum of patients offer the possibility of early and rapid diagnosis. Here we evaluated two commercially available ELISA kits for NS1 detection (Pan-E Dengue Early ELISA and the Platelia™ Dengue NS1 Ag). Results were compared against a reference diagnosis in 1385 patients in 6 countries in Asia and the Americas. Collectively, this multi-country study suggests that the best performing NS1 assay (Platelia) had moderate sensitivity (median 64%, range 34–76%) and high specificity (100%) for the diagnosis of dengue. The combination of NS1 and IgM detection in samples collected in the first few days of fever increased the overall dengue diagnostic sensitivity

    Analysis of Transportation Networks Subject To Natural Hazards – insights from a Colombian case

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    ABSTRACT: This study provides an applied framework to derive the connectivity reliability and vulnerability of inter-urban transportation systems under network disruptions. The proposed model integrates statistical reliability analysis to find the reliability and vulnerability of transportation networks. Most of the modern research in this field has focused on urban transportation networks where the primary concerns are guaranteeing predefined standards of capacity and travel time. However, at a regional and national level, especially in developing countries, the connectivity of remote populations in the case of disaster is of utmost importance. The applicability of the framework is demonstrated with a case study in the state of Antioquia, Colombia, using historical records from the 2010-2011 rainy season, an aspect that stands out and gives additional support compared to previous studies that considers simulated data from assumed distributions. The results provide significant insights to practitioners and researchers for the design and management of transportation systems and route planning strategies under this type of disruptions

    Elastic response of cross-laminated engineered bamboo panels subjected to in-plane loading

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    © ICE Publishing: All rights reserved. Novel cross-laminated bamboo panels comprising three and five layers (G-XLam3 and G-XLam5) were tested in compression along the main (0°) and the transverse (90°) directions. Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) and non-contact three-dimensional digital image correlation (DIC) measuring techniques were used separately to measure deformation in the elastic region, and the elastic moduli, Ep C,0 and Ep C,90, were derived. Mean elastic modulus values obtained using LVDTs exhibited a good match with analytically predicted values. In contrast, the elastic values obtained by the DIC method were considerably higher and presented a considerable scatter of results. For instance, the Ep C,0 for G-XLam3 and G-XLam5 panels were 17·22 and 15·67 GPa, and 14·86 and 12·48 GPa, using the DIC and LVDT methods, respectively. In general, G-XLam panels with a fifth of the cross-sectional thickness and twice the density of analogous cross-laminated timber exhibited an approximately two-fold increase in Ep C,0 and Ep C,90. Overall, this research provides guidelines for the assessment and standardisation of the testing procedures for similar engineered bamboo products using contact and non-contact methods and highlights the potential of using G-XLam panels in stiffness-driven applications and in combination with wood for structural purposes