139 research outputs found

    “The positive impact of technology in translation”

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    It is widely known that translators play a key role in the growing market for intercultural technical communication and it is already a fact that technology can assist them in several areas of their work. However, the use of technology in real translation working environments has not been developed to the fullest. Through this tiny research from the wide field of technology’s impact in translation, I aim to address to the issue of how the available technology tools can best be used to enhance the translators’ job and increase their efficiency without compromising their creativity or lowering the required quality of their products. This paper attempts to clarify the role technology plays in the translation profession, focusing mainly on looking at the positive impact of technology, despite of many questions and doubts. Some of us have embraced technology with a positive attitude as a new way of living and working, while others are skeptical and hesitate to accept a present where machines have already invaded our privacy. Regardless all the criticism, the fact is that all sectors of society are experiencing a series of ongoing changes due to technology. Needless to say, translation, as part of society, is inevitably being affected too by this global technology. Translation is both an industrial product and process, and its methods have to adapt to the new industry requirements. In this context, this paper suggests that translation professionals have to address these changes positively and accept that technology and computers are our friends and not our enemies

    (IN)JUSTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. A brief reflection on a major topic

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    Environmental issues are among the most critical scientific and social problems of today. The human environment is an environment of inequality and crisis, and a platform for debate on the fairness of social order. The crisis is the result of human behaviour, which reflects the failure of development and unjust distribution of consequences. The gap between rich and poor on a global scale is evident in the is proportionate climate change impacts on countries and their ability to cope. In this respect, the economic and political inequalities between First and Third World countries are fortified by ecological ones. The development of international environmental mechanisms such as the Kyoto Agreement is instrumental in this kind of change. The pursuit of tackling and controlling climate change has its unforeseen consequences, whereas in specific communities the existent inequalities are emphasised in new forms. If mechanisms developed for the environment, such as the market of carbon emissions and the carbon balance, lead to environmental injustice and disproportionately affects vulnerable groups, it raises the question of their purpose. On the path of Rawl’s idea on the fairness of social institutions, such system demonstrates itself as contradictory and unjust

    Management Approach to Thyroid Cancer in Albania

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    Thyroid cancer is a cancer that starts in the thyroid gland. In Albania, thyroid cancer is rare disease, according to available data, which are not solid and up to date data, referred to 2014 to a paper named “Actualities in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Cancer in Albania” by D. Gjergji et al., data from Clinic of General Surgery, UHC “Mother Theresa” in Tirana and the Registry of the Department of Pathology during the period 2004 – 2011, there were suspected 262 patients with thyroid tumors and only 42 of them or 16 % were diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Treatment depends on the type of thyroid cancer. Surgery is most often done, the entire thyroid gland is usually removed and if is suspected that cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the neck, these will also be removed. Radiation therapy may be done with or without surgery and it may be performed by; aiming external beam x-ray radiation at the thyroid or taking radioactive iodine by mouth. If the cancer does not respond to surgery or radiation, and has spread to other parts of the body, chemotherapy and targeted therapy are applied. The importance of screening, early diagnosis and there proper treatment possess still challenges in Albania, so better national health  programs must be developed in order to offer a better health care service to this medical problem. Keywords: Thyroid cancer, risk factors, diagnosis, treatmen

    Discovering the Meaning of Life through Philosophy: The Tolstoy Case. On the Centenary of his Death (1910-2010)

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    Ovim radom nastavljamo nova filozofska iščitavanja L. N. Tolstoja (1828-1910) u hrvatskoj filozofskoj misli prigodom stote godišnjice njegove smrti. U središtu zanimanja stoji njegova „pobožnost mišljenja“ (filozofija) u potrazi za vjerom, u konačnici za Bogom. Od mnoštva Tolstojevih spisa napisanih na ovu temu, autor se koristi osobito dvama publicističkima, koji stoje na početku („Ispovijest“) i pri koncu („Odgovor na odluku Svetoga Sinoda“) njegove borbe s Bogom i sumnjom u dogmatsko pravoslavno kršćanstvo. Rad predstavlja jedan od mogućih putova za razumijevanje Tolstojeve teodiceje u okvirima ruske religijske filozofije s konca XIX. stoljeća.This paper resumes new philosophical readings of L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910) in Croatian philosophy and marks the centenary of his death. The focal point of our interest is his „piety of thinking“ (philosophy) in pursuit of faith and, ultimately, of God. From the wealth of Tolstoy\u27s writings on this topic, the author chooses two non-fictional pieces, one of which marks the beginning (Confession) and the other the end (Reply to the Synod\u27s Edict on Excommunication) of his battle with God and his doubts about dogmatic Orthodox Christianity. The paper offers one of a variety of possible ways of grasping Tolstoy\u27s theodicy within the framework of late 19th century Russian philosophy

    A Brief Inquiry into a Philosophical–Anthropological Interpretation of the Person According to Rawls: On the Occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of His Death

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    Autor obraća pozornost na “političku koncepciju osobe” jednoga od vodećih političkih i moralnih filozofa 20. stoljeća Johna Rawlsa (1921.–2002.), čije se dvadesete godišnjice smrti prisjećamo ove godine. Rad je zamišljen kao pokušaj filozofsko–antropološkoga razmišljanja o shvaćanju osobe u okvirima Rawlsove političke filozofije koja se kloni bilo kakvoga metafizičkoga utemeljenja. Osnovni je cilj promišljati važnost ljudske osobe kao subjekta u okvirima političke filozofije Johna Rawlsa. Cilj je rada potaknuti daljnja istraživanja njegova shvaćanja ljudske osobe koje ima sasvim specifično filozofijsko i istraživanja vrijedno značenje, osobito u kontekstu suvremene krize liberalizma i demokracije koja proizlazi iz suvremenoga odnosa prema ljudskoj osobi.The author pays attention to the “political conception of the person” of one of the leading political and moral philosophers of the 20th century, John Rawls (1921– 2002), whose twentieth death anniversary we are remembering this year. The article is conceived as an attempt of a philosophical–anthropological reading of the understanding of the person within the framework of Rawls’s political philosophy, which will avoid any metaphysical foundation. The main goal here is to reflect on the importance of the human person as a subject within the framework of John Rawls’s political philosophy. The aim of the paper is to encourage further research into his understanding of the human person, which has a very specific philosophical and research–worthy meaning, especially in the context of the contemporary crisis of liberalism and democracy which is a result of the contemporary attitude towards the human person in general

    Nikola Berdyaev on Leo N. Tolstoy

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    U ovome smo radu željeli naznačiti načine i putove utjecaja »velikogpisca ruske zemlje« Lava N. Tolstoja (1828-1910) na možda najistaknutijega ruskog filozofa Nikolaja A. Berdjajeva (1874-1948). Rad ne predstavlja zaokruženu sliku toga osebujnog odnosa između dvojice velikana ruske misli, već nas, kao što to filozofija uvijek čini, poziva da u istraživanjima idemo dalje i dublje. Možda iz razloga što je jedan od rijetkih koji su sustavno prilazili liku i djelu velikoga ruskog književnika, pokušavajući ga uvijek objektivno prikazivati, Berdjajevljevi stavovi u izučavanju Tolstoja predstavljaju vrijedne domete. Iako je filozof koji nikada nije izradio vlastiti sistematizirani sustav, Berdjajev ima vrlo određene i dorađene stavove o mnogim velikanima ljudske misli, pa tako i o onima koje je vidio kao stvaratelje ruske filozofije — književnicima.In this essay we wished to point out the various ways and means in which the »great Russian wrtter« Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828 — 1910) influenced perhaps the most prominent Russian philosopher Nikolai A. Berdyaev (1874—1948). The essay does not give a complete picture of this singular relationship between two great Russian thinkers, but rather invites us, as philosophy always does, to pursue our research by probing both further and deeper into the matter. Since Berdyaev is perhaps one of the very few to approach the person and work of this great Russian writer systematically, endeavouring always to portray him objectively, Berdyaev\u27s conclusions to which he came in the course of studying Tolstoy\u27s works are a worthwhile achievement. Berdyaev\u27s views on many great thinkers are definitive and refined, and so too of those whom he regarded as being the creators of Russian philosophy-writers

    Religion in the thought of John Rawls

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    Iako je riječ o najutjecajnijem političkom filozofu XX. stoljeća, Rawlsova misao o religiji nije dovoljno izučavana, kako u stranim tako i u domaćim znanstvenim radovima. Posljedica je to predrasude kako je Rawls usredotočen uglavnom na teme koje nisu posvećene odnosu politike i religije. Naprotiv, odnos religije i politike, kako ga Rawls vidi i tumači, u srži je problema koji je liberalizam kao filozofijsko mišljenje nastojao razriješiti stoljećima. On se tim problemima iskreno bavi i o njima promišlja, pokušavajući pružiti donekle zadovoljavajuće rješenje, ostavljajući mnoga otvorena pitanja za one koji će to isto pokušati učiniti nakon njega. Reći da je religija u Rawlsovoj misli slabo zastupljena ne odgovara onome što nalazimo u njegovim radovima, osobito u nedavno otkrivenom diplomskom radu neoortodoksnog Rawlsa. Misli što ih je iznio približavaju nas rješenju brojnih pitanja odnosa suvremene politike i religije te mjesta i uloge religije u suvremenom političkom diskursu, ali nas uvode i u koncizniju i sustavniju analizu tih odnosa za koje tek moramo pronaći primjereno rješenje.Although he may be the most influential political philosopher of the twentieth century, Rawls\u27 thought on religion has not been sufficiently studied, neither in foreign nor in domestic scholarly works. This is a consequence of the preconception that Rawls focuses mainly on topics which do not deal with the relationship between politics and religion. On the contrary, the relationship between religion and politics, as Rawls sees and interprets it, is at the core of the problem which liberalism as a philosophical view has endeavoured to solve for centuries. He takes an authentic interest in these problems and reflects upon them thereby attempting to offer a satisfactory solution, but nevertheless leaving many open questions for those who will make a similar attempt in the future. To say that religion is poorly represented in Rawls\u27 thought does not coincide with the evidence in his works, particularly as regards the recently discovered diploma essay of this unorthodox thinker. The thoughts which he puts forth not only bring us closer to resolving numerous issues dealing with the relationship between modern politics and religion and regarding the place and role of religion in modern political discourse, but they also point to a more concise and systematic analysis of these relationships for which we have yet to find adequate solutions

    Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors, Identification of C-Kit Mutation and Differential Diagnosis

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    Background: Prior to the recognition of C-Kit mutations, GIST were most commonly classified as leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma, leiomyoblastoma or Autonomic nervous system gastrointestinal tumor. This is why, for the accurate histologic diagnosis of these tumors, it is necessary to record the C-Kit mutation and to identify some other molecular markers that help in differential diagnosis. C-Kit mutation detection is a criterion for morphologic diagnosis and also it serves as a predictive factor for determining the therapy with Imatinib (Glivec) if it is present in these tumors.Objectives: Evaluation of 49 cases of C-Kit mutations and differential diagnosis assessment by IHC examinations.Material and Methods: The study is a retrospective cohort type. 49 patients was evaluated the C-Kit mutation and further IHC examinations for differential diagnosis with other similar lesions. For this purpose the immunoreactivity for CD117, CD34, Actin, Desmin, S100 was evaluated. In these cases, the proliferative index with Ki67 was also evaluated as a prognostic factor together with the tumor diameter and presence or not of necrosis.Results: In the cases studied the presence of c-kit mutation (CD117 positive) was detected in 97% of the examined cases, CD34 was found positive in 77% of the examined cases, SMA was found positive in 34% of the examined cases, Desmin was found positive in 17% of the examined cases, S100 was found positive in 7% of the examined cases. Ki67 resulted to be on average 17.6% in cases with mitotic index> 5/50 HPF and on average 5.7% in cases with mitotic index <5/50% HPF Conclusions: Most of the mesenchymal tumors in the gastrointestinal system are Gastrointestinal Stromal type. This tumor is diagnosed in most cases if C-Kit mutation (positive immunoreactivity for CD117) is identified. Other immunostains like CD34, SMA, Desmin,  S100, help in the diagnose by differentiating this tumor from other histologically similar lesions. Proliferative index determination by Ki67 serves for the differentiation of these tumors into two prognostic categories. Keywords: GIST, C-KIT mutations, differential diagnosis, malignant behavio

    Lymphoepithelioma-like Gastric Carcinoma (LELGC): A Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Lymphoepithelioma-like gastric carcinoma (LELGC),  is a rare type of gastric cancer characterized by a carcinoma with intense stromal lymphocytic infiltration. It is one of the histological patterns observed in patients with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated gastric carcinoma. According to the World Health Organisation classification of tumors of digestive sysytem 2010, LELGC is a rare type of tubular carcinoma. Although this entity is hard to be recognized in the biopsy specimens, pathologists and clinicians should acknowledge this subset of gastric cancer because it generally has a better prognosis than other forms of EBV-associated gastric carcinomas and conventional gastric carcinomas. This might be due to the fact that the patient's inflammatory response may prevent the spread of tumor through the gastric wall and to the lymph nodes or remote organs.(21) In order to gain a detailed understanding of this rare disease, we reviewed the literature and report here a recent case of epithelioid gastric cancer in a 60 year old male patient presented in our Emergency Department. Keywords: Lymphoepithelioma-like Gastric Carcinoma, gastric cancer , Ebstein-Barr virus, prognosi

    L’esthétique comme expression de l’éthique : Introduction à la recherche de la pensée esthétique de Léon N. Tolstoï

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    Punih je petnaest godina Lav Nikolajevič Tolstoj (1828. – 1910.) radio na svom jedinom estetskom traktatu Što je umjetnost? (1897. – 1898.) u kojem je zapisao da umjetnost nije pojava neke tajanstvene ideje ili ljepote Boga, ni produkt čovjekove energije ili manifestacija njegovih emocija, već sredstvo za međusobno komuniciranje ljudi, potrebno za život i nagnuće prema dobru svakog čovjeka. Umjetnost je za njega oblik komunikativnog stvaralaštva koje sjedinjuje ljude u istim osjećanjima među kojima se osobito ističe važnost Dobra. Upravo je prenošenje osjećajâ putem simboličkog govora glavna osobina umjetnosti. Cilj je ovoga rada iščitavanje po mnogim mjestima razasutih Tolstojevih stavova o estetici i umjetnosti da bismo došli do vizije po kojoj je umjetnost sasvim osobiti vid ‘potrage-za’, ali i odraz samoga Dobra. Rad je pisan u uvjerenju da obuhvatnije istraživanje Tolstojevih estetskih pogleda može pružiti skroman doprinos ‘rehumanizaciji umjetnosti’.Pendant plus de quinze ans, Léon N. Tolstoï (1828–1910) a travaillé sur son seul traité esthétique intitulé Qu\u27est-ce que l’art ? (1897–1898) dans lequel il écrit que l\u27art n\u27est ni l\u27apparition d\u27une mystérieuse idée ou de la beauté divine, ni le produit de l\u27énergie de l\u27homme ou de l\u27expression de ses émotions, mais un moyen de communication entre hommes, nécessaire à la vie et à l\u27aspiration vers la bonté de tout humain. Pour lui, l\u27art est une forme de création communicative qui unit les hommes dans des émotions identiques parmi lesquelles se distingue particulièrement l\u27importance du Bien. C’est précisément dans le transfert des émotions à l\u27aide du langage symbolique que repose la principale caractéristique de l\u27art. L\u27objectif de ce travail est la lecture des approches de Tolstoï envers l\u27esthétique et l\u27art, dispersées dans ses différentes œuvres, afin d\u27arriver à la vision de l\u27art en tant que forme particulière d’ « à la recherche de » mais aussi du reflet du Bien. Ce travail est rédigé dans l\u27idée qu\u27une recherche plus exhaustive des pensées esthétiques de Tolstoï peut modestement contribuer à la « réhumanisation de l\u27art »