153 research outputs found

    Mejora de formulación de un producto en polvo vegano para niños de 1 a 3 años

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    Se modificó la formulación del PAP realizada en primavera 2022 variando las cantidades de los componentes que conforman la formulación para así poder cumplir con la normativa de grasa mínima en fórmulas de continuación mencionada en la NOM-131, la cual indica un rango de 3.00 a 6.00 g grasa/100 kcal ya que la formulación hecha en el PAP antes mencionado contenía una cantidad de 2.72 g grasa/100 kcal. Se buscaba llevar la formulación a un mínimo de 3.00 g grasa/100 kcal sin comprometer las propiedades sensoriales de dicha formulación por lo que se optó reformular dos veces, logrando una cantidad de grasa teórica contenida de 3.00 y 3.06 g grasa/100 kcal en las reformulaciones 1 y 2 respectivamente, al momento de comprobar estas cantidades experimentalmente mediante el método de Goldfish se encontraron valores de 2.66 y 3.26 g grasa/100 kcal correspondientes a las reformulaciones 1 y 2. Posteriormente se realizaron pruebas sensoriales para determinar condiciones de sabor, olor y textura obteniendo así mejores resultados a las pruebas la reformulación 2, sin embargo, gracias a la comparación de resultados sensoriales con la formulación inicial del PAP primavera 2022 la organización decidió trabajar con dicha fórmula la cual fue escalada a la capacidad productiva de la planta con una carga de 264 kg en su mezcladora de listón aprovechando al máximo los costales requeridos de harina de soya, petición hecha por la organización.ITESO, A.C

    Evaluation of eleven Mexican cultivars of prickly pear cactus trees for possibly utilization as animal fed: in vitro gas production

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    In production systems of prickly pear fruit and prickly pear cactus, significant amounts of pruned material, which could be used as an ingredient in animal feeding, is generated. The aim of this study was to measure the nutrient content, fermentation kinetics and in vitro digestibility of eleven cultivars of cladodes of prickly pear cactus. The fermentation was measured indirectly using the gas production technique, where 500 mg of DM substrate (prickly pear cactus cultivars) were placed in amber glass flasks of 125 mL with 90 mL of ruminal inoculum under a continuous flow of CO2. Flaskswere hermeticallywrapped upwith a rubber stopper and ametal ring, and were placed in a water bath at 39 C. The fermentation gas pressure was measured using a monometer at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 38, 50 and 72 h incubation. Results show that the chemical composition ranged between (g kg-1 DM): 64 and 160 g kg-1 dry matter (DM), 137–293 g kg-1 DM ash, 52–101 g kg-1 DM crude protein, 3–22 g kg-1 DM ether extract, 251–393 neutral detergent fiber and 132–192 acid detergent fiber. The gas volume was different (p\0.05) among cultivars, with the Red Vigor cultivar having the largest volume at 378 mL g-1 DM.The highest volumeof gas was produced during the first 24 h in on average 67 % of the total produced. The in vitroDMdigestibility displayed values of up to 82 % in the Roja Pelota cultivar. It can be concluded that the cladodes of prickly pear cactus from different cultivars can be used in animal feed for its good rumen fermentation characteristic

    Association of common polymorphisms in the VEGFA and SIRT1 genes with type 2 diabetes-related traits in Mexicans

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    Introduction: Genetic variants have been replicated for association with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and many of them with diabetes-related traits. Because T2D is highly prevalent in Mexico, this study aimed to test the association of CDKN2A/B, PPARGC1A, VEGFA, SIRT1 and UCP2 gene polymorphisms (rs10811661, rs8192678, rs2010963, rs7896005 and rs659366 respectively) with metabolic traits in 415 unrelated Mexican mestizos with T2D under three models of inheritance. Material and methods: A total of 415 unrelated Mexican mestizos were genotyped by TaqMan assays. Triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), insulin and anthropometric measurements were determined and the HOMA-IR was calculated. Association studies were tested by the Kruskal-Wallis test, linear regression, statistical power analysis, Bonferroni correction, paired SNP analysis, and physical interaction by GeneMANIA. Results: All polymorphisms were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and the association by genotype with T2D-related traits displayed nominal significance for rs8192678 with glucose (p = 0.023) and triglycerides (p = 0.013); rs2010963 with diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (p = 0.012) and cholesterol (p = 0.013); rs7896005 with DBP (p = 0.012) and insulin (p = 0.011); and rs659366 with cholesterol (p = 0.034), glucose (p = 0.031) and triglycerides (p = 0.028); and the association of rs2010963 with HDL-C (p = 0.0007) was significant. Linear regression performed with three models of inheritance, adjusted by age + sex + BMI and corrected with Bonferroni, showed a significant association of rs2010963 with HDL-C in an additive model (p = 0.007); and rs7896005 was significantly associated with DBP in the recessive model (p = 0.006). Conclusions: Rigorous analysis evidenced the association of VEGFA rs2010963 and SIRT1 rs7896005 with HDL-C and DBP respectively; these traits are known predictors of cardiovascular complications, which increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases in this population

    Entrevista a Ulrike Mühlschlegel, directora de la sección española de la biblioteca del Instituto Iberoamericano de Berlín

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    [ES] En esta entrevista, Ulrike Mühlschlegel constata que el acceso universal a la cultura a través de la web 2.0 es hoy por hoy una realidad. Aunque la internacionalización de los fondos de las bibliotecas también está produciendo confrontaciones legales. La entrevistada también habla de la reacción de usuarios, editores y autores ante esta tecnología que supone una revolución integral de las bibliotecas y del concepto de los derechos de autor

    Ensiling Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and Orchard Grass (Dactylis glomerata L.) Forage Harvested at 08:00 or 14:00, without Wilting or 1 or 2 h Wilting and with or without Use of Bacterial Inoculant

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    Alfalfa forage is difficult to ensile due to low water-soluble carbohydrate content and high buffering capacity. The objective was to assess at Chapingo, Mexico, during the rainy season effects of combinations of harvest hours (08:00, 14:00), wilting time (0, 1, 2 h) and bacterial inoculants on the quality of silage made of alfalfa and orchard grass forage, made in 200-L containers. The experiment was conducted in three phases with two replicates per phase. Variables measured in freshly cut forage and silages were dry matter content (DM), buffer capacity, pH, and alcohol soluble carbohydrates (ASC). Silos remained sealed during 60 d, and additional variables measured in silage were aerobic stability, NH3 -N and in vitro disappearance of DM. In forage harvested at 14:00 h, DM and ASC contents were higher; pH and buffering capacity were not affected by harvest hour; in silages made of that forage, NH3-N levels were lower, while ASC contents and in vitro disappearance of MS were unaffected by harvest hour. Treatments with inoculants were less aerobic stable for 5 days when made of forage harvested at 08:00 h but more stable when made of forage harvested at 14:00 h. Harvesting at 14:00 h was advantageous as silage presented higher DM and ASC contents

    Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome : open bite evolution after tongue reduction

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    Macroglossia causes functional deficits such as airway obstruction, drooling, phonation difficulties, and leads to protrusion of dentoalveolar structures resulting in an anterior open bite and a prognathic mandibular appearance. Macroglossia is present in the majority of patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) and surgical treatment may be indicated. A retrospective review was conducted including BWS patients who underwent surgical tongue reduction between 2000 and 2015 at the Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid. Out of 16 patients with BWS, surgery was performed in 11 cases. Tongue protrusion with open bite was the main indication for surgical treatment. Reduction glossectomy was performed using the keyhole technique. We analysed the relationship between age at surgery and evolution of open bite. Complications were minimal and satisfactory outcomes were observed with a decrease in anterior open bite. In this study we have observed that surgical treatment in patients with BWS and open bite accompanied by macroglossia seems to provide positive results with a satisfactory outcome in dentoskeletal alterations

    Universidad abierta en periodos POSTCOVID-19. Experiencia colaborativa en la formación de maestras: Estudio de caso

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    Introducción. Este artículo presenta el proyecto de innovación educativa #educalabEDU, y sus posteriores resultados. Objetivo. El objetivo del presente artículo (financiado en convocatoria interna por la Universidad Católica de Murcia) es desarrollar escenarios educativos 3.0 como respuesta a períodos POSTCOVID-19 y vincular la docencia universitaria con la práctica profesional en los grados de Educación Infantil y Primaria en las Universidades Católica San Antonio de Murcia y Pontificia Comillas en Madrid. Metodología. Se trata de una investigación educativa basada en los resultados obtenidos a partir de un cuestionario pasado a 59 estudiantes de la universidad que participaron en un proyecto de innovación educativa. El proyecto se centra en el uso educativo de la red social Twitter y el aprendizaje colaborativo entre estudiantes. Se fomenta el contacto directo con profesionales de la educación a través de diferentes sesiones en dicha red social, se investiga y se organiza la información de manera cooperativa y finaliza el proyecto con el desarrollo de un laboratorio social educativo que pone en diálogo a los futuros maestros y futuras maestras con docentes de experiencia contrastada. Resultados. Los principales resultados arrojan una alta participación y motivación ante la metodología de trabajo, el alumnado participante manifiesta que se ha fortalecido el nexo de unión entre la sociedad y la propia universidad, se fomenta el contacto entre estudiantes de diferente índole y origen. Conclusiones. Apuntan a que se ha establecido un espacio de comunicación recíproco en el que el estudiantado y profesorado, con dilatada experiencia profesional, han podido compartir conocimientos, reflexiones y todo tipo de materiales didácticos. Resultó esta una propuesta beneficiosa de aprendizaje dialógico ante la situación pandémica

    On the performance of SQL scalable systems on Kubernetes: a comparative study

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    The popularization of Hadoop as the the-facto standard platform for data analytics in the context of Big Data applications has led to the upsurge of SQL-on-Hadoop systems, which provide scalable query execution engines allowing the use of SQL queries on data stored in HDFS. In this context, Kubernetes appears as the leading choice to simplify the deployment and scaling of containerized applications; however, there is a lack of studies about the performance of SQL-on-Hadoop systems deployed on Kubernetes, and this is the gap we intend to fill in this paper. We present an experimental study involving four representative SQL scalable platforms: Apache Drill, Apache Hive, Apache Spark SQL and Trino. Concretely, we analyze the performance of these systems when they are deployed on a Hadoop cluster with Kubernetes by using the TPC-H benchmark. The results of our study can help practitioners and users about what they can expect in terms of performance if they plan to use the advantages of Kubernetes to deploy applications using the analyzed SQL scalable platforms.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation via Grant PID2020-112540RB-C41 (AEI/FEDER, UE), Andalusian PAIDI program with grant P18-RT-2799, and by project ”Evolución y desarrollo de la plataforma DOP de Big Data” (702C2000044) under Andalusian “Programa de Apoyo a la I+D+i Empresarial”

    Genomic Bayesian Prediction Model for Count Data with Genotype x Environment Interaction

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    Genomic tools allow the study of the whole genome, and facilitate the study of genotype-environment combinations and their relationship with phenotype. However, most genomic prediction models developed so far are appropriate for Gaussian phenotypes. For this reason, appropriate genomic prediction models are needed for count data, since the conventional regression models used on count data with a large sample size (nT ) and a small number of parameters (p) cannot be used for genomic-enabled prediction where the number of parameters (p) is larger than the sample size (nT ). Here, we propose a Bayesian mixed-negative binomial (BMNB) genomic regression model for counts that takes into account genotype by environment G x E interaction. We also provide all the full conditional distributions to implement a Gibbs sampler. We evaluated the proposed model using a simulated data set, and a real wheat data set from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and collaborators. Results indicate that our BMNB model provides a viable option for analyzing count data

    Hermetic storage technologies preserve maize seed quality and minimize grain quality loss in smallholder farming systems in Mexico

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    Reducing maize postharvest storage losses is a challenge for millions of smallholder farmers in Mexico. A previous study documented the effects of storage technologies on stored grain losses. The current study follows up on those experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of diverse storage technologies — polypropylene bags with and/or without insecticide, hermetic metal silos, hermetic bags, recycled plastic containers, silage plastic bags, micronized lime, and standard lime — in maintaining grain and seed quality during 2017 and 2018 at six sites: three agroecologies below 500 m above sea level (masl) and three agroecologies above 2000 masl. Maize samples stored using each of the above technologies were collected before and after six months of storage. Pest-free samples were analyzed for grain composition (starch, protein, oil, ether extracts, polyphenols contents), selected physicochemical parameters (fat acidity, an indicator of biochemical changes during storage; hundred kernel weight; flotation index, an indirect parameter of grain density; color; and germination. Storage technologies did significantly affect macronutrient content, but the quality of grain stored under non-hermetic conditions was reduced, as reflected in significantly increased fat acidity and flotation index. Seed germination was less affected by the type of storage technology at sites above 2000 masl but a significant effect was observed at sites below 500 masl. On average, the germination capacity of seed stored using non-hermetic technologies (polypropylene bags with or without insecticide or lime) dropped 56% at lowland sites, as compared to 2.8% for seed stored using hermetic metal silos or hermetic bags. Airtight technologies also minimized quality losses by reducing metabolic activities. By limiting insect and fungi infestation and reducing quantity and quality degradation in stored maize, hermetic technologies can contribute to Mexican smallholder farmers' food security