126 research outputs found

    Memory for public events in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease : the importance of rehearsal

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    Ribot’s law refers to the better preservation of remote memories compared with recent ones that presumably characterizes retrograde amnesia. Even if Ribot-type temporal gradient has been extensively studied in retrograde amnesia, particularly in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), this pattern has not been consistently found. One explanation for these results may be that rehearsal frequency rather than remoteness accounts for the better preservation of these memories. Thus, the aim of present study was to address this question by studying retrograde semantic memory in subjects with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) (n = 20), mild AD (n = 20) and in healthy older controls (HC; n = 19). In order to evaluate the impact of repetition as well as the impact of remoteness, we used a test assessing memory for enduring and transient public events that occurred in the recent and remote past. Results show no clear temporal gradient across time periods (1960–1975; 1976–1990; 1991–2005; 2006–2011), but a better performance was observed in all three groups for enduring compared with transient events. Moreover, although deficits were globally found in both patients groups compared with HC, more specific analyses revealed that aMCI patients were only impaired on transient events while AD patients were impaired on both transient and enduring events. Exploratory analyses also revealed a tendency suggesting preservation of remote transient events in aMCI. These findings are discussed with regards to memory consolidation models

    The impact of time and repeated exposure on famous person knowledge in amnestic Mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease

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    Objective: Famous people knowledge has been shown to be impaired early in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). However, the question of whether recently acquired knowledge is more impaired than remotely acquired knowledge remains a matter of debate. The aim of this study was to investigate the patterns of semantic memory impairment in aMCI and AD by investigating two factors that may influence the retrieval of such knowledge, namely remoteness and frequency of repetition of information over time. Method: Three groups (19 controls, 20 aMCI and 20 AD patients) were compared on a test assessing general and specific biographical knowledge about famous people, where the period of acquired fame (remote vs recent) and the type of fame (enduring vs transient) were controlled for. Results: Global performance of aMCI and AD patients was significantly poorer than that of controls. However, different patterns of recall were observed as a function of time and type of fame. A temporal gradient was found in both patient groups for enduring names but not for transient ones, whereby knowledge about remote enduring famous persons was better recalled. Patients were more impaired at questions assessing specific biographical knowledge (unique to an individual) than more general knowledge. Conclusions: Tests of famous people knowledge offer a unique opportunity to investigate semantic deficits in aMCI and AD, because they make it possible to estimate the time at which memories were acquired, as well as the type of fame. Results are discussed in light of memory consolidation models. Keywords

    L’évaluation de la mémoire rétrograde dans la population québécoise âgée: Le PUB-40 et le PUB-12

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    L’évaluation de la mémoire représente une partie importante du travail des neuropsychologues cliniciens œuvrant en gériatrie. En effet, au Canada, environ le tiers des aînés rapporte une plainte mnésique dont les causes sont variées. Selon l’étiologie, différentes composantes du système mnésique peuvent être atteintes, toutefois, l’évaluation de la mémoire rétrograde non autobiographique (publique ou sémantique) n’est souvent effectuée que de manière superficielle, puisqu’aucun outil d’évaluation fiable, valide et standardisé n’est disponible pour la population québécoise vieillissante. Les objectifs de cette recherche étaient donc (1) d’élaborer un protocole d’évaluation de la mémoire rétrograde non autobiographique spécifiquement adapté à cette population, le PUB-40, (2) de recueillir des données de référence auprès de 105 participants âgés sains et (3) de développer une version abrégée à partir des items permettant de discriminer un groupe de 20 patients atteints de troubles cognitifs légers de type amnésique (TCLa) des participants âgés sains

    Distinction between Pore Assembly by Staphylococcal α-Toxin versus Leukotoxins

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    The staphylococcal bipartite leukotoxins and the homoheptameric α-toxin belong to the same family of β-barrel pore-forming toxins despite slight differences. In the α-toxin pore, the N-terminal extremity of each protomer interacts as a deployed latch with two consecutive protomers in the vicinity of the pore lumen. N-terminal extremities of leukotoxins as seen in their three-dimensional structures are heterogeneous in length and take part in the β-sandwich core of soluble monomers. Hence, the interaction of these N-terminal extremities within structures of adjacent monomers is questionable. We show here that modifications of their N-termini by two different processes, using fusion with glutathione S-transferase (GST) and bridging of the N-terminal extremity to the adjacent β-sheet via disulphide bridges, are not deleterious for biological activity. Therefore, bipartite leukotoxins do not need a large extension of their N-terminal extremities to form functional pores, thus illustrating a microheterogeneity of the structural organizations between bipartite leukotoxins and α-toxin

    From Toxins Targeting Ligand Gated Ion Channels to Therapeutic Molecules

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    Ligand-gated ion channels (LGIC) play a central role in inter-cellular communication. This key function has two consequences: (i) these receptor channels are major targets for drug discovery because of their potential involvement in numerous human brain diseases; (ii) they are often found to be the target of plant and animal toxins. Together this makes toxin/receptor interactions important to drug discovery projects. Therefore, toxins acting on LGIC are presented and their current/potential therapeutic uses highlighted

    La pintura callejera en Santiago de Chile: Imagen de una libertad bajo palabra

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    Impulsado por la juventud de la Unidad Popular, el muralismo chileno desaparece al principio de la dictadura del General Augusto Pinochet y vuelve con una fuerza mayor, como instrumento de defensa de los derechos humanos. A la luz de la historia y de la conciencia ideológica y social que inspira la pintura callejera, aflora la escritura de un discurso libertador, tanto en su contenido como en su forma, que nos lleva a descubrir cómo una imagen portavoz, a su vez, se convierte en palabra. La t..

    Image... miroir des mots. Les peintures murales à Santiago du Chili

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    Les fresques populaires chiliennes scellent l'alliance de ces deux représentants de l'expression humaine qui fixent le langage et que sont l’écriture et le dessin. Le graffiti – « rayado » –, ou l’inscription hâtive et mobilisatrice des premières années du muralisme, a donné naissance à un discours original, faisant que l'écriture devienne image. La distinction entre les deux disparaît dès lors que le signe typographique se transforme en signe iconographique, au même titre que les lignes, les..

    Mujeres y murales contra la dictadura en Santiago de Chile

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    L'écriture des murs : les fresques populaires à Santiago du Chili

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    Des prisons de la dictature aux représentations de l'enfermement sur les murs du Chili

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