65 research outputs found

    Els assassins d'El Capitán Trueno. La censura de les publicacions infantils i juvenils durant el franquisme. Estudi de l'evolució del marc legal i del seu impacte en els continguts publicats (1936-1982)

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    A Espanya el control del pensament i la informació per part del règim derivat de la victòria de la guerra de 1936 va tenir sempre intencions totalitzadores, però va travessar diferents etapes segons els moments històrics, les pressions del context internacional i les conveniències del general Franco. El dictador, que amb el pas dels anys va acabar cedint en alguns aspectes, com ara la imposició de la censura prèvia, va mantenir sempre un control asfixiant sobre la premsa i l’edició. Fins el 1952 la censura de les publicacions de caràcter infantil i juvenil atenia els mateixos criteris que les destinades a adults. Se’ls exigia que no atemptaren contra el dogma i la moral catòliques ni contra el règim ni les seues autoritats. Per contra, la violència desbocada esguitava la majoria de les publicacions. Una violència que els censors toleraven perquè responia a la mateixa essència d’un règim que s’havia legitimat destruint la discrepància. La primera regulació específica de la premsa infantil a Espanya es publica al Boletín Oficial del Estado el 21 de gener de 1952, quan la competència del control de la premsa ha passat al nou ministeri d’Informació i Turisme. Una ordre d’aquesta data crea la Junta Assessora de la Premsa Infantil. Apareixen alhora les primeres normes que en regulen els continguts. Si aquestes normes s’hagueren aplicat amb rigor, l’humor de la denominada escola Bruguera hauria hagut de canviar a la força i els quaderns d’aventures, l’altre gran pilar del tebeo espanyol de postguerra, no s’haurien pogut publicar tal havien estat concebuts des del 1940. L’arribada de Manuel Fraga Iribarne al ministeri d’Informació i Turisme, l’any 1962, va suposar un gran canvi en el control de la premsa espanyola. El 13 d’octubre d’aquell any, en el context de canvis legals que afecten tota l’estructura de la premsa, es fixa la creació, dins el Consell Nacional de Premsa, d’una Comissió d’Informació i Publicacions Infantils i Juvenils que substitueix l’antiga Junta Assessora. La Comissió va quedar en mans d’una instància executiva que lidera el seu secretari general, Jesús María Vázquez, l’autèntic factòtum del control de la premsa infantil i juvenil fins al final del règim. Com a “gestor de l’ortodòxia”, el dominic Vázquez va aplicar de la manera més estricta la normativa que fins aquell moment mai havien atès els censors del ministeri. Les fitxes i els informes que s’han conservat des de 1964 són duríssims i van modificar amb contundència el contingut de les revistes infantils i juvenils, abans pensades per a tots els públics, i dels quaderns d’aventures. Jesús María Vázquez i el seu equip van liquidar els tebeos tal com s’havien conegut fins aquell moment. Va eliminar-ne d’arrel qualsevol vestigi de violència i l’humor “pensat per adults i per a adults”. La Llei de Premsa i Impremta de 1966 –coneguda com a llei Fraga– va eliminar la censura prèvia de totes les publicacions, amb una única excepció: les infantils i les juvenils, que a partir d’aquell moment van ser regides per un marc legal propi: l’Estatut de Publicacions Infantils i Juvenils, que concretava de nou els punts negres que havien d’evitar aquestes publicacions. L’Estatut de Publicacions Infantils i Juvenils, com la Llei de Premsa del 66, no es va derogar mai. Però, mort el general Franco i en un context de transició cap a la democràcia, la llei, no l’Estatut, va ser modificada pel reial decret 24/1977 sobre llibertat d’expressió. Malgrat aquesta norma i l’aprovació de la Constitució, que consagrava la llibertat d’expressió, la consulta prèvia voluntària, en el cas de les publicacions per a adults, i l’obligada, en el cas de les infantils i juvenils, es van allargar fins a l’any 1982. Els ressorts de la censura franquista van deixar de ser efectius, ni que fóra parcialment, amb l’arribada del PSOE al poder aquell mateix any.En España el control del pensamiento y la información por parte del régimen derivado de la victoria de la guerra del 36 tuvo siempre una intención totalizadora, pero atravesó diferentes etapas según los momentos históricos, las presiones del contexto internacional y las propias conveniencias del general Franco. El dictador que, con el paso de los años acabó cediendo en algunos aspectos, mantuvo siempre un control asfixiante sobre la prensa y la edición; sobre la comunicación en general. Hasta 1952 la censura de las publicaciones de carácter infantil y juvenil se regía por los mismos criterios que las destinadas adultos. Se les exigía que no atentaran contra el dogma y la moral católicos ni contra el régimen ni sus autoridades. En cambio, la violencia desbocada salpicaba la mayoría de las publicaciones. Una violencia que los censores toleraban porque respondía a la misma esencia de un régimen que se había legitimado arrasando la discrepancia. La primera regulación específica de la prensa infantil en España se publica en el Boletín Oficial del Estado el 21 de enero de 1952, cuando la competencia del control de la prensa había pasado al nuevo ministerio de Información y Turismo. Una orden de la misma fecha crea la Junta Asesora de la Prensa Infantil. Aparecen al mismo tiempo las primeras normas que regulan sus contenidos. Si aquellas normas se hubieran aplicado con rigor, el humor de la denominada escuela Bruguera habría tenido que cambiar a la fuerza y los cuadernos de aventuras, el otro gran pilar del tebeo español de posguerra, no se habrían podido publicar tal como habían estado concebidos desde 1940. Las normas fueron únicamente un brindis al BOE. La llegada de Manuel Fraga Iribarne al ministerio de Información y Turismo, el año 1962, supuso un gran cambio en los criterios del control de la prensa española. El 13 de octubre de aquel año, en el contexto de modificaciones legales que afectaron toda la estructura de la prensa, se fija la creación, dentro del Consejo Nacional de Prensa, de una Comisión de Información y Publicaciones Infantiles y Juveniles que sustituye la antigua Junta Asesora. La Comisión quedó en manos de una instancia ejecutiva que lideraba su secretario general, Jesús María Vázquez, el auténtico factótum del control de la prensa infantil y juvenil hasta el final del régimen. Como “gestor de la ortodoxia”, el dominico Vázquez aplicó de la manera más estricta la normativa que hasta aquel momento nunca habían considerado los censores del ministerio. Las fichas y los informes que se han conservado desde 1964 son durísimos y modificaron contundentemente el contenido de las revistas infantiles y juveniles, antes pensadas para todos los públicos, y de los cuadernos de aventuras. Jesús María Vázquez y su equipo liquidaron los tebeos tal y como se habían conocido hasta aquel momento. Eliminaron de raíz la violencia de sus páginas y también el humor “pensado por adultos y para adultos”. La Ley de Prensa e Imprenta de 1966 –conocida como ley Fraga– eliminó la censura previa de todas las publicaciones, con una única excepción: las infantiles y las juveniles, que a partir de aquel momento se rigieron por un marco legal propio: el Estatuto de Publicaciones Infantiles y Juveniles, que concretó de nuevo los puntos negros que tenían que evitar. El Estatuto de Publicaciones Infantiles y Juveniles, como la Ley de Prensa del 66, no se derogó nunca. Pero, muerto el general Franco y en un contexto de transición a la democracia, la ley, no el Estatuto, fue modificada por el real decreto 24/1977 sobre libertad de expresión. A pesar de esta norma y, posteriormente de la aprobación de la Constitución, que consagraba la libertad de expresión, la consulta previa voluntaria, en el caso de las publicaciones para adultos, y la obligada, en el caso de las infantiles y juveniles, se alargó hasta 1982. Los resortes de la censura franquista sólo dejaron de ser efectivos, ni que fuera parcialmente, con la llegada del PSOE al poder aquel mismo año.In Spain, the control over thought and information by the regime derived from the victory in the war of 1936, had always totalitarian intentions, but it went through different phases depending on the historical moments, the pressures of the international context and general Franco’s interests. The dictator, who over the years eventually gave in on some points, like the imposition of previous censorship, always kept a stifling control over press and editing. Up to 1952, censorship in Spain on publications for children and youth followed the same criteria than on adult’s publications. They were required not to attempt against the Catholic dogma and moral nor against the regime and it’s authorities. In contrast, runaway violence splashed most of the publications. Censors tolerated this violence because it matched the essence of a regime that had legitimated itself by destroying divergence. The first specific regulation on children’s press in Spain was published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado(the government’sgazette) on January 21, 1952, when the power over press was transferred to the Ministry of Information and Tourism. An order of this date created the Advisory Board of Children’s Press. The first rules regulating its contents appeared. If those rules had been applied with rigor, the humor of the so-called Bruguera school would have had to change by force and the adventure notebooks, the other great pillar of spanish postwar comics, would have not been published in the way they were conceived since 1940. The arrival of Manuel Fraga Iribarne to the Ministry of Information and Tourism, in 1962, meant a great change in the control of spanish press. On October 13 of that year, in a context of legal changes that affected the whole structure of press, it’s determined the creation of a Commission of Information and Publications for Children and Youth, within the National Press Council. The Commission was left to an executive body leaded by its general secretary, Jesús María Vázquez, the real factotum of the control over press for children and youth until the end of the regime. As the “agent of orthodoxy”, Vázquez, who was a dominican, appliedin the most strict way the rules that up to then had not been put into practice by the censors of the ministry. The record cards and reports that have been preserved since 1964 are very harsh and modified forcefully the content of magazines for children and youth -previously made for all audiences- and of adventure notebooks. José María Vázquez and his team liquidated comics as they were known up to that moment. He rooted out any trace of violence and humor “made by adults and for adults”. The Press and Printing Law of 1966 -known as Fraga’s Law- eliminated the previous censorship for all publications, with just one exception: the ones for children and youth, which from then on were ruled by their one legal frame. This frame was the Statute of Publications for Children and Youth and it specified again the black spots that those publications should avoid. The Statute and the Press law of 1966 were never repealed. However, once Franco died and within a context of transition to democracy, the law -not the Statute-, was modified by the royal decree 24/1977 on freedom of speech. Despite this rule and the passing of the Constitution, which consecrated freedom of speech, the voluntary previous control -in the case of adult publications-, and the obligatory one -in the case of publications for children and youth-, lasted until 1982. The means of the Francoist censorship stopped being effective, even partially, with the coming to power of PSOE that same year

    Suspect screening of natural toxins in surface and drinking water by high-performance liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry

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    Besides anthropogenic contamination, freshwater environments can also be affected by the presence of natural toxins. Mycotoxins, plant toxins and cyanotoxins are the most relevant groups that can be found in the aquatic system. However, until now, only cyanotoxins have been more carefully studied. In the present work, single workflow for the assessment of natural toxins in waters, based on suspect screening and target screening of a selected group of toxins is presented. The approach is based on a triple-stage solid-phase extraction (SPE) able to isolate a wide range of natural toxins of different polarities, followed by liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-ddHRMS2) using a Q-Exactive Orbitrap analyser. The acquisition was performed in full-scan (FS) and data-dependant acquisition (ddMS2) mode, working under positive and negative mode. For the tentative identification, different on-line databases such as ChemSpider and MzCloud and an in-house natural toxins list with 2384 structures, that includes cyanotoxins, plant toxins and mycotoxins, were used. Also, thanks to the MS2 data, it was possible to achieve a high level of tentative identification confidence, but confirmation was only possible comparing the standards of the suspected compounds. For those, the analytical parameters of the developed method were also validated, and the quantification was possible by external calibration. Validation showed recoveries in the range between 53 and 95 %, and method limits of detection (MDL) between 0.02 and 1.22 μg/L. This approach was applied to study natural toxins in 4 sampling sites along the Ter River in Catalonia (NE Spain). In this preliminary study 23 natural toxins were tentatively identified, and 9 of them confirmed (aflatoxin B1, anatoxin-a, nodularin, microcystin-LR, baicalein, kojic acid, cinchonine, B-asarone and atropine). The results of the quantification of these compounds showed concentrations below 1 μg/L in all cases, that is considered safe according to the actual legislation. This suspect screening approach allows a more comprehensive assessment of natural toxins in natural waters

    Occurrence of C60 and related fullerenes in the Sava River under different hydrologic conditions

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    The presence of nanomaterials in the environment has caught the attention of the scientific because of the uncertainties in their fate, mobility and potential toxic effects. However, few studies have determined experimentally their concentration levels in aquatic systems up to date, which complicates the development of an adequate risk assessment. In the present study, the occurrence of ten fullerenes has been assessed in the Sava River (Southeastern Europe): 27 freshwater samples and 12 sediment samples from 12 sampling points have been analysed during two sampling campaigns. C was the most ubiquitous fullerene, with concentrations of 8 pg/l–59 ng/l and 108–895 pg/g in water and sediments, respectively. Statistically significant differences existed between the levels in 2014 and 2015, which has been attributed to the extreme hydrologic conditions (severe floods and drought, respectively). C fullerene has been detected in most of the samples and the fullerene derivatives [6,6]-phenyl C butyric acid methyl ester and N‑methyl fulleropyrrolidine have been detected eventually, which highlights that nanotechnology research and development activities are responsible for emitting these emerging contaminants to the environment. The role of diverse potential anthropogenic sources (including oil refinery, general industrial activity, river navigation, urban emissions and nanotechnology) is discussed

    Interferometric nanoimmunosensor for label-free and real-time monitoring of Irgarol 1051 in seawater

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    An interferometric nanobiosensor for the specific and label-free detection of the pollutant Irgarol 1051 directly in seawater has been settled. Due to the low molecular weight of Irgarol pollutant and its expected low concentration in seawater, the sensor is based on a competitive inhibition immunoassay. Parameters as surface biofunctionalization, concentration of the selective antibody and regeneration conditions have been carefully evaluated. The optimized immunosensor shows a limit of detection of only 3 ng/L, well below the 16 ng/L set by the EU as the maximum allowable concentration in seawater. It can properly operate during 30 assay-regeneration cycles using the same sensor biosurface and with a time-to-result of only 20 min for each cycle. Moreover, the interferometric nanosensor is able to directly detect low concentrations of Irgarol 1051 in seawater without requiring sample pre-treatments and without showing any background signal due to sea matrix effect

    Emerging risks in recycling and waste: Perfluorinated compounds in plastic pellets and nanomaterials in contaminated soil

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    Ponencia presentada en la Final RISKCYCLE conference, titulada "Risk-Based Management of Chemicals and Products in a circular economy at a global scale",celebrada en Dresden (Alemania) el 8 y 8 de mayo de 2012.According to the European Parliament over 1.8 billion tonnes of waste are generated each year in Europe (3.5 tonnes per person) and less than a third of it is recycled. United States produces approximately 200 million tons of garbage each year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.Peer reviewe

    TGFβ controls ovarian cancer cell proliferation

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    There have been no major improvements in the overall survival of ovarian cancer patients in recent decades. Even though more accurate surgery and more effective treatments are available, the mortality rate remains high. Given the differences in origin and the heterogeneity of these tumors, research to elucidate the signaling pathways involved is required. The Transforming Growth Factor (TGFβ) family controls different cellular responses in development and cell homeostasis. Disruption of TGFβ signaling has been implicated in many cancers, including ovarian cancer. This article considers the involvement of TGFβ in ovarian cancer progression, and reviews the various mechanisms that enable the TGFβ signaling pathway to control ovarian cancer cell proliferation. These mechanistic explanations support the therapeutic use of TGFβ inhibitors in ovarian cancer, which are currently in the early phases of development

    BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera 2021: desenvolupament i espècies presents

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    En aquest article es fa la descripció de la tasca duta a terme durant el BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera dels dies 21 i 22 de maig de 2021 i es presenta el llistat despècies observades amb lobjectiu de facilitar que aquestes observacions es puguin integrar en les bases de dades públiques de biodiversitat.This paper lists the work carried out during the BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera on 21-22 May 2021. We present the list of observed species with the aim of facilitating that these observation could be integrated into public biodiversity databases

    Occurrence and toxicity of nanomaterials and nanostructures in the environment

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    [cat] El desenvolupament de la nanotecnologia ha generat una miríada de nous materials que, sumats als nanomaterials presents de forma natural al medi ambient, generen un seguit d’incerteses. La present tesi va tenir l’objectiu de contribuir en l’estudi d’aquests nanomaterials i nanoestructures determinant la presència de ful·lerens i siloxans de mida nanomètrica en el medi ambient. Es van desenvolupar mètodes d’anàlisi per a ful·lerens en diverses matrius ambientals: particulat atmosfèric, sòls, sediments, aigües de riu i de depuradora. Per al seu anàlisi instrumental, es van desenvolupar dos mètodes. El primer, basat en cromatografia de líquids amb columnes de fase estacionària C18 i fase mòbil toluè-metanol, acoblada a espectrometria de masses en tàndem amb font d’electrosprai. El segon mètode, basat en cromatografia de líquid amb columna de fase estacionària de pirenilrpopil i toluè com a fase mòbil, acoblada a espectrometria de masses d’alta resolució amb font de fotoionització a pressió atmosfèrica. La segona metodologia millorava les prestacions de la primera en termes d’efecte matriu, selectivitat i sensibilitat. Es va determinar la presència de ful·lerens en particulat atmosfèric, sòls i sediments i aigua de riu. Es van detectar ful·lerens no funcionalitzats a nivells traça en la majoria de mostres, podent-se localitzar fonts d’emissió. Els ful·lerens funcionalitzats es van detectar esporàdicament, demostrant la preponderància dels processos accidentals en front de la nanotecnologia. Es van analitzar els siloxans en diversos compartiments ambientals. Els resultats d’aquesta tesi demostren com l’ús intensiu d’aquests compostos en productes domèstics, aplicacions industrials, nano-emulsions, etc, contribueix a la seva emissió al medi ambient a escala global. Es van detectar siloxans en totes les mostres d’aigües residuals analitzades, en mostres de peix de mercat i de riu i en mostres remotes de l’Antàrtida. Es va modelitzar la seva deposició. Finalment es va estudiar la toxicitat aguda de tres nanomaterials de carboni (pols de ful·lerens, nanotubs de carboni i grafè) dispersos en medi artificial d’estuari i en condicions ecològicament rellevants. Es van emprar dos tests estandarditzats de toxicitat aguda i es va determinar que la toxicitat dels agregats resultants ve determinada per la presència d’àcids húmics i salinitat del medi. També es va observar com la presència de pols de ful·lerè inhibia l’activitat d’altres co-contaminants orgànics presents en el medi.[eng] Nanotechnology is the multidisciplinary science consisting in modifying the matter at the nanometre scale. Due to the unique properties exhibited by nanomaterials, the number of investigations devoted to obtain new materials and their applications has increased dramatically. However, the potential risk associated to nanomaterials and nanostructures continues being poorly understood. Different gaps of information were identified including their environmental occurrence, fate, behaviour and toxicity. In addition, some nanomaterials can also be emitted by natural events or incidental sources. Under this context, this doctoral Thesis presents the study of the occurrence and toxicity of nanomaterials and nanostructures in the environment, focusing on pristine and functionalized fullerenes and volatile dimethylsiloxanes. Different extraction procedures for the analysis of pristine and functionalized fullerenes in different environmental compartments were developed: (i) For the investigation of their occurrence in air particulate two extraction procedures are presented, based on ultrasound assisted solvent extraction with toluene with recoveries from 60 to 70 %, and using accelerated solvent extraction with recoveries ranging from the 70 to 113 %; (ii) for the investigation of soils using a long-term ultrasound assisted solvent extraction with toluene; (iii) for the simultaneous analysis of fullerenes in the particulate and dissolved phases of water samples. Two analytical methods based on liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for the analysis of fullerenes in environmental samples were developed. The first one employed C18 analytical column with toluene:methanol as mobile phase and an ESI source in negative ionization conditions coupled to a triple quadrupole analyzer. The second method consisted in the use of pyrenylpropyl stationary phase columns with toluene as mobile phase. LC was coupled to HRMS with an APPI source. The main improvements of the second approach were in terms of lower matrix effect, better sensibility and selectivity. The occurrence of pristine and non-polar functionalized fullerenes was evaluated in several compartments. - Air particulate: The concentrations of C60 ranged from 10 pg/m3 to 50 ng/m3 in the Mediterranean Sea atmosphere, and between the MLOQ and 63 pg/m3 in air particulate of Barcelona city. - Soils: Samples were taken in Saudi Arabia and Brazil, close to potential emission points. The concentrations of pristine fullerenes were in the pg/g–ng/g levels, showing the incidental emission these compounds and subsequent deposition. - Freshwater and sediments from the Llobregat River. The relationship between the occurrence of natural colloids and the sedimentation of fullerenes because of heteroaggregation and flocculation was studied. Pristine fullerenes were detected in all the compartments while functionalized fullerenes were detected very rarely. The results show that incidental combustion sources are the main contributor to the environment, in contrast to nanotechnology. The occurrence of siloxanes was studied in several environmental compartments. According to our results the intensive manufacture and application of cVMS such as in personal care products, industry, nano-emulsions, etc. lead to the emission of these compounds at global-scale: - Wastewater: Siloxanes were detected in almost all influent and effluent samples at concentrations up to 24 µg/L. In general, for VMS relevant elimination rates during WW treatments were shown. - Fish: Fish directly sampled in the Xúquer River and fish for human consumption collected in different markets stores were analysed. Market fish presented higher levels, which can be attributed to contamination during food manipulation, storage and ambient air. - Samples from the Antarctic region: VMS were found in all types of the analyzed samples (krill, phytoplankton, soil and vegetation). These results reveal for first time the potential long-range environmental transport of VMS and their posterior cool-deposition supported by the snow scavenging during winter time and their posterior liberation to sea water and soils during the Antarctic summer. The acute toxicity of carbon nanomaterials (fullerene soot, carbon nanotubs and graphene) dispersed in artificial estuary medium in ecologically relevant conditions was studied using two standardized acute toxicity tests. The results are to fullerenes aggregation in presence of humic acid and salts. The presence of fullerene soot is relevant because inhibited the activity of most of the organic co-contaminants due to their sorption properties

    Occurrence and toxicity of nanomaterials and nanostructures in the environment

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    Nanotechnology is the multidisciplinary science consisting in modifying the matter at the nanometre scale. Due to the unique properties exhibited by nanomaterials, the number of investigations devoted to obtain new materials and their applications has increased dramatically. However, the potential risk associated to nanomaterials and nanostructures continues being poorly understood. Different gaps of information were identified including their environmental occurrence, fate, behaviour and toxicity. In addition, some nanomaterials can also be emitted by natural events or incidental sources. Under this context, this doctoral Thesis presents the study of the occurrence and toxicity of nanomaterials and nanostructures in the environment, focusing on pristine and functionalized fullerenes and volatile dimethylsiloxanes. Different extraction procedures for the analysis of pristine and functionalized fullerenes in different environmental compartments were developed: (i) For the investigation of their occurrence in air particulate two extraction procedures are presented, based on ultrasound assisted solvent extraction with toluene with recoveries from 60 to 70 %, and using accelerated solvent extraction with recoveries ranging from the 70 to 113 %; (ii) for the investigation of soils using a long-term ultrasound assisted solvent extraction with toluene; (iii) for the simultaneous analysis of fullerenes in the particulate and dissolved phases of water samples. Two analytical methods based on liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for the analysis of fullerenes in environmental samples were developed. The first one employed C18 analytical column with toluene:methanol as mobile phase and an ESI source in negative ionization conditions coupled to a triple quadrupole analyzer. The second method consisted in the use of pyrenylpropyl stationary phase columns with toluene as mobile phase. LC was coupled to HRMS with an APPI source. The main improvements of the second approach were in terms of lower matrix effect, better sensibility and selectivity. The occurrence of pristine and non-polar functionalized fullerenes was evaluated in several compartments. - Air particulate: The concentrations of C60 ranged from 10 pg/m3 to 50 ng/m3 in the Mediterranean Sea atmosphere, and between the MLOQ and 63 pg/m3 in air particulate of Barcelona city. - Soils: Samples were taken in Saudi Arabia and Brazil, close to potential emission points. The concentrations of pristine fullerenes were in the pg/g–ng/g levels, showing the incidental emission these compounds and subsequent deposition. - Freshwater and sediments from the Llobregat River. The relationship between the occurrence of natural colloids and the sedimentation of fullerenes because of heteroaggregation and flocculation was studied. Pristine fullerenes were detected in all the compartments while functionalized fullerenes were detected very rarely. The results show that incidental combustion sources are the main contributor to the environment, in contrast to nanotechnology. The occurrence of siloxanes was studied in several environmental compartments. According to our results the intensive manufacture and application of cVMS such as in personal care products, industry, nano-emulsions, etc. lead to the emission of these compounds at global-scale: - Wastewater: Siloxanes were detected in almost all influent and effluent samples at concentrations up to 24 µg/L. In general, for VMS relevant elimination rates during WW treatments were shown. - Fish: Fish directly sampled in the Xúquer River and fish for human consumption collected in different markets stores were analysed. Market fish presented higher levels, which can be attributed to contamination during food manipulation, storage and ambient air. - Samples from the Antarctic region: VMS were found in all types of the analyzed samples (krill, phytoplankton, soil and vegetation). These results reveal for first time the potential long-range environmental transport of VMS and their posterior cool-deposition supported by the snow scavenging during winter time and their posterior liberation to sea water and soils during the Antarctic summer. The acute toxicity of carbon nanomaterials (fullerene soot, carbon nanotubs and graphene) dispersed in artificial estuary medium in ecologically relevant conditions was studied using two standardized acute toxicity tests. The results are to fullerenes aggregation in presence of humic acid and salts. The presence of fullerene soot is relevant because inhibited the activity of most of the organic co-contaminants due to their sorption properties.El desenvolupament de la nanotecnologia ha generat una miríada de nous materials que, sumats als nanomaterials presents de forma natural al medi ambient, generen un seguit d’incerteses. La present tesi va tenir l’objectiu de contribuir en l’estudi d’aquests nanomaterials i nanoestructures determinant la presència de ful·lerens i siloxans de mida nanomètrica en el medi ambient. Es van desenvolupar mètodes d’anàlisi per a ful·lerens en diverses matrius ambientals: particulat atmosfèric, sòls, sediments, aigües de riu i de depuradora. Per al seu anàlisi instrumental, es van desenvolupar dos mètodes. El primer, basat en cromatografia de líquids amb columnes de fase estacionària C18 i fase mòbil toluè-metanol, acoblada a espectrometria de masses en tàndem amb font d’electrosprai. El segon mètode, basat en cromatografia de líquid amb columna de fase estacionària de pirenilrpopil i toluè com a fase mòbil, acoblada a espectrometria de masses d’alta resolució amb font de fotoionització a pressió atmosfèrica. La segona metodologia millorava les prestacions de la primera en termes d’efecte matriu, selectivitat i sensibilitat. Es va determinar la presència de ful·lerens en particulat atmosfèric, sòls i sediments i aigua de riu. Es van detectar ful·lerens no funcionalitzats a nivells traça en la majoria de mostres, podent-se localitzar fonts d’emissió. Els ful·lerens funcionalitzats es van detectar esporàdicament, demostrant la preponderància dels processos accidentals en front de la nanotecnologia. Es van analitzar els siloxans en diversos compartiments ambientals. Els resultats d’aquesta tesi demostren com l’ús intensiu d’aquests compostos en productes domèstics, aplicacions industrials, nano-emulsions, etc, contribueix a la seva emissió al medi ambient a escala global. Es van detectar siloxans en totes les mostres d’aigües residuals analitzades, en mostres de peix de mercat i de riu i en mostres remotes de l’Antàrtida. Es va modelitzar la seva deposició. Finalment es va estudiar la toxicitat aguda de tres nanomaterials de carboni (pols de ful·lerens, nanotubs de carboni i grafè) dispersos en medi artificial d’estuari i en condicions ecològicament rellevants. Es van emprar dos tests estandarditzats de toxicitat aguda i es va determinar que la toxicitat dels agregats resultants ve determinada per la presència d’àcids húmics i salinitat del medi. També es va observar com la presència de pols de ful·lerè inhibia l’activitat d’altres co-contaminants orgànics presents en el medi