10 research outputs found

    Impact of High Intensity Interval Training Using Elastic Bands on Glycemic Control in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot Study

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    [EN] High intensity interval training (HIIT) using elastic bands is easy to do, but no data on its impact on glycemic control in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) are available. Six males with T1D performed three weekly sessions of HIIT using elastic bands for 12 weeks. Each session consisted of eight exercises. Glycemic control was evaluated by using intermittent scanning continuous glucose monitoring two weeks before study onset (baseline) and during the intervention period in the first two (first stage) and last two weeks (last stage). In the 24 h post-exercise, time-in-range (70-180 mg/dL) was reduced from baseline to the end of the study (67.2% to 63.0%), and time-above-range (>180 mg/dL) seemed to increase from baseline across the study (20.8% -> 27.5% -> 22.1%, from baseline -> first -> last stage), but did not show any statistical significance. Time in hypoglycemia (either < 70 mg/dL or <54 mg/dL) did not show statistically significant differences. This study shows that a HIIT program with elastic bands is safe and effective to perform in T1D patients, keeping blood glucose levels in a safe range.This study was funded by MINECO DPI2016-78831-C2-1-R, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (PID2019-107722RB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), FEDER funds from EU, and the Vicerectorate of Research, Innovation and Technology Transference from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia grant number PAID-06-18. This study was also supported by the official funding agency for biomedical research of the Spanish government, Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) through CIBEROBN CB12/03/30038, and CIBERDEM CB17/08/00004, which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.MartĂ­n-San AgustĂ­n, R.; Laguna Sanz, AJ.; BondĂ­a Company, J.; Roche, E.; BenĂ­tez MartĂ­nez, JC.; Ampudia-Blasco, FJ. (2020). Impact of High Intensity Interval Training Using Elastic Bands on Glycemic Control in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot Study. Applied Sciences. 10(19). https://doi.org/10.3390/app10196988101

    In vivo partial cellular reprogramming enhances liver plasticity and regeneration.

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    Mammals have limited regenerative capacity, whereas some vertebrates, like fish and salamanders, are able to regenerate their organs efficiently. The regeneration in these species depends on cell dedifferentiation followed by proliferation. We generate a mouse model that enables the inducible expression of the four Yamanaka factors (Oct-3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc, or 4F) specifically in hepatocytes. Transient in vivo 4F expression induces partial reprogramming of adult hepatocytes to a progenitor state and concomitantly increases cell proliferation. This is indicated by reduced expression of differentiated hepatic-lineage markers, an increase in markers of proliferation and chromatin modifiers, global changes in DNA accessibility, and an acquisition of liver stem and progenitor cell markers. Functionally, short-term expression of 4F enhances liver regenerative capacity through topoisomerase2-mediated partial reprogramming. Our results reveal that liver-specific 4F expression in vivo induces cellular plasticity and counteracts liver failure, suggesting that partial reprogramming may represent an avenue for enhancing tissue regeneration

    Differential clinical characteristics and prognosis of intraventricular conduction defects in patients with chronic heart failure

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    Intraventricular conduction defects (IVCDs) can impair prognosis of heart failure (HF), but their specific impact is not well established. This study aimed to analyse the clinical profile and outcomes of HF patients with LBBB, right bundle branch block (RBBB), left anterior fascicular block (LAFB), and no IVCDs. Clinical variables and outcomes after a median follow-up of 21 months were analysed in 1762 patients with chronic HF and LBBB (n = 532), RBBB (n = 134), LAFB (n = 154), and no IVCDs (n = 942). LBBB was associated with more marked LV dilation, depressed LVEF, and mitral valve regurgitation. Patients with RBBB presented overt signs of congestive HF and depressed right ventricular motion. The LAFB group presented intermediate clinical characteristics, and patients with no IVCDs were more often women with less enlarged left ventricles and less depressed LVEF. Death occurred in 332 patients (interannual mortality = 10.8%): cardiovascular in 257, extravascular in 61, and of unknown origin in 14 patients. Cardiac death occurred in 230 (pump failure in 171 and sudden death in 59). An adjusted Cox model showed higher risk of cardiac death and pump failure death in the LBBB and RBBB than in the LAFB and the no IVCD groups. LBBB and RBBB are associated with different clinical profiles and both are independent predictors of increased risk of cardiac death in patients with HF. A more favourable prognosis was observed in patients with LAFB and in those free of IVCDs. Further research in HF patients with RBBB is warranted

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Impact of High Intensity Interval Training Using Elastic Bands on Glycemic Control in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot Study

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    High intensity interval training (HIIT) using elastic bands is easy to do, but no data on its impact on glycemic control in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) are available. Six males with T1D performed three weekly sessions of HIIT using elastic bands for 12 weeks. Each session consisted of eight exercises. Glycemic control was evaluated by using intermittent scanning continuous glucose monitoring two weeks before study onset (baseline) and during the intervention period in the first two (first stage) and last two weeks (last stage). In the 24 h post-exercise, time-in-range (70&ndash;180 mg/dL) was reduced from baseline to the end of the study (67.2% to 63.0%), and time-above-range (&gt;180 mg/dL) seemed to increase from baseline across the study (20.8% &rarr; 27.5% &rarr; 22.1%, from baseline &rarr; first &rarr; last stage), but did not show any statistical significance. Time in hypoglycemia (either &lt; 70 mg/dL or &lt;54 mg/dL) did not show statistically significant differences. This study shows that a HIIT program with elastic bands is safe and effective to perform in T1D patients, keeping blood glucose levels in a safe range

    Epidemiology of Injuries in First Division Spanish Women’s Soccer Players

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    The epidemiology of injuries in female soccer has been studied extensively in several national leagues. Even so, data on the first division Spanish league are limited. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiology of the first division of the Spanish Women’s Soccer League and to analyze data in relation to game position, circumstance, or the moment of injury. Fifteen teams and 123 players participated in the study. Players’ characteristics and their injuries (location, type, diagnosis, circumstance, and moment) were collected. Injuries were described by their frequencies (number and percentage) and incidence rates (IR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Lower limb injuries accounted for 86.8% of total injuries. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and meniscus injuries occurred in totality in non-contact circumstance (0.35/1000 h; 95% CI, 0.18 to 0.62 and 0.23/1000 h; 95% CI, 0.10 to 0.45, respectively). Match injury IRs (19.02/1000 h; 95% CI, 14.89 to 23.97) were significantly higher than training (1.70/1000 h; 95% CI, 1.27 to 2.22). As a conclusion, structures such as the ACL or meniscus are most commonly injured in the non-contact circumstance in the first division of the Spanish Women’s Soccer League. In addition, match situations involve a greater risk of injury than training, increasing the risk to the ankle and knee injuries as the season progresses

    Dietary inflammatory index and all-cause mortality in large cohorts: The SUN and PREDIMED studies

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    [Background]: Inflammation is known to be related to the leading causes of death including cardiovascular disease, several types of cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, depression-suicide and other chronic diseases. In the context of whole dietary patterns, the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DIIÂź) was developed to appraise the inflammatory potential of the diet. [Objective]: We prospectively assessed the association between DII scores and all-cause mortality in two large Spanish cohorts and valuated the consistency of findings across these two cohorts and results published based on other cohorts.[Design]: We assessed 18,566 participants in the “Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra” (SUN) cohort followed-up during 188,891 person-years and 6790 participants in the “PREvencion con DIeta MEDiterrĂĄnea” (PREDIMED) randomized trial representing 30,233 person-years of follow-up. DII scores were calculated in both cohorts from validated FFQs. Higher DII scores corresponded to more proinflammatory diets. A total of 230 and 302 deaths occurred in SUN and PREDIMED, respectively. In a random-effect meta-analysis we included 12 prospective studies (SUN, PREDIMED and 10 additional studies) that assessed the association between DII scores and all-cause mortality.[Results]: After adjusting for a wide array of potential confounders, the comparison between extreme quartiles of the DII showed a positive and significant association with all-cause mortality in both the SUN (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.85; 95% CI: 1.15, 2.98; P-trend = 0.004) and the PREDIMED cohort (HR = 1.42; 95% CI: 1.00, 2.02; P-trend = 0.009). In the meta-analysis of 12 cohorts, the DII was significantly associated with an increase of 23% in all-cause mortality (95% CI: 16%–32%, for the highest vs lowest category of DII).[Conclusion]: Our results provide strong and consistent support for the hypothesis that a pro-inflammatory diet is associated with increased all-cause mortality. The SUN cohort and PREDIMED trial were registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02669602 and at isrctn.com as ISRCTN35739639, respectively.Supported by the official funding agency for biomedical research of the Spanish Government, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), through grants provided to research networks specifically developed for the trial (RTIC G03/140, to R.E.; RTIC RD 06/0045, to Miguel A. MartĂ­nez-GonzĂĄlez) and through Centro de InvestigaciĂłn BiomĂ©dica en Red de FisiopatologĂ­a de la Obesidad y NutriciĂłn (CIBERobn), and by grants from Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC 06/2007), Fondo de InvestigaciĂłn Sanitaria–Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Proyecto de InvestigaciĂłn (PI) 04-2239, PI 05/2584, CP06/00100, PI07/0240, PI07/1138, PI07/0954, PI 07/0473, PI10/01407, PI10/02658, PI11/01647, P11/02505, PI13/00462, PI13/00615, PI13/01090, PI14/01668, PI14/01798, PI14/01764), Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn (Recursos y teconologia agroalimentarias(AGL)-2009-13906-C02 and AGL2010-22319-C03 and AGL2013-49083-C3-1- R), FundaciĂłn Mapfre 2010, the ConsejerĂ­a de Salud de la Junta de AndalucĂ­a (PI0105/2007), the Public Health Division of the Department of Health of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Generalitat Valenciana (Generalitat Valenciana Ayuda Complementaria (GVACOMP) 06109, GVACOMP2010-181, GVACOMP2011-151), Conselleria de Sanitat y, PI14/01764 AP; AtenciĂłn Primaria (CS) 2010-AP-111, and CS2011-AP-042), and Regional Government of Navarra (P27/2011).). Drs. Shivappa and HĂ©bert were supported by grant number R44DK103377 from the United States National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

    Differential clinical characteristics and prognosis of intraventricular conduction defects in patients with chronic heart failure

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    Intraventricular conduction defects (IVCDs) can impair prognosis of heart failure (HF), but their specific impact is not well established. This study aimed to analyse the clinical profile and outcomes of HF patients with LBBB, right bundle branch block (RBBB), left anterior fascicular block (LAFB), and no IVCDs. Clinical variables and outcomes after a median follow-up of 21 months were analysed in 1762 patients with chronic HF and LBBB (n = 532), RBBB (n = 134), LAFB (n = 154), and no IVCDs (n = 942). LBBB was associated with more marked LV dilation, depressed LVEF, and mitral valve regurgitation. Patients with RBBB presented overt signs of congestive HF and depressed right ventricular motion. The LAFB group presented intermediate clinical characteristics, and patients with no IVCDs were more often women with less enlarged left ventricles and less depressed LVEF. Death occurred in 332 patients (interannual mortality = 10.8%): cardiovascular in 257, extravascular in 61, and of unknown origin in 14 patients. Cardiac death occurred in 230 (pump failure in 171 and sudden death in 59). An adjusted Cox model showed higher risk of cardiac death and pump failure death in the LBBB and RBBB than in the LAFB and the no IVCD groups. LBBB and RBBB are associated with different clinical profiles and both are independent predictors of increased risk of cardiac death in patients with HF. A more favourable prognosis was observed in patients with LAFB and in those free of IVCDs. Further research in HF patients with RBBB is warranted


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