694 research outputs found

    Connections between education for citizenship and equality between women and men (analysis of the claims against this subject before the Spanish courts and their rulings

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    This paper seeks to analyse the debate on equality between women and men found in the claims against the subjects related to Education for Citizenship. These claims were resolved in the Spanish Supreme Court and High Courts of the Autonomous Communities. In this debate, there is a strong rejection of antidiscrimination law assumptions, namely that the different roles and social roles of women and men have a cultural and social base and it is unnatural, as evidenced by the concept of gender. But many appellants and judgments defend the difference between women and men as if it was informed and legitimated on human nature. Hence gender is considered an ideology, that is, a category of analysis by means of which the reality of true human nature can be concealed or distorted. But these arguments are opposed to recent legal reforms since they are questioning its normative value, by prioritizing certain moral principles against these laws. We are talking about the Organic Law for Effective Equality between Women and Men, the Law on Integrated Protection Measures against Gender Violence and the Law on Education. However their arguments are not fully justified

    La expulsión penal: nuevas tendencias legislativas

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    Aborda a substituição da pena privativa de liberdade pela expulsão do território nacional no que concerne aos estrangeiros sem residência legal na Espanha. Analisa o projeto de reforma do Código Penal da Espanha, publicado em 4 de outubro de 2013

    Trabajo doméstico

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    No todos los trabajos son considerados como actividades productivas. Productivos serían sólo aquellas actividades que están orientadas a la producción de bienes o servicios para el mercado. No es contemplada, por tanto, aquella producción que no está estructurada a través de las relaciones mercantiles. Esta producción no mercantil tiene lugar en trabajos que son realizados mayoritariamente por mujeres: casi todas las mujeres, en mayor o menor medida, las realizan y casi todas las personas que las realizan son mujeres. Estamos hablando de la ayuda familiar, del trabajo voluntario y, sobre todo, del trabajo doméstico. Las tareas o labores que son realizadas dentro de un espacio de tu propiedad o cuyos "beneficiarios" son tus familiares, parece que no son productivas. De esta manera, las mujeres que se dedican de manera exclusiva a estas actividades no mercantiles son consideradas por las encuestas oficiales como inactivas. A esta "desconsideración" oficial del trabajo doméstico hay que unir la poca valoración social. El trabajo doméstico o bien no se paga o se paga muy poco, cuando no hay una mujer que esté dispuesta a hacerlo sin cobrar. En cualquiera de los casos, es un trabajo considerado fácil, si es que es considerado de alguna manera, por las personas que se benefician de él.Peer reviewe

    Nuevos modelos docentes: del homo “tecnofóbico” al homo tecnológico. ¿Una selección natural o una evolución imposible?

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    [SPA] El Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior implica un cambio en la metodología docente. Sin este cambio las universidades solo habrán conseguido implantar nuevos nombres a sus planes de estudio pero no un modelo de enseñanza. Las reticencias tecnológicas que existen aún en la sociedad se dan también en las universidades y, sobre todo, en los docentes. Los autores analizan esta realidad sociológica y se plantean si, en realidad, los nuevos cambios que se exigen son posibles, existiendo todavía cierta fobia tecnológica, o quedarán en un planteamiento utópico más. La forma de medir el rendimiento académico (ECTS, European Credit Transfer System) exige necesariamente una evolución conjunta y coordinada entre el docente y el alumnado. [ENG] The European Higher Education System involves a change in the educational methodology. Without this change universities only would have managed to introduce new names to their study plans but not an educational model. Technological reluctances existing in the society are also given in universities, especially, in the teaching staff. Authors analyse this sociological reality and consider whether the new demanded changes are possible in fact as it still exists certain technological phobia, or they will turn into one more utopian proposal. The way academic efficiency is measured, ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), demands necessarily a coordinated evolution of the teacher together with the student body

    Consumption Threshold at Which Virtue Products Become Vice Products: The Case of Beer

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    Relative vices and virtues have traditionally been defined according to time-inconsistent preferences. Vice products exchange small immediate rewards (e.g., pleasure) for larger delayed costs (e.g., health), while virtue products exchange small immediate costs for larger delayed rewards. This definition can be criticized because there is evidence that small amounts of beer (or chocolate) convey a long-term health benefit, whereas large quantities impose a delayed cost. Thus, we assume that virtue products can become vice products when consumption is above a certain threshold. Survey data identifies alcoholic beer as a product that gives immediate rewards and does not impose a delayed cost. Our analysis reveals a consumption threshold that supports our assumptions.This research was funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain. Reference: ECO2012-32001

    Major precisió en l'ús de pantalles de cristall líquid com a moduladors de llum

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    Les pantalles de cristall líquid són un element molt comú com a visualitzador (display) en els dispositius actuals de l'electrònica de consum. Investigadors del Departament de Física de la UAB, de la Universitat Miguel Hernández d'Elx i de la Universitat d'Alacant, han publicat un article on demostren com es poden modelitzar les reflexions múltiples que es produeixen a l'interior de les pantalles LCD i quin és l'efecte sobre la capacitat moduladora.Las pantallas de cristal líquido son un elemento muy común comovisualizador (display) en los dispositivos actuales de la electrónica deconsumo. Investigadores del Departamento de Física de la UAB, de laUniversidad Miguel Hernández de Elche y de la Universidad de Alicantehan publicado un artículo donde demuestran cómo pueden modelizar lasmúltiples reflexiones que se producen en el interior de las pantallas LCDy cuál es el efecto sobre la capacidad modulador

    Influencia del tamaño en el aprendizaje organizacional. El caso de la Pyme

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    Los objetivos de la presente investigación consisten, primeramente, en valorar el nivel de aprendizaje en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME), para posteriormente analizar si el tamaño tiene una relación significativa con el aprendizaje organizacional. Para ello, se estudian las prácticas que permiten la consecución del aprendizaje en las organizaciones, distinguiendo entre internas y externas así como los instrumentos que las facilitan, creando un índice que permite determinar empíricamente el nivel de aprendizaje organizacional en la PYME. Además, se contrastan hipótesis que estudian la existencia de relación significativa entre el nivel de aprendizaje y el tamaño

    Selinum pyrenaeum (L.) Gouan, taxon ajeno, por ahora, al Sistema Ibérico septentrional

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    Se propone la eliminación de todas las referencias, por considerarlas erróneas, de Selinum pyrenaeum (L.) Gouan para el Sistema Ibérico, y muy en concreto en la sierra de la Demanda.Elimination of all bibliographic references, that we consider erroneous, of Selinum pyrenaeum (L.) Gouan on the Iberian System (NC Spain), and specifically to the Sierra de la Demanda is proposed

    Toward smart manufacturing scheduling from an ontological approach of job-shop uncertainty sources

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    [EN] An integral application of the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 in the job-shop scheduling problem (JSSP) must contemplate the automation and autonomy of the involved decision-making processes as a goal, which is the main purpose of the smart manufacturing scheduling (SMS) paradigm. In a real production context, uncertainty acts as a barrier that hinders this goal being met and, therefore, any SMS model should integrate uncertainty generators in one way or another. This paper proposes an ontological framework that identifies and structures the entities shaping the joint domain formed by the job-shop scheduling process in its itinerary toward the SMS paradigm, the sources of uncertainty that it faces, and the interrelationship type that link these entities. This ontological framework will serve in future research as a conceptual basis to design new quantitative models that, from a holistic perspective, will address the stochasticity of manufacturing environments and incorporate the management of disturbances into the realtime resolution of automatic and autonomous job-shop scheduling.The research leading to these results received funding from grant RTI2018-101344-B-I00 of MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ¿ERDF A way of making Europe¿, from the Regional Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana entitled "Industrial Production and Logistics Optimization in Industry 4.0" (i4OPT) (Ref. PROMETEO/2021/065)", and from the European Union H2020 programs with grant agreements No. 825631 ¿Zero-Defect Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP)¿, No. 872548 "Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs (DIH4CPS)", and No. 958205 ¿Industrial Data Services for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing (i4Q)¿.Serrano-Ruiz, JC.; Mula, J.; Poler, R. (2022). Toward smart manufacturing scheduling from an ontological approach of job-shop uncertainty sources. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 55(2):150-155. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.04.18515015555

    Development of a multidimensional conceptual model for job shop smart manufacturing scheduling from the Industry 4.0 perspective

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    [EN] Based on a scientific literature review in the conceptual domain defined by smart manufacturing scheduling (SMS), this article identifies the benefits and limitations of the reviewed contributions, establishes and discusses a set of criteria with which to collect and structure its main synergistic attributes, and devises a conceptual framework that models SMS around three axes: a semantic ontology context, a hierarchical agent structure, and the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) method. The main purpose of such a modelling research is to establish a conceptual and structured relationship framework to improve the efficiency of the job shop scheduling process using the approach defined by SMS. The presented model orients the job shop scheduling process towards greater flexibility, through enhanced rescheduling capability, and towards autonomous operation, mainly supported by the use of machine learning technology. To the best of our knowledge, there are no other similar conceptual models in the literature that synergistically combine the potential of the specific set of Industry 4.0 principles and technologies that model SMS. This research can provide guidance for practitioners and researchers¿ efforts to move toward the digital transformation of job shops.The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union H2020 Programme ,Belgium with grant agreements No. 825631 "Zero-Defect Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) ", No. 958205 "Industrial Data Services for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing (i4Q) " and 872548 "Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs (DIH4CPS) ", from Grant RTI2018-101344-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "ERDF A way of making Europe" and the Regional Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana entitled "Industrial Production and Logistics Optimization in Industry 4.0" (i4OPT) (Ref. PROMETEO/2021/065).Serrano-Ruiz, JC.; Mula, J.; Poler, R. (2022). Development of a multidimensional conceptual model for job shop smart manufacturing scheduling from the Industry 4.0 perspective. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 63:185-202. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmsy.2022.03.0111852026