1,043 research outputs found

    An advanced symbolic analyzer for the automatic generation of analog circuit design equations

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    A tool for symbolic analysis of analog integrated circuits is presented featuring accurate simplification, pole/zero extraction, and tools for parametric AC circuit characterization. The program, called ASAP, uses signal flowgraph methods and has been written in C for portability. In its current version, ASAP is able to deal with the complexity levels arising in typical analog building blocks when described by device-level models. The ASAP inputs and outputs, the architecture, and the graphical interface are discussed

    Los procesos en gestión de calidad: un ejemplo en un centro educativo

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    Los procesos de calidad se caracterizan por ser acciones con un principio y un final claros y determinados. La norma UNE_EN ISO 9000-2000 señala que proceso es “el conjunto de actividades mutuamente relacionadas o que interactúan, las cuales transforman elementos de entrada en resultados”. La Junta de Castilla y León (2004) entiende por proceso cualquier secuencia de acciones interrelacionadas entre sí que se ordenan para dar servicio al usuario o cliente y que contribuyen a crear valor añadido en la organización en la que se desarrollan. Realmente lo que ocurre es que no se conoce bien lo que pasa en el “intermedio”, es decir el núcleo de los procesos. En este artículo se presenta la conceptualización, el desarrollo y la puesta en práctica de un proceso para alcanzar la calidad y se propone un proceso concreto en orden a su planificación, actualización, revisión y evaluación. Aunque cada organización puede planificar e implementar los procesos de la forma que estime conveniente, la ejemplificación de los mismos pretende facilitar nuevos diseños procesuales, su priorización, su selección, y su puesta en práctica para llegar a la evaluación de los mismo

    Tool for fast mismatch analysis of analog circuits

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    A tool is presented that evaluates statistical deviations in performance characteristics of analog circuits, starting from statistical deviations in the technological parameters of MOS transistors. Performance is demonstrated via the analysis of a Miller OTA in two different configurations and a linearized CMOS transconductor. The CPU time is reduced by a factor of 25 to 90 with respect to conventional Monte Carlo simulation, while maintaining similar accuracy in the computations

    Heuristic Thinking and Credibility of Organic Advertising Claims: The Role of Knowledge and Motivations

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    [EN] Consumers are often overexposed to sustainability symbols and claims on food product packages and find it di_cult to accurately judge their meaning when making purchase decisions. Based on the heuristic-systematic model (HSM), this paper aims to identify cognitive mechanisms to reduce the heuristic credibility of organic advertising claims and to increase the motivation for searching for more reliable information when making product judgements. Particularly, we hypothesize that knowledge and defense and accuracy motivations a_ect organic claim credibility, which in turn is related to organic product judgement. Data collected from an experimental between-subject study with a sample of 412 Spanish undergraduates was analyzed using partial least squares. The results indicated that claim credibility was directly related to the attribution of organic properties to products, and was a_ected by defense motivation especially when appropriate knowledge was not available. Improving consumers’ knowledge reduced organic claim credibility and triggered a positive e_ect of accuracy motivation on credibility. The findings stress the importance of improving the regulation of ambitious advertising claims and developing specific educational campaigns to empower consumers and prevent biased purchase decisions of organic products.S

    Global design of analog cells using statistical optimization techniques

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    We present a methodology for automated sizing of analog cells using statistical optimization in a simulation based approach. This methodology enables us to design complex analog cells from scratch within reasonable CPU time. Three different specification types are covered: strong constraints on the electrical performance of the cells, weak constraints on this performance, and design objectives. A mathematical cost function is proposed and a bunch of heuristics is given to increase accuracy and reduce CPU time to minimize the cost function. A technique is also presented to yield designs with reduced variability in the performance parameters, under random variations of the transistor technological parameters. Several CMOS analog cells with complexity levels up to 48 transistors are designed for illustration. Measurements from fabricated prototypes demonstrate the suitability of the proposed methodology

    EEG activity represents the correctness of perceptual decisions trial-by-trial

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    Performance monitoring is an executive function, which we depend on for detecting and evaluating the consequences of our behavior. Although event related potentials (ERPs) have revealed the existence of differences after correct and incorrect decisions, it is not known whether there is a trial-by-trial representation of the accuracy of the decision. We recorded the electroencephalographic activity (EEG) while participants performed a perceptual discrimination task, with two levels of difficulty, in which they received immediate feedback. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analyses were used to reveal two components that convey trial-by-trial representations of the correctness of the decisions. Firstly, the performance monitoring-related negativity (PM-N), a negative deflection whose amplitude is higher (more negative) after incorrect trials. Secondly, the performance monitoring-related positivity (PM-P), a positive deflection whose amplitude is higher after incorrect trials. During the time periods corresponding to these components, trials can be accurately categorized as correct or incorrect by looking at the EEG activity; this categorization is more accurate when based on the PM-P. We further show that the difficulty of the discrimination task has a different effect on each component: after easy trials the latency of the PM-N is shorter and the amplitude of the PM-P is higher than after difficult trials. Consistent with previous interpretations of performance-related ERPs, these results suggest a functional differentiation between these components. The PM-N could be related to an automatic error detection system, responsible for fast behavioral corrections of ongoing actions, while the PM-P could reflect the difference between expected and actual outcomes and be related to long-term changes in the decision process


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    Abstract Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) offers connectivity and information access for industrial devices. However, several devices cannot implement it because of being TCP/IP-incapable or having incompatible communication protocols. The OPC UA standard can be a solution by offering a platform-independent client-server communication model. The goal of the current work is to use OPC UA to connect a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in S7-PLCSIM and a Virtual Instrument (VI) in LabVIEW running as a Web Services application to enable applications in industry and remote education. The case study is a SCADA system simulated in FluidSIM. The results show a successful connection and demonstrate that the OPC UA standard can be used for implementing IIoT by connecting a simulated PLC to a VI for bidirectional information exchange in monitoring and control tasks. The former enables students to learn interactively and remotely about PLCs, and industries to improve their process control. Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), OPC UA, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Virtual Instrument (VI). Resumen El Internet Industrial de las Cosas (IIoT) ofrece conectividad y acceso a información para dispositivos industriales. Sin embargo, muchos dispositivos no pueden implementarlo por falta de capacidades TCP/IP o por protocolos de comunicación incompatibles. El estándar OPC UA puede ser una solución por su modelo de comunicación cliente-servidor independiente de plataforma. El objetivo del trabajo es usar OPC UA para conectar un Controlador Lógico Programable (PLC) en S7-PLCSIM y un Instrumento virtual (VI) en LabVIEW corriendo como una aplicación de Servicios Web para habilitar aplicaciones industriales y en educación remota. Se estudia un sistema SCADA simulado en FluidSIM. Los resultados muestran una conexión exitosa, demostrando que OPC UA puede usarse para implementar IIoT conectando un PLC simulado a un VI para intercambio bidireccional de información en tareas de monitoreo y control. Esto permite a estudiantes aprender interactiva y remotamente sobre PLCs, y a industrias mejorar su control de procesos. Palabras Clave: Controlador Lógico Programable (PLC), Instrumento Virtual (VI), Internet Industrial de las Cosas (IIoT), OPC UA

    Dispositivos abiertos: habitares open source. Estrategias generadoras de lógicas abiertas y de la introducción de la esfera del usuario en la arquitectura desde la década de 1950

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    La tesis establece que una parte fundamental de las propuestas de la arquitectura desde los años cincuenta del pasado siglo ha estado centrada en la elaboración de mecanismos que conciben el proyecto como generador de una lógica abierta de los espacios. Se constata además la naturaleza heterogénea de la red de recursos y estrategias que definen estos diferentes mecanismos de proyecto que localizamos y que denominamos dispositivos abiertos. Se demostrará que en estos casos los dispositivos abiertos implican de una u otra forma (como condición transversal generalizada) la inclusión del usuario, de su implicación y participación en la cadena de decisiones del proyecto y en la definición del habitar. El habitar contemporáneo se puede considerar, aplicando el concepto acuñado por el filósofo y sociólogo polaco Zygmunt Bauman, un “habitar líquido”. Las necesidades y deseos del habitante en la sociedad actual y su forma de relación con los espacios cambian antes de que de tiempo a la conformación o consolidación de unas tipologías o constantes arquitectónicas que den respuesta a dichas necesidades o deseos. En 1956, Yona Friedman afirmaba en “La Arquitectura Móvil” que “las transformaciones sociales y el modo de vida cotidiano son imprevisibles para una duración comparable a la de los edificios”. Hoy, los espacios que el habitar demanda no son los espacios “compuestos”, son los “dispuestos”. Así, esta tesis localiza los mecanismos y herramientas de proyecto que consiguen crear espacios que se disponen para el habitar antes que formalizarse desde cualquier intención compositiva. Son diez los dispositivos abiertos rastreados en ella, diez miradas sobre estrategias abiertas que deparan un habitar basado en lo evolutivo y adaptable

    Dr. D. Felipe Ruiz Martín, in Memoriam

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