305 research outputs found

    Endurance training induces depot-specific changes in IL-10/TNF-α ratio in rat adipose tissue

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    White adipose tissue (WAT) is the source of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and recently, it recognized as an important source of interleukin 10 production (IL-10). Acute physical exercise induce an anti-inflammatory cytokine profile. However, the effect of chronic physical exercise in the production of IL-10 by the WAT has never been examined. IL-10 and TNF-α were assessed in WAT of rats engaged in endurance training. Animals were randomly assigned to either a sedentary control group (S, n=7) or an endurance trained group (T, n=8). Trained rats ran on a treadmill for 5 days/wk for 8 wk at 55-65% of the VO2max. Detection of IL-10 and TNF-α protein (by ELISA) and mRNA expression (by semi-quantitative PCR), as well as the mRNA of PPARγ, and immunocytochemistry to detect mononuclear phagocytes were carried out. A reduction in absolute retroperitoneal adipose tissue (RPAT) weight in T (44%; p\u3c0.01), when compared with S was observed. IL-10 and TNF-α concentration were increased (60% p\u3c0.05; 40%, p\u3c0.05, respectively), in the mesenteric adipose tissue (MEAT) from the trained group, while no change related to training was observed in RPAT. In MEAT, IL-10/TNF-α ratio was increased for T group when compared with S (30%; p\u3c0.05). PPAR-γ mRNA was increased in T (1.1 fold; p\u3c0.01) when compared with S in the same adipose depot. No monocyte infiltration was found. In conclusion, exercise training induced increased IL-10 expression in the mesenteric depot, resulting in a modified IL-10/ TNF-α ratio. We also conclude that WAT presents a depot-specific response to endurance training

    Propuesta de Plan de Educación Ambiental en el Casco Urbano del Municipio de San Lorenzo Departamento de Boaco

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    Con el objetivo de describir la problemática actual del mal manejo de los residuos sólidos inorgánicos, el conocimiento o dominio de la población sobre educación ambiental y su importancia en el Municipio de San Lorenzo Departamento de Boaco, se tomó una muestra representativa de 72 individuos que habitan en el casco urbano. Para conocer la problemática del no manejo de los residuos sólidos inorgánicos y el nivel de conocimiento en educación ambiental, se realizó entrevista y encuesta diseñada con preguntas cerradas, que promoviera y facilitara al entrevistado a brindar una respuesta en aras de contribuir con los objetivos planteados. Los resultados del estudio en el Municipio de San Lorenzo, demostraron que es visible la problemática del manejo de los residuos sólidos inorgánicos, ya que un 52.80% de la población elimina los desechos sólidos a través de la quema en áreas de patio, no importando el grado de contaminación al aire, la salud y las fuentes de agua que estos provocan. Con relación al nivel de conocimiento que tiene la población en el tema de educación ambiental, se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: un 93.10% expreso conocer de la temática, solo un 54.20% manifestaron haber participado en algún momento de su vida en un programa de educación ambiental, y por otro lado 41.70% expreso haber participado en jornadas de limpieza, jornadas de reforestación y talleres sobre técnicas de reutilización de residuos sólidos inorgánicos con instituciones de gobierno. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio demuestran que es urgente la implementación de un PLAN DE EDUCACIÓN AMBIENTAL MUNICIPAL que contribuya a un cambio de actitud fundamentada en una cultura de responsabilidad planetaria y derecho a la vid

    Zinco sérico e perfil hormonal de pacientes do sexo masculino submetidos à hemodiálise em uso de eritropoetina humana recombinante

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise crônica (HD), o tratamento com eritropoetina humana recombinante (rHuEpo) está associado a melhora no bem-estar geral e na qualidade de vida. OBJETIVOS: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os níveis dos hormônios sexuais e do zinco em pacientes sob HD e em uso de rHuEpo em comparação com pacientes sem tratamento com essa droga. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Dois grupos de doze pacientes do sexo masculino cada um, submetidos à HD, sendo um deles sem uso de rHuEpo (grupo 1) e o outro utilizando a droga (grupo 2), foram selecionados para um estudo transversal, comparando-se os níveis séricos do zinco, da albumina, dos hormônios FSH, LH, prolactina, testosterona e do hematócrito. RESULTADOS: No grupo 2, os valores de testosterona (4,65 vs. 3,5ng/ml), hematócrito (30,5 vs. 22%), albumina (3,9 vs. 3,7g/dl) e zinco (62,5 vs. 50,5microg/dl) foram significativamente maiores do que no grupo 1 (p < 0,05). DISCUSSÃO: Sugere-se que, em pacientes recipientes da rHuEpo, os níveis mais altos de hematócrito, zinco, albumina e testosterona possam ser fatores que contribuam para melhorar a disfunção sexual e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes hemodialisados. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes em HD em uso da rHuEpo apresentaram níveis mais elevados de testosterona, zinco e hematócrito quando comparados com os pacientes sem a terapia hormonal. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION: Treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) is associated with an improvement in well-being and quality of life in patients submitted to maintenance hemodialysis (HD). OBJECTIVES: The goal of this work was to evaluate the levels of sex hormones, hematocrit, albumin and zinc in HD patients with rHuEpo therapy and compare them with those observed in patients without rHuEpo treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two groups of twelve male HD patients each were selected for a transversal study; one did not receive rHuEpo (group 1) whereas the other one did (group 2). Levels of hematocrit, albumin, zinc, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, and testosterone were determined. RESULTS: Group 2 patients showed significantly higher medians (p < 0.05) of testosterone (4.65 vs. 3.5ng/mL), hematocrit (30.5 vs. 22%), albumin (3,9 vs. 3,7g/dL) and zinc (62.5 vs. 50.5microg/dL) than group 1 patients. DISCUSSION: In this study rHuEpo treatment resulted in higher hematocrit, testosterone, zinc and albumin. It is suggested that, in patients recipients of rHuEpo, higher levels of zinc and testosterone may be factors that contribute to relieve sexual dysfunction and improve quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: In HD patients, hematocrit, albumin, serum zinc and testosterone levels were higher in rHuEpo recipients when compared with patients not receiving this hormone therapy

    Both adiponectin and interleukin-10 inhibit LPS-induced activation of the NF-kappa B pathway in 3T3-L1 adipocytes

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    Adiponectin and interleukin 10 (IL-10) are adipokines that are predominantly secreted by differentiated adipocytes and are involved in energy homeostasis, insulin sensitivity, and the anti-inflammatory response. These two adipokines are reduced in obese subjects, which favors increased activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) and leads to elevation of pro-inflammatory adipokines. However, the effects of adiponectin and IL-10 on NF-kappa B DNA binding activity (NF-kappa Bp50 and NF-kappa Bp65) and proteins involved with the toll-like receptor (TLR-2 and TLR-4) pathway, such as MYD88 and TRAF6 expression, in lipopolysaccharide-treated 3T3-L1 adipocytes are unknown. Stimulation of lipopolysaccharide-treated 3T3-L1 adipocytes for 24 h elevated IL-6 levels; activated the NF-kappa B pathway cascade; increased protein expression of IL-6R, TLR-4, MYD88, and TRAF6; and increased the nuclear activity of NF-kappa B (p50 and p65) DNA binding. Adiponectin and IL-10 inhibited the elevation of IL-6 levels and activated NF-kappa B (p50 and p65) DNA binding. Taken together, the present results provide evidence that adiponectin and IL-10 have an important role in the anti-inflammatory response in adipocytes. in addition, inhibition of NF-kappa B signaling pathways may be an excellent strategy for the treatment of inflammation in obese individuals. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Fis, BR-04023060 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci, Canc & Metab Grp, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Fis, BR-04023060 São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 08/54733-0Web of Scienc

    Educational strategies to promote adherence to treatment in patients with cardiovascular disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Educational material is a key strategy for primary health care promotion. PURPOSE: To design and validate educational material adapted to the population and aimed to increase knowledge about adherence to the treatment of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus. METHODOLOGY: Methodological study for the design of educational material for people with diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. For the design, content validity tests were carried out, with the participation of six experts in health education and six patients with chronic diseases. Validation was performed pursuant to the attraction, understanding, engagement, and acceptance criteria. RESULTS: The validation confirmed that all items and criteria were above the minimal expected range. CONCLUSION: The design and validation of educational material provide elements that improve the education of patients about their pathologies and their adherence to treatment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diagnóstico de parásitos gastrointestinales en bovinos del departamento de Boyacá, Colombia

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    Parasitic diseases are considered to be one of the most prevalent pathologies worldwide. They are characterized as one of the most critical sanitary problems in cattle, causing a decrease in the productive capacity of parasitized animals, which translates into economic losses. Intestinal parasitism in cattle is caused by protozoa and helminths, and its manifestation is generally multi-etiological. Clinical signs in gastrointestinal parasitism may vary depending on parasite load, parasite species, and host immunity. This research aimed to determine the prevalence of the main parasitic families affecting cattle in the central province of the department of Boyacá. A cross-sectional study with simple random sampling was carried out, where 716 fecal samples were taken and processed using a modified Ritchie technique. An overall prevalence of 95,6% was determined, and the most prevalent families were Trichostrongylidae, Eimeriidae, Taeniidae, and Trichuridae. The age showed no significant statistical association with most of the parasitic families, except for the Strongyloididae family. The breeds showed a correlation with the Trichostrongylidae, Eimeriidae, Strongylidae, Chabertiidae, and Taeniidae families. The results show the high prevalence of GIP (gastrointestinal parasites) in cattle of the central province of the department of Boyacá.Las enfermedades parasitarias son consideradas como una de las patologías más prevalentes alrededor del mundo. Se caracterizan por ser uno de los problemas sanitarios de mayor importancia en los bovinos, causando una disminución en la capacidad productiva de los animales parasitados, lo cual se traduce en pérdidas económicas. El parasitismo gastrointestinal en bovinos es causado por protozoos y helmintos, y generalmente su presentación es multietiológica. Los signos clínicos en el parasitismo gastrointestinal pueden variar dependiendo de la carga parasitaria, la especie parasitaria  y la inmunidad del huésped. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la prevalencia de las principales familias parasitarias que afectan a los bovinos de la provincia central del departamento de Boyacá. Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con muestreo aleatorio simple, en el cual se tomaron 716 muestras de materia fecal que fueron procesadas mediante la técnica de Ritchie modificada. Se determinó una prevalencia general de 95,6 %, en donde las familias más prevalentes fueron Trichostrongylidae, Eimeriidae, Taeniidae y Trichuridae. La edad no presentó asociación estadística significativa con la mayoría de las familias parasitarias, a excepción de la familia Strongyloididae. La raza mostró asociación con las familias Trichostrongylidae, Eimeriidae, Strongylidae, Chabertiidae y Taeniidae. Los resultados muestran una alta prevalencia de PGI (parásitos gastrointestinales) en la provincia central de Boyacá
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