1,332 research outputs found

    Fiscal sustainability, monetary policy and economic growth in the Euro Area: In search of the ultimate causal path.

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    To assess the ultimate causal flow between monetary policy indicators, fiscal sustainability and economic growth has been deeply studied in the literature. However, this issue is still open to discussion due to mixed results and caveats/limitations of existing studies. Importantly, previous analyses mostly focus on bivariate/trivariate systems, missing a relevant piece of economic drivers. We analyze jointly these interdependencies by applying multivariate Granger Causality and determining an ultimate "causality path" excluding redundant relationships. Thus, we combine recent developments introduced to estimate the Granger causality procedure based on Meta-analysis in heterogeneous mixed panels and graphical models searching iteratively for the existing dependencies between a multivariate set of information. Our results provide novel empirical evidence suggesting that monetary policy variables play a leading role in the resulting complex economic system. Furthermore, we do find evidence supporting the role of Total Expenditure as a driver of fiscal policy.Instituto Complutense de Estudios InternacionalesTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)inpres

    A composite indicator index as a proxy for measuring the quality of water supply as perceived by users for urban water services

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    The objective of this study is to develop a composite indicator (CI) to measure the quality of water supply based on the variables that are considered to affect users’ perceptions of water supply quality. The proposed CI includes six relevant aspects that determine users’ perceptions of water supply quality (network quality, water quality, water price, complaints, inconvenience caused by upgrading the network, and continuity of service) in a simple, economical, and objective way, using multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) with weights based on data envelopment analysis (DEA). The CI was applied to 32 municipalities in the metropolitan area of Valencia (Spain). The results show the high quality of the water supply service in this area. The use of this CI to measure the quality of the water supply service may prove useful for public institutions and managers of urban water supply, giving them an instrument to improve the management, efficiency, and quality of the water services they provide

    Estudio del efecto de abducción del pulgar en una prótesis de mano de bajo coste: una propuesta de Benchmark

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    Comunicació presentada a la IX Reunión del Capítulo Español de la Sociedad Europea de Biomecánica (ESB 2019)La irrupción en el ámbito doméstico de la tecnología de impresión en 3D por deposición fundida (FDM) ha permitido mejorar los diseños de prótesis de mano bajo coste (BC) que intentan cubrir las necesidades más básicas con el mínimo tiempo y coste (normalmente menos de 450€1,2), bajo la premisa de "hágalo usted mismo" (DIY). Hoy en día, muchos diseños de manos de BC pueden descargarse libremente como un archivo de estereolitografía (.stl) desde distintos repositorios de diseño (instructables.com, thingiverse.com) o, más explícitamente, desde iniciativas sin ánimo de lucro como e-NABLE3, Open Hand Project1 y Openbionics4. La experiencia de uso con estos diseños sigue poniendo de manifiesto la necesidad de estandarizar las pruebas para caracterizar y comparar la mecánica de todas las tipologías de prótesis de mano de BC. El presente trabajo compara la funcionalidad y la actuación mecánica de dos variantes del modelo de una prótesis de mano de bajo coste. En el proceso, se proponen diferentes técnicas y se evalúa su interés para formar parte de un benchmark

    Fiscal sustainability, monetary policy and economic growth in the Euro Area: In search of the ultimate causal path

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    To assess the ultimate causal flow between monetary policy indicators, fiscal sustainability and economic growth has been deeply studied in the literature. However, this issue is still open to discussion due to mixed results and caveats/limitations of existing studies. Importantly, previous analyses mostly focus on bivariate/trivariate systems, missing a relevant piece of economic drivers. We analyse jointly these interdependencies by applying multivariate Granger Causality and determining an ultimate ”causality path” excluding redundant relationships. Thus, we combine recent developments introduced to estimate the Granger causality procedure based on Meta-analysis in heterogeneous mixed panels and graphical models searching iteratively for the existing dependencies between a multivariate set of information. Our results provide novel empirical evidence suggesting that monetary policy variables play a leading role in the resulting complex economic system. Furthermore, we do find evidence supporting the role of Total Expenditure as a driver of fiscal policy.Sánchez-Fuentes acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project PID2019-105517RB-I00)

    Exploratory study on didactic aspects used in scientific-technical (STEM) dissemination conferences for students of secondary education

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    The connection between education and a country's economic and social development is unquestionable, and science and technology-related careers are of particular importance. Given the lack of vocations in these degrees, a number of mechanisms have been used to attract students, including science and technology conferences in secondary schools. Focusing on this type of lectures, this article aims to analyse the didactic aspects used by university lecturers who deliver this type of lectures. To this end, 16 teachers were interviewed using a structured interview. From the qualitative analysis of the interviews, we reached a series of results and conclusions, among which we would like to highlight the following: teachers see these lectures as a form of scientific dissemination which also helps to promote the degree courses they teach and serves as a support for attracting students; when choosing the content of the lecture, they mainly take into account the secondary school curriculum, including striking aspects and the results of their own research; the mediums used are mainly visual and supported by Do It Yourself techniques; the content is normally presented through presentations or practical laboratory exercises; finally, the documentation provided to students depends on the teacher giving the lecture, and there is no consensus on this pointPeer Reviewe

    Bottoming bending process assisted by electroplasticity

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    Este estudio reporta la influencia de los efectos atérmicos de la electroplasticidad en el proceso de doblado por estampa. Se fabrica un generador que generar pulsos de 300A y un ancho de 50μs. Los materiales estudiados fueron Al1050 y X5CrNi18-10. Se realizó un análisis por elementos finitos para caracterizar las diferentes fases del comportamiento mecánico de las probetas durante el proceso. Se estudió el efecto que tienen los pulsos de corriente sobre las fases mencionadas, prestando especial atención a las de recuperación elástica y la de máxima deformación plástica. Los resultados muestran que en el proceso asistido eléctricamente se reducen las fuerzas de doblado, hasta en un 18% en el aluminio y un 6% en el acero inoxidable. Además se observa que se reduce la recuperación elástica del material en un 21% y un 12% respectivamente. Se concluye que los efectos atérmicos de la electroplasticidad influyen en el proceso estudiado.The present study reports the influence of electroplasticity athermal effects on bottoming bending. To do so a short-time current pulse generator, capable of inducing 300A current pulses and a 50μs pulse duration, was manufactured. The materials studied were Al1050 and X5CrNi18-10. A finite element analysis was done in order to characterize the different phases of specimen mechanical behavior during bottoming bending. The influence of current pulses on different phases was studied, specifically on the elastic restoring force and the maximum plastic deformation phases. The results show that, compared to the conventional process, during the electrically-assisted process bending forces drop up to 18% in aluminium and 6% in stainless steel. The elastic restoring force is also reduced by 21% and 12% respectively. Therefore it can be concluded that the electroplasticity athermal effects have an influence on the bottoming bending process.Peer Reviewe

    Estimation of the polishing time for different metallic alloys in surface texture removal

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    The aim of this work is to propose a novel analytical model for predicting the polishing time and behavior of the surface texture removal in different metal alloys. The surface texture, resulting from a previous milling process, is characterized and investigated by the Abbott–Firestone curve, the relative speed of the abrasive material, the applied force, the type of material and the size of the abrasive grains. Consequently, a model that predicts the surface texture evolution based on the mechanism of abrasion is proposed, in which a constant of the wear model is found to behave linearly with the size of the abrasive grain for each metal alloy. Based on the good agreement between the experimental and the estimated values (R2 equal to 0.993), operational parameters are recommended to predict the required surface texture for AlCu4PbMg, 30CrNiMo8, C45E and X6CrNiMo8 when using abrasive grade between P180 and P1200.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Mortality in patients undergoing open aortoiliac surgery : prognostic value of troponin T in tehe inmediate postoperative period

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: Patients undergoing open aortoiliac surgery constitute a high-risk subgroup. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between postoperative troponin T (TnT) elevation with the associated postoperative mortality, and mean hospital stay. Methods: This was a prospective observational study of consecutive patients who underwent open aortoiliac surgery during 2006. TnT levels in the first 72 hours after the operation, immediate mortality, postoperative care unit stay, and total postoperative hospital stay were recorded. Statistical analyses were performed with the program SPSS 14.0; the chi-square test (or the Fisher’s exact test) was used for qualitative variables and the ManneWhitney test for quantitative variables. Results: Of the 65 patients included in the study, postoperative TnT was elevated in 14 (21.5%) patients. No significant differences were found in age, sex, hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, bronchopathy, or renal failure between groups. Mortality in patients with elevated TnT levels was significantly higher (42% compared with 3.92%; relative risk 10.93 ± 0.76; p ¼ 0.001). Likewise, their mean postoperative intensive care unit stay was significantly greater (23.21 ± 6.96 days compared to 2.86 ± 1.96; p < 0.001). This finding resulted in a significantly longer postoperative hospital stay (32.57 ± 25.38 days compared with 12.47 ± 2.21). Conclusion: TnT level in the immediate postoperative period is a highly relevant indicator of prognosis in patients undergoing major vascular surger

    Application of automated photogrammetry and lighting techniques with GIS tools for visualisation and analysis of a slab with anthropomorphous reliefs

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    [EN] Extended Abstract:We present a methodological approach for the representation, visualisation and analysis of three-dimensional (3D) models of meaningful details in stone reliefs provided by digital documentation tools and subsequent processing. For this aim, anthropomorphous shapes engraved on a flat stone slab found in Sierra de Fontcalent (Alicante) are studied. The object under consideration was located near two archaeological sites, Cova del Fum–a cave with presence of the Chalcolithic material (López, 2010)–and the archaeological site of Fontcalent, with remains from different phases of occupation spanning from 7th-6thBC to the 20thcentury (Ximénez, 2012).In the last few years, the use of digital tools provided by new technologies and software development has left traditional work methodology behind (De Reu et al., 2014)while enabling the development of new approaches to both minimise heritage alteration and provide objective and accurate information (Lopez-Menchero, Marchante, Vincent, Cárdenas, & Onrubia, 2017). 3D documentation allows recording of cultural heritage at a reasonable cost with precision and quality through digital photography and SfM (Structure from Motion) photogrammetry with specialised software (De Reu et al., 2013).In this project, recording and documentation with digital photography and automated photogrammetric techniques are applied to the Fontcalent stone slab for its digitisation and subsequent 3D representation. From the resulting model, a two-folded line of study is obtained. On the one hand, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is generated to study the microtopographies of the stone with geographic analysis techniques provided by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from different lighting conditions and surface reflections, which are calculated by hillshading or LRM (Local Relief Model) for the interpretation of the object (Carrero-Pazos, Vilas, Romaní, & Rodríguez, 2014;Gawior, Rutkiewicz, Malik & Wistuba, 2017).On the other hand, from both the 3D model and the point cloud, the study is completed with the application of the methods of analysis and visualisation based on the Morphological Residue Model (MRM) which stands out every single detail of the surface morphology of the object (Caninas, Pires, Henriques, & Chambino, 2016;Correia, Pires, & Sousa, 2014). Further visualisations are based on Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) which provides different shadows and reflections over the object from the application of a multidirectional illumination (Happa et al., 2010; Malzbender, Gelb, Wolters, & Zuckerman, 2000; Mudge et al., 2010).The results thus obtained of the Fontcalent stone slab allow us to visualise several characteristic elements. The anthropomorphous figure awaking interest is also combined with the figure resulting from different visualisations applied with GIS techniques which may resemble a zoomorph. The use of visualisation techniques shown in this study has been fundamental in order to recognise the latter element. The composition reveals a zigzag line already appreciated before the study so that it is interesting to check if visualisations based on GIS techniques are able to highlight it though being shallow incisions. In our experience regarding this study, visualisation by using the hillshading technique shows a greater level of 3D detail than that provided by the application of the sky-view factor technique which offers a flattering view. However, the former technique may occasionally show shadows which hide other details, unlike the latter technique which plots the entire slab surface illuminated while differentiating the associated microtopography on the basis of its marks. The use of shaders in combination with hillshading and particularly combined with high pass filtering, contributes to improving the visualisation and accuracy of shadowed areas. As a result, we conclude that the results obtained in this work by lighting techniques with GIS add a greater level of detail in comparison to those provided by the mesh or the point cloud.The study of the Fontcalent stone slab paves the way for two working hypotheses to be developed: on the one hand, its anthropological origin possibly related to the Chalcolithic, and on the other hand, its study as natural geological formations with ichnofossils.The digitisation of cultural heritage with available 3D technologies should be a mandatory requirement when facing any study, analysis or intervention. With the current development of such techniques, we have verified their contribution to fundamental characteristics in the corresponding stages of visualisation and study. Thus, the proposed methodology is presented as an accurate and complete alternative for the study and analysis of the existing cultural heritage, and opens new ways for the revision, reinterpretation and revaluation of the previously evaluated heritage through traditional techniques.[ES] Este trabajo tiene por objetivo presentar una aproximación metodológica para la representación, visualización y análisis de modelos tridimensiones (3D) de relieves y detalles significativos sobre piedra a partir de la aplicación de herramientas de documentación digital y su correspondiente procesado. Para ello se toma como objeto de estudio unas figuras antropomorfas que aparecen sobre una piedra caliza en forma de lasca plana y de espesor contante hallada en la Sierra de Fontcalent (Alicante). Sobre ella se aplican a una escala de objeto, técnicas de documentación y registro con fotogrametría mediante fotografía digital y técnicas SfM (Structure from Motion) para su digitalización y posterior representación en 3D. Del modelo resultante se genera un MDE (Modelo Digital de Elevación) para estudiar las microtopografías de la pieza, a través de visualizaciones topográficas obtenidas mediante herramientas de análisis geográfico que nos proporcionan los programas SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica) a partir de distintas condiciones de iluminación y reflejo de las superficies que proporcionan técnicas como el sombreado (hillshading) o el LRM (Local Relief Model) y que posibilitan la interpretación arqueológica del objeto bajo estudio. El estudio se completa mediante la aplicación de los métodos de análisis y visualización basados en el Modelo de Residuo Morfológico (MRM) y de RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging), respectivamente, generados ambos mediante el software Cloudcompare. De este modo, la metodología propuesta se presenta como una alternativa precisa y completa para el estudio y análisis del patrimonio cultural existente, y abre nuevas vías para la revisión, reinterpretación y revalorización del patrimonio evaluado con anterioridad mediante técnicas tradicionales.Torregrosa-Fuentes, D.; Spairani Berrio, Y.; Huesca Tortosa, JA.; Cuevas González, J.; Torregrosa Fuentes, AJ. (2018). Aplicación de la fotogrametría automatizada y de técnicas de iluminación con herramientas SIG para la visualización y el análisis de una piedra con relieves antropomorfos. Virtual Archaeology Review. 9(19):114-124. doi:10.4995/var.2018.9531SWORD114124919Campanaro, D., Landeschi, G., Dell'Unto, N., & Leander Touati, A. (2016). 3D GIS for cultural heritage restoration: A 'white box' workflow. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 18, 321-332. doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2015.09.006Caninas, J., Pires, H., Henriques, F., & Chambino, M. (2016). Rock art in Portugal ́s border area. Rock Art Research. 33 (1), 79-88.Carrero-Pazos, M., Vilas, B., Romaní, E., & Rodríguez, A. (2014). La necrópolis del Monte de Santa Mariña revisitada: aportaciones del Lidar aéreo para la cartografía megalítica de Galicia. Gallaecia: Revista de Arqueoloxía e Antigüidade, 33, 39-57.Carrero-Pazos, M., Vázquez-Martínez, A., & Vilas-Estévez, B. (2016). As Trend: Towards a new method for the study of ancient carvings. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 9, 105-119. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.06.044Carrero-Pazos, M., Vilas-Estévez, B., & Vázquez-Martínez, A. (2018). Digital imaging techniques for recording and analysing prehistoric rock art panels in Galicia (NW Iberia). 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