151 research outputs found

    An application of non-destructive measurements in marine geology: turbidite paleoseismology

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    Datació absoluta de ceràmica pretalaiòtica de l'illa de Menorca

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    La datació mitjançant termoluminiscència de ceràmiques prehistòriques de la naveta d'enterrament de tipus intermedi de Biniac-l'Argentina de l'illa de Menorca, proporciona edats que perrneten documentar el grup cultural pretalaiotic en dates que van del segle XXIV al XVI a.e. Aquests resultats complementen l'esquema cronològic de la prehistòria de Menorca en un període del qual no es disposava de cap tipus de dates absolutes. Les dates aportades perrneten suposar per a la naveta una major antiguitat de l'acceptada generalment. Així doncs, caldrà esperar noves dates absolutes que confirmin aquesta tendència a situar a grans trets el complex cultural pretalaiòtic en un moment que compren el III mil·leni i la primera meitat del II a.e.Therrnoluminescence dating of prehistoric pottery from the intermediate type burial naveta in Biniac-l' Argentina (Minorca island), provides ages that perrnit to place the pretalaiothic cultural group between the XXIV and XVII centuries b.e. These results fill some gaps in the chronological scheme of Minorca prehistory during a period in which no absolute dates were available. The dates indicate that the naveta is older than generally accepted. Therefore, to confirrn that the pretalaiothic cultural complex existed in a period comprised between the III rnillennium and the first half of the II b.C, we should wait for new absolute dates

    Modern sedimentation patterns and human impacts on the Barcelona continental shelf (NE Spain)

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    Seafloor sediments were collected from the Barcelona continental shelf, NE Spain, to determine the textural characteristics and sedimentary processes related to different depositional systems and human pressures. The Barcelona continental shelf is principally influenced by the discharge of the Llobregat and Besòs rivers, and also by anthropogenic modifications Duch as the diversion of the Llobregat River or the enlargement of the Port of Barcelona. Sedimentological, physical and biogeochemical properties of 14 sediment cores and grabs indicate the presence of three distinct depositional environments linked to river-influenced, marine-influenced and mixed sedimentation. Sedimentological results have been used to groundtruth available backscatter data. The river-influenced environment, mainly associated to the Llobregat River input, does not reach the shelf edge as the prevailing oceanographic currents deflect sediments south-westward. Riverine sediments are fine-grained, with abundant plant debris, micas and relatively high organic carbon content. The associated sedimentary features are the Holocene prodelta and two modern mud patches. The marine-influenced environment extends north-easterly over the middle and outer shelf and on the upper continental slope. The sediments are coarser grained with abundant bioclasts and lower organic carbon content. Mixed sedimentation is present between the river- and marine-influenced areas. In addition, 210Pb, 226Ra and 137Cs radiometric analyses were used to estimate accumulation rates as well as to identify sites with disturbed sedimentation. Relatively high sediment accumulation rates (up to 0.70-1.03 g•cm-2•yr-1 equivalent to 6.4-10 mm•yr-1) are estimated on the Llobregat prodelta while moderate rates 0.21-0.46 g•cm-2•yr-1 or 1.6-3.6 mm•yr-1) are found between the Besòs and the Llobregat outlets. Two sediment cores show a sharp change from river-influenced to marine-dominated conditions that occurred in the mid- 1960s. This is interpreted as a significant regression (~2.5 km in 40 years) of the river-influenced domain that may be associated to the extension of the Port of Barcelona and the canalization of the Besòs River, amongst other reasons. Other important human impacts observed in the Barcelona continental shelf are (i) sediment mixing by dredging, ship anchoring and trawling; and (ii) possible organic pollution associated to river and sewage discharges

    Synovial fluid but not plasma interleukin-8 is associated with clinical severity and inflammatory markers in knee osteoarthritis women with joint effusion

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    Altres ajuts: 2017 Grant of Sociedad Española de Reumatología (SER)Several cytokines and adipokines are related to clinical severity and progression in knee osteoarthritis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations of IL-8 with clinical severity and with local and systemic adipokines and cytokines. This is a Cross-sectional study including 115 women with symptomatic primary knee osteoarthritis with ultrasound-confirmed joint effusion. Age, symptoms duration and body mass index were collected. Radiographic severity was evaluated according to Kellgren-Lawrence. Pain and disability were assessed by Lequesne and Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score pain, symptoms and function scales. Three inflammatory markers and five adipokines were measured by ELISA in serum and synovial fluid. Partial correlation coefficient (PCC) and corresponding 95% confidence interval were used to evaluate association. Synovial fluid IL-8 was significantly associated with clinical severity scales. After controlling for potential confounders, associations measured by a Partial Correlation Coefficient (PCC) remained essentially unaltered for Lequesne (PCC = 0.237), KOOS pain (PCC = − 0.201) and KOOS symptoms (PCC = − 0.209), KOOS function (PCC = − 0.185), although the later did not reach statistical significance. Also in synovial fluid samples, associations were found between IL-8 and TNF (PCC = 0.334), IL6 (PCC = 0.461), osteopontin (PCC = 0.575), visfatin (PCC = 0.194) and resistin (PCC = 0.182), although significance was not achieved for the later after statistical control for confounders. None of these associations were detected in serum. In conclusion, IL-8 was associated with clinical severity, inflammatory markers and adipokines in synovial fluid, but not in blood. Although the reported associations are weak to moderate in magnitude, these findings reinforce the notion that local and not systemic inflammation is more relevant to clinical severity in knee OA women with joint effusion

    Ecomobilitat a Sitges : anàlisi de la situació actual i propostes de millora

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    La mobilitat urbana és una de les temàtiques més importants a les ciutats ja que convergeixen diversos aspectes a nivell social i ambiental. El present article es centra en el sistema de mobilitat de la ciutat de Sitges tot avaluant l'estat de la xarxa viària, el parc de vehicles, els sistemes de transport i els serveis bàsics actuals. En l'anàlisi socioambiental de les variables d'aquest àmbit, s'han detectat una sèrie de problemes com ara una distribució no equitativa dels serveis bàsics, desigualtat en la distribució de carrers vianalitzats i carrils bici i manca d'homogeneïtat en la distribució de pàrquings. Els resultats obtinguts permeten proposar una sèrie de millores en busca d'una mobilitat més sostenible. Millorar les parades de bus que no tenen sistema de marquesina per a protegir-les del fred i el sol, augmentar potencialment el carril bici desplegant-lo per carrers que no en tenen, desenvolupar campanyes per a fomentar l'ús de la bici i augmentar la presència de carrers d'exclusiu ús per a vianants.La movilidad urbana es una de las temáticas más importantes en las ciudades ya que convergen varios aspectos a nivel social y ambiental. El presente artículo se centra en el sistema de movilidad de la ciudad de Sitges evaluando el estado de la red viaria, el parque de vehículos, los sistemas de transporte y los servicios básicos actuales. En el análisis socioambiental de las variables de este ámbito, se han detectado una serie de problemas como una distribución no equitativa de los servicios básicos, desigualdad en la distribución de calles peatonales y carriles bici y falta de homogeneidad en la distribución de parkings. Los resultados obtenidos permiten proponer una serie de mejoras en busca de una movilidad más sostenible. Mejorar las paradas de bus que no tienen sistema de marquesina para protegerlas del frío y el Sol, aumentar potencialmente el carril bici desplegándose el por calles que no tienen, desarrollar campañas para fomentar el uso de la bici y aumentar la presencia de calles de exclusivo uso peatonal.Urban mobility is one of the most important issues in cities and converge at various aspects of social and environmental. This article focuses on the mobility system of the city of Sitges assessing the status of the road network, vehicle fleet, transportation systems and basic services today. In the socio-environmental analysis in this field variables, we have detected a number of problems such as inequitable distribution of basic services, inequality in the distribution of pedestrian streets and cycle paths and lack of homogeneity in the distribution of parking. The results obtained suggest a number of improvements in search of a more sustainable mobility. Improve bus stops with no marquee system to protect them from cold and the sun, potentially increasing the unfolding cycle lanes on streets that have not, develop campaigns to promote the use of the bike and increase the presence of street use only crosswalk

    How Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Affect Children and Adolescent's Well-Being: Spanish Parents, Children, and Adolescents Respond.

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown strategies have been widely used to contain SARS-CoV-2 virus spread. Children and adolescents are especially vulnerable to suffering psychological effects as result of such measures. In Spain, children were enforced to a strict home lockdown for 42 days during the first wave. Here, we studied the effects of lockdown in children and adolescents through an online questionnaire. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Spain using an open online survey from July (after the lockdown resulting from the first pandemic wave) to November 2020 (second wave). We included families with children under 16 years-old living in Spain. Parents answered a survey regarding the lockdown effects on their children and were instructed to invite their children from 7 to 16 years-old (mandatory scholar age in Spain) to respond a specific set of questions. Answers were collected through an application programming interface system, and data analysis was performed using R. Results: We included 1,957 families who completed the questionnaires, covering a total of 3,347 children. The specific children's questionnaire was completed by 167 kids (7-11 years-old), and 100 adolescents (12-16 years-old). Children, in general, showed high resilience and capability to adapt to new situations. Sleeping problems were reported in more than half of the children (54%) and adolescents (59%), and these were strongly associated with less time doing sports and spending more than 5 h per day using electronic devices. Parents perceived their children to gain weight (41%), be more irritable and anxious (63%) and sadder (46%). Parents and children differed significantly when evaluating children's sleeping disturbances. Conclusions: Enforced lockdown measures and isolation can have a negative impact on children and adolescent's mental health and well-being. In future waves of the current pandemic, or in the light of potential epidemics of new emerging infections, lockdown measures targeting children, and adolescents should be reconsidered taking into account their infectiousness potential and their age-specific needs, especially to facilitate physical activity and to limit time spent on electronic devices. Keywords: COVID-19; adolescent; children; lockdown; mental health; well-being

    Innovative downhole geophysical methods for high frequency seawater intrusion dynamics monitoring

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    The detailed characterization of salt water intrusion is a key to understand both submarine groundwater discharge and manage often intensively exploited groundwater resources in coastal areas. With the objective to study the response of a coastal aquifer to a series of boundary conditions, a new experimental site has been developed through a clastic aquifer located north of Barcelona (Spain). This hectometer scale site is located 50 m from the seashore and equipped with 17 nearby shallow holes, with depths ranging from 15 to 28 m. In order to study not only the sedimentary structure but also the response of the aquifer to a set of natural boundary conditions, downhole geophysical measurements have been deployed over the past 3 years in an innovative manner, either in a time-lapse or stationary manner. The downhole measurements are complicated by the unconsolidated nature of the sediment, obliging to perform all measurements through PVC. Also, the granitic nature of the sediment prevents clays identification from a direct use of gamma ray profiles. For this, constituting minerals (quartz, albite, feldspar, microcline, illite) were identified from X-ray diffraction on cores, and spectral gamma logs used to determine the illite fractions from Th/K ratios. In time lapse, high frequency electrical resistivity induction measurements show that preferential flow paths through the aquifer can be identified in a fast and reliable manner. Also, changes in depth of the fresh to salt water interface (FSWI) are precisely described, either in response to marine tides, or to a short but intense mediterranean rain event. Changes on the order of than 1.70 m are obtain in less than a day of heavy rain. Overnight as well as seasonal changes such as months of dryness are also illustrated due to the variability of pore fluid salinity and temperature, even over short periods of time such as tens of minutes. In stationary mode, the spectral natural gamma sensor located in front of the FSWI fluctuation zones records changes in front of all radioactive peaks (from K, Tl, Bi, but also Ra with Rn) during intense rain events such as that of October 18-19, 2017. This places constraints on Ra and Rn production rate during such an event, leading to trace fresh water outpour into the sea.Peer reviewe

    The case of a southern European glacier disappearing under recent warming that survived Roman and Medieval warm periods

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    Mountain glaciers have generally experienced an accelerated retreat over the last three decades as a rapid response to current global warming. However, the response to previous warm periods in the Holocene is not well-described for glaciers of the of southern Europe mountain ranges, such as the Pyrenees. The situation during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (900-1300 CE) is particularly relevant since it is not certain whether the glaciers just experienced significant ice loss or whether they actually disappeared. We present here the first chronological study of a glacier located in the Central Pyrenees (N Spain), the Monte Perdido Glacier (MPG), carried out by different radiochronological techniques and their comparison with geochemical proxies with neighboring paleoclimate records. The result of the chronological model proves that the glacier endured during the Roman Period and the Medieval Climate Anomaly. The lack of ice from last 600 years indicates that the ice formed during the Little Ice Age has melted away. The analyses of the content of several metals of anthropogenic origin, such as Zn, Se, Cd, Hg, Pb, appear in low amounts in MPG ice, which further supports our age model in which the record from the industrial period is lost. This study confirms the exceptional warming of the last decades in the context of last two millennia. We demonstrate that we are facing an unprecedented retreat of the 55 Pyrenean glaciers which survival is compromised beyond a few decades

    Hydrodynamics and hydrogeochemical changes in the mixing zone of a coastal aquifer during a heavy rain event

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    The coastal aquifers are the place where meet fresh water and seawater. This confluence between both of them is called mixing zone which is in equilibrium due to the different density of the two masses and where various biogeochemical reactions takes place. We know that this equilibrium can be canceled during an important recharge event. Within the aquifer, such events displace the mixing zone over a short time period. This study is aims at the identification and description at high frequency of spatial and temporal response of the mixing zone and its impact on geochemical processes during one such fast water inflow event. We choose the experimental site of Argentona as the place of this study. Located in the northeast of Spain this site is subjected to a Mediterranean climate characterized by heavy rainfall amount recorded during Fall and early Spring period, concentrated during a few hours. Furthermore, this site is located on an alluvial aquifer, equipped with 16 shallow boreholes over a 100 m scale (Fig.1). The geological cross section presented in Fig.2 shows that the aquifer is multilayered and we suspect an effect of a clay/silt layer located at around 12 m.This work was funded by the projects CGL2013-48869-C2-1 y CGL2013-48869-C2-2-R of the Spanish Government. We would like to thank SIMMAR (Serveis Integrals de Manteniment del Maresme) and the Consell Comarcal del Maresme in the construction of the research site.Peer reviewe
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