3,655 research outputs found

    Numerical resolution effects on simulations of massive black hole seeds

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    We have performed high-resolution numerical simulations with the hydrodynamical AMR code Enzo to investigate the formation of massive seed black holes in a sample of six dark matter haloes above the atomic cooling threshold. The aim of this study is to illustrate the effects of varying the maximum refinement level on the final object formed. The virial temperatures of the simulated haloes range from T∼10000 K−16000 K\rm{T} \sim 10000\ \rm{K} - 16000\ \rm{K} and they have virial masses in the range M∼2×107M⊙\rm{M} \sim 2 \times 10^7 \rm{M_{\odot}} to M∼7×107M⊙\rm{M} \sim 7 \times 10^7 \rm{M_{\odot}} at z∼15z \sim 15. The outcome of our six fiducial simulations is both generic and robust. A rotationally supported, marginally gravitationally stable, disk forms with an exponential profile. The mass and scale length of this disk depends strongly on the maximum refinement level used. Varying the maximum refinement level by factors between 1 / 64 to 256 times the fiducial level illustrates the care that must be taken in interpreting the results. The lower resolution simulations show tentative evidence that the gas may become rotationally supported out to 20 pc while the highest resolution simulations show only weak evidence of rotational support due to the shorter dynamical times for which the simulation runs. The higher resolution simulations do, however, point to fragmentation at small scales of the order of ∼100\sim 100 AU. In the highest resolution simulations a central object of a few times 102 M⊙10^2\ \rm{M_{\odot}} forms with multiple strongly bound, Jeans unstable, clumps of ∼10 M⊙\sim 10\ \rm{M_{\odot}} and radii of 10 - 20 AU suggesting the formation of dense star clusters in these haloes

    Nucleon-induced reactions at intermediate energies: New data at 96 MeV and theoretical status

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    Double-differential cross sections for light charged particle production (up to A=4) were measured in 96 MeV neutron-induced reactions, at TSL laboratory cyclotron in Uppsala (Sweden). Measurements for three targets, Fe, Pb, and U, were performed using two independent devices, SCANDAL and MEDLEY. The data were recorded with low energy thresholds and for a wide angular range (20-160 degrees). The normalization procedure used to extract the cross sections is based on the np elastic scattering reaction that we measured and for which we present experimental results. A good control of the systematic uncertainties affecting the results is achieved. Calculations using the exciton model are reported. Two different theoretical approches proposed to improve its predictive power regarding the complex particle emission are tested. The capabilities of each approach is illustrated by comparison with the 96 MeV data that we measured, and with other experimental results available in the literature.Comment: 21 pages, 28 figure

    Shutting down or powering up a (U)LIRG? Merger components in distinctly different evolutionary states in IRAS 19115-2124 (the Bird)

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    We present new SINFONI near-infrared (NIR) integral field unit (IFU) spectroscopy and Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) optical long-slit spectroscopy characterizing the history of a nearby merging luminous infrared galaxy, dubbed the Bird (IRAS19115-2124). TheNIR line-ratio maps of the IFU data cubes and stellar population fitting of the SALT spectra now allow dating of the star formation (SF) over the triple system uncovered from our previous adaptive optics data. The distinct components separate clearly in line-ratio diagnostic diagrams, both thermal and non-thermal excitation is present. An off-nuclear starburst dominates the current SF of the Bird with 60-70 per cent of the total, with a 4-7 Myr age. The most massive nucleus, in contrast, is quenched with a starburst age of >40 Myr and shows hints of budding active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity. The secondary massive nucleus is at an intermediate stage. The two major components have signs of an older stellar population, consistent with a starburst triggered 1 Gyr ago in a first encounter. The simplest explanation of the history is that of a triple merger, where the strongly star-forming component has joined later. We detect multiple gas flows. The Bird offers an opportunity to witness multiple stages of galaxy evolution in the same system; triggering as well as very recent quenching of SF, and, perhaps, an early appearance of AGN activity. It also serves as a cautionary note on interpretations of observations with lower spatial resolution and/or without infrared data. At high redshift the system would look like a clumpy starburst with crucial pieces of its puzzle hidden in danger of misinterpretations

    The HY5-PIF regulatory module coordinates light and temperature control of photosynthetic gene transcription

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    The ability to interpret daily and seasonal alterations in light and temperature signals is essential for plant survival. This is particularly important during seedling establishment when the phytochrome photoreceptors activate photosynthetic pigment production for photoautotrophic growth. Phytochromes accomplish this partly through the suppression of phytochrome interacting factors (PIFs), negative regulators of chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis. While the bZIP transcription factor long hypocotyl 5 (HY5), a potent PIF antagonist, promotes photosynthetic pigment accumulation in response to light. Here we demonstrate that by directly targeting a common promoter cis-element (G-box), HY5 and PIFs form a dynamic activation-suppression transcriptional module responsive to light and temperature cues. This antagonistic regulatory module provides a simple, direct mechanism through which environmental change can redirect transcriptional control of genes required for photosynthesis and photoprotection. In the regulation of photopigment biosynthesis genes, HY5 and PIFs do not operate alone, but with the circadian clock. However, sudden changes in light or temperature conditions can trigger changes in HY5 and PIFs abundance that adjust the expression of common target genes to optimise photosynthetic performance and growth

    Charge Transport Through Open, Driven Two-Level Systems with Dissipation

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    We derive a Floquet-like formalism to calculate the stationary average current through an AC driven double quantum dot in presence of dissipation. The method allows us to take into account arbitrary coupling strengths both of a time-dependent field and a bosonic environment. We numerical evaluate a truncation scheme and compare with analytical, perturbative results such as the Tien-Gordon formula.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Protein expression in experimental malignant glioma varies over time and is altered by radiotherapy treatment

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    Radiotherapy is one of the mainstays of glioblastoma (GBM) treatment. This study aims to investigate and characterise differences in protein expression patterns in brain tumour tissue following radiotherapy, in order to gain a more detailed understanding of the biological effects. Rat BT4C glioma cells were implanted into the brain of two groups of 12 BDIX-rats. One group received radiotherapy (12 Gy single fraction). Protein expression in normal and tumour brain tissue, collected at four different time points after irradiation, were analysed using surface enhanced laser desorption/ionisation – time of flight – mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS). Mass spectrometric data were analysed by principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS). Using these multivariate projection methods we detected differences between tumours and normal tissue, radiation treatment-induced changes and temporal effects. 77 peaks whose intensity significantly changed after radiotherapy were discovered. The prompt changes in the protein expression following irradiation might help elucidate biological events induced by radiation. The combination of SELDI-TOF-MS with PCA and PLS seems to be well suited for studying these changes. In a further perspective these findings may prove to be useful in the development of new GBM treatment approaches

    Weight reduction is not a major reason for improvement in rheumatoid arthritis from lacto-vegetarian, vegan or Mediterranean diets

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    OBJECTIVES: Several investigators have reported that clinical improvements of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), from participating in therapeutic diet intervention studies, have been accompanied by loss of body weight. This has raised the question whether weight reduction per se can improve RA. In order to test this hypothesis, three previously conducted diet intervention studies, comprising 95 patients with RA, were pooled. Together with Age, Gender, and Disease Duration, change during the test period in body weight, characterised dichotomously as reduction or no reduction (dichoΔBody Weight), as well as Diet (dichotomously as ordinary diet or test diet), were the independent variables. Dependent variables were the difference (Δ) from baseline to conclusion of the study in five different disease outcome measures. ΔESR and ΔPain Score were both characterised numerically and dichotomously (improvement or no improvement). ΔAcute Phase Response, ΔPhysical Function, and ΔTender Joint Count were characterised dichotomously only. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyse associations between the independent and the disease outcome variables. RESULTS: Statistically significant correlations were found between Diet and three disease outcome variables i.e. ΔAcute-Phase Response, ΔPain Score, and ΔPhysical Function. Δ Body Weight was univariately only correlated to ΔAcute-Phase Response but not significant when diet was taken into account. CONCLUSION: Body weight reduction did not significantly contribute to the improvement in rheumatoid arthritis when eating lacto-vegetarian, vegan or Mediterranean diets

    Gravity at Work: How the Build-Up of Environments Shape Galaxy Properties

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    We present results on the heating of the inter-cluster medium (ICM) by gravitational potential energy from in-falling satellites. We calculate the available excess energy of baryons once they are stripped from their satellite and added to the ICM of the hosting environment. this excess energy is a strong function of environment and we find that it can exceed the contribution from AGNs or supernovae (SN) by up to two orders of magnitude in the densest environments/haloes. Cooling by radiative losses is in general fully compensated by gravitational heating in massive groups and clusters with hot gas temperature > 1 keV. The reason for the strong environment dependence is the continued infall of substructure onto dense environments during their formation in contrast to field-like environments. We show that gravitational heating is able to reduce the number of too luminous galaxies in models and to produce model luminosity functions in agreement with observations.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Proceedings of JENAM 2010, Symposium 2: "Environment and the formation of galaxies: 30 years later

    Compositions of professionalism in counselling work: an embodied intersectionality framework

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    This paper explores the embodied constitution of professionalism in the context of the counselling psychology profession in Russia. We develop an embodied intersectionality framework for theorizing embodied compositions of professionalism, which allows us to explain how multiple embodied categories of difference intersect and are relationally co-constitutive in producing credible professionals, and how these intersections are contingent on intercorporeal encounters that take place in localized professional settings. Our exploration of how professionalism and professional credibility are established in Russian counselling shows that, rather than assuming that a hegemonic ‘ideal body’ is given preference in a professional context, different embodied compositions may be deemed credible in various work settings within the same profession. An embodied intersectionality framework allows us to challenge the notion of a single professional ideal and offer a dynamic and contextually situated analysis of the lived experiences of professional privilege and disadvantage
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