91 research outputs found

    Extra-pair paternity explains cooperation in a bird species

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    In many social animals, females mate with multiple males, but the adaptive value of female extra-pair mating is not fully understood. Here, we tested whether male pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) engaging in extra-pair copulations with neighboring females were more likely to assist their neighbors in antipredator defense. We found that extra-pair sires joined predator-mobbing more often, approached predators more closely, and attacked predators more aggressively than males without extra-pair offspring in the neighboring nest. Extra-pair mating may incentivize males to assist in nest defense because of the benefits that this cooperative behavior has on their total offspring production. For females, this mating strategy may help recruit more males to join in antipredator defense, offering better protection and ultimately improving reproductive success. Our results suggest a simple mechanism by which extra-pair mating can improve reproductive success in breeding birds. In summary, males siring extra-pair offspring in neighboring nests assist neighbors in antipredator defense more often than males without extra-pair offspring.publishedVersio

    Covid-19: Fat, Obesity, Inflammation, Ethnicity, and Sex Differences

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    Although obesity is known to be a risk factor for COVID-19 severity, there is an urgent need to distinguish between different kinds of fat-visceral and subcutaneous fat-and their inflammation status in COVID-19. These different fat types have partially diverging biochemical roles in the human body, and they are differentially associated with SARS-CoV-2, which targets the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) for cell entry. ACE2 is highly expressed in adipose tissue, especially in visceral fat, suggesting an important role for this tissue in determining COVID-19 disease severity. In this perspective article, we discuss group differences in the amount of visceral fat levels and the extent of inflammation in adipocytes of visceral fat tissue, which may, in part, drive population, cross-national, ethnic, and sex differences in COVID-19 disease. It is vital to steer the scientific community's attention to the effects of visceral fat in creating individual and population differences in COVID-19 severity. This can help researchers unravel the reasons for the reported population, ethnic, and sex differences in COVID-19 severity and mortality

    CerebNet: A fast and reliable deep-learning pipeline for detailed cerebellum sub-segmentation

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    Quantifying the volume of the cerebellum and its lobes is of profound interest in various neurodegenerative and acquired diseases. Especially for the most common spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA), for which the first antisense oligonculeotide-base gene silencing trial has recently started, there is an urgent need for quantitative, sensitive imaging markers at pre-symptomatic stages for stratification and treatment assessment. This work introduces CerebNet, a fully automated, extensively validated, deep learning method for the lobular segmentation of the cerebellum, including the separation of gray and white matter. For training, validation, and testing, T1-weighted images from 30 participants were manually annotated into cerebellar lobules and vermal sub-segments, as well as cerebellar white matter. CerebNet combines FastSurferCNN, a UNet-based 2.5D segmentation network, with extensive data augmentation, e.g. realistic non-linear deformations to increase the anatomical variety, eliminating additional preprocessing steps, such as spatial normalization or bias field correction. CerebNet demonstrates a high accuracy (on average 0.87 Dice and 1.742mm Robust Hausdorff Distance across all structures) outperforming state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, it shows high test-retest reliability (average ICC >0.97 on OASIS and Kirby) as well as high sensitivity to disease effects, including the pre-ataxic stage of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3). CerebNet is compatible with FreeSurfer and FastSurfer and can analyze a 3D volume within seconds on a consumer GPU in an end-to-end fashion, thus providing an efficient and validated solution for assessing cerebellum sub-structure volumes. We make CerebNet available as source-code (https://github.com/Deep-MI/FastSurfer)

    Food quality affects the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes upon simulated parasite attack in the larvae of greater wax moth

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    Predator-prey interactions are an important evolutionary force affecting the immunity of the prey. Parasitoids and mites pierce the cuticle of their prey, which respond by activating their immune system against predatory attacks. Immunity is a costly function for the organism, as it often competes with other life-history traits for limited nutrients. We tested whether the expression of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) of the larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) changes as a consequence of insertion of a nylon monofilament, which acts like a synthetic parasite. The treatment was done for larvae grown on a high-quality vs. a low-quality diet. The expression of Gloverin and 6-tox were upregulated in response to the insertion of the nylon monofilament. The expression of 6-tox, Cecropin-D, and Gallerimycin were significantly higher in the low-quality diet' group than in the high-quality diet' group. As food quality seems to affect AMP gene expression in G. mellonella larvae, it should always be controlled for in studies on bacterial and fungal infections in G. mellonella

    Microbiome symbionts and diet diversity incur costs on the immune system of insect larvae.

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    Communities of symbiotic microorganisms that colonize the gastrointestinal tract play an important role in food digestion and protection against opportunistic microbes. Diet diversity increases the number of symbionts in the intestines, a benefit that is considered to impose no cost for the host organism. However, less is known about the possible immunological investments that hosts have to make in order to control the infections caused by symbiont populations that increase because of diet diversity. Using taxonomical composition analysis of the 16S rRNAV3 region, we show that enterococci are the dominating group of bacteria in the midgut of the larvae of the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella). We found that the number of colony-forming units of enterococci and expressions of certain immunity-related antimicrobial peptide (AMP) genes such as Gallerimycin, Gloverin, 6-tox, Cecropin-D and Galiomicin increased in response to a more diverse diet, which in turn decreased the encapsulation response of the larvae. Treatment with antibiotics significantly lowered the expression of all AMP genes. Diet and antibiotic treatment interaction did not affect the expression of Gloverin and Galiomicin AMP genes, but significantly influenced the expression of Gallerimycin, 6-tox and Cecropin-D. Taken together, our results suggest that diet diversity influences microbiome diversity and AMP gene expression, ultimately affecting an organism's capacity to mount an immune response. Elevated basal levels of immunity-related genes (Gloverin and Galiomicin) might act as a prophylactic against opportunistic infections and as a mechanism that controls the gut symbionts. This would indicate that a diverse diet imposes higher immunity costs on organisms

    Ecological Stoichiometry: A Link Between Developmental Speed and Physiological Stress in an Omnivorous Insect

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    The elemental composition of organisms belongs to a suite of functional traits that may adaptively respond to fluctuating selection pressures. Life history theory predicts that predation risk and resource limitations impose selection pressures on organisms' developmental time and are further associated with variability in energetic and behavioral traits. Individual differences in developmental speed, behaviors and physiology have been explained using the pace-of-life syndrome (POLS) hypothesis. However, how an organism's developmental speed is linked with elemental body composition, metabolism and behavior is not well understood. We compared elemental body composition, latency to resume activity and resting metabolic rate (RMR) of western stutter-trilling crickets (Gryllus integer) in three selection lines that differ in developmental speed. We found that slowly developing crickets had significantly higher body carbon, lower body nitrogen and higher carbon-to-nitrogen ratio than rapidly developing crickets. Slowly developing crickets had significantly higher RMR than rapidly developing crickets. Male crickets had higher RMR than females. Slowly developing crickets resumed activity faster in an unfamiliar relative to a familiar environment. The rapidly developing crickets did the opposite. The results highlight the tight association between life history, physiology and behavior. This study indicates that traditional methods used in POLS research should be complemented by those used in ecological stoichiometry, resulting in a synthetic approach that potentially advances the whole field of behavioral and physiological ecology

    Regional Brain and Spinal Cord Volume Loss in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3

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    Background: Given that new therapeutic options for spinocerebellar ataxias are on the horizon, there is a need for markers that reflect disease-related alterations, in particular, in the preataxic stage, in which clinical scales are lacking sensitivity. Objective: The objective of this study was to quantify regional brain volumes and upper cervical spinal cord areas in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 in vivo across the entire time course of the disease. Methods: We applied a brain segmentation approach that included a lobular subsegmentation of the cerebellum to magnetic resonance images of 210 ataxic and 48 preataxic spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 mutation carriers and 63 healthy controls. In addition, cervical cord cross-sectional areas were determined at 2 levels. Results: The metrics of cervical spinal cord segments C3 and C2, medulla oblongata, pons, and pallidum, and the cerebellar anterior lobe were reduced in preataxic mutation carriers compared with controls. Those of cervical spinal cord segments C2 and C3, medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, cerebellar lobules crus II and X, cerebellar white matter, and pallidum were reduced in ataxic compared with nonataxic carriers. Of all metrics studied, pontine volume showed the steepest decline across the disease course. It covaried with ataxia severity, CAG repeat length, and age. The multivariate model derived from this analysis explained 46.33% of the variance of pontine volume. Conclusion: Regional brain and spinal cord tissue loss in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 starts before ataxia onset. Pontine volume appears to be the most promising imaging biomarker candidate for interventional trials that aim at slowing the progression of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. © 2021 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Brain Structure and Degeneration Staging in Friedreich Ataxia: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Volumetrics from the ENIGMA-Ataxia Working Group

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    open48siThe method harmonization and multisite data analysis elements of this work were supported by the NIH BD2K (Big Data to Knowledge) program (grant U54 EB020403) and the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (fellowship 1106533, grant 1184403).Objective: Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is an inherited neurological disease defined by progressive movement incoordination. We undertook a comprehensive characterization of the spatial profile and progressive evolution of structural brain abnormalities in people with FRDA. Methods: A coordinated international analysis of regional brain volume using magnetic resonance imaging data charted the whole-brain profile, interindividual variability, and temporal staging of structural brain differences in 248 individuals with FRDA and 262 healthy controls. Results: The brainstem, dentate nucleus region, and superior and inferior cerebellar peduncles showed the greatest reductions in volume relative to controls (Cohen d = 1.5–2.6). Cerebellar gray matter alterations were most pronounced in lobules I–VI (d = 0.8), whereas cerebral differences occurred most prominently in precentral gyri (d = 0.6) and corticospinal tracts (d = 1.4). Earlier onset age predicted less volume in the motor cerebellum (rmax = 0.35) and peduncles (rmax = 0.36). Disease duration and severity correlated with volume deficits in the dentate nucleus region, brainstem, and superior/inferior cerebellar peduncles (rmax = −0.49); subgrouping showed these to be robust and early features of FRDA, and strong candidates for further biomarker validation. Cerebral white matter abnormalities, particularly in corticospinal pathways, emerge as intermediate disease features. Cerebellar and cerebral gray matter loss, principally targeting motor and sensory systems, preferentially manifests later in the disease course. Interpretation: FRDA is defined by an evolving spatial profile of neuroanatomical changes beyond primary pathology in the cerebellum and spinal cord, in line with its progressive clinical course. The design, interpretation, and generalization of research studies and clinical trials must consider neuroanatomical staging and associated interindividual variability in brain measures. ANN NEUROL 2021;90:570–583.openHarding I.H.; Chopra S.; Arrigoni F.; Boesch S.; Brunetti A.; Cocozza S.; Corben L.A.; Deistung A.; Delatycki M.; Diciotti S.; Dogan I.; Evangelisti S.; Franca M.C.; Goricke S.L.; Georgiou-Karistianis N.; Gramegna L.L.; Henry P.-G.; Hernandez-Castillo C.R.; Hutter D.; Jahanshad N.; Joers J.M.; Lenglet C.; Lodi R.; Manners D.N.; Martinez A.R.M.; Martinuzzi A.; Marzi C.; Mascalchi M.; Nachbauer W.; Pane C.; Peruzzo D.; Pisharady P.K.; Pontillo G.; Reetz K.; Rezende T.J.R.; Romanzetti S.; Sacca F.; Scherfler C.; Schulz J.B.; Stefani A.; Testa C.; Thomopoulos S.I.; Timmann D.; Tirelli S.; Tonon C.; Vavla M.; Egan G.F.; Thompson P.M.Harding I.H.; Chopra S.; Arrigoni F.; Boesch S.; Brunetti A.; Cocozza S.; Corben L.A.; Deistung A.; Delatycki M.; Diciotti S.; Dogan I.; Evangelisti S.; Franca M.C.; Goricke S.L.; Georgiou-Karistianis N.; Gramegna L.L.; Henry P.-G.; Hernandez-Castillo C.R.; Hutter D.; Jahanshad N.; Joers J.M.; Lenglet C.; Lodi R.; Manners D.N.; Martinez A.R.M.; Martinuzzi A.; Marzi C.; Mascalchi M.; Nachbauer W.; Pane C.; Peruzzo D.; Pisharady P.K.; Pontillo G.; Reetz K.; Rezende T.J.R.; Romanzetti S.; Sacca F.; Scherfler C.; Schulz J.B.; Stefani A.; Testa C.; Thomopoulos S.I.; Timmann D.; Tirelli S.; Tonon C.; Vavla M.; Egan G.F.; Thompson P.M

    Nonuniform Cardiac Denervation Observed by 11C-meta-Hydroxyephedrine PET in 6-OHDA-Treated Monkeys

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    Parkinson's disease presents nonmotor complications such as autonomic dysfunction that do not respond to traditional anti-parkinsonian therapies. The lack of established preclinical monkey models of Parkinson's disease with cardiac dysfunction hampers development and testing of new treatments to alleviate or prevent this feature. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of developing a model of cardiac dysautonomia in nonhuman primates and preclinical evaluations tools. Five rhesus monkeys received intravenous injections of 6-hydroxydopamine (total dose: 50 mg/kg). The animals were evaluated before and after with a battery of tests, including positron emission tomography with the norepinephrine analog 11C-meta-hydroxyephedrine. Imaging 1 week after neurotoxin treatment revealed nearly complete loss of specific radioligand uptake. Partial progressive recovery of cardiac uptake found between 1 and 10 weeks remained stable between 10 and 14 weeks. In all five animals, examination of the pattern of uptake (using Logan plot analysis to create distribution volume maps) revealed a persistent region-specific significant loss in the inferior wall of the left ventricle at 10 (P<0.001) and 14 weeks (P<0.01) relative to the anterior wall. Blood levels of dopamine, norepinephrine (P<0.05), epinephrine, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (P<0.01) were notably decreased after 6-hydroxydopamine at all time points. These results demonstrate that systemic injection of 6-hydroxydopamine in nonhuman primates creates a nonuniform but reproducible pattern of cardiac denervation as well as a persistent loss of circulating catecholamines, supporting the use of this method to further develop a monkey model of cardiac dysautonomia