56 research outputs found

    Planificación y estructuración de los procesos en la tv sin recursos, una estrategia en la escasez

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    El trabajo audiovisual que se realiza en el Canal Telepetróleo se fundamenta en procesos profesionales que lleva con previo conocimiento a un estudio de audiencia o sondeo de mercado, lo que conlleva a generar una gran diferencia con relación a otros espacios teniendo en cuenta no solo la opinión de los televidentes sino también de aquellos comerciantes, clientes del canal que con su pauta representan los intereses económicos del mismo. Los elementos audiovisuales realizados para el canal son factores de comunicación claros, inciden y hacen parte del desarrollo de la ciudad pues tienen que ver con su evolución social, resaltando que también entran dentro del ámbito comercial y de la publicidad visual que hace parte de la imagen de la entidad y del manejo de la oferta del producto que se presenta en el mercado de los medios de comunicación. Estos diferentes factores como el manejo del lenguaje dentro de la proyección audiovisual son importantes para marcar la diferencia con las demás entidades de la cuidad. 6 El Canal Telepetróleo utiliza técnicas de grabación profesional en materia de vídeo, proyectos propios del Canal que luego son puestos en un archivo audiovisual que permite una agilidad en la exposición de hechos sucedidos y una claridad masiva de información. El material audiovisual profesional garantiza el entendimiento de cualquier suceso ante un público en capacidad sensorial de observar y oír el material realizado

    Characterization of Self-Knowledge in Adolescent’s Students for the Choice of Pedagogical Carrers

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    Background The professional election in students has turned into a problem social educationally in resolute Cuba as of the present moment Objective To characterize self-knowledge in adolescents for the choice of pedagogical careers in students Methods The investigation covered a period from April 2017 to May 2018 A descriptive transactional design was used with a descriptive study under a sample of 40 eleventh grade students from the IPU Mariano Clemente Prado of the city of Santa Clara Cuba Preliminary instruments were used such as structured interviews with teacher guides and adolescent students Results Nevertheless the dedication to the study is a quality little recognized by the students Conclusions The pedagogical professional choice is not oriented in the sample under adequate student selfknowledg

    A symmetric, triply interlaced 3-D anionic MOF that exhibits both magnetic order and SMM behaviour

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    A newly prepared 3-D polymer of cobalt citrate cubanes bridged by high-spin Co(II) centres displays both single-molecule magnet (SMM) behaviour and magnetic ordering. Triple interpenetration of the 3-D diamondoid polymers yields a crystalline solid with channels that host cations and free water molecules, with the SMM behaviour of the Co4O4 cores preserved. The octahedrally coordinated Co(II) bridges are implicated in the onset of magnetic order at an experimentally accessible temperature

    Impact of childhood and maternal vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis in Colombia

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    Background: In Latin America, there are few studies of the impact of vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. We estimate the impact of infant and maternal vaccination on the incidence of these diseases in Colombia. Design and methods: an interrupted time series study analyzing the incidence before and after of vaccination with DwPT (1975-2018) and with Tdap in pregnant women (2008-2018). A segmented regression model with negative binomial distribution estimated the change in level and trend of the predicted incidence ratio after vaccination in relation to the incidence if vaccination had not been started (IRR), using a Prais Winsten regression. Results: The pertussis IRR decreased immediately after the start of childhood vaccination (0.91, p=0.51), but this was only significant (1.01, p<0.001) along with the trend per year, after the start of maternal vaccination (0.98, p<0.001). In the absence of vaccination, the incidence would not have been reduced. Neonatal tetanus had the highest rate of change with significant reduction -1.69 - CI 95%: -2.91, -0.48). The trend after vaccination was the highest with an annual reduction of 19% (0.81, p=0.001). The change in incidence of diphtheria was significant, although slow (-0.02 - CI 95%: -0.04, -0.004). The sustained effect in the post-vaccination period was smaller (0.95, p=0.79). Conclusions: Childhood and maternal vaccination markedly reduced the incidence of pertussis and neonatal tetanus. It is necessary to maintain optimal vaccination coverage and surveillance, within an integrated elimination plan, which prevents the resurgence of these diseases

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, Departamento Bolívar y Sucre.

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    El presente trabajo tiene como intencionalidad que nosotros como psicólogos en formación adquiramos la habilidad de colocarnos en una postura profesional frente a los diferentes escenarios de violencia que se plasma en la guía de actividad, pero, mirado desde una perspectiva psicosocial, basándonos en el que hacer del psicólogo con argumentos claros y utilizando técnicas pertinentes para la comprensión de los problemas psicosociales. Hay que tener presente que la violencia aqueja mucho a nuestra sociedad y es allí donde nosotros como psicólogos debemos estar en la capacidad de reconstruir el tejido social del ser humano, donde se implemente herramientas que conlleven a la transformación social que es la parte en la cual se le debe reforzar a estas víctimas por la violencia; debemos tener en cuenta que estas personas vienen que escenarios violentos, muchos de ellos han sufrido abusos ya sean físicos, verbales y sexuales, perdidas de personas queridas por secuestro, desplazamiento forzoso e incluso niños que la guerra los ha rebatado del seno de su familia para llevarlos a un escenario totalmente diferente los cuales es imposible no enfrentarse a una crisis, es por ellos que se necesita esa ayuda externa para un acompañamiento colectivo donde se le de habilidades para que estas personas puedan afrontar todas estas series de situaciones que los aqueja. Más allá de intervenir se trata de conocer como el conflicto ha cambiado las dimensiones de nuestras comunidades, todo esto abarca un ámbito económico, político, cultural e histórico, pero hay que saber que todo es sin fin de dimensiones se pueden restructurar con el perdón, trabajo colectivo constante, la reparación de valores y la reconciliación que debe de empezar desde uno mismo para poder tener una salud mental sana, donde se irán poco a poco reconstruyendo bases para mejorar una calidad de vidaThe present work has the intention that we as psychologists in training acquire the ability to place ourselves in a professional position in the face of the different situations of violence that are reflected in the activity guide, but viewed from a psychosocial perspective, based on what to do psychologist with clear arguments and using technical techniques to understand psychosocial problems. We must bear in mind that violence afflicts our society very much and that is where we as psychologists must be in the capacity to rebuild the social fabric of the human being, where we can implement tools that lead to the social transformation that is the part in which these victims must be affected by the violence; we must bear in mind that these people come who are violent, many of them have suffered physical, verbal and sexual abuse, lost loved ones per room, forced displacement and even children that war has taken them down from their family to take them to a totally different scenario which is impossible not to face a crisis, it is for them that external help is needed for a collective accompaniment where they are given skills so that these people can face all these series of situations that afflict them Beyond intervening it is about knowing how the conflict has changed the dimensions of our communities, all this covers an economic, political, cultural and historical scope, but we must know that everything is endless dimensions can be restructured with forgiveness, constant collective work, the repair of values and the reconciliation that must begin from oneself in order to have a healthy mental health, where little will be rebuilt bases to improve a quality of lif

    Correlation between urinary concentration of malondialdehyde and DNA damage in people exposed to mercury

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    ABSTRACT: To determine whether the extent of DNA damage correlates with the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) in urine of individuals occupationally exposed to mercury. Methods: We evaluated 64 medical records (32 from exposed persons and 32 from unexposed controls). In both groups we analyzed the comet assay data (percentage of DNA in the tail), as well as the levels of MDA and mercury in the urine. We compared the MDA concentrations, and the changes in the comet assay between the groups and the correlation between these variables. Results: MDA concentrations were higher in exposed persons than in controls (median 1.28 vs. 0.51 μmol/L, respectively), and a corresponding damage was observed in the comet assay (median of DNA percentage in tail: 27.37 vs. 0.31, respectively). However, we found poor correlation between urinary MDA and genetic damage (r <0.11). Conclusion: No evidence was obtained indicating that higher concentrations of MDA in urine were related to additional genetic damage, but there were more DNA damage and higher concentrations of MDA in individuals occupationally exposed to mercury compared with unexposed people.RESUMEN: Determinar si la magnitud del daño en el ADN se correlaciona con la concentración de malondialdehído (MDA) urinario en individuos expuestos ocupacionalmente a mercurio y en controles no expuestos. Metodología: se evaluaron 64 historias clínicas (32 de expuestos y 32 de controles) en los que se determinó la concentración urinaria de MDA y se hizo el ensayo cometa para detectar el porcentaje de ADN en la cola. Se compararon las concentraciones de MDA y las alteraciones en el cometa entre los grupos y se hizo una correlación entre estas variables. Resultados: hubo mayores concentraciones de MDA en los expuestos que en los controles (mediana 1,28 frente a 0,51 μmol/L, respectivamente), así como mayores daños en el ensayo cometa (mediana del porcentaje de ADN en cola: 27,37 frente a 0,31, respectivamente). Hubo mala correlación entre el MDA en la orina y el daño genético (r <0,11). Conclusión: no se pudo demostrar que a mayores concentraciones de MDA en la orina se presentara mayor daño genético, pero sí hubo mayor daño del ADN y concentraciones más altas de MDA en los expuestos que en los controles

    Una Revisión Preliminar de la Literatura Sobre los Retos en la Agricultura Sostenible de América Latina

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    Sustainable agriculture is key to achieving food security, environmental conservation and economic development in Latin America. This preliminary review article in the literature examines the current state of sustainable agriculture in Latin America. It is a descriptive, documentary-exploratory study, consisting of 4 stages: Planning, search, selection and organization, and analysis, based on a search for information in the databases: ScienceDirect and Scopus, and government documents, through a Defined search strategy. The article begins with an overview of sustainable agriculture, the types of practices and their importance, followed by the challenges faced by farmers and policy makers in Latin America. The results stand out as the most relevant agricultural practices to agroecology, sustainable agriculture and conservation agriculture. In addition, it was found that the most significant challenges for farmers are access to financing to carry out their harvests, the effects of climate change and the technical capacities to work the land. While the challenges faced by decision makers are focused on the processing of public policies to strengthen sustainable agriculture and the promotion of financing programs for sustainable agriculture. The authors conclude that although sustainable agriculture is well accepted in the region, the issue lacks will on the part of decision makers to formulate public policies consistent with the realities of farmers to guarantee the long-term development of the practices.La agricultura sostenible es clave para lograr la seguridad alimentaria, la conservación del medio ambiente y el desarrollo económico en América Latina. Este artículo de revisión preliminar en la literatura examina el estado actual de la agricultura sostenible en América Latina. Es un estudio descriptivo, documental-exploratorio, constituido por 4 etapas: Planificación, búsqueda, selección y organización, y de análisis, basado en una búsqueda de información en las bases de datos: ScienceDirect y Scopus, y documentos gubernamentales, por medio de una estrategia de búsqueda definida. El artículo comienza con una visión general de la agricultura sostenible, los tipos de prácticas y su importancia, seguido de los desafíos que enfrentan los agricultores y los responsables políticos en América Latina. Los resultados destacan como las prácticas agrícolas más relevantes a la agroecología, agricultura sostenible y agricultura de conservación. Además, se encontró que los retos más significativos para los agricultores son el acceso a financiamientos para llevar a cabo sus cosechas, los efectos del cambio climático y las capacidades técnicas para trabajar la tierra. Mientras que los retos que enfrentan los tomadores de decisiones se centran en el trámite de políticas públicas para el fortalecimiento de la agricultura sostenible y la promoción de programas de financiamiento de la agricultura sostenible. Los autores concluyen que, si bien la agricultura sostenible goza de buena aceptación en la región, la temática carece de voluntad por parte de los tomadores de decisiones para la formulación de políticas públicas consecuentes con las realidades de los agricultores para garantizar a largo plazo el desarrollo de las prácticas

    Granulocytes-Rich Thrombi in Cerebral Large Vessel Occlusion Are Associated with Increased Stiffness and Poorer Revascularization Outcomes

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    Acute stroke; Flow cytometry; Mechanical thrombectomyIctus agut; Citometria de flux; Trombectomia mecànicaIctus agudo; Citometría de flujo; Trombectomía mecánicaWe aim to identify a profile of intracranial thrombus resistant to recanalization by mechanical thrombectomy (MT) in acute stroke treatment. The first extracted clot of each MT was analyzed by flow cytometry obtaining the composition of the main leukocyte populations: granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes. Demographics, reperfusion treatment, and grade of recanalization were registered. MT failure (MTF) was defined as final thrombolysis in cerebral infarction score IIa or lower and/or need of permanent intracranial stenting as a rescue therapy. To explore the relationship between stiffness of intracranial clots and cellular composition, unconfined compression tests were performed in other cohorts of cases. Thrombi obtained in 225 patients were analyzed. MTF were observed in 30 cases (13%). MTF was associated with atherosclerosis etiology (33.3% vs. 15.9%; p = 0.021) and higher number of passes (3 vs. 2; p < 0.001). Clot analysis of MTF showed higher percentage of granulocytes [82.46 vs. 68.90% p < 0.001] and lower percentage of monocytes [9.18% vs.17.34%, p < 0.001] in comparison to successful MT cases. The proportion of clot granulocytes (aOR 1.07; 95% CI 1.01–1.14) remained an independent marker of MTF. Among thirty-eight clots mechanically tested, there was a positive correlation between granulocyte proportion and thrombi stiffness (Pearson’s r = 0.35, p = 0.032), with a median clot stiffness of 30.2 (IQR, 18.9–42.7) kPa. Granulocytes-rich thrombi are harder to capture by mechanical thrombectomy due to increased stiffness, so a proportion of intracranial granulocytes might be useful to guide personalized endovascular procedures in acute stroke treatment.Open Access Funding provided by Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. This work was supported by “Project 355/C/2017, Fundació La Marató de TV3 in Strokes and Traumatic Spinal Cord and Brain Injury, 2017 Call of Projects.

    Rucaparib maintenance treatment for recurrent ovarian carcinoma after response to platinum therapy (ARIEL3): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial

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    Background: Rucaparib, a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor, has anticancer activity in recurrent ovarian carcinoma harbouring a BRCA mutation or high percentage of genome-wide loss of heterozygosity. In this trial we assessed rucaparib versus placebo after response to second-line or later platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with high-grade, recurrent, platinum-sensitive ovarian carcinoma. Methods: In this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial, we recruited patients from 87 hospitals and cancer centres across 11 countries. Eligible patients were aged 18 years or older, had a platinum-sensitive, high-grade serous or endometrioid ovarian, primary peritoneal, or fallopian tube carcinoma, had received at least two previous platinum-based chemotherapy regimens, had achieved complete or partial response to their last platinum-based regimen, had a cancer antigen 125 concentration of less than the upper limit of normal, had a performance status of 0–1, and had adequate organ function. Patients were ineligible if they had symptomatic or untreated central nervous system metastases, had received anticancer therapy 14 days or fewer before starting the study, or had received previous treatment with a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor. We randomly allocated patients 2:1 to receive oral rucaparib 600 mg twice daily or placebo in 28 day cycles using a computer-generated sequence (block size of six, stratified by homologous recombination repair gene mutation status, progression-free interval after the penultimate platinum-based regimen, and best response to the most recent platinum-based regimen). Patients, investigators, site staff, assessors, and the funder were masked to assignments. The primary outcome was investigator-assessed progression-free survival evaluated with use of an ordered step-down procedure for three nested cohorts: patients with BRCA mutations (carcinoma associated with deleterious germline or somatic BRCA mutations), patients with homologous recombination deficiencies (BRCA mutant or BRCA wild-type and high loss of heterozygosity), and the intention-to-treat population, assessed at screening and every 12 weeks thereafter. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01968213; enrolment is complete. Findings: Between April 7, 2014, and July 19, 2016, we randomly allocated 564 patients: 375 (66%) to rucaparib and 189 (34%) to placebo. Median progression-free survival in patients with a BRCA-mutant carcinoma was 16·6 months (95% CI 13·4–22·9; 130 [35%] patients) in the rucaparib group versus 5·4 months (3·4–6·7; 66 [35%] patients) in the placebo group (hazard ratio 0·23 [95% CI 0·16–0·34]; p&lt;0·0001). In patients with a homologous recombination deficient carcinoma (236 [63%] vs 118 [62%]), it was 13·6 months (10·9–16·2) versus 5·4 months (5·1–5·6; 0·32 [0·24–0·42]; p&lt;0·0001). In the intention-to-treat population, it was 10·8 months (8·3–11·4) versus 5·4 months (5·3–5·5; 0·36 [0·30–0·45]; p&lt;0·0001). Treatment-emergent adverse events of grade 3 or higher in the safety population (372 [99%] patients in the rucaparib group vs 189 [100%] in the placebo group) were reported in 209 (56%) patients in the rucaparib group versus 28 (15%) in the placebo group, the most common of which were anaemia or decreased haemoglobin concentration (70 [19%] vs one [1%]) and increased alanine or aspartate aminotransferase concentration (39 [10%] vs none). Interpretation: Across all primary analysis groups, rucaparib significantly improved progression-free survival in patients with platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer who had achieved a response to platinum-based chemotherapy. ARIEL3 provides further evidence that use of a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor in the maintenance treatment setting versus placebo could be considered a new standard of care for women with platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer following a complete or partial response to second-line or later platinum-based chemotherapy. Funding: Clovis Oncology

    Granulocytes-Rich Thrombi in Cerebral Large Vessel Occlusion Are Associated with Increased Stiffness and Poorer Revascularization Outcomes

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABWe aim to identify a profile of intracranial thrombus resistant to recanalization by mechanical thrombectomy (MT) in acute stroke treatment. The first extracted clot of each MT was analyzed by flow cytometry obtaining the composition of the main leukocyte populations: granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes. Demographics, reperfusion treatment, and grade of recanalization were registered. MT failure (MTF) was defined as final thrombolysis in cerebral infarction score IIa or lower and/or need of permanent intracranial stenting as a rescue therapy. To explore the relationship between stiffness of intracranial clots and cellular composition, unconfined compression tests were performed in other cohorts of cases. Thrombi obtained in 225 patients were analyzed. MTF were observed in 30 cases (13%). MTF was associated with atherosclerosis etiology (33.3% vs. 15.9%; p = 0.021) and higher number of passes (3 vs. 2; p < 0.001). Clot analysis of MTF showed higher percentage of granulocytes [82.46 vs. 68.90% p < 0.001] and lower percentage of monocytes [9.18% vs.17.34%, p < 0.001] in comparison to successful MT cases. The proportion of clot granulocytes (aOR 1.07; 95% CI 1.01-1.14) remained an independent marker of MTF. Among thirty-eight clots mechanically tested, there was a positive correlation between granulocyte proportion and thrombi stiffness (Pearson's r = 0.35, p = 0.032), with a median clot stiffness of 30.2 (IQR, 18.9-42.7) kPa. Granulocytes-rich thrombi are harder to capture by mechanical thrombectomy due to increased stiffness, so a proportion of intracranial granulocytes might be useful to guide personalized endovascular procedures in acute stroke treatment. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13311-023-01385-1