696 research outputs found

    Crèdit de síntesi a 3er d’ESO: La producció multimèdia com a proposta per a treballar les competències bàsiques i pròpies de tecnologia

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    La proposta que faig en aquest treball de síntesi és el de fer una Orla multimèdia a 3r d’ESO feta per als alumnes de 4t d’ESO. El treball de síntesi ha de ser un resum de les capacitats competencials adquirides fins el moment actual. Per tant, ha de ser un treball transversal que no només es centri en l’adquisició de coneixements d’una matèria sinó que ha de procurar cobrir una gran part del desenvolupament competencial de l’alumne. Aquesta proposta i treball de fi de màster pretén, dins d’aquesta intenció, assolir tres objectius generals que són: Treball de les competències bàsiques individuals En aquest objectiu general es pretén que l’alumne hagi de fer servir les seves capacitats per a poder resoldre un problema de conjunt. Mitjançant metodologies basades en PBL (Project Based Learning) l’alumne haurà de col·laborar en la resolució de problemes d’àmbit social i relacional, adjacents o colaterals, típics de les dinàmiques de grup. Però a més, haurà de preveure problemes i necessitats, projectar solucions a aquests problemes o necessitats, de forma consensuada. Haurà també de fer propostes al grup i probablement haurà de discutir i defensar la seva proposta. A banda a més a més, hi ha una part del projecte a la qual haurà d’empatitzar amb la resta de companys i preveure necessitats de l’altre i atendre-les. Aprenentatge de tècniques audiovisuals Caldrà ser competent en l’ús de programari d’edició d’àudio, de vídeo, de disseny gràfic i disseny web. A més hauran de fer una publicació efectiva del resultat. És evident que per al nivell d’aprenentatges curriculars de 3r d’ESO aquest projecte supera en la majoria dels casos les seves capacitats. Tot i això, segons el centre i segons el seu èmfasi en l’àmbit multimèdia, aquest projecte el poden assolir perfectament fent un recolzament a través de l’ús de plantilles HTML. Vivència de processos d’aprenentatge cooperatiu Fer un recobriment competencial complert de forma transversa, amb una sola activitat com és el treball de síntesi, suposa clarament un treball de disseny complex i acurat. La complexitat de les metodologies implicarà una dificultat d’implementació docent alta. I per això, tant els alumnes com el professor haurien d’estar familiaritzats amb metodologies cooperatives, prèviament. És en experimentar les dinàmiques que es produeixen dins del grup en les metodologies cooperatives, en les que caldrà fer ús de les seves habilitats socials i competencials. Conseqüentment, la implementació d’aquestes és un punt clau per a l’èxit de la proposta

    Análisis del llenado de la presa de Itoiz

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    El Plan de Puesta en Carga de la presa de Itoiz comenzó el 19 de enero del año 2004 finalizando con éxito el 9 de octubre del 2008. Para poder realizar un adecuado seguimiento de la seguridad de la presa, el Plan de Llenado se ha realizado en seis etapas. En algunas de estas fases se ha verificado el comportamiento frente al desembalse de las laderas y del cimiento. Al final de cada una de las etapas se ha realizado un informe de auscultación en el que se analizaba el comportamiento de la presa hasta ese momento y se aprobaba o no continuar el Plan de Puesta en Carga. En este artículo se resumen los aspectos más importantes del comportamiento durante el Plan de Llenado de la presa y su cimiento, de la presa auxiliar y su cimiento y del paleodeslizamiento denominado megacap

    Disentangling permanent and transitory monetary shocks with a nonlinear Taylor rule

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    This article provides an estimation method to decompose monetary policy innovations into persistent and transitory components using the nonlinear Taylor rule proposed in Andolfatto, Hendry, and Moran (2008) [Are inflation expectations rational? Journal of Monetary Economics, 55, 406–422]. To use the Kalman filter as the optimal signal extraction technique, we use a convenient reformulation for the state equation by allowing expectations to play a significant role in explaining the future time evolution of monetary shocks. This alternative formulation allows us to perform the maximum likelihood estimation for all the parameters involved in the monetary policy as well as to recover conditional probabilities of regime change. Empirical evidence on the US monetary policy making is provided for the period covering 1986-Q1 to 2021-Q2. We compare our empirical estimates with those obtained based on the particle filter. While both procedures lead to similar quantitative and qualitative findings, our approach has much less computational cost

    Fueling Plankton Production By a Meandering Frontal Jet: A Case Study For The Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean)

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    A three dimensional biophysical model is employed to investigate the biological impacts of a meandering frontal jet for which the Alboran Sea of the Western Mediterranean is considered as a case study. The jet is characterized by relatively low density Atlantic water mass issuing from the Gibraltar Strait within the upper 100 m. It flows eastward as a highly nonlinear meandering current around the western and the eastern anticyclonic gyres prior to its attachment to the North African shelf/slope topography of the Algerian basin. Its inherent nonlinearity leads to the development of strong ageostrophic cross-frontal circulation that supplies nutrients into the nutrient-starved euphotic layer and stimulates an effective phytoplankton growth along the jet. The production intensity is strongest in the western basin and decreases eastwards with the gradual weakening of the jet. The stronger production intensity at the subsurface levels suggests the Alboran Sea is likely more productive than envisaged by the satellite chlorophyll data. The Mediterranean water mass away from the jet as well as the interior of the western and eastern anticyclonic gyres remain poorly productive.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    Transport estimates in the Strait of Gibraltar with a tidal inverse model

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    To estimate the volume transport through the Strait of Gibraltar and to study the spatial structure of the time-variable flow, a varying number of current meter moorings were maintained at the eastern entrance of the strait between October 1994 and April 1998, and was complemented with intensive shipboard measurements during the European Union project Canary Island Azores Gibraltar Experiment (CANIGO). A tidal inverse model is used to merge these data sets in order to investigate the flow at the eastern entrance of the strait. The two-dimensional structure of the tidal flow was described by simple analytical functions. Harmonics with the seven most important tidal frequencies were used as temporal functions. With this model, the tidal currents can be predicted for any time and location at the eastern entrance of the strait, and more than 92% of the variance of the lower layer flow is explained. It was used to remove the tidal currents from the individual measurements and to calculate the mean flow through the strait from the residuals. Combined with a similar inverse model for determining the depth of the interface between Mediterranean and Atlantic water, the volume transport was estimated to be 0.81 ± 0.07 Sv for the upper layer and −0.76 ± 0.07 Sv for the lower layer. The correlation of the tidal currents and the fluctuations of the interface accounts for ∼7% of the transport at the eastern entrance

    A numerical model analysis of the tidal flows in the Bay of Algeciras, Strait of Gibraltar

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    A numerical model has been applied to study the tidal flows of the Bay of Algeciras in the eastern part of the Strait of Gibraltar, focusing on the M-2 semidiurnal constituent. The numerical model was satisfactorily validated against a comprehensive set of observations collected in the bay in the year 2011 and the model outputs were used for a detailed analysis of the local tidal circulation. The M-2 net (vertically integrated) transport across the mouth of the bay has an amplitude of 2.7 x 10(-3) Sv, while that of the sea surface signal is of similar to 30 cm and is in quadrature with this flow. However, the vertically integrated flow is the result of a pronounced baroclinic structure consisting of an upper (S 37.5) layers, whose associated transports are one order of magnitude higher. This reveals a noticeable internal tide that is characterized by an inward (to the head of the bay) propagation and a likely quarter-wave resonance. During the rising tide, Atlantic water from the strait comes in and produces the thickening of the upper (Atlantic) layer in the bay, while Mediterranean water of the lower layer is pushed out to join the Mediterranean water stream that is flowing to the west along the Strait of Gibraltar. During the falling tide, Atlantic water flows out of the bay and incorporates to the eastward flow in the strait. In this tidal phase, Mediterranean water flows into the bay. Therefore, Atlantic and Mediterranean waters accumulate in the bay during the rising and falling tide, respectively. This pattern is opposite to that observed in the strait, where the Mediterranean layer thickens during the rising tide and becomes thinner during the falling tide. This suggests that the internal tide in the bay is basically determined by the baroclinic forcing at its mouth imposed by the baroclinic tide of the Strait of Gibralta

    Quality of ventilations during infant resuscitation: a simulation study comparing endotracheal tube with face mask

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    Background: There are few studies that analyze ventilation volume and pressure during CPR carried out on infants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of the ventilations administered using a self-inflating bag with an endotracheal tube and a face mask in manikins. Methods: a quasi-experimental simulation study with a randomized case crossover design [endotracheal tube (ET) vs. face mask (FM)] was performed. Sixty participants who were previously trained nursing students participated in the study. The estimated air volumes breathed, and the pressure generated during each ventilation were assessed and the quality of the chest compressions was recorded. Results: the ET test presented a higher percentage of ventilations that reached the lungs (100% vs. 86%; p < 0.001), with adequate volume (60% vs. 28%; p < 0.001) in comparison to FM. Both tests presented peak pressures generated in the airway greater than 30 cm H2O (ET: 22% vs. FM: 31%; p = 0.03). Conclusions: performing quality CPR ventilations on an infant model is not an easy skill for trained nursing students. Both tests presented a significant incidence of excessive peak pressure during ventilations. Specific training, focused on quality of ventilations guided by a manometer attached to the self-inflating bag, must be considered in life support training for pediatric providers

    Peak systolic velocity at arterial Doppler ultrasound in pediatric liver transplantation: A predictor of acute severe complications

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    Pediatria; Ecografia Doppler; Velocitat sistòlica màximaPediatric; Doppler ultrasound; Peak systolic velocityPediatría; Ecografía Doppler; Velocidad sistólica máximaThe diagnosis of arterial complications in children after Liver Transplantation (LT) urges prompt diagnosis and treatment. This study aims to determine whether hepatic artery Doppler Ultrasound (DUS) parameters can predict arterial complications in the immediate period after LT in children. A retrospective review of the pediatric liver database at our tertiary-care pediatric hospital was performed. The study included 70 pediatric patients who underwent a liver transplantation from 2016 to 2021. Clinical, laboratory and Doppler findings were recorded daily the first 5 days after transplantation, with special attention given to post-anastomotic Peak Systolic Velocity (PSV) and Resistive Index (RI). Patients with hepatic artery complications, including acute thrombosis and stenosis, had lower PSV values after surgery compared to the group with non-complications, with a statistical significance (< 0.001). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis determined an optimal cut-off value of PSV less than 29 cm/s the 2nd day after LT, 25.2 cm/s the 3rd day, 28.5 cm/s the 4th day and 29.4 cm/s the 5th day, to discriminate children with and without hepatic arterial complications. Notably, these cut-off values are lower than those proposed in adults. Optimal PSV cutt-off values in children in the immediate period after LT are presented. Knowledge of these cutt-off values improves the interpretation of DUS measurements and thereby, may help to accurately guide the clinical management

    The Importance of Social Networks in Neurosurgery Training in Low/Middle income countries

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    Neurosurgery is evolving with new techniques and technologies, relies heavily on high-quality education and training. Social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn have become integral to this training. These platforms enable sharing of surgical experiences, fostering global knowledge-sharing and collaboration among neurosurgeons. According to the PICO format, the target population (P) for the purpose of this paper are medical students, neurosurgical residents and consultants on the role of social media (I) in neurosurgery among Low-Middle income countries (C) with the main outcome to understand the collaborative domain of learning.This cross-sectional survey, conducted in June-July 2023, involved 210 medical students, neurosurgery residents, fellows, and practicing neurosurgeons from low and middle-income countries. A structured questionnaire assessed social network usage for neurosurgery training, covering demographic details, usage frequency, and purposes like education, collaboration, and communication. Participants rated these platforms' effectiveness in training on a 1-5 scale. Data collection employed emails, social media groups, and direct messaging, assuring respondent anonymity. The survey aimed to understand and improve social networks' use in neurosurgery, focusing on professional development, challenges, and future potential in training.In a survey of 210 participants from low and middle-income countries, 85.5% were male, 14.5% female, with diverse roles: 42.9% neurosurgery residents, 40% practicing neurosurgeons, 14.6% medical students, and 2.4% other healthcare professionals. Experience ranged from 0 to 35 years, with Mexico, Nigeria, and Kenya being the top participating countries. Most respondents rated neurosurgery training resources in their countries as poor or very poor. 88.7% used social media professionally, predominantly WhatsApp and YouTube. Content focused on surgical videos, research papers, and webinars. Concerns included information quality and data privacy. Interactive case discussions, webinars, and lectures were preferred resources, and most see a future role for social media in neurosurgery training.Our study underscores the crucial role of social media in neurosurgery training and practice in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Key resources include surgical videos, research papers, and webinars. While social media offers a cost-effective, global knowledge-sharing platform, challenges like limited internet access, digital literacy, and misinformation risks remain significant in these regions

    New Approaches to Clarify Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of the Ethanol Extract from Vernonia condensata Leaves

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    The present study was aimed at evaluating the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of the ethanol extract from Vernonia condensata leaves in animal models, in order to afford a better understanding of these properties. The extract reduced the number of abdominal contortions at doses of 100 (51.00 ± 3.00), 200 (42.00 ± 2.98) and 400 mg/kg (39.00 ± 4.00). In formalin tests, a significant reduction in the licking time (p < 0.01) was observed in the first phase by 25.14 (200 mg/kg = 51.50 ± 4.44) and 31.15% (400 mg/kg = 48.00 ± 4.37). The doses of 100 (43.37 ± 5.15), 200 (34.62 ± 4.16) and 400 mg/kg (28.37 ± 3.98) inhibited (p < 0.001) the second phase. After 60 and 90 min of treatment, a dose of 400 mg/kg (10.13 ± 0.39 and 11.14 ± 1.33, respectively) increased the latency time. Doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg potentiated the sleeping time induced by diazepam, pentobarbital and meprobamate. The extracts (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) showed anti-inflammatory effects by a decrease in paw edema. The extracts also reduced the exudate volume at the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg. The leukocyte migration had significant effect (p < 0.001) at doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg. The completion of additional experiments in the investigation of the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of V. condensata allowed a better understanding of the central and peripheral mechanisms involved
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