60 research outputs found

    PI3K Orchestrates T Follicular Helper Cell Differentiation in a Context Dependent Manner: Implications for Autoimmunity

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    T follicular helper (Tfh) cells are a specialized population of CD4+ T cells that provide help to B cells for the formation and maintenance germinal centers, and the production of high affinity class-switched antibodies, long-lived plasma cells, and memory B cells. As such, Tfh cells are essential for the generation of successful long-term humoral immunity and memory responses to vaccination and infection. Conversely, overproduction of Tfh cells has been associated with the generation of autoantibodies and autoimmunity. Data from gene-targeted mice, pharmacological inhibitors, as well as studies of human and mice expressing activating mutants have revealed that PI3Kδ is a key regulator of Tfh cell differentiation, acting downstream of ICOS to facilitate inactivation of FOXO1, repression of Klf2 and induction of Bcl6. Nonetheless, here we show that after acute LCMV infection, WT and activated-PI3Kδ mice (Pik3cdE1020K/+) show comparable ratios of Tfh:Th1 viral specific CD4+ T cells, despite higher polyclonal Tfh cells in Pik3cdE1020K/+ mice. Thus, the idea that PI3K activity primarily drives Tfh cell differentiation may be an oversimplification and PI3K-mediated pathways are likely to integrate multiple signals to promote distinct effector T cell lineages. The consequences of dysregulated Tfh cell generation will be discussed in the context of the human primary immunodeficiency “Activated PI3K-delta Syndrome” (APDS), also known as “p110 delta-activating mutation causing senescent T cells, lymphadenopathy and immunodeficiency” (PASLI). Overall, these data underscore a major role for PI3K signaling in the orchestration of T lymphocyte responses

    Requirements for Selection of Conventional and Innate T Lymphocyte Lineages

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    SummaryMice deficient in the Tec kinase Itk develop a large population of CD8+ T cells with properties, including expression of memory markers, rapid production of cytokines, and dependence on Interleukin-15, resembling NKT and other innate T cell lineages. Like NKT cells, these CD8+ T cells can be selected on hematopoietic cells. We demonstrate that these CD8+ T cell phenotypes resulted from selection on hematopoietic cells—forcing selection on the thymic stroma reduced the number and innate phenotypes of mature Itk-deficient CD8+ T cells. We further show that, similar to NKT cells, selection of innate-type CD8+ T cells in Itk−/− mice required the adaptor SAP. Acquisition of their innate characteristics, however, required CD28. Our results suggest that SAP and Itk reciprocally regulate selection of innate and conventional CD8+ T cells on hematopoietic cells and thymic epithelium, respectively, whereas CD28 regulates development of innate phenotypes resulting from selection on hematopoietic cells

    SAP Regulates TH2 Differentiation and PKC-θ-Mediated Activation of NF-κB1

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    AbstractXLP is caused by mutations affecting SAP, an adaptor that recruits Fyn to SLAM family receptors. SAP-deficient mice recapitulate features of XLP, including increased T cell activation and decreased humoral responses post-infection. SAP-deficient T cells also show increased TCR-induced IFN-γ and decreased TH2 cytokine production. We demonstrate that the defect in IL-4 secretion in SAP-deficient T cells is independent of increased IFN-γ production. SAP-deficient cells respond normally to polarizing cytokines, yet show impaired TCR-mediated induction of GATA-3 and IL-4. Examination of TCR signaling revealed normal Ca2+ mobilization and ERK activation in SAP-deficient cells, but decreased PKC-θ recruitment, Bcl-10 phosphorylation, IκB-α degradation, and nuclear NF-κB1/p50 levels. Similar defects were observed in Fyn-deficient cells. SLAM engagement amplified PKC-θ recruitment in wt but not SAP- or Fyn-deficient cells, arguing that a SAP/Fyn-mediated pathway enhances PKC-θ/NF-κB1 activation and suggesting a role for this pathway in TH2 regulation

    SAP regulates T cell–mediated help for humoral immunity by a mechanism distinct from cytokine regulation

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    X-linked lymphoproliferative disease is caused by mutations affecting SH2D1A/SAP, an adaptor that recruits Fyn to signal lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM)-related receptors. After infection, SLAM-associated protein (SAP)−/− mice show increased T cell activation and impaired humoral responses. Although SAP−/− mice can respond to T-independent immunization, we find impaired primary and secondary T-dependent responses, with defective B cell proliferation, germinal center formation, and antibody production. Nonetheless, transfer of wild-type but not SAP-deficient CD4 cells rescued humoral responses in reconstituted recombination activating gene 2−/− and SAP−/− mice. To investigate these T cell defects, we examined CD4 cell function in vitro and in vivo. Although SAP-deficient CD4 cells have impaired T cell receptor–mediated T helper (Th)2 cytokine production in vitro, we demonstrate that the humoral defects can be uncoupled from cytokine expression defects in vivo. Instead, SAP-deficient T cells exhibit decreased and delayed inducible costimulator (ICOS) induction and heightened CD40L expression. Notably, in contrast to Th2 cytokine defects, humoral responses, ICOS expression, and CD40L down-regulation were rescued by retroviral reconstitution with SAP-R78A, a SAP mutant that impairs Fyn binding. We further demonstrate a role for SLAM/SAP signaling in the regulation of early surface CD40L expression. Thus, SAP affects expression of key molecules required for T–B cell collaboration by mechanisms that are distinct from its role in cytokine regulation

    Acinar Cell Apoptosis in Serpini2-Deficient Mice Models Pancreatic Insufficiency

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    Pancreatic insufficiency (PI) when left untreated results in a state of malnutrition due to an inability to absorb nutrients. Frequently, PI is diagnosed as part of a larger clinical presentation in cystic fibrosis or Shwachman–Diamond syndrome. In this study, a mouse model for isolated exocrine PI was identified in a mouse line generated by a transgene insertion. The trait is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, and homozygous animals are growth retarded, have abnormal immunity, and have reduced life span. Mice with the disease locus, named pequeño (pq), exhibit progressive apoptosis of pancreatic acinar cells with severe exocrine acinar cell loss by 8 wk of age, while the islets and ductal tissue persist. The mutation in pq/pq mice results from a random transgene insertion. Molecular characterization of the transgene insertion site by fluorescent in situ hybridization and genomic deletion mapping identified an approximately 210-kb deletion on Chromosome 3, deleting two genes. One of these genes, Serpini2, encodes a protein that is a member of the serpin family of protease inhibitors. Reintroduction of only the Serpini2 gene by bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic complementation corrected the acinar cell defect as well as body weight and immune phenotypes, showing that deletion of Serpini2 causes the pequeño phenotype. Dietary supplementation of pancreatic enzymes also corrected body size, body weight, and immunodeficiency, and increased the life span of Serpini2-deficient mice, despite continued acinar cell loss. To our knowledge, this study describes the first characterized genetic animal model for isolated PI. Genetic complementation of the transgene insertion mutant demonstrates that Serpini2 deficiency directly results in the acinar cell apoptosis, malabsorption, and malnutrition observed in pq/pq mice. The rescue of growth retardation, immunodeficiency, and mortality by either Serpini2 bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic expression or by pancreatic enzyme supplementation demonstrates that these phenotypes are secondary to malnutrition in pq/pq mice

    Balancing Selection Maintains a Form of ERAP2 that Undergoes Nonsense-Mediated Decay and Affects Antigen Presentation

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    A remarkable characteristic of the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is its extreme genetic diversity, which is maintained by balancing selection. In fact, the MHC complex remains one of the best-known examples of natural selection in humans, with well-established genetic signatures and biological mechanisms for the action of selection. Here, we present genetic and functional evidence that another gene with a fundamental role in MHC class I presentation, endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2), has also evolved under balancing selection and contains a variant that affects antigen presentation. Specifically, genetic analyses of six human populations revealed strong and consistent signatures of balancing selection affecting ERAP2. This selection maintains two highly differentiated haplotypes (Haplotype A and Haplotype B), with frequencies 0.44 and 0.56, respectively. We found that ERAP2 expressed from Haplotype B undergoes differential splicing and encodes a truncated protein, leading to nonsense-mediated decay of the mRNA. To investigate the consequences of ERAP2 deficiency on MHC presentation, we correlated surface MHC class I expression with ERAP2 genotypes in primary lymphocytes. Haplotype B homozygotes had lower levels of MHC class I expressed on the surface of B cells, suggesting that naturally occurring ERAP2 deficiency affects MHC presentation and immune response. Interestingly, an ERAP2 paralog, endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1), also shows genetic signatures of balancing selection. Together, our findings link the genetic signatures of selection with an effect on splicing and a cellular phenotype. Although the precise selective pressure that maintains polymorphism is unknown, the demonstrated differences between the ERAP2 splice forms provide important insights into the potential mechanism for the action of selection

    Follicular helper T cells are required for systemic autoimmunity

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    Production of high-affinity pathogenic autoantibodies appears to be central to the pathogenesis of lupus. Because normal high-affinity antibodies arise from germinal centers (GCs), aberrant selection of GC B cells, caused by either failure of negative selection or enhanced positive selection by follicular helper T (TFH) cells, is a plausible explanation for these autoantibodies. Mice homozygous for the san allele of Roquin, which encodes a RING-type ubiquitin ligase, develop GCs in the absence of foreign antigen, excessive TFH cell numbers, and features of lupus. We postulated a positive selection defect in GCs to account for autoantibodies. We first demonstrate that autoimmunity in Roquinsan/san (sanroque) mice is GC dependent: deletion of one allele of Bcl6 specifically reduces the number of GC cells, ameliorating pathology. We show that Roquinsan acts autonomously to cause accumulation of TFH cells. Introduction of a null allele of the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule family adaptor Sap into the sanroque background resulted in a substantial and selective reduction in sanroque TFH cells, and abrogated formation of GCs, autoantibody formation, and renal pathology. In contrast, adoptive transfer of sanroque TFH cells led to spontaneous GC formation. These findings identify TFH dysfunction within GCs and aberrant positive selection as a pathway to systemic autoimmunity

    X-Linked Lymphoproliferative Disease Type 1: A Clinical and Molecular Perspective

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    X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) was first described in the 1970s as a fatal lymphoproliferative syndrome associated with infection with Epstein–Barr virus (EBV). Features include hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), lymphomas, and dysgammaglobulinemias. Molecular cloning of the causative gene, SH2D1A, has provided insight into the nature of disease, as well as helped characterize multiple features of normal immune cell function. Although XLP type 1 (XLP1) provides an example of a primary immunodeficiency in which patients have problems clearing primarily one infectious agent, it is clear that XLP1 is also a disease of severe immune dysregulation, even independent of EBV infection. Here, we describe clinical features of XLP1, how molecular and biological studies of the gene product, SAP, and the associated signaling lymphocyte activation molecule family receptors have provided insight into disease pathogenesis including specific immune cell defects, and current therapeutic approaches including the potential use of gene therapy. Together, these studies have helped change the outcome of this once almost uniformly fatal disease