13 research outputs found

    Gastronomic Routes and Local Development: An Essay of Conceptualization in Catalonia

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    Las rutas gastronómicas estimulan el desarrollo local sostenible de zonas agrícolas, atrayendo hacia ellas un turismo de calidad. Cataluña promociona varias rutas gastronómicas que, sin embargo, carecen de estructura y contenido coherente. En este trabajo, se consultó a expertos en el ámbito de turismo y gastronomía sobre su percepción de lo que debe ser una ruta gastronómica que contribuya al desarrollo local. Según ellos, no existen en Cataluña pautas que rijan su diseño y funcionamiento. Una ruta gastronómica se define como un producto turístico estructurado que contribuye al mantenimiento del paisaje, la difusión de la cultura local, el desarrollo económico y el posicionamiento del territorio. Clave para su éxito es su organización, la coherencia del discurso y las responsabilidades de los agentes involucrados. Se valora el papel del productor. Se recomienda la estandarización de la definición de ruta gastronómica y la elaboración de pautas para su diseño y su estructuración.Gastronomic routes stimulate sustainable local development of agricultural áreas by attracting quality food tourism. Catalonia promotes several gastronomic routes however, they lack both structure and coherent content. Experts in the field of tourism and gastronomy in Catalonia were interviewed about their perception of gastronomic routes that contribute to local development. According to them, there are no guidelines that dictate the design and function of such routes. A gastronomic route is defined as a structured touristic product that contributes to the maintenance of landscape, the dissemination of local culture, economic development and the positioning of a territory. Key to its success is its organization, the coherence of its discourse and the responsibilities of the agents involved. The role of the food producer is valorized. Recommendations focus on standardizing the definition of gastronomic routes and developing guidelines for their structuring and desig

    Development of the Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire (MFMCQ) for migrants to Western societies: an international Delphi consensus process

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    Background Through the World Health Assembly Resolution, ‘Health of Migrants’, the international community has identified migrant health as a priority. Recommendations for general hospital care for international migrants in receiving-countries have been put forward by the Migrant Friendly Hospital Initiative; adaptations of these recommendations specific to maternity care have yet to be elucidated and validated. We aimed to develop a questionnaire measuring migrant-friendly maternity care (MFMC) which could be used in a range of maternity care settings and countries. Methods This study was conducted in four stages. First, questions related to migrant friendly maternity care were identified from existing questionnaires including the Migrant Friendliness Quality Questionnaire, developed in Europe to capture recommended general hospital care for migrants, and the Mothers In a New Country (MINC) Questionnaire, developed in Australia and revised for use in Canada to capture the maternity care experiences of migrant women, and combined to create an initial MFMC questionnaire. Second, a Delphi consensus process in three rounds with a panel of 89 experts in perinatal health and migration from 17 countries was undertaken to identify priority themes and questions as well as to clarify wording and format. Third, the draft questionnaire was translated from English to French and Spanish and back-translated and subsequently culturally validated (assessed for cultural appropriateness) by migrant women. Fourth, the questionnaire was piloted with migrant women who had recently given birth in Montreal, Canada. Results A 112-item questionnaire on maternity care from pregnancy, through labour and birth, to postpartum care, and including items on maternal socio-demographic, migration and obstetrical characteristics, and perceptions of care, has been created - the Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire (MFMCQ) – in three languages (English, French and Spanish). It is completed in 45 minutes via interview administration several months post-birth. Conclusions A 4-stage process of questionnaire development with international experts in migrant reproductive health and research resulted in the MFMCQ, a questionnaire measuring key aspects of migrant-sensitive maternity care. The MFMCQ is available for further translation and use to examine and compare care and perceptions of care within and across countries, and by key socio-demographic, migration, and obstetrical characteristics of migrant women

    Final report : use, consumption and health and medicinal properties of six species of wild edible plants in the Northeast of Lebanon

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    Appendix 15 of final repor

    Educational Outcomes as a Result of Redlining

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    Perceived health and medicinal properties of six species of wild edible plants in North-East Lebanon

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    DraftSix species of wild edible plants (WEP) were identified as integral to the diet of rural Lebanese communities. The project investigates their patterns of consumption and knowledge regarding health and medicinal properties. These medicinal properties are supported by scientific evidence C. intybus has digestive and blood strengthening properties. F. vulgare is used as a digestive stimulant. M. sylvestris has anti-inflammatory qualities. T. syriacus is popular for digestive and anti-poisonous properties. G. tournifortii is considered a nutritious food. Results highlight the importance of these plants for local people and supports efforts towards their conservation