82 research outputs found


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    Dalam penelitian ini, sistim yang dikembangkan berbasis Teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) yang dibangun terdiri atas: perangkat embedded system yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pengukuran dan pengiriman data, perangkat lunak Web Service yang berfungsi untuk menerima data dari sensor system dan perangkat lunak berbasis Arduino menggunakan flatform aplikasi Blynk Cloud  dalam penyajian data dan pengelolaan data untuk melalui perangkat display perangkat android. Sistim ini dibangun untuk memberikan fungsi peringatan dini terhadap anomali parameter trafo seperti overload, overvoltage dan unbalance load. Berdasarkan pengujian, waktu yang di butuhkan untuk mengirim dan menerima notifikasi di smartphone user melalui aplikasi blynk berkisar pada 3-4 detik. Dengan menetapkan batas tolerasi tertentu sebagai batas ambang ketidakseimbangan, maka pada saat beban sangat tidak seimbang dimana arus netral hampr sama atau lebih besar dari arus phasa maka pada lampu indiator lokal akan menyala dan pada sistim android akan memberikan indikator unbalance load

    Baboiyen Interpretasi Lagu Tenggi Kekomposisi Pendekatan Populer Bergenre Folk

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    "Baboiyen" is a composition of karawitan music inspired by the traditional art form of Saluang Patiak Tigo, specifically the repertoire of the Tenggi song from the Ujung Jalan village in South Solok Regency, Minangkabau. Saluang Patiak Tigo is often presented in various traditional ceremonies and weddings. The inspiring Tenggi song repertoire features intriguing musical elements with fluctuating tones and a melodic journey that rises and falls, creating a captivating impression. "Baboiyen" is an expression of the artist's ideas and concepts, developing the modes of the Tenggi song into an engaging musical composition with a popular folk genre approach. Through this work, the creator aims to share their musical experiences, provide inspiration, and foster interest in the development of traditional music

    Pengembangan Media Puzzle Berseri untuk Membantu Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menggosok Gigi pada Anak Autis Kelas Dasar

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    This innovative work research aims to develop a learning media in the form of serial puzzle media that can help children with autism to improve the ability of brushing teeth. Researchers developed serial puzzle media because they needed a learning media for self-development in brushing teeth of basic class autistic children. This media development uses the Research and Development (RnD) method with the PPE development model consisting of three stages, including the stages of planning, production, and evaluation.The data collection technique was carried out through validation by three experts with different instruments, namely media experts, material experts and autism children experts.This serial puzzle media gets the overall average result that has been achieved is good, with score of 56% according to media experts, 92,85% according to material experts, and 92,85 according to autism experts out of 100%. The average value obtained, it can be concluded that this serial puzzle media is declared feasible and can be used to help children with autism in developing self-brushing teeth. It is hoped that teachers and parents can use serial puzzle media in teaching self-development for brushing their teeth.Penelitian karya inovatif ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah media pembelajaran berupa media puzzle berseri yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan menggosok gigi anak autisme. Peneliti mengembangkan media puzzle berseri karena dibutuhkannya suatu media pembelajaran untuk bina diri menggosok gigi anak autisme kelas dasar. Pengembangan media ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan PPE yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan, yaitu tahap perencanaan (planning), tahap produksi (production), dan tahap evaluasi (evaluation). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui validasi oleh tiga ahli dengan instrumen yang berbeda yaitu ahli media, ahli materi dan ahli anak autis. Media puzzle berseri ini mendapatkan hasil rata-rata keseluruhan yang telah dicapai adalah baik, yaitu dengan nilai 56% menurut ahli media, 92,85% menurut ahli materi dan 92,85% menurut ahli anak autis dari nilai maksimal 100%. Nilai rata-rata yang didapat, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media puzzle berseri ini dinyatakan layak dan dapat digunakan untuk membantu anak autisme dalam bina diri menggosok gigi. Diharapkan guru dan orang tua dapat menggunakan media puzzle berseri pada pembelajaran bina diri menggosok gigi

    Accelerated Aging Effect on Epoxy-polysiloxane-Rice Husk Ash Polymeric Insulator Material

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    The performances of outdoor polymeric insulators are influenced by environmental conditions. The use of polymeric materials in a particular composition can be produced insulators that are resistant to environmental influences. This paper presents the effect of artificial tropical climate on the hydrophobicity, equivalent salt deposit density (ESDD), surface leakage current, flashover voltage, and surface degradation on epoxy-polysiloxane polymeric insulator materials with rice husk ash (RHA). Test samples are made at room temperature vulcanized (RTV) of various composition of epoxy-polysiloxane with rice husk ash as filler. The aging was carried out in test chamber at temperature from 50oC to 62oC, relative humidity of 60% to 80%, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation 21.28 w/cm2 in daylight conditions for 96 hours. The experiment results showed that the flashover voltage fluctuates from 34.13 kV up to 40.92 kV and tends to decrease on each variation of material composition. The surface leakage current fluctuates and tends to increase. Test samples with higher filler content result greater hydrophobicity, smaller equivalent salt deposit density, and smaller critical leakage current, which caused the increase of the flashover voltage. Insulator material (RTVEP3) showed the best performance in tropical climate environment. Artificial tropical aging for short duration gives less effect to the surface degradation of epoxy-polysiloxane insulator material


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    Sungai Doho merupakan anak sungai yang bermuara di Sungai Bengawan Solo melintasi wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Sukoharjo yang sering meluap saat musim hujan menyebabkan banjir di sekitar ruas sungai hingga pemukiman warga. Kejadian banjir dikatakan tidak menjadi masalah apabila tidak mengganggu aktivitas masyarakat, kegiatan ekonomi atau kegiatan pembangunan dan kegiatan yang dilakukan di daerah dataran banjir. Analisis banjir menggunakan hidrograf satuan pengukuran dengan metode Collins dan penampang sungai simulasi menggunakan HEC-RAS. Manajemen pelaksanaan konstruksi pengendalian banjir juga penting dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan konstruksi, terutama dalam hal jadwal pelaksanaan, biaya dan waktu. Debit banjir rencana yang digunakan sebagai masukan untuk analisis menggunakan hidrograf satuan terukur metode Collins dengan Q25 sebesar 17.06 m3/ Kedua. Hasil simulasi Q25 tahun menunjukkan bahwa Sungai Doho tidak bias menampung debit limpasan, sehingga diperlukan pengendalian banjir. Penanganan banjir dengan normalisasi dan perbaikan sungai tanggul memiliki efek yang signifikan yang dapat dilihat setelah penanganan

    Modification And Reengineering Of Electronic Fish Aggregating Device AS A Fishing Tools Based On Led Illuminance

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    Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) is generally made from foliage like a leaf of coconut, palm and nut, but with the development of marine and fishing technology, the FADs could be made electronic ally. Electronic FADs had been developed by using light and sound as an attractor, and was able to aggregate fish but the catch harvest was still relatively low compared with lift net lamp. In this paper we describe the recent development of electronic FADs. The new electronic FADs has 120 watts total power of LEDs as attractor, 12V 12Ah battery as the energy resources, and HDPE as the body of FADs. The lighting of the new is either blue – red light color (RE1) or red-white light color (RE2). The two kinds of lighting are tested and compared and its light distribution underwater case measured in term of the value of luminous flux. The results showed that new FADs work well in the water with light penetration of RE1 was better than RE2

    Earthquake Damage Level of Gorontalo Area Based on Seismicity and Peak Ground Acceleration

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    Gorontalo is located at the macro and micro plate boundary, therefore it is located in an active seismotectonic region. This study aims to analyze earthquake damage level in Gorontalo based on seismicity and peak ground acceleration. The data used is obtained from the USGS. Data is made into a database and plotted onto a geological map. Calculation of peak ground acceleration is obtained using the Kawashumi formula. The results of this study indicate that Gorontalo is included in the slight to moderate earthquake damage level because it is dominated by shallow to intermediate earthquakes depth, light to moderate earthquake magnitude, and have a peak ground acceleration 1,462 - 99,714 gal

    Sistem Proteksi Gangguan Thermal dan Arus Lebih Motor Induksi 3 Fasa pada Mesin Kompresor Menggunakan Metode Logika Fuzzy Dilengkapi Fitur Mobile App

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    Kerusakan pada motor induksi 3 fasa pada mesin kompresor di PT X umumnya disebabkan oleh gangguan thermal dan arus lebih yang bermula dari masalah internal motor induksi. Seperti kumparan motor yang sudah mulai rusak, gearbox atau bearing yang sendat, dan kipas pendingin yang tidak berfungsi. Proyek Akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan merancang Sistem Proteksi Gangguan Thermal dan Arus Lebih Motor Induksi 3 Fasa pada Mesin Kompresosr Menggunakan Metode Logika Fuzzy. Proyek Akhir ini juga bertujuan untuk aplikasi fitur mobile app untuk monitoring nilai temperatur dan arus pada motor induksi serta dapat memutus daya motor induksi 3 fasa secara online. Prinsip kerja sistem proteksi ini yaitu ketika kendali logika fuzzy menetapkan motor induksi dalam kondisi peringatan maka sistem secara otomatis mengirimkan peringatan berupa notifikasi kepada pengguna. Begitu juga ketika temperatur dan arus terdeteksi melampaui nilai nominal maka motor trip. Dari hasil pembacaan temperatur oleh sensor DS18B20 dan termometer digital, terdapat rata-rata error sebesar 0,64%. Hasil pembacaan arus oleh sensor ACS712 dan amperemeter, terdapat rata-rata error sebesar < 1%. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap motor induksi 3 fasa berdaya 0,3 HP. Dengan hasil pengujian ketika didapatkan pembacaan arus motor sebesar 0,51; 0,53; dan 0,52 A kontrol logika fuzzy menentukan motor dalam kondisi peringatan. Sementara kontrol logika fuzzy menentukan motor dalam kondisi gangguan ketika didapatkan pembacaan arus motor sebesar 0,68; 0,69; dan 0,67 A


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     Indonesia is one of the countries which has a largest pineaple plantation in Asia, that is more than 165.690 hektare besides Thailand, Filipina, and Malaysia. Pineaple is one of the plants which contains karbohidrat and sugar as well as corn, cassava, sugar palm, etc. Thus in this occasion the pineaple will be used as material for producing bioetanol cause besides its quantity is large, it’s potential to make bioetanol.            This research head for identify the efect of fermentation periode and distilation  temperature as independent variable to the specific gravity and heating value as dependent variable. In this research the fermentation periode used are 5, 7, and 9 days while distilation temperature are 60, 75, and 800C. Producing of this pineaple bioetanol is doing by fermentation proses. In producing this pineaple bioetanol each sample which mass is 1750 gr added with 75 gr crushed yeast or equal with 4,3 % mass of sample.              From the research it’s found that the alcohol content is increase with fermentation periode and decresing of distilation temperature. Specific gravity decrease with increasing of fermentation periode and decreasing of distilation temperature. Heating value is increase with increasing of fermentation periode and deacreasing of distilation temperature.