21 research outputs found

    Community-Level Responses to Iron Availability in Open Ocean Plankton Ecosystems

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    Predicting responses of plankton to variations in essential nutrients is hampered by limited in situ measurements, a poor understanding of community composition, and the lack of reference gene catalogs for key taxa. Iron is a key driver of plankton dynamics and, therefore, of global biogeochemical cycles and climate. To assess the impact of iron availability on plankton communities, we explored the comprehensive bio-oceanographic and bio-omics data sets from Tara Oceans in the context of the iron products from two state-of-the-art global scale biogeochemical models. We obtained novel information about adaptation and acclimation toward iron in a range of phytoplankton, including picocyanobacteria and diatoms, and identified whole subcommunities covarying with iron. Many of the observed global patterns were recapitulated in the Marquesas archipelago, where frequent plankton blooms are believed to be caused by natural iron fertilization, although they are not captured in large-scale biogeochemical models. This work provides a proof of concept that integrative analyses, spanning from genes to ecosystems and viruses to zooplankton, can disentangle the complexity of plankton communities and can lead to more accurate formulations of resource bioavailability in biogeochemical models, thus improving our understanding of plankton resilience in a changing environment

    Transportadores de amonio y papel regulador de la proteína PII en las cianobacterias synechococcus elongatus y anabaena sp

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    Los objetivos que nos planteamos al comienzo de esta Tesis fueron contribuir al conocimiento de cómo se produce el transporte de amonio en cianobacterias y cómo se produce la regulación de la expresión de los genes dependientes de NtcA. Para ello nos propusimos: ... n>1. Estudiar los genes amt de las cianobacterias Synechococcus elongatus y Anabaena sp. PCC 7120.2. Estudiar el efecto de la proteína PII sobre la expresión de los genes regulados por NtcA en Synechococcus elongatus.3. La clonación y caracterización del gen glnB de Anabaena sp. PCC 7120

    Expression and Mutational Analysis of the glnB Genomic Region in the Heterocyst-Forming Cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. Strain PCC 7120▿

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    In the filamentous, heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, the glnB gene is expressed at considerable levels both in the presence and in the absence of combined nitrogen, although induction, influenced by NtcA, takes place upon combined-nitrogen deprivation likely localized to vegetative cells. In spite of extensive efforts, a derivative of PCC 7120 lacking a functional glnB gene could be obtained only with constructs that lead to overexpression of a downstream open reading frames (ORF), particularly all2318. Strain CSP10 [glnB all2318(Con)] exhibited growth rates similar to those of the wild type when it was using nitrate or ammonium, but its diazotrophic growth was impaired. However, it differentiated heterocysts with a time course and distribution pattern similar to those of the wild type, although with no cyanophycin-containing polar granules, and exhibited impaired nitrogenase activity under oxic conditions, but not under microoxic conditions. In the mutant, NtcA-dependent inducion of the hetC and nifH genes was unaltered, but induction of the urtA gene and urea transport activity were increased. Active uptake of nitrite was also increased and insensitive to the ammonium-promoted inhibition observed for the wild type. Thus, regulation of the nitrite transport activity requires the glnB gene product. In the presence of a wild-type glnB gene, neither inactivation nor overexpression of all2318 produced an apparent phenotype. Thus, in an otherwise wild-type background, the glnB gene appears to be essential for growth of strain PCC 7120. For growth with combined nitrogen but not for diazotrophic growth, the requirement for glnB can be overridden by increasing the expression of all2318 (and/or ORFs downstream of it)

    The NtcA-Regulated amtB Gene Is Necessary for Full Methylammonium Uptake Activity in the Cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus▿

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    The Amt proteins constitute a ubiquitous family of transmembrane ammonia channels that permit the net uptake of ammonium by cells. In many organisms, there is more than one amt gene, and these genes are subjected to nitrogen control. The mature Amt protein is a homo- or heterooligomer of three Amt subunits. We previously characterized an amt1 gene in the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus strain PCC 7942. In this work, we describe the presence in this organism of a second amt gene, amtB, which encodes a protein more similar to the bacterial AmtB proteins than to any other characterized cyanobacterial Amt protein. The expression of amtB took place in response to nitrogen step-down, required the NtcA transcription factor, and occurred parallel to the expression of amt1. However, the transcript levels of amtB measured after 2 h of nitrogen deprivation were about 100-fold lower than those of amt1. An S. elongatus amtB insertional mutant exhibited an activity for uptake of [14C]methylammonium that was about 55% of that observed in the wild type, but inactivation of amtB had no noticeable effect on the uptake of ammonium when it was supplied at a concentration of 100 μM or more. Because an S. elongatus amt1 mutant is essentially devoid of [14C]methylammonium uptake activity, the mature Amt transporter is functional in the absence of AmtB subunits but not in the absence of Amt1 subunits. However, the S. elongatus amtB mutant could not concentrate [14C]methylammonium within the cells to the same extent as the wild type. Therefore, AmtB is necessary for full methylammonium uptake activity in S. elongatus

    The amt Gene Cluster of the Heterocyst-Forming Cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. Strain PCC 7120 ▿

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    The genome of the heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 bears a gene cluster including three amt genes that, based on homology of their protein products, we designate amt4, amt1, and amtB. Expression of the three genes took place upon ammonium withdrawal in combined nitrogen-free medium and was NtcA dependent. The genes were transcribed independently, but an amt4-amt1 dicistronic transcript was also produced, and expression was highest for the amt1 gene. A mutant with the whole amt region removed could grow under laboratory conditions using ammonium, nitrate, or dinitrogen as the nitrogen source

    Broad-host-range vector system for synthetic biology and biotechnology in cyanobacteria.

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    Inspired by the developments of synthetic biology and the need for improved genetic tools to exploit cyanobacteria for the production of renewable bioproducts, we developed a versatile platform for the construction of broad-host-range vector systems. This platform includes the following features: (i) an efficient assembly strategy in which modules released from 3 to 4 donor plasmids or produced by polymerase chain reaction are assembled by isothermal assembly guided by short GC-rich overlap sequences. (ii) A growing library of molecular devices categorized in three major groups: (a) replication and chromosomal integration; (b) antibiotic resistance; (c) functional modules. These modules can be assembled in different combinations to construct a variety of autonomously replicating plasmids and suicide plasmids for gene knockout and knockin. (iii) A web service, the CYANO-VECTOR assembly portal, which was built to organize the various modules, facilitate the in silico construction of plasmids, and encourage the use of this system. This work also resulted in the construction of an improved broad-host-range replicon derived from RSF1010, which replicates in several phylogenetically distinct strains including a new experimental model strain Synechocystis sp. WHSyn, and the characterization of nine antibiotic cassettes, four reporter genes, four promoters, and a ribozyme-based insulator in several diverse cyanobacterial strains

    Endocytosis-mediated siderophore uptake as a strategy for Fe acquisition in diatoms

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    International audiencePhytoplankton growth is limited in vast oceanic regions by the low bioavailability of iron. Iron fertilization often results in diatom blooms, yet the physiological underpinnings for how diatoms survive in chronically iron-limited waters and outcompete other phytoplankton when iron becomes available are unresolved. We show that some diatoms can use siderophore-bound iron, and exhibit a species-specific recognition for siderophore types. In Phaeodactylum tricornutumPhaeodactylum\ tricornutum, hydroxamate siderophores are taken up without previous reduction by a high-affinity mechanism that involves binding to the cell surface followed by endocytosis-mediated uptake and delivery to the chloroplast. The affinity recorded is the highest ever described for an iron transport system in any eukaryotic cell. Collectively, our observations suggest that there are likely a variety of iron uptake mechanisms in diatoms besides the well-established reductive mechanism. We show that iron starvation–induced protein 1 (ISIP1) plays an important role in the uptake of siderophores, and through bioinformatics analyses we deduce that this protein is largely diatom-specific. We quantify expression of ISIP1 in the global ocean by querying the Tara Oceans atlas of eukaryotic genes and show a link between the abundance and distribution of diatom-associated ISIP1 with ocean provinces defined by chronic iron starvation

    A novel protein, ubiquitous in marine phytoplankton, concentrates iron at the cell surface and facilitates uptake.

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    International audienceNumerous cellular functions including respiration require iron. Plants and phytoplankton must also maintain the iron-rich photosynthetic electron transport chain, which most likely evolved in the iron-replete reducing environments of the Proterozoic ocean [1]. Iron bioavailability has drastically decreased in the contemporary ocean [1], most likely selecting for the evolution of efficient iron acquisition mechanisms among modern phytoplankton. Mesoscale iron fertilization experiments often result in blooms dominated by diatoms [2], indicating that diatoms have adaptations that allow survival in iron-limited waters and rapid multiplication when iron becomes available. Yet the genetic and molecular bases are unclear, as very few iron uptake genes have been functionally characterized from marine eukaryotic phytoplankton, and large portions of diatom iron starvation transcriptomes are genes encoding unknown functions [3-5]. Here we show that the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum utilizes ISIP2a to concentrate Fe(III) at the cell surface as part of a novel, copper-independent and thermodynamically controlled iron uptake system. ISIP2a is expressed in response to iron limitation several days prior to the induction of ferrireductase activity, and it facilitates significant Fe(III) uptake during the initial response to Fe limitation. ISIP2a is able to directly bind Fe(III) and increase iron uptake when heterologously expressed, whereas knockdown of ISIP2a in P. tricornutum decreases iron uptake, resulting in impaired growth and chlorosis during iron limitation. ISIP2a is expressed by diverse marine phytoplankton, indicating that it is an ecologically significant adaptation to the unique nutrient composition of marine environments