133 research outputs found

    Quantum mechanical effect of path-polarization contextuality for a single photon

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    Using measurements pertaining to a suitable Mach-Zehnder(MZ) type setup, a curious quantum mechanical effect of contextuality between the path and the polarization degrees of freedom of a polarized photon is demonstrated, without using any notion of realism or hidden variables - an effect that holds good for the product as well as the entangled states. This form of experimental context-dependence is manifested in a way such that at \emph{either} of the two exit channels of the MZ setup used, the empirically verifiable \emph{subensemble} statistical properties obtained by an arbitrary polarization measurement depend upon the choice of a commuting(comeasurable) path observable, while this effect disappears for the \emph{whole ensemble} of photons emerging from the two exit channels of the MZ setup.Comment: To be published in IJT

    Photometric Selection of Emission Line Galaxies, Clustering Analysis and a Search for the ISW effect

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    We investigate the use of simple colour cuts applied to the SDSS optical imaging to perform photometric selections of emission line galaxies out to z<1. From colour-cuts using the SDSS g, r and i bands, we obtain mean photometric redshifts of z=0.32+-0.08, z=0.44+-0.12 and z=0.65+-0.21. We further calibrate our high redshift selection using spectroscopic observations with the AAOmega spectrograph on the 4m Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT), observing ~50-200 galaxy candidates in 4 separate fields. With just 1-hour of integration time and with seeing of ~1.6", we successfully determined redshifts for ~65% of the targeted candidates. We calculate the angular correlation functions of the samples and find correlation lengths of r0=2.64 h-1 Mpc, r0=3.62 h-1 Mpc and r0=5.88 h-1 Mpc for the low, mid and high redshift samples respectively. Comparing these results with predicted dark matter clustering, we estimate the bias parameter for each sample to be b=0.70, b=0.92 and b=1.46. We calculate the 2-point redshift-space correlation function at z~0.6 and find a clustering amplitude of s0=6.4 h-1 Mpc. Finally, we use our photometric sample to search for the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe signal in the WMAP 5yr data. We cross-correlate our three redshift samples with the WMAP W, V, Q and K bands and find an overall trend for a positive signal similar to that expected from models. However, the signal in each is relatively weak. Combining all three galaxy samples we find a signal of wTg(<100')=0.20+-0.12 microK in the WMAP W-band, a significance of 1.7sigma.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Strong Relationship Between Vascular Function in the Coronary and Brachial Arteries: A Clinical Coming of Age for the Updated Flow-Mediated Dilation Test?

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    Early detection of coronary artery dysfunction is of paramount cardiovascular clinical importance, but a noninvasive assessment is lacking. Indeed, the brachial artery flow-mediated dilation test only weakly correlated with acetylcholine-induced coronary artery function (r=0.36). However, brachial artery flow-mediated dilation methodologies have, over time, substantially improved. This study sought to determine if updates to this technique have improved the relationship with coronary artery function and the noninvasive indication of coronary artery dysfunction. Coronary artery and brachial artery function were assessed in 28 patients referred for cardiac catheterization (61±11 years). Coronary artery function was determined by the change in artery diameter with a 1.82 μg/min intracoronary acetylcholine infusion. Based on the change in vessel diameter, patients were characterized as having dysfunctional coronary arteries (\u3e5% vasoconstriction) or relatively functional coronary arteries (\u3c5% vasoconstriction). Brachial artery function was determined by flow-mediated dilation, adhering to current guidelines. The acetylcholine-induced change in vessel diameter was smaller in patients with dysfunctional compared with relatively functional coronary arteries (−11.8±4.6% versus 5.8±9.8%, P\u3c0.001). Consistent with this, brachial artery flow-mediated dilation was attenuated in patients with dysfunctional compared with relatively functional coronaries (2.9±1.9% versus 6.2±4.2%, P=0.007). Brachial artery flow-mediated dilation was strongly correlated with the acetylcholine-induced change in coronary artery diameter (r=0.77, P\u3c0.0001) and was a strong indicator of coronary artery dysfunction (receiver operator characteristic=78%). The current data support that updates to the brachial artery flow-mediated dilation technique have strengthened the relationship with coronary artery function, which may now provide a clinically meaningful indication of coronary artery dysfunction

    M31 satellite masses compared to CDM subhaloes

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    We have selected the positions of 54 6.7 GHz methanol masers from the Methanol Multibeam Survey catalogue, covering a range of longitudes between 20◦ and 34◦ of the Galactic plane. These positions were mapped in the J = 3−2 transition of both the 13CO and C18O lines. A total of 58 13CO emission peaks are found in the vicinity of these maser positions. We search for outflows around all 13CO peaks, and find evidence for high-velocity gas in all cases, spatially resolving the red and blue outflow lobes in 55 cases. Of these sources, 44 have resolved kinematic distances, and are closely associated with the 6.7 GHz masers, a subset referred to as Methanol Maser Associated Outflows (MMAOs). We calculate the masses of the clumps associated with each peak using 870 µm continuum emission from the ATLASGAL survey. A strong correlation is seen between the clump mass and both outflow mass and mechanical force, lending support to models in which accretion is strongly linked to outflow. We find that the scaling law between outflow activity and clump masses observed for low-mass objects, is also followed by the MMAOs in this study, indicating a commonality in the formation processes of low-mass and high-mass stars

    WISE x SuperCOSMOS photometric redshift catalog: 20 million galaxies over 3pi steradians

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    We cross-match the two currently largest all-sky photometric catalogs, mid-infrared WISE and SuperCOSMOS scans of UKST/POSS-II photographic plates, to obtain a new galaxy sample that covers 3pi steradians. In order to characterize and purify the extragalactic dataset, we use external GAMA and SDSS spectroscopic information to define quasar and star loci in multicolor space, aiding the removal of contamination from our extended-source catalog. After appropriate data cleaning we obtain a deep wide-angle galaxy sample that is approximately 95% pure and 90% complete at high Galactic latitudes. The catalog contains close to 20 million galaxies over almost 70% of the sky, outside the Zone of Avoidance and other confused regions, with a mean surface density of over 650 sources per square degree. Using multiwavelength information from two optical and two mid-IR photometric bands, we derive photometric redshifts for all the galaxies in the catalog, using the ANNz framework trained on the final GAMA-II spectroscopic data. Our sample has a median redshift of z_{med} = 0.2 but with a broad dN/dz reaching up to z>0.4. The photometric redshifts have a mean bias of |delta_z|~10^{-3}, normalized scatter of sigma_z = 0.033 and less than 3% outliers beyond 3sigma_z. Comparison with external datasets shows no significant variation of photo-z quality with sky position. Together with the overall statistics, we also provide a more detailed analysis of photometric redshift accuracy as a function of magnitudes and colors. The final catalog is appropriate for `all-sky' 3D cosmology to unprecedented depths, in particular through cross-correlations with other large-area surveys. It should also be useful for source pre-selection and identification in forthcoming surveys such as TAIPAN or WALLABY

    The personalized advantage index: Translating research on prediction into individualized treatment recommendations. A demonstration

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    Background: Advances in personalized medicine require the identification of variables that predict differential response to treatments as well as the development and refinement of methods to transform predictive information into actionable recommendations. Objective: To illustrate and test a new method for integrating predictive information to aid in treatment selection, using data from a randomized treatment comparison. Method: Data from a trial of antidepressant medications (N = 104) versus cognitive behavioral therapy (N = 50) for Major Depressive Disorder were used to produce predictions of post-treatment scores on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) in each of the two treatments for each of the 154 patients. The patient's own data were not used in the models that yielded these predictions. Five pre-randomization variables that predicted differential response (marital status, employment status, life events, comorbid personality disorder, and prior medication trials) were included in regression models, permitting the calculation of each patient's Personalized Advantage Index (PAI), in HRSD units. Results: For 60% of the sample a clinically meaningful advantage (PAI≥3) was predicted for one of the treatments, relative to the other. When these patients were divided into those randomly assigned to their "Optimal" treatment versus those assigned to their "Non-optimal" treatment, outcomes in the former group were superior (d = 0.58, 95% CI .17-1.01). Conclusions: This approach to treatment selection, implemented in the context of two equally effective treatments, yielded effects that, if obtained prospectively, would rival those routinely observed in comparisons of active versus control treatments. © 2014 DeRubeis et al

    High-Resolution Rotation Curves and Galaxy Mass Models from THINGS

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    We present rotation curves of 19 galaxies from THINGS, The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey. The high spatial and velocity resolution of THINGS make these the highest quality HI rotation curves available to date for a large sample of nearby galaxies, spanning a wide range of HI masses and luminosities. The high quality of the data allows us to derive the geometrical and dynamical parameters using HI data alone. We do not find any declining rotation curves unambiguously associated with a cut-off in the mass distribution out to the last measured point. The rotation curves are combined with 3.6 um data from SINGS (Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey) to construct mass models. Our best-fit, dynamical disk masses, derived from the rotation curves, are in good agreement with photometric disk masses derived from the 3.6 um images in combination with stellar population synthesis arguments and two different assumptions for the stellar Initial Mass Function (IMF). We test the Cold Dark Matter-motivated cusp model, and the observationally motivated central density core model and find that (independent of IMF) for massive, disk-dominated galaxies, all halo models fit apparently equally well; for low-mass galaxies, however, a core-dominated halo is clearly preferred over a cuspy halo. The empirically derived densities of the dark matter halos of the late-type galaxies in our sample are half of what is predicted by CDM simulations, again independent of the assumed IMF.Comment: Accepted for publication in the AJ special THINGS issue. For a high-resolution version visit: http://www.mpia.de/THINGS/Publications.html [v2 typo fixed

    Embedding physical activity in the heart of the NHS: the need for a whole-system approach

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    Solutions to the global challenge of physical inactivity have tended to focus on interventions at an individual level, when evidence shows that wider factors, including the social and physical environment, play a major part in influencing health-related behaviour. A multidisciplinary perspective is needed to rewrite the research agenda on physical activity if population-level public health benefits are to be demonstrated. This article explores the questions that this raises regarding the particular role that the UK National Health Service (NHS) plays in the system. The National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine in Sheffield is put forward as a case study to discuss some of the ways in which health systems can work in collaboration with other partners to develop environments and systems that promote active lives for patients and staff

    Aβ40 Oligomers Identified as a Potential Biomarker for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia worldwide, yet the development of therapeutics has been hampered by the absence of suitable biomarkers to diagnose the disease in its early stages prior to the formation of amyloid plaques and the occurrence of irreversible neuronal damage. Since oligomeric Aβ species have been implicated in the pathophysiology of AD, we reasoned that they may correlate with the onset of disease. As such, we have developed a novel misfolded protein assay for the detection of soluble oligomers composed of Aβ x-40 and x-42 peptide (hereafter Aβ40 and Aβ42) from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Preliminary validation of this assay with 36 clinical samples demonstrated the presence of aggregated Aβ40 in the CSF of AD patients. Together with measurements of total Aβ42, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity greater than 95% and 90%, respectively, were achieved. Although larger sample populations will be needed to confirm this diagnostic sensitivity, our studies demonstrate a sensitive method of detecting circulating Aβ40 oligomers from AD CSF and suggest that these oligomers could be a powerful new biomarker for the early detection of AD

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy