127 research outputs found

    Simulating the ideal geometrical and biomechanical parameters of the pulmonary autograft to prevent failure in the Ross operation

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    OBJECTIVES: Reinforcements for the pulmonary autograft (PA) in the Ross operation have been introduced to avoid the drawback of conduit expansion and failure. With the aid of an in silico simulation, the biomechanical boundaries applied to a healthy PA during the operation were studied to tailor the best implant technique to prevent reoperation. METHODS: Follow-up echocardiograms of 66 Ross procedures were reviewed. Changes in the dimensions and geometry of reinforced and non-reinforced PAs were evaluated. Miniroot and subcoronary implantation techniques were used in this series. Mechanical stress tests were performed on 36 human pulmonary and aortic roots explanted from donor hearts. Finite element analysis was applied to obtain high-fidelity simulation under static and dynamic conditions of the biomechanical properties and applied stresses on the PA root and leaflet and the similar components of the native aorta. RESULTS: The non-reinforced group showed increases in the percentages of the mean diameter that were significantly higher than those in the reinforced group at the level of the Valsalva sinuses (3.9%) and the annulus (12.1%). The mechanical simulation confirmed geometrical and dimensional changes detected by clinical imaging and demonstrated the non-linear biomechanical behaviour of the PA anastomosed to the aorta, a stiffer behaviour of the aortic root in relation to the PA and similar qualitative and quantitative behaviours of leaflets of the 2 tissues. The annulus was the most significant constraint to dilation and affected the distribution of stress and strain within the entire complex, with particular strain on the sutured regions. The PA was able to evenly absorb mechanical stresses but was less adaptable to circumferential stresses, potentially explaining its known dilatation tendency over time. CONCLUSIONS: The absence of reinforcement leads to a more marked increase in the diameter of the PA. Preservation of the native geometry of the PA root is crucial; the miniroot technique with external reinforcement is the most suitable strategy in this context

    A renal registry for Africa: first steps.

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    There is a dearth of data on end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in Africa. Several national renal registries have been established but have not been sustainable because of resource limitations. The African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN) and the African Paediatric Nephrology Association (AFPNA) recognize the importance of good registry data and plan to establish an African Renal Registry. This article reviews the elements needed for a successful renal registry and gives an overview of renal registries in developed and developing countries, with the emphasis on Africa. It then discusses the proposed African Renal Registry and the first steps towards its implementation. A registry requires a clear purpose, and agreement on inclusion and exclusion criteria, the dataset and the data dictionary. Ethical issues, data ownership and access, the dissemination of findings and funding must all be considered. Well-documented processes should guide data collection and ensure data quality. The ERA-EDTA Registry is the world's oldest renal registry. In Africa, registry data have been published mainly by North African countries, starting with Egypt and Tunisia in 1975. However, in recent years no African country has regularly reported national registry data. A shared renal registry would provide participating countries with a reliable technology platform and a common data dictionary to facilitate joint analyses and comparisons. In March 2015, AFRAN organized a registry workshop for African nephrologists and then took the decision to establish, for the first time, an African Renal Registry. In conclusion, African nephrologists have decided to establish a continental renal registry. This initiative could make a substantial impact on the practice of nephrology and the provision of services for adults and children with ESRD in many African countries

    The three hundred project. A machine learning method to infer clusters of galaxy mass radial profiles from mock Sunyaev–Zel’dovich maps

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    We develop a machine learning algorithm to infer the three-dimensional cumulative radial profiles of total and gas masses in galaxy clusters from thermal Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect maps. We generate around 73 000 mock images along various lines of sight using 2522 simulated clusters from THE THREE HUNDRED project at redshift z < 0.12 and train a model that combines an auto-encoder and a random forest. Without making any prior assumptions about the hydrostatic equilibrium of the clusters, the model is capable of reconstructing the total mass profile as well as the gas mass profile, which is responsible for the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect. We show that the recovered profiles are unbiased with a scatter of about 10 per cent, slightly increasing towards the core and the outskirts of the cluster. We selected clusters in the mass range of 1013.5 ≤ M200/(h−1 M) ≤ 1015.5, spanning different dynamical states, from relaxed to disturbed haloes. We verify that both the accuracy and precision of this method show a slight dependence on the dynamical state, but not on the cluster mass. To further verify the consistency of our model, we fit the inferred total mass profiles with a Navarro–Frenk–White model and contrast the concentration values with those of the true profiles. We note that the inferred profiles are unbiased for higher concentration values, reproducing a trustworthy mass–concentration relation. The comparison with a widely used mass estimation technique, such as hydrostatic equilibrium, demonstrates that our method recovers the total mass that is not biased by non-thermal motions of the gas

    A machine learning method to infer clusters of galaxies mass radial profiles from mock Sunyaev-Zel’dovich maps with The Three Hundred clusters

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    Our study introduces a new machine learning algorithm for estimating 3D cumulative radial profiles of total and gas mass in galaxy clusters from thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect maps. We generate mock images from 2522 simulated clusters, employing an autoencoder and random forest in our approach. Notably, our model makes no prior assumptions about hydrostatic equilibrium. Our results indicate that the model successfully reconstructs unbiased total and gas mass profiles, with a scatter of approximately 10%. We analyse clusters in various dynamical states and mass ranges, finding that our method’s accuracy and precision are consistent. We verify the capabilities of our model by comparing it with the hydrostatic equilibrium technique, showing that it accurately recovers total mass profiles without any bias

    Supplemented ERA-EDTA Registry data evaluated the frequency of dialysis, kidney transplantation, and comprehensive conservative management for patients with kidney failure in Europe

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    The aims of this study were to determine the frequency of dialysis and kidney transplantation and to estimate the regularity of comprehensive conservative management (CCM) for patients with kidney failure in Europe. This study uses data from the ERA-EDTA Registry. Additionally, our study included supplemental data from Armenia, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Kosovo, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Slovenia and additional data from Israel, Italy, Slovakia using other information sources. Through an online survey, responding nephrologists estimated the frequency of CCM (i.e. planned holistic care instead of kidney replacement therapy) in 33 countries. In 2016, the overall incidence of replacement therapy for kidney failure was 132 per million population (pmp), varying from 29 (Ukraine) to 251 pmp (Greece). On 31 December 2016, the overall prevalence of kidney replacement therapy was 985 pmp, ranging from 188 (Ukraine) to 1906 pmp (Portugal). The prevalence of peritoneal dialysis (114 pmp) and home hemodialysis (28 pmp) was highest in Cyprus and Denmark respectively. The kidney transplantation rate was nearly zero in some countries and highest in Spain (64 pmp). In 28 countries with five or more responding nephrologists, the median percentage of candidates for kidney replacement therapy who were offered CCM in 2018 varied between none (Slovakia and Slovenia) and 20% (Finland) whereas the median prevalence of CCM varied between none (Slovenia) and 15% (Hungary). Thus, the substantial differences across Europe in the frequency of kidney replacement therapy and CCM indicate the need for improvement in access to various treatment options for patients with kidney failure.Peer reviewe

    The ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report 2017 : a summary

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    Background. This article presents a summary of the 2017 Annual Report of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry and describes the epidemiology of renal replacement therapy (RRT) for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in 37 countries. Methods. The ERA-EDTA Registry received individual patient data on patients undergoing RRT for ESRD in 2017 from 32 national or regional renal registries and aggregated data from 21 registries. The incidence and prevalence of RRT, kidney transplantation activity and survival probabilities of these patients were calculated. Results. In 2017, the ERA-EDTA Registry covered a general population of 694 million people. The incidence of RRT for ESRD was 127 per million population (pmp), ranging from 37 pmp in Ukraine to 252 pmp in Greece. A total of 62% of patients were men, 52% were >= 65 years of age and 23% had diabetes mellitus as the primary renal disease. The treatment modality at the onset of RRT was haemodialysis for 85% of patients. On 31 December 2017, the prevalence of RRT was 854 pmp, ranging from 210 pmp in Ukraine to 1965 pmp in Portugal. The transplant rate in 2017 was 33 pmp, ranging from 3 pmp in Ukraine to 103 pmp in the Spanish region of Catalonia. For patients commencing RRT during 2008-12, the unadjusted 5-year patient survival probability for all RRT modalities combined was 50.8%.Peer reviewe

    The European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry Annual Report 2014 : a summary

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    Background: This article summarizes the European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry's 2014 annual report. It describes the epidemiology of renal replacement therapy (RRT) for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in 2014 within 35 countries. Methods: In 2016, the ERA-EDTA Registry received data on patients who in 2014 where undergoing RRT for ESRD, from 51 national or regional renal registries. Thirty-two registries provided individual patient level data and 19 provided aggregated patient level data. The incidence, prevalence and survival probabilities of these patients were determined. Results: In 2014, 70 953 individuals commenced RRT for ESRD, equating to an overall unadjusted incidence rate of 133 per million population (pmp). The incidence ranged by 10-fold; from 23 pmp in the Ukraine to 237 pmp in Portugal. Of the patients commencing RRT, almost two-thirds were men, over half were aged >= 65 years and a quarter had diabetes mellitus as their primary renal diagnosis. By day 91 of commencing RRT, 81% of patients were receiving haemodialysis. On 31 December 2014, 490 743 individuals were receiving RRT for ESRD, equating to an unadjusted prevalence of 924 pmp. This ranged throughout Europe by more than 10-fold, from 157 pmp in the Ukraine to 1794 pmp in Portugal. In 2014, 19 406 kidney transplantations were performed, equating to an overall unadjusted transplant rate of 36 pmp. Again this varied considerably throughout Europe. For patients commencing RRT during 2005-09, the 5-year-adjusted patient survival probabilities on all RRT modalities was 63.3% (95% confidence interval 63.0-63.6). The expected remaining lifetime of a 20-to 24-year-old patient with ESRD receiving dialysis or living with a kidney transplant was 21.9 and 44.0 years, respectively. This was substantially lower than the 61.8 years of expected remaining lifetime of a 20-year-old patient without ESRD.Peer reviewe

    The first HyDRA challenge for computational vibrational spectroscopy

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    Vibrational spectroscopy in supersonic jet expansions is a powerful tool to assess molecular aggregates in close to ideal conditions for the benchmarking of quantum chemical approaches. The low temperatures achieved as well as the absence of environment effects allow for a direct comparison between computed and experimental spectra. This provides potential benchmarking data which can be revisited to hone different computational techniques, and it allows for the critical analysis of procedures under the setting of a blind challenge. In the latter case, the final result is unknown to modellers, providing an unbiased testing opportunity for quantum chemical models. In this work, we present the spectroscopic and computational results for the first HyDRA blind challenge. The latter deals with the prediction of water donor stretching vibrations in monohydrates of organic molecules. This edition features a test set of 10 systems. Experimental water donor OH vibrational wavenumbers for the vacuum-isolated monohydrates of formaldehyde, tetrahydrofuran, pyridine, tetrahydrothiophene, trifluoroethanol, methyl lactate, dimethylimidazolidinone, cyclooctanone, trifluoroacetophenone and 1-phenylcyclohexane-cis-1,2-diol are provided. The results of the challenge show promising predictive properties in both purely quantum mechanical approaches as well as regression and other machine learning strategies