6 research outputs found

    Emancypacja, feminizm and sufrażyzm in dictionaries of the Polish language

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    This article is devoted to names of social movements led by women, such as emancypacja, feminizm and sufrażyzm. It presents history of these words and their derivates in polish language, based on informations obtained from dictionaries – old and new. Author looked into definitions, qualifiers and examples of usage. It helped with establishing chronology and semantic changes of subjected words. Then author evaluated usefulness of dictionaries in this kind of research. It turned out that they can be helpful but don’t give all needed informations.Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są nazwy ruchów społecznych mających na celu zabieganie o równouprawnienie kobiet, takich jak emancypacja, feminizm i sufrażyzm. Przybliżone zostały w nim losy tych wyrazów oraz ich derywatów w polszczyźnie na przestrzeni lat. Wykorzystano słowniki języka polskiego, począwszy od dziewiętnastowiecznych, poprzez dwudziestowieczne, aż do współczesnych. Oglądowi poddano przede wszystkim zawarte w nich definicje, ale także kwalifikatory oraz przykłady użycia. Ustalono chronologię badanych pojęć oraz ewolucję znaczenia na przestrzeni lat. Zwrócono także uwagę na liczbę derywatów – na ich przybywanie i zanikanie. Na końcu oceniono przydatność słowników w badaniu losów wyrazów w polszczyźnie, stwierdzając, że możliwe jest wydobycie z nich wielu interesujących informacji. Uzyskanie bardziej szczegółowej wiedzy na temat użycia danego wyrazu wymaga jednak ekscerpcji tekstowej

    Comparison of Physicochemical, Mechanical, and (Micro-)Biological Properties of Sintered Scaffolds Based on Natural- and Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Supplemented with Selected Dopants

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    The specific combinations of materials and dopants presented in this work have not been previously described. The main goal of the presented work was to prepare and compare the different properties of newly developed composite materials manufactured by sintering. The synthetic-(SHAP) or natural- (NHAP) hydroxyapatite serves as a matrix and was doped with: (i) organic: multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), fullerenes C60, (ii) inorganic: Cu nanowires. Research undertaken was aimed at seeking novel candidates for bone replacement biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite—the main inorganic component of bone, because bone reconstructive surgery is currently mostly carried out with the use of autografts; titanium or other non-hydroxyapatite -based materials. The physicomechanical properties of the developed biomaterials were tested by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Dielectric Spectroscopy (BSD), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), as well as microhardness using Vickers method. The results showed that despite obtaining porous sinters. The highest microhardness was achieved for composite materials based on NHAP. Based on NMR spectroscopy, residue organic substances could be observed in NHAP composites, probably due to the organic structures that make up the tooth. Microbiology investigations showed that the selected samples exhibit bacteriostatic properties against Gram-positive reference bacterial strain S. epidermidis (ATCC 12228); however, the property was much less pronounced against Gram-negative reference strain E. coli (ATCC 25922). Both NHAP and SHAP, as well as their doped derivates, displayed in good general compatibility, with the exception of Cu-nanowire doped derivates

    Relationship between prenatal and postnatal exposure to BPA and its analogues (BPS, BPF) and allergic diseases

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    Bisphenols, endocrine disrupting chemicals, are widely used in daily life. Continued exposure during key developmental periods of life (pregnancy, infancy and early childhood) can contribute to adverse health consequences such as decreased lung function, wheezing/asthma, the occurrence of allergies or changes in immune system responses. The purpose of this review is to present the current state of knowledge on the effects of prenatal or postnatal exposure to bisphenol A (BPA), bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol F (BPF) on the development of allergic diseases in childhood. A com- prehensive and systematic search of PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases was conducted. The review is restricted to studies published since 2015, in English in peer-reviewed journals. Based on keywords, 2648 studies were identified and reviewed for eligibility. Finally, 8 epidemio- logical studies were found to be appropriate for inclusion in this publication. The data collected in this review suggests that there is an associa- tion between maternal exposure during pregnancy or childhood to BPA and the development of allergic diseases. Most studies reported positive relationships between BPA exposure and at least one of the types of allergic disease. The paucity of studies and the observed differences in findings regarding the association between prenatal/postnatal exposure to BPS and/or BPF do not allow firm conclusions to be drawn. Further research is needed to identify the vulnerable population and the mechanisms responsible for the development of undesirable health consequences. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2023;36(5):575–8

    Reprogramming and transdifferentiation - two key processes for regenerative medicine

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