422 research outputs found

    Mechanical Properties Improvement of Low Carbon Steel by Combined Heat Treatments

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    The improvement of the Mechanical properties of the low Carbon steel and increasing its strength, was the goal of some heat treatment technologies developed in the last twenty years. One of these technologies is the Rapid Heat Treatment (RHT), by which the strength of steel increases with the crystalline grain size decrease obtained from the rapidity of austenitizing, and more strength increase may be obtained, if the action of austenitizing is followed by rapid cooling or quenching, but in this case, ductility will decrease simultaneously by increasing the cooling rate. Another mechanical properties improving heat treatment, is the Intercritical Heat Treatment (IHT), by which the ferrite-pearlite structure of low Carbon steel transforms to Dual-Phase structure of ferrite and martensite resulting increase in strength, while a great deal of its ductility is restored. Authors in this paper report about their experiments carried out on a low Carbon-steel, trying to get the advantages of the two above mentioned technologies, by subjecting the formerly rapid heat treated steel, to intercritical heat treatment,. Applying this treatment on the steel in different temperatures inside the intercritical zone, remarkable results were obtained and reported

    A multi-temporal phenology based classification approach for Crop Monitoring in Kenya

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    The SBAM (Satellite Based Agricultural Monitoring) project, funded by the Italian Space Agency aims at: developing a validated satellite imagery based method for estimating and updating the agricultural areas in the region of Central-Africa; implementing an automated process chain capable of providing periodical agricultural land cover maps of the area of interest and, possibly, an estimate of the crop yield. The project aims at filling the gap existing in the availability of high spatial resolution maps of the agricultural areas of Kenya. A high spatial resolution land cover map of Central-Eastern Africa including Kenya was compiled in the year 2000 in the framework of the Africover project using Landsat images acquired, mostly, in 1995. We investigated the use of phenological information in supporting the use of remotely sensed images for crop classification and monitoring based on Landsat 8 and, in the near future, Sentinel 2 imagery. Phenological information on crop condition was collected using time series of NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) based on Landsat 8 images. Kenyan countryside is mainly characterized by a high number of fragmented small and medium size farmlands that dramatically increase the difficulty in classification; 30 m spatial resolution images are not enough for a proper classification of such areas. So, a pan-sharpening FIHS (Fast Intensity Hue Saturation) technique was implemented to increase image resolution from 30 m to 15 m. Ground test sites were selected, searching for agricultural vegetated areas from which phenological information was extracted. Therefore, the classification of agricultural areas is based on crop phenology, vegetation index behaviour retrieved from a time series of satellite images and on AEZ (Agro Ecological Zones) information made available by FAO (FAO, 1996) for the area of interest. This paper presents the results of the proposed classification procedure in comparison with land cover maps produced in the past years by other projects. The results refer to the Nakuru County and they were validated using field campaigns data. It showed a satisfactory overall accuracy of 92.66 % which is a significant improvement with respect to previous land cover maps

    État de l’art théorique, méthodologique et critique sur les « usages » et les « pratiques »

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    L’état de l’art ici proposé a trois objectifs : 1. fournir des pistes d’orientation au questionnaire à partir de terrains qui convoquent des questionnements similaires, et permettent de construire des hypothèses de travail ; 2. fournir des éléments méthodologiques et théoriques en identifiant des outils conceptuels et leur mise à épreuve dans d’autres contextes ; 3. prendre de la distance avec une industrie éditoriale en pleine inflation, en interrogeant ses imaginaires et son histoire (les « études d’usages » et « l’activité centrée sur l’utilisateur » sont en effet devenues des paradigmes dominants)

    Personal knowledge management system solution

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceOrganizations are in race towards more effectiveness in overcoming any stumbling block that could get their way. They need the right directions in every step they will take towards their goals, so they seize any clue they can frame to know more, by using the principle of knowledge management in which they try to puzzle out any sources of knowledge and ways to utilize them effectively. Their ultimate goal is organizational learning by which they don´t fall by the same mistake twice or miss lessons from their experiences. It is impossible to think of organizational learning separately from individual learning, because as individuals get smarter, they will generate more productivity and effectiveness in organizational work. Personal knowledge management is the mean towards individual learning, it is about being responsible for the knowledge we need, seek, acquire, and use. Many activities and tools have been dedicated for PKM, but the effectiveness of PKM relies on the learning environment wherein the individual is continuously connecting to relevant information sources and learning within a social context. There are plenty of tools that facilitate the skills involved in the process of incorporating a working knowledge that brings value to our lives and the organizations we work in, but knowledge workers need one solution that combines all the necessary technologies to avoid the time and effort spent on transitioning from tool to the other to manage their knowledge. The social aspect of personal knowledge management highlights on the importance of developing and managing social learning networks, and how communities of practice play a big role in providing knowledge workers with the learning environment they need. The goal of this paper is to design a conceptual design of a personal knowledge management solution that can facilitate personal knowledge management activities which support knowledge workers’ development of essential competencies to get innovative at solving problems and assist them in their professional development. To formulate the necessary functionalities for successful PKM system the design should meet certain objectives summarized from scholar’s viewpoints on how successful PKM is achieved, and the needs of PKM practitioners

    Analyse du canal Lambda b to Lambda + J/Psi et test du Renversement du Temps avec le détecteur LHCb

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    National audienceLa physique des particules est aujourd'hui à l'aube d'une nouvelle ère. Le futur accélérateur de particules permettra de résoudre des points sombres subsistant dans le Modèle Standard. Dans le cadre de l'expérience LHCb, dédiée à la physique de la beauté, certains canaux pertinents peuvent être recherchés, tels Lambda b to Lambda + J/Psi et qui présentent une piste nouvelle et intéressante pour tester directement la Symétrie T

    État de l’art théorique, méthodologique et critique sur les « usages » et les « pratiques »

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    L’état de l’art ici proposé a trois objectifs : 1. fournir des pistes d’orientation au questionnaire à partir de terrains qui convoquent des questionnements similaires, et permettent de construire des hypothèses de travail ; 2. fournir des éléments méthodologiques et théoriques en identifiant des outils conceptuels et leur mise à épreuve dans d’autres contextes ; 3. prendre de la distance avec une industrie éditoriale en pleine inflation, en interrogeant ses imaginaires et son histoire (les « études d’usages » et « l’activité centrée sur l’utilisateur » sont en effet devenues des paradigmes dominants)

    Automatic Archeological Feature Extraction from Satellite VHR Images

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    Abstract Archaeological applications need a methodological approach on a variable scale able to satisfy the intra-site (excavation) and the inter-site (survey, environmental research). The increased availability of high resolution and micro-scale data has substantially favoured archaeological applications and the consequent use of GIS platforms for reconstruction of archaeological landscapes based on remotely sensed data. Feature extraction of multispectral remotely sensing image is an important task before any further processing. High resolution remote sensing data, especially panchromatic, is an important input for the analysis of various types of image characteristics; it plays an important role in the visual systems for recognition and interpretation of given data. The methods proposed rely on an object-oriented approach based on a theory for the analysis of spatial structures called mathematical morphology. The term ‘‘morphology’’ stems from the fact that it aims at analysing object shapes and forms. It is mathematical in the sense that the analysis is based on the set theory, integral geometry, and lattice algebra. Mathematical morphology has proven to be a powerful image analysis technique; two-dimensional grey tone images are seen as three-dimensional sets by associating each image pixel with an elevation proportional to its intensity level. An object of known shape and size, called the structuring element, is then used to investigate the morphology of the input set. This is achieved by positioning the origin of the structuring element to every possible position of the space and testing, for each position, whether the structuring element either is included or has a nonempty intersection with the studied set. The shape and size of the structuring element must be selected according to the morphology of the searched image structures. Other two feature extraction techniques were used, eCognition and ENVI module SW, in order to compare the results. These techniques were applied to different archaeological sites in Turkmenistan (Nisa) and in Iraq (Babylon); a further change detection analysis was applied to the Babylon site using two HR images as a pre–post second gulf war. We had different results or outputs, taking into consideration the fact that the operative scale of sensed data determines the final result of the elaboration and the output of the information quality, because each of them was sensitive to specific shapes in each input image, we had mapped linear and nonlinear objects, updating archaeological cartography, automatic change detection analysis for the Babylon site. The discussion of these techniques has the objective to provide the archaeological team with new instruments for the orientation and the planning of a remote sensing application. & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Virtual planning and construction of prototyped surgical guide in implant surgery with maxillary sinus bone graft

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of associating techniques of bone grafting in the maxillary sinus with the use of a prototyped surgical guide for planning and positioning dental implants in total edentulous maxillae, rehabilitated after six months. METHODS: Eight patients consecutives with totally edentulous maxilla presenting few remaining bone in the posterior alveolar ridge, associated with pneumatization of the maxillary sinus were selected. Twenty eight Brånemark RP 10mm implants were installed in 14 maxillary sinuses. The surgical planning for the implant installation was performed with the DentalSlice software by means of a computerized tomography. The obtained images were used for building a surgical guide that, placed over the maxilla, showed the exact position for the implants installation (prototyped surgical guide). The portion of the implants that went into the maxillary sinus was covered by an autogenous bone graft. RESULTS: The patients were re-evaluated six months after the surgery and a 100% success rate was achieved. All of the implants presented no mobility or symptoms, permitting an oral rehabilitation with total fixed screw-retained prosthesis over the implants. CONCLUSION: The technique of associating implants and bone graft in the maxillary sinus aided by a prototyped guide planned on DentalSlice has showed itself efficient for positioning implants and for quantifying and locating the bone graft.Federal University of São Paulo Image Diagnosis DepartmentUNIFESP Image Diagnosis DepartmentUNIFESP, Image Diagnosis DepartmentUNIFESP, Image Diagnosis DepartmentSciEL

    Bauversuch eines Erkundungsroboter

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    Wie seit 2013 fand es auch dieses Jahr ein Lego Mindstorms Projektseminar an der Otto von Guericke Universit¨at mit vielen praktischen und erfindereich Projekten. In dieses Paper geht es um einen Versuch, der sich mit der Entwicklung eines Roboters befasst. Der Roboter soll am Ende des Versuchs Weg von Anfagnspunkt zum Endpunkt durch Hindernisse erkunden

    Les marginalia de lecture dans les « réseaux sociaux » du livre (2008-2014) : mutations, formes, imaginaires

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    This thesis studies how margin and marginalia appear in social book networks (Readmill, Kobo and Amazon, etc.).Cette thèse étudie la manière dont se présentent dans les « réseaux sociaux » du livre un dispositif graphique et une forme herméneutique : la marge et les marginalia. Depuis 2008 se sont en effet multipliés des réseaux sociaux d’un nouveau genre, qui permettent à leurs utilisateurs de surligner des passages de livres, de les commenter et de les partager, à partir de logiciels ou d’appareils de lectures spécifiques. Ces "contenus produits par les utilisateurs" font par ailleurs l’objet d’exploitations diverses, de l’analyse statistique, censée épuiser la compréhension des pratiques de lecture, à l’"enrichissement" des fiches de livres sur Amazon. Un premier mouvement s’attache d’abord à définir la notion de "marginalia" puis à suivre ses différentes matérialisations historiques, de manière à situer notre propre corpus. Constitué d’une dizaine d’entreprises (notamment Readmill, Kobo et Amazon), il fait l’objet d’un traitement sémiotique dans une seconde partie, sensible aux processus d’industrialisation des écrits, aux stratégies d’encouragement à la participation, qui doivent favoriser le transfert des pratiques lettrées vers un public élargi. Une dernière partie tente de comprendre comment de tels modèles ont pu émerger, en identifiant les imaginaires d’Internet et leur passage dans l’édition numérique, à partir d’une perspective interdisciplinaire
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