36 research outputs found

    On the chronological structure of the solutrean in Southern Iberia

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    The Solutrean techno-complex has gained particular significance over time for representing a clear demographic and techno-typological deviation from the developments occurred during the course of the Upper Paleolithic in Western Europe. Some of Solutrean's most relevant features are the diversity and techno-typological characteristics of the lithic armatures. These have been recurrently used as pivotal elements in numerous Solutrean-related debates, including the chronological organization of the techno-complex across Iberia and Southwestern France. In Southern Iberia, patterns of presence and/or absence of specific point types in stratified sequences tend to validate the classical ordering of the techno-complex into Lower, Middle and Upper phases, although some evidence, namely radiocarbon determinations, have not always been corroborative. Here we present the first comprehensive analysis of the currently available radiocarbon data for the Solutrean in Southern Iberia. We use a Bayesian statistical approach from 13 stratified sequences to compare the duration, and the start and end moments of each classic Solutrean phase across sites. We conclude that, based on the current data, the traditional organization of the Solutrean cannot be unquestionably confirmed for Southern Iberia, calling into doubt the status of the classically defined type-fossils as precise temporal markers.Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia [PTDC/HAH/64184/2006, PTDC/HIS-ARQ/117540/2010, SFRH/BD/65527/2009, SFRH/BPD/96277/2013]; National Geographic Society [8045-06]; Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research [8290

    Trust, control and knowledge transfer in small business networks

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    The ability to transfer knowledge effectively in the networks of small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) is paramount for supporting firm competitiveness. Our research is the first one that explores the joint effect of trust and control mechanisms on knowledge transfer in the case of networks of SMEs. We use a multiple case study approach based on six Italian networks of SMEs. We analyse the joint impact of different ethical based trustworthiness factors—namely benevolence and integrity—and the levers of control (LOCs)—namely, belief, boundary, diagnostic and interactive LOCs—on knowledge transfer between SMEs in networks. We find that trust substitutes for the implementation of boundary, diagnostic, and belief tools, while it works jointly with interactive tools in order to support knowledge transfer. These insights not only provide a rich foundation for follow-up research, but also inform SME managers about how to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge transfer with their network partners

    [Structure de l'oxime de la diméthyl-3,5 diphényl-2,6 pipéridone-4]

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    The characterisation of pigments used in X-ray rock art at Dalakngalarr 1, central-western Arnhem Land

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. The chemistry of pigments used to create rock art at a rock shelter in northern Australia has characterised so as to gain a better understanding of the origins of the colours used. The site, Dalakngalarr 1, located in Jawoyn Country in Arnhem Land contains hundreds of paintings in various colours and styles. Striking and well-preserved X-ray images were painted across the site using ochre pigments that contain an iron oxide colourant mixed with clay to produce yellow, red and a distinctive purple colour. Infrared and Raman microscopy were used to confirm that the yellow pigment colouration is due to the presence of goethite. Both the red and purple pigments were shown to contain haematite, but there are microstructural differences between the two that account for the differences in the observed colour. Optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy also demonstrate differences in the morphologies of the red and purple pigments. The purple pigment was found to a have a pure haematite structure, which is proposed to result from heating of the pigment source