3,352 research outputs found

    Characterizing forest fragmentation : Distinguishing change in composition from configuration

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    This project was funded by the Government of Canada through the Mountain Pine Beetle Program, a three-year, $100 million program administered by Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service. Additional information on the Mountain Pine Beetle Program may be found at: http://mpb.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca.Forest fragmentation can generally be considered as two components: 1) compositional change representing forest loss, and 2) configurational change or change in the arrangement of forest land cover. Forest loss and configurational change occur simultaneously, resulting in difficulties isolating the impacts of each component. Measures of forest fragmentation typically consider forest loss and configurational change together. The ecological responses to forest loss and configurational change are different, thus motivating the creation of measures capable of isolating these separate components. In this research, we develop and demonstrate a measure, the proportion of landscape displacement from configuration (P), to quantify the relative contributions of forest loss and configurational change to forest fragmentation. Landscapes with statistically significant forest loss or configurational change are identified using neutral landscape simulations to generate underlying distributions for P. The new measure, P, is applied to a forest landscape where substantial forest loss has occurred from mountain pine beetle mitigation and salvage harvesting. The percent of forest cover and six LPIs (edge density, number of forest patches, area of largest forest patch, mean perimeter area ratio, corrected mean perimeter area ratio, and aggregation index) are used to quantify forest fragmentation and change. In our study area, significant forest loss occurs more frequently than significant configurational change. The P method we demonstrate is effective at identifying landscapes undergoing significant forest loss, significant configurational change, or experiencing a combination of both loss and configurational change.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A Bayesian space-time model for discrete spread processes on a lattice

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    Funding for this work was provided by GEOIDE through the Government of Canada’s Networks for Centres of Excellence program.In this article we present a Bayesian Markov model for investigating environmental spread processes. We formulate a model where the spread of a disease over a heterogeneous landscape through time is represented as a probabilistic function of two processes: local diffusion and random-jump dispersal. This formulation represents two mechanisms of spread which result in highly peaked and long-tailed distributions of dispersal distances (i.e., local and long-distance spread), commonly observed in the spread of infectious diseases and biological invasions. We demonstrate the properties of this model using a simulation experiment and an empirical case study - the spread of mountain pine beetle in western Canada. Posterior predictive checking was used to validate the number of newly inhabited regions in each time period. The model performed well in the simulation study in which a goodness-of-fit statistic measuring the number of newly inhabited regions in each time interval fell within the 95% posterior predictive credible interval in over 97% of simulations. The case study of a mountain pine beetle infestation in western Canada (1999-2009) extended the base model in two ways. First, spatial covariates thought to impact the local diffusion parameters, elevation and forest cover, were included in the model. Second, a refined definition for translocation or jump-dispersal based on mountain pine beetle ecology was incorporated improving the fit of the model. Posterior predictive checks on the mountain pine beetle model found that the observed goodness-of-fit test statistic fell within the 95% posterior predictive credible interval for 8 out of 10. years. The simulation study and case study provide evidence that the model presented here is both robust and flexible; and is therefore appropriate for a wide range of spread processes in epidemiology and ecology.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Paediatric treatment costs and the HIV epidemic

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    A CAJM on pediatric treatment costs and the effects of HIV pandemic in Malawi.As the AIDS epidemic puts additional strains on the already overburdened health care systems in sub-Saharan Africa, it becomes more important to estimate the cost of the epidemic in terms of health personnel and drug treatments. A retrospective review of 250 randomly selected paediatric admissions to a referral hospital in Malawi was undertaken. Groupings of “pos- sible/probable AIDS” and “probably not AIDS” were used in a comparative analysis of treatment costs. Estimated costs of treatments were significantly lower than those calculated in a study from Zimbabwe using different methodology. Meningitis was the most expensive condition to treat and accounted for a greater percentage of overall cost than either acute respiratory infection, diarihoeal disease or measles

    A new lower bound approach for single-machine multicriteria scheduling

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    The concept of maximum potential improvement has played an important role in computing lower bounds for single-machine scheduling problems with composite objective functions that are linear in the job completion times. We introduce a new method for lower bound computation; objective splitting. We show that it dominates the maximum potential improvement method in terms of speed and quality

    The metallogenic evolution of the Greater Antilles

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    The Greater Antilles host some of the world's most important deposits of bauxite and lateritic nickel as well as significant resources of gold and silver, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt and chromium. Beginning in Jurassic time, sedimentary exhalative base metal deposits accumulated in marine sedimentary rift basins as North and South America drifted apart. With the onset of intraoceanic subduction during the Early Cretaceous, a primitive (tholeiitic) island arc formed above a southwesterly-dipping subduction zone. Podiform chromite deposits formed in the mantle portion of the supra-subduction zone, directly above subducted Proto-Caribbean oceanic lithosphere. Within the nascent island arc, bimodal-mafic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits formed in a fore-arc setting; mafic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits formed later in mature back-arc basins. The Pueblo Viejo gold district, with five million ounces in production and twenty million ounces in mineable reserves, formed at 108-112Ma, in an apical rift or back-arc setting. By Late Cretaceous time, calc-alkaline volcanism was well established along the entire length of the Greater Antilles. Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits including shallow submarine deposits characteristic of the primitive island arc gave way to porphyry copper and epithermal precious metal deposits typical of the mature island arc. Oblique collision of the Greater Antilles with North America began in the Late Cretaceous in Cuba and migrated eastward. Orogenic gold and tungsten deposits that formed during the collision event are preserved in ophiolites and in metamorphic core complexes. Since the Eocene, regional tectonism has been dominated by strike-slip motion as the North American continent moved westward relative to the Caribbean Plate. Large nickel-cobalt laterite deposits were formed when serpentinites were exposed to weathering and erosion during the mid-Tertiary. Bauxite deposits were derived from the weathering of volcanic ash within a carbonate platform of Eocene to Miocene age

    Assessment of Phosphorus Retention in Irrigation Laterals

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    Irrigation laterals transport irrigation return flow, including water, sediment, and dissolved nutrients, such as phosphorus (P), back to surface water bodies. Phosphorus transformations during transport can affect both P bioavailability and the best management practices selected to minimize P inputs to waters of the United States. The objective of this study was to determine P retention in three irrigation laterals. Soluble reactive P (SRP) concentrations in lateral waters were increased from 0.08 to 0.25 mg L -1 (0.08 to 0.25 ppm) by constantly injecting a phosphate (PO4) solution for 2.5 hours. Bromide (Br) was used as a conservative tracer to determine dilution effects. Water was sampled at 10-minute intervals, beginning 30 minutes prior to injection and 120 minutes following injection, at one upstream location and various downstream locations to approximately 1,550 m (~1 mi) from injection sites. When at steady state, SRP concentrations only decreased by 5% over the lengths studied, equating to P uptake lengths of over 18 km (11.2 mi), which was one to two orders of magnitude greater than natural streams; the linear SRP uptake rate was 0.011 mg L -1 km -1 (0.018 ppm mi -1 ). Longer P uptake lengths and lower uptake rates in irrigation laterals, as compared to natural streams, may be due to the elevated sediment equilibrium P concentration, greater water velocities, and removal of vegetation causing a reduction in frictional resistance. Reducing water velocities should optimize irrigation lateral conditions to reduce uptake length and maximize P uptake

    Yukawa Hierarchy Transfer Based on Superconformal Dynamics and Geometrical Realization in String Models

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    We propose a scenario that leads to hierarchical Yukawa couplings and degenerate sfermion masses at the same time, in the context of extra-dimensional models, which can be naturally embedded in a wide class of string models. The hierarchy of Yukawa couplings and degeneracy of sfermion masses can be realized thanks to superconformal gauge dynamics. The sfermion mass degeneracy is guaranteed by taking the superconformal fixed point to be family independent. In our scenario, the origin of Yukawa hierarchy is attributed to geometry of compactified dimensions and the consequent volume dependence of gauge couplings in the superconformal sectors. The difference in these gauge couplings is dynamically transferred to the hierarchy of the Yukawa couplings. Thus, our scenario combines a new dynamical approach and the conventional geometrical approach to the supersymmetric flavor problem.Comment: 12 pages, latex, no figur

    Metabolic niches and biodiversity : a test case in the deep sea benthos

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    The great anthropogenic alterations occurring to carbon availability in the oceans necessitate an understanding of the energy requirements of species and how changes in energy availability may impact biodiversity. The deep-sea floor is characterized naturally by extremely low availability of chemical energy and is particularly vulnerable to changes in carbon flux from surface waters. Because the energetic requirements of organisms impact nearly every aspect of their ecology and evolution, we hypothesize that species are adapted to specific levels of carbon availability and occupy a particular metabolic niche. We test this hypothesis in deep-sea, benthic invertebrates specifically examining how energetic demand, axes of the metabolic niche, and geographic range size vary over gradients of chemical energy availability. We find that benthic invertebrates with higher energetic expenditures, and ecologies associated with high energy demand, are located in areas with higher chemical energy availability. In addition, we find that range size and location of deep-sea, benthic species is determined by geographic patterns in chemical energy availability. Our findings indicate that species may be adapted to specific energy regimes, and the metabolic niche can potentially link scales from individuals to ecosystems as well as adaptation to patterns in biogeography and biodiversity

    A composable, energy-managed, real-time MPSOC platform.

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    Multi-processors systems on chip (MPSOC) platforms emerged in embedded systems as hardware solutions to support the continuously increasing functionality and performance demands in this domain. Such a platform has to execute a mix of applications with diverse performance and timing constraints, i.e., real-time or non-real-time, thus different application schedulers should co-exist on an MPSOC. Moreover, applications share many MPSOC resources, thus their timing depends on the arbitration at these resources. Arbitration may create inter-application dependencies, e.g., the timing of a low priority application depends on the timing of all higher priority ones. Application inter-dependencies make the functional and timing verification and the integration process harder. This is especially problematic for real-time applications, for which fulfilling the time-related constraints should be guaranteed by construction. Moreover, energy and power management, commonly employed in embedded systems, make this verification even more difficult. Typically, energy and power management involves scaling the resources operating point, which has a direct impact on the resource performance, thus influences the application time behaviour. Finally, a small change in one application leads to the need to re-verify all other applications, incurring a large effort. Composability is a property meant to ease the verification and integration process. A system is composable if the functionality and the timing behaviour of each application is independent of other applications mapped on the same platform. Composability is achieved by utilising arbiters that ensure applications independence. In this paper we present the concepts behind a composable, scalable, energy-managed MPSOC platform, able to support different real-time and nonreal time schedulers concurrently, and discuss its advantages and limitations