375 research outputs found

    Luxación inveterada del codo en niños: a propósito de un caso

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    La luxación no reducida del codo es rara y no suele verse en los países desarrollados, salvo en grupos sociales marginados y de forma excepcional. La luxación más frecuentemente es posterior. Entre las 3 semanas y 3 meses, el tratamiento cerrado suele fracasar puesto que la interposición de tejido de granulación y fibroso intraarticular y la retracción de los tejidos blandos, impiden una reducción incruenta y estable. Nosotros recomendamos para luxaciones inveteradas, vistas en este período de tiempo, el abordaje posterior con sección del tendón del músculo tríceps y la reconstrucción de estructuras blandas periarticulares. Presentamos el caso de un niño tratado mediante reducción quirúrgica y cuyo resultado final fue muy bueno.Neglected dislocation of the elbow is a rare entity, very unfrequent in developed countries, affecting mostly marginated groups. The posterior type is the most frequent neglected dislocation of the elbow. When attempted 3 weeks after dislocation, close reduction usually fails or is very unstable due to the interposition of granulomatous or scar tissue within the joint and the retraction of periarticular soft tissues. For neglected dislocations treated from 3 weeks to 3 months after the injury, we recommended open reduction through a posterior approach, including section of the triceps tendon, and reconstruction of the periarticular structures. We present one case of a 10-year-old boy, with neglected dislocation of the left elbow treated procedure and showing a very satisfactory outcome

    c-Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation is a biomarker of plitidepsin activity

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.Plitidepsin is an antitumor drug of marine origin currently in Phase III clinical trials in multiple myeloma. In cultured cells, plitidepsin induces cell cycle arrest or an acute apoptotic process in which sustained activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) plays a crucial role. With a view to optimizing clinical use of plitidepsin, we have therefore evaluated the possibility of using JNK activation as an in vivo biomarker of response. In this study, we show that administration of a single plitidepsin dose to mice xenografted with human cancer cells does indeed lead to increased phosphorylation of JNK in tumors at 4 to 12 h. By contrast, no changes were found in other in vitro plitidepsin targets such as the levels of phosphorylated-ERK, -p38MAPK or the protein p27KIP1. Interestingly, plitidepsin also increased JNK phosphorylation in spleens from xenografted mice showing similar kinetics to those seen in tumors, thereby suggesting that normal tissues might be useful for predicting drug activity. Furthermore, plitidepsin administration to rats at plasma concentrations comparable to those achievable in patients also increased JNK phosphorylation in peripheral mononuclear blood cells. These findings suggest that changes in JNK activity provide a reliable biomarker for plitidepsin activity and this could be useful for designing clinical trials and maximizing the efficacy of plitidepsin.This work has been partially supported by grants (Programa Cenit, CEN-20091016, SAF2010-18302 and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RD12/0036/0021) from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Epifisiolisis triplana del extremo distal de la tibia asociada a fractura diafisaria ipsilateral de tibia: Caso clínico

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    Presentamos un caso de epifisiolisis triplana del extreme distal de la tibia asociado a una fractura ipsilateral de tibia, en un niño de 14 años. La asociación de estas dos fracturas no ha sido descrita previamente, en la amplia revisión bibliográfica realizada por los autores. Proponemos que este tipo de lesión sea incluido como tipo IV en la clasificación de Dias y Tachdjian.We report a case of simultaneus triplane fracture of the distal tibial epiphysis and spiral fracture of the ipsilateral tibial-shaft fracture in a 13 year-old boy. The association of these two lesions has not previously been reported and can be considered as a new lesional type IV triplane fracture of the distal tibial epiphysis

    Effects of parent material on soil erosion within Mediterranean new vineyard plantations

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    Parent material can determine specific physical and chemical soil properties and, therefore, soil erosion rates. However, for new vine plantations, there is not enough research on soil erosion assessment on different parent materials which could be helpful for agricultural management plans. The main aim of this research was to quantify soil erosion rates of two recent vineyard plantations under similar climate and land use management conditions, but on different parent materials, namely colluvium (2 years old) and marls (8 years old), located within the Les Alcusses valley vineyards in Eastern Spain. To achieve this goal, the ISUM (improved stock unearthing method) was applied. ISUM involves measurements of vertical distances from a horizontally stretched meter band attached to opposite pair vine plants to the topsoil surface at 5 sampling points along the cross sections of the pair vine rows. The original surface level was determined from the fixed distance of 2 cm of the graft unions from the soil surface. Digital elevation modelling of the vertical measurements was used to infer the erosion rates. Annual total soil erosion rates were 87.7 Mg ha−1 year−1 and 4.35 Mg ha−1 year−1 in the marls and colluvium plots, respectively. For the marls plot, 67% of the depletion occurred in the inter-row areas, whereas for the colluvium plot the inter-row areas registered 4.78 Mg ha−1 year−1 depletion and the row areas showed only a deposition of 0.44 Mg ha−1 year−1. We hypothesised that the inter-row areas registered the highest erosion rates due to the tillage practices. In the row areas, the cover of the vines possibly reduced soil erosion rates and acted as sinks for sediments. This behaviour of the inter-row areas acting as sources and the row areas as sinks for sediments was more evident on the colluvium plot, while most sections on the marls plot showed intense erosion features. It is suggested that more attention should be paid by policymakers and stakeholders to these differences when new plantations are introduced on marls and colluvium vineyards. We claim that initial soil erosion control measures should be applied during the first few years of plantations instead of when the vineyards are much older and soil has already been mobilised

    Restoration of the immune function as a complementary strategy to treat Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia effectively

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    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is a hematological malignancy characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of B-cells and severe immune dysfunction. Chemo(immuno)therapies (CIT) have traditionally aimed to reduce tumor burden without fully understanding their effects on the immune system. As a consequence, CIT are usually associated with higher risk of infections, secondary neoplasms and autoimmune disorders. A better understanding of the biology of the disease has led to the development of therapeutic strategies which not only act against malignant B-cells but also reactivate and enhance the patient's own anti-tumor immune response. Here, we review the current understanding of the underlying interplay between the malignant cells and non-malignant immune cells that may promote tumor survival and proliferation. In addition, we review the available evidence on how different treatment options for CLL including CIT regimens, small molecular inhibitors (i.e, BTK inhibitors, PI3K inhibitors, BCL-2 inhibitors) and T-cell therapies, affect the immune system and their clinical consequences. Finally, we propose that a dual therapeutic approach, acting directly against malignant B-cells and restoring the immune function is clinically relevant and should be considered when developing future strategies to treat patients with CLL

    Effect of fluorine and nitrogen content on the properties of Ca-Mg-Si-Al-O-(N)-(F) glasses

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    X-ray amorphous glasses of composition (in equivalent percent) 15Ca:15Mg: 55Si:15Al:(100-x-y)O:xN:yF with x=0, 10, 15 and y=0, 1, 3, 5, were prepared by melting and casting. The effects of oxygen substitution by fluorine and/or nitrogen on the physical, mechanical, thermal and optical properties of the glasses have been investigated. Molar volume, fractional glass compactness, microhardness, Young's Modulus, glass-transition temperature, dilatometric-softening point and refractive index increased linearly with nitrogen substitution for oxygen, whereas molar volume and thermal expansion coefficient decreased linearly with nitrogen increase. In contrast, all properties except glass-transition temperature and dilatometric-softening point, are virtually unaffected by fluorine substitution for oxygen. Significant and linear, decreases in thermal properties occurred with increasing fluorine substitution level. All the data collected and its analysis clearly showed that the substitution effects of fluorine for oxygen on the studied properties of the glasses of the system with general formula Ca-Mg-Si-Al-O-(N)-(F) are totally independent and additive with respect to the substitution effects of nitrogen for oxygen on glass properties

    The use of future Internet technologies in the agriculture and food sectors:integrating the supply chain

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    The Future Internet is expected to greatly influence how the food and agriculture sector is currently operating. In this paper, we present the specific characteristics of the agri-food sector focusing on how information management in this area will take place under a highly heterogeneous group of actors and services, based on the EU SmartAgriFood project. We also discuss how a new dynamic marketplace will be realized based on the adoption of a number of specialized software modules, called “Generic Enablers” that are currently developed in the context of the EU FI-WARE project. Thus, the paper presents the overall vision for data integration along the supply chain as well as the development and federation of Future Internet services that are expected to revolutionize the agriculture sector

    Cabut, a C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>2</sub> zinc finger transcription factor, is required during <em>Drosophila</em> dorsal closure downstream of JNK signaling

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    AbstractDuring dorsal closure, the lateral epithelia on each side of the embryo migrate dorsally over the amnioserosa and fuse at the dorsal midline. Detailed genetic studies have revealed that many molecules are involved in this epithelial sheet movement, either with a signaling function or as structural or motor components of the process. Here, we report the characterization of cabut (cbt), a new Drosophila gene involved in dorsal closure. cbt is expressed in the yolk sac nuclei and in the lateral epidermis. The Cbt protein contains three C2H2-type zinc fingers and a serine-rich domain, suggesting that it functions as a transcription factor. cbt mutants die as embryos with dorsal closure defects. Such embryos show defects in the elongation of the dorsal-most epidermal cells as well as in the actomyosin cable assembly at the leading edge. A combination of molecular and genetic analyses demonstrates that cbt expression is dependent on the JNK cascade during dorsal closure, and it functions downstream of Jun regulating dpp expression in the leading edge cells

    Searching for dark-matter waves with PPTA and QUIJOTE pulsar polarimetry

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    The polarization of photons emitted by astrophysical sources might be altered as they travel through a dark matter medium composed of ultra light axion-like particles (ALPs). In particular, the coherent oscillations of the ALP background in the galactic halo induce a periodic change on the polarization of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by local sources such as pulsars. Building up on previous works, we develop a new, more robust, analysis based on the generalised Lomb-Scargle periodogram to search for this periodic signal in the emission of the Crab supernova remnant observed by the QUIJOTE MFI instrument and 20 galactic pulsars from the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array (PPTA) project. We also carefully take into account the stochastic nature of the axion field, an effect often overlooked in previous works. This refined analysis leads to the strongest limits on the axion-photon coupling for a wide range of dark matter masses spanning 1023 eVma1019 eV10^{-23}\text{ eV}\lesssim m_a\lesssim10^{-19} \text{ eV}. Finally, we survey possible optimal targets and the potential sensitivity to axionic dark-matter in this mass range that could be achieved using pulsar polarimetry in the future