30 research outputs found

    Ptch2 is a Potential Regulator of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Ptch receptors 1 and 2 mediate Hedgehog signaling pivotal for organ development and homeostasis. In contrast to embryonic lethal Ptch1(-/-) phenotype, Ptch2(-/-) mice display no effect on gross phenotype. In this brief report, we provide evidence of changes in the putative incisor mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) niches that contribute to accelerated incisor growth, as well as intriguing changes in the bones and skin which suggest a role for Ptch2 in the regulation of MSCs and their regenerative potential. We employed histological, immunostaining, and computed tomography (mu CT) analyses to analyze morphological differences between Ptch2(-/-) and wild-type incisors, long bones, and skins. In vitro CFU and differentiation assays were used to demonstrate the MSC content and differentiation potential of Ptch2(-/-) bone marrow stromal cells. Wound healing assay was performed in vivo and in vitro on 8-week-old mice to assess the effect of Ptch2 on the wound closure. Loss of Ptch2 causes increases in the number of putative MSCs in the continuously growing incisor, associated with increased vascularization observed in the tooth mesenchyme and the neurovascular bundle. Increased length and volume of Ptch2(-/-) bones is linked with the increased number and augmented in vitro differentiation potential of MSCs in the bone marrow. Dynamic changes in the Ptch2(-/-) skin thickness relate to changes in the mesenchymal compartment and impact the wound closure potential. The effects of Ptch2 abrogation on the postnatal MSCs suggest a crucial role for Ptch2 in Hedgehog signaling regulation of the organ regenerative potential.Peer reviewe

    Isolation of dental stem cell-enriched populations from continuously growing mouse incisors

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    Continuous growth of the rodent incisor is enabled by epithelial and mesenchymal stem cells (ESCs and MSCs) which unceasingly replenish enamel and dentin, respectively, that wear by persistent animal gnawing. Lineage tracing studies have provided evidence that ESCs contribute to all epithelial lineages of the tooth in vivo. Meanwhile, in the mouse incisor, MSCs continuously contribute to odontoblast lineage and tooth growth. However, in vitro manipulation of ESCs has shown little progress, mainly due to lack of appropriate protocol to successfully isolate, culture, expand, and differentiate ESCs in vitro without using the co-culture system. In this chapter we describe the isolation of the Sox2-GFP+ cell population that is highly enriched in ESCs. Isolated cells can be used for various types of analyses, including in vitro culture, single cell-related analyses, etc. Furthermore, we describe ways to obtain populations enriched in the incisor MSCs using FACS sorting of antibody-labeled cells. Easily accessible FACS sorting enables easy and relatively fast isolation of the cells labeled by the fluorescent protein. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019.Peer reviewe

    Development and regeneration of the crushing dentition of skates (Rajidae)

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    Sharks and rays (elasmobranchs) have the remarkable capacity to continuously regenerate their teeth. The polyphyodont system is considered the ancestral condition of the gnathostome dentition. Despite this shared regenerative ability, sharks and rays exhibit dramatic interspecific variation in their tooth morphology. Ray (batoidea) teeth typically constitute crushing pads of flattened teeth, whereas shark teeth are pointed, multi-cuspid units. Although recent research has addressed the molecular development of the shark dentition, little is known about that of the ray. Furthermore, how dental diversity within the elasmobranch lineage is achieved remains unknown. Here, we examine dental development and regeneration in two Batoid species: the thornback skate (Raja clavata) and the little skate (Leucoraja erinacea). Using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, we examine the expression of a core gnathostome dental gene set during early development of the skate dentition and compare it to development in the shark. Elasmobranch tooth development is highly conserved, with sox2 likely playing an important role in the initiation and regeneration of teeth. Alterations to conserved genes expressed in an enamel knot-like signalling centre may explain the morphological diversity of elasmobranch teeth, thereby enabling sharks and rays to occupy diverse dietary and ecological niches

    Dental cell type atlas reveals stem and differentiated cell types in mouse and human teeth

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    Understanding cell types and mechanisms of dental growth is essential for reconstruction and engineering of teeth. Therefore, we investigated cellular composition of growing and non-growing mouse and human teeth. As a result, we report an unappreciated cellular complexity of the continuously-growing mouse incisor, which suggests a coherent model of cell dynamics enabling unarrested growth. This model relies on spatially-restricted stem, progenitor and differentiated populations in the epithelial and mesenchymal compartments underlying the coordinated expansion of two major branches of pulpal cells and diverse epithelial subtypes. Further comparisons of human and mouse teeth yield both parallelisms and differences in tissue heterogeneity and highlight the specifics behind growing and non-growing modes. Despite being similar at a coarse level, mouse and human teeth reveal molecular differences and species-specific cell subtypes suggesting possible evolutionary divergence. Overall, here we provide an atlas of human and mouse teeth with a focus on growth and differentiation. Unlike human teeth, mouse incisors grow throughout life, based on stem and progenitor cell activity. Here the authors generate single cell RNA-seq comparative maps of continuously-growing mouse incisor, non-growing mouse molar and human teeth, combined with lineage tracing to reveal dental cell complexity.Peer reviewe

    Evolution and developmental diversity of tooth regeneration

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    This review considers the diversity observed during both the development and evolution of tooth replacement throughout the vertebrates in a phylogenetic framework from basal extant chondrichthyan fish and more derived teleost fish to mammals. We illustrate the conservation of the tooth regeneration process among vertebrate clades, where tooth regeneration refers to multiple tooth successors formed de novo for each tooth position in the jaws from a common set of retained dental progenitor cells. We discuss the conserved genetic mechanisms that might be modified to promote morphological diversity in replacement dentitions. We review current research and recent progress in this field during the last decade that have promoted our understanding of tooth diversity in an evolutionary developmental context, and show how tooth replacement and dental regeneration have impacted the evolution of the tooth-jaw module in vertebrates

    An ancient dental gene network regulates development and continuous regeneration of teeth in sharks

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    The appearance of toothed vertebrates has proven a major determinant of the overall success of this lineage. This is most apparent in sharks and rays (elasmobranchs), which further retain the capacity for life-long tooth regeneration. Given their comparatively basal phylogenetic position, elasmobranchs therefore offer the opportunity for crucial insights into putative ancestral characters of tooth development, yet despite their evolutionary significance this remains poorly understood. Using the established chondrichthyan model, the catshark (Scyliorhinus sp.), we identified the expression of genes representative of conserved signaling pathways during stages of early dental competence, tooth initiation and regeneration. The expression patterns of β-catenin, shh, bmp4, pax9, pitx1/2, and the stem cell marker Sox2, characterise an ancestrally conserved gene set deployed during initiation of the elasmobranch dentition, suggesting that all vertebrate dentitions are defined by the expression of this core set of genes. These findings provide novel evidence to support the conservation in deep evolutionary time of a core set of dental patterning genes, therefore further defining the evolutionary trajectory of tooth development. We show how these genes facilitate the emergence of the shark dentition and offer insights into their deployment during development of the dental lamina, a sheet of dental epithelial cells that are responsible for continuous tooth regeneration. This study further promotes a specific experimental agenda to further characterise the roles of these core developmental genes during vertebrate tooth development, and importantly dental regeneration