558 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic modeling of phase separation in manganites

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    We present a phenomenological model based on the thermodynamics of the phase separated state of manganites, accounting for its static and dynamic properties. Through calorimetric measurements on La0.225_{0.225}Pr0.40_{0.40}Ca0.375 _{0.375}MnO3_{3} the low temperature free energies of the coexisting ferromagnetic and charge ordered phases are evaluated. The phase separated state is modeled by free energy densities uniformly spread over the sample volume. The calculations contemplate the out of equilibrium features of the coexisting phase regime, to allow a comparison between magnetic measurements and the predictions of the model. A phase diagram including the static and dynamic properties of the system is constructed, showing the existence of blocked and unblocked regimes which are characteristics of the phase separated state in manganites.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Mechanism of the allosteric activation of the ClpP protease machinery by substrates and active-site inhibitors

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    18 pags., 6 figs., 1 tab. -- Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 4.0Coordinated conformational transitions in oligomeric enzymatic complexes modulate function in response to substrates and play a crucial role in enzyme inhibition and activation. Caseinolytic protease (ClpP) is a tetradecameric complex, which has emerged as a drug target against multiple pathogenic bacteria. Activation of different ClpPs by inhibitors has been independently reported from drug development efforts, but no rationale for inhibitor-induced activation has been hitherto proposed. Using an integrated approach that includes x-ray crystallography, solid- and solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance, molecular dynamics simulations, and isothermal titration calorimetry, we show that the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib binds to the ClpP active-site serine, mimicking a peptide substrate, and induces a concerted allosteric activation of the complex. The bortezomib-activated conformation also exhibits a higher affinity for its cognate unfoldase ClpX. We propose a universal allosteric mechanism, where substrate binding to a single subunit locks ClpP into an active conformation optimized for chaperone association and protein processive degradation.This work used the platforms of the Grenoble Instruct center (ISBG; UMS 3518 CNRS-CEA-UJF-EMBL) with support from INSTRUCT (“Innovative EM/NMR approach for the characterization of the drug target ClpP APPID: 301“), FRISBI (ANR-10-INSB-05-02), and GRAL (ANR-10-LABX-49-01) within the Grenoble Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB). We thank the ESRF for beamtime at ID30A and ID23-1. Funding: This work was supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (BFU2016-78232-P) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III co-funded by European Union (PI15/00663 and PI18/00349, ERDF/ ESF, “Investing in your future”). This work was financially supported by the European Research Council (ERC-Stg-2012-311318 to P.S.). J.F. is supported by an EMBO long-term post-doctoral fellowship (ALTF441-2017)

    Cultural effects on neurodevelopmental testing in children from six European countries: An analysis of NUTRIMENTHE Global Database

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    Cultural background is an important variable influencing neuropsychological performance. Multinational projects usually involve gathering data from participants from different countries and/or different cultures. Little is known about the influence of culture on neuropsychological testing results in children and especially in European children. The objectives of this study were to compare neuropsychological performance of children from six European countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland and Spain) using a comprehensive neuropsychological battery and to apply a statistical procedure to reduce the influence of country/cultural differences in neuropsychological performance. As expected, the results demonstrated differences in neuropsychological performance among children of the six countries involved. Cultural differences remained after adjusting for other confounders related to neuropsychological execution, such as sex, type of delivery, maternal age, gestational age and maternal educational level. Differences between countries disappeared and influence of culture was considerably reduced when standardised scores by country and sex were used. These results highlight the need for developing specific procedures to compare neuropsychological performance among children from different cultures to be used in multicentre studies

    Design of the nutritional therapy for overweight and obese Spanish adolescents conducted by registered dieticians: the EVASYON study

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    Background: Dietary treatment for obese adolescents should aim to ensure adequate growth and development, by reducing excessive fat mass accumulation, avoiding loss of lean body mass, improving well-being and selfesteem and preventing cyclical weight regain. The aim of this article is to describe the dietary intervention design and the methods used to evaluate nutritional knowledge and behavior in the EVASYON study (Development, implementation and evaluation of the efficacy of a therapeutic programme for overweight/obese adolescents). Methods/design: EVASYON is a multi-centre study conducted in 5 Spanish hospital settings (Granada, Madrid, Pamplona, Santander and Zaragoza), where 204 overweight/obese Spanish adolescents were treated in groups of 9 to 11 subjects over 20 visits. The study was implemented in two stages: an intensive, calorie-restricted period for the first 9 weeks, and an extensive body-weight follow-up period for the last 11 months. A moderate energy intake restriction was applied in the intensive period according to the degree of obesity, on the basis of a balanced diet supplying 50-55% of daily energy as carbohydrates; 30-35% as fats and 10-15% as proteins. In the intensive period, adolescents were prescribed both a fixed full-day meal plan for the first three weeks and a full day meal plan with different food-choices for 6 weeks. Later, adolescents received a flexible meal plan based on food exchanges for the follow-up period until the end of the trial. Data on food intake, dietary and meal-related habits and behavior were collected by means of dietary questionnaires. To analyse nutritional knowledge, adolescents were examined regarding nutrient concepts and food items for a healthy diet with the appropriate tools. Participants were given nutritional information with complementary teaching material, which was available on the EVASYON website (www.estudioevasyon.com). Discussion: The dietary intervention of the EVASYON programme with a moderate calorie restriction for a limi - ted period of time could be a good strategy in treating overweight and obese adolescents and that will be tested further. Moreover, combining fixed plan with free-choice menus may help adolescents and their families to make right decisions for every day meals

    ZZW-115-dependent inhibition of NUPR1 nuclear translocation sensitizes cancer cells to genotoxic agents

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    Establishing the interactome of the cancer-associated stress protein Nuclear Protein 1 (NUPR1), we found that it binds to several hundreds of proteins, including proteins involved in nuclear translocation, DNA repair, and key factors of the SUMO pathway. We demonstrated that the NUPR1 inhibitor ZZW-115, an organic synthetic molecule, competes with importins for the binding to the NLS region of NUPR1, thereby inhibiting its nuclear translocation. We hypothesized, and then proved, that inhibition of NUPR1 by ZZW-115 sensitizes cancer cells to DNA damage induced by several genotoxic agents. Strikingly, we found that treatment with ZZW-115 reduced SUMOylation of several proteins involved in DNA damage response (DDR). We further report that the presence of recombinant NUPR1 improved the SUMOylation in a cell-free system, indicating that NUPR1 directly stimulates the SUMOylation machinery. We propose that ZZW-115 sensitizes cancer cells to genotoxic agents by inhibiting the nuclear translocation of NUPR1 and thereby decreasing the SUMOylation-dependent functions of key proteins involved in the DDR

    Chilling requirements and dormancy evolution in grapevine buds.

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    Fluctuations in winter chilling availability impact bud dormancy and budburst. The objective of this work was to determine chilling requirements to induce and overcome endodormancy (dormancy controlled by chilling) of buds in different grape cultivars. "Chardonnay", "Merlot" and "Cabernet Sauvignon" shoots were collected in Veranópolis-RS vineyards in 2010, and submitted to a constant 3 °C temperature or daily cycles of 3/15 °C for 12/12h or 18/6h, until reaching 1120 chilling hours (CH, sum of hours with temperature ≤ 7.2 °C). Periodically, part of the samples in each treatment was transferred to 25 °C for budburst evaluation (green tip). Chilling requirements to induce and overcome endodormancy vary among cultivars, reaching a total of 136 CH for "Chardonnay", 298 CH for "Merlot" and 392 CH for "Cabernet Sauvignon". Of these, approximately 39, 53 and 91 CH are required for induction of endodormancy in the three cultivars, respectively. The thermal regimes tested (constant or alternating) do not influence the response pattern of each cultivar to cold, with 15 °C being inert in the CH accumulation process. In addition, time required to start budburst reduces with the increase in CH, at a rate of one day per 62 CH, without significant impacts on budburst uniformity. Index terms: Chilling hours; endodormancy; budburst; Vitis vinifera

    Valoración del cambio de composición corporal en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad incluidos en un tratamiento multidisciplinar: Estudio EVASYON

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    La adolescencia se considera una etapa vulnerable desde el punto de vista nutricional. La obesidad en la infancia y adolescencia se considera una enfermedad compleja, que preocupa tanto a padres como a profesionales sanitaros debido a su alta prevalencia y a sus consecuencias en la edad adulta. Por ello, los objetivos generales de este trabajo son: 1) valorar los índices antropométricos sencillos como predictores de los cambios de grasa corporal, empleando absorciometría dual de rayos X como método de referencia; 2) identificar los predictores cognitivos y conductuales del abandono de un estudio de intervención, y calcular la tasa de abandono; 3) valorar los cambios de composición corporal en niños y adolescentes, empleando diferentes métodos de composición corporal; y 4) valorar si el cumplimiento de la intervención dietética y el índice de calidad de la dieta son predictores de los cambios de composición corporal durante un seguimiento de 13 meses de una intervención multidisciplinar..

    Toward Improved Lifetimes of Organic Solar Cells under Thermal Stress: Substrate-Dependent Morphological Stability of PCDTBT:PCBM Films and Devices

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    Morphological stability is a key requirement for outdoor operation of organic solar cells. We demonstrate that morphological stability and lifetime of polymer/fullerene based solar cells under thermal stress depend strongly on the substrate interface on which the active layer is deposited. In particular, we find that the stability of benchmark PCDTBT/PCBM solar cells under modest thermal stress is substantially increased in inverted solar cells employing a ZnO substrate compared to conventional devices employing a PEDOT:PSS substrate. This improved stability is observed to correlate with PCBM nucleation at the 50 nm scale, which is shown to be strongly influenced by different substrate interfaces. Employing this approach, we demonstrate remarkable thermal stability for inverted PCDTBT:PC70BM devices on ZnO substrates, with negligible (<2%) loss of power conversion efficiency over 160 h under 85 °C thermal stress and minimal thermally induced “burn-in” effect. We thus conclude that inverted organic solar cells, in addition to showing improved environmental stability against ambient humidity exposure as widely reported previously, can also demonstrate enhanced morphological stability. As such we show that the choice of suitable substrate interfaces may be a key factor in achieving prolonged lifetimes for organic solar cells under thermal stress conditions