231 research outputs found

    Long‐lasting housing environment manipulation and acute loss of environmental enrichment impact BALB/c mice behaviour in multiple functional domains

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    Understanding environmental influences on individuals' behaviour is challenging. Here we have investigated the housing impact of 9 weeks of enriched environment (EE) and social isolation (SI) and the impact of abrupt deprivation of EE (enrichment removal: ER) on BALB/c mice. Compared with the widely used C57BL/6 strain in research, BALB/c synthesises serotonin less efficiently due to a genetic variation and thus may potentially represent human populations at higher risk of stress-related disorders. We assessed the effects of EE and SI by conducting a behavioural test battery and the effects of acute ER by monitoring homecage activities and social behaviour. We found that EE and SI impact BALB/c's physiological states and behavioural performances from lower to higher cognitive processes: increased body weight, increased rectal temperature, altered performance in motor and sensory tasks, the activity level in a novel environment and altered performance in tests of anxiety-like behaviour, stress-coping strategies and learning and memory. Furthermore, acute ER triggered stress/frustration-like behaviour in BALB/c, with increased aggression, increased social distancing and disrupted daily/nightly activities. Our results demonstrate that long-lasting housing manipulation such as EE and SI, impact behaviour via multilayered processes over a wide range of functional domains, and unforeseen change to a negative environment, ER, is a major stressor that causes behavioural and psychological consequences through environment-gene interactions, a model of direct relevance to human health

    Temperature dependence of interlayer coupling in perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions with GdOx barriers

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    Perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions with GdOX tunneling barriers have shown a unique voltage controllable interlayer magnetic coupling effect. Here we investigate the quality of the GdOX barrier and the coupling mechanism in these junctions by examining the temperature dependence of the tunneling magnetoresistance and the interlayer coupling from room temperature down to 11 K. The barrier is shown to be of good quality with the spin independent conductance only contributing a small portion, 14%, to the total room temperature conductance, similar to AlOX and MgO barriers. The interlayer coupling, however, shows an anomalously strong temperature dependence including sign changes below 80 K. This non-trivial temperature dependence is not described by previous models of interlayer coupling and may be due to the large induced magnetic moment of the Gd ions in the barrier.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Growth, strain, and spin-orbit torques in epitaxial Ni-Mn-Sb films sputtered on GaAs

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    We report current-induced spin torques in epitaxial NiMnSb films on a commercially available epiready GaAs substrate. The NiMnSb was grown by cosputtering from three targets using optimized parameters. The films were processed into microscale bars to perform current-induced spin-torque measurements. Magnetic dynamics were excited by microwave currents, and electric voltages along the bars were measured to analyze the symmetry of the current-induced torques. We found that the extracted symmetry of the spin torques matches those expected from spin-orbit interaction in a tetragonally distorted half-Heusler crystal. Both fieldlike and dampinglike torques are observed in all the samples characterized, and the efficiency of the current-induced torques is comparable to that of ferromagnetic metal/heavy-metal bilayers

    Crossover from Kondo assisted suppression to co-tunneling enhancement of tunneling magnetoresistance via ferromagnetic nanodots in MgO tunnel barriers

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    Recently, it has been shown that magnetic tunnel junctions with thin MgO tunnel barriers exhibit extraordinarily high tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) values at room temperature1, 2. However, the physics of spin dependent tunneling through MgO barriers is only beginning to be unravelled. Using planar magnetic tunnel junctions in which ultra-thin layers of magnetic metals are deposited in the middle of a MgO tunnel barrier here we demonstrate that the TMR is strongly modified when these layers are discontinuous and composed of small pancake shaped nanodots. At low temperatures, in the Coulomb blockade regime, for layers less than ~1 nm thick, the conductance of the junction is increased at low bias consistent with Kondo assisted tunneling. In the same regime we observe a suppression of the TMR. For slightly thicker layers, and correspondingly larger nanodots, the TMR is enhanced at low bias, consistent with co-tunneling.Comment: Nano Letters (in press

    Analysis of the IDS Gene in 38 Patients with Hunter Syndrome: The c.879G>A (p.Gln293Gln) Synonymous Variation in a Female Create Exonic Splicing

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    BACKGROUND: Hunter syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type II, MPS II) is a rare disease inherited in an X-linked autosomal recessive pattern. It is the prevailing form of the mucopolysaccharidoses in China. Here we investigated mutations of IDS (iduronate 2-sulfatase) gene in 38 unrelated Chinese patients, one of which is a female. METHODS: Peripheral leucocytes were collected from the patients and the IDS gene was amplified to looking for the variations. For a female patient, the X chromosome status was analyzed by androgen receptor X-inactivation assay and the mutation impact on RNA level was further performed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: We discovered that point mutations constituted the major form while mutations in codon p.R468 defined the largest number of patients in our cohort. Consistent with data from other ethnic groups, exons 9 and 3 had comparatively more mutations, while exon 2 had quite a few mutations unique to Chinese patients. Of the 30 different mutations identified, only 9 were novel: one was a premature termination mutation, i.e., c.196C>T (p.Gln66X); three were missense mutations, i.e., c.200T>C (p.Leu67Pro), c.215T>C (p.Leu72Pro), c.389C>T (p.Thr130Ile); one was a small deletion, i.e., c.1104_1122del19 (p.Ser369ArgfsX16); and one was a deletion that spanned both exons 8 and 9 deletion leading to gross structural changes in the IDS gene. In addition, a synonymous mutation c.879G>A (p.Gln293Gln) was identified in a female Hunter disease patient, which resulted in loss of the original splicing site, activated a cryptic splicing site upstream, leading to a 28 bp deletion and a premature termination at p. Tyr285GlufsX47. Together with concurrent skewed X-inactivation this was believed to facilitate the development of Hunter disease in this girl. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the molecular analysis of IDS gene in Chinese patients confirmed the Hunter disease diagnosis and expanded the mutation and clinical spectrum of this devastating disorder

    Computational modelling of meiotic entry and commitment

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    In response to developmental and environmental conditions, cells exit the mitotic cell cycle and enter the meiosis program to generate haploid gametes from diploid germ cells. Once cells decide to enter the meiosis program they become irreversibly committed to the completion of meiosis irrespective of the presence of cue signals. How meiotic entry and commitment occur due to the dynamics of the regulatory network is not well understood. Therefore, we constructed a mathematical model of the regulatory network that controls the transition from mitosis to meiosis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Upon nitrogen starvation, yeast cells exit mitosis and undergo conjugation and meiotic entry. The model includes the regulation of Mei2, an RNA binding protein required for conjugation and meiotic entry, by multiple feedback loops involving Pat1, a kinase that keeps cells in mitosis, and Ste11, a transcription activator required for the sexual differentiation. The model accounts for various experimental observations and demonstrates that the activation of Mei2 is bistable, which ensures the irreversible commitment to meiosis. Further, we show by integrating the meiosis-specific regulation with a cell cycle model, the dynamics of cell cycle exit, G1 arrest and entry into meiosis under nitrogen starvation. © 2017 The Author(s)

    Measurement and comparison of individual external doses of high-school students living in Japan, France, Poland and Belarus -- the "D-shuttle" project --

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    Twelve high schools in Japan (of which six are in Fukushima Prefecture), four in France, eight in Poland and two in Belarus cooperated in the measurement and comparison of individual external doses in 2014. In total 216 high-school students and teachers participated in the study. Each participant wore an electronic personal dosimeter "D-shuttle" for two weeks, and kept a journal of his/her whereabouts and activities. The distributions of annual external doses estimated for each region overlap with each other, demonstrating that the personal external individual doses in locations where residence is currently allowed in Fukushima Prefecture and in Belarus are well within the range of estimated annual doses due to the background radiation level of other regions/countries

    Towards Oxide Electronics:a Roadmap

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    At the end of a rush lasting over half a century, in which CMOS technology has been experiencing a constant and breathtaking increase of device speed and density, Moore's law is approaching the insurmountable barrier given by the ultimate atomic nature of matter. A major challenge for 21st century scientists is finding novel strategies, concepts and materials for replacing silicon-based CMOS semiconductor technologies and guaranteeing a continued and steady technological progress in next decades. Among the materials classes candidate to contribute to this momentous challenge, oxide films and heterostructures are a particularly appealing hunting ground. The vastity, intended in pure chemical terms, of this class of compounds, the complexity of their correlated behaviour, and the wealth of functional properties they display, has already made these systems the subject of choice, worldwide, of a strongly networked, dynamic and interdisciplinary research community. Oxide science and technology has been the target of a wide four-year project, named Towards Oxide-Based Electronics (TO-BE), that has been recently running in Europe and has involved as participants several hundred scientists from 29 EU countries. In this review and perspective paper, published as a final deliverable of the TO-BE Action, the opportunities of oxides as future electronic materials for Information and Communication Technologies ICT and Energy are discussed. The paper is organized as a set of contributions, all selected and ordered as individual building blocks of a wider general scheme. After a brief preface by the editors and an introductory contribution, two sections follow. The first is mainly devoted to providing a perspective on the latest theoretical and experimental methods that are employed to investigate oxides and to produce oxide-based films, heterostructures and devices. In the second, all contributions are dedicated to different specific fields of applications of oxide thin films and heterostructures, in sectors as data storage and computing, optics and plasmonics, magnonics, energy conversion and harvesting, and power electronics

    The Fission Yeast Stress-Responsive MAPK Pathway Promotes Meiosis via the Phosphorylation of Pol II CTD in Response to Environmental and Feedback Cues

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    The RRM-type RNA-binding protein Mei2 is a master regulator of meiosis in fission yeast, in which it stabilizes meiosis-specific mRNAs by blocking their destruction. Artificial activation of Mei2 can provoke the entire meiotic process, and it is suspected that Mei2 may do more than the stabilization of meiosis-specific mRNAs. In our current study using a new screening system, we show that Mei2 genetically interacts with subunits of CTDK-I, which phosphorylates serine-2 residues on the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II (Pol II CTD). Phosphorylation of CTD Ser-2 is essential to enable the robust transcription of ste11, which encodes an HMG-type transcription factor that regulates the expression of mei2 and other genes necessary for sexual development. CTD Ser-2 phosphorylation increases under nitrogen starvation, and the stress-responsive MAP kinase pathway, mediated by Wis1 MAPKK and Sty1 MAPK, is critical for this stress response. Sty1 phosphorylates Lsk1, the catalytic subunit of CTDK-I. Furthermore, a feedback loop stemming from activated Mei2 to Win1 and Wis4 MAPKKKs operates in this pathway and eventually enhances CTD Ser-2 phosphorylation and ste11 transcription. Hence, in addition to starting meiosis, Mei2 functions to reinforce the commitment to it, once cells have entered this process. This study also demonstrates clearly that the stress-responsive MAP kinase pathway can modulates gene expression through phosphorylation of Pol II CTD
