11 research outputs found

    Seguridad de la sedación profunda con propofol controlada por el endoscopista en la colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE). Estudio prospectivo en un hospital terciario

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    Introducción: el propofol, administrado por el endoscopista con una enfermera entrenada, ha evolucionado como alternativa a la monitorización anestésica y es cada vez más frecuente en la práctica clínica habitual, incluso en endoscopia avanzada. Objetivo: evaluar la seguridad de la sedación profunda con propofol controlada por el endoscopista en pacientes sometidos a colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE). Material y métodos: estudio prospectivo en los pacientes a los que se les realizó CPRE bajo sedación profunda con propofol. Se incluyeron diferentes variables relacionadas con el paciente y se registraron los datos iniciales y finales de la saturación de oxígeno (SatO2), la tensión arterial (TA), y la frecuencia cardiaca (FC) para determinar la presencia de eventos adversos a la sedación (hipoxemia, hipotensión o bradicardia). Resultados: un total de 661 pacientes fueron sometidos a CPRE bajo sedación con propofol durante un periodo de 24 meses. La tasa de eventos adversos registrada fue del 9, 7%. La más frecuente fue la hipoxemia (5, 7%), seguida de la bradicardia (2, 4%) y de la hipotensión (1, 6%). En el análisis univariante, la aparición de eventos adversos a la sedación (EAS) se asoció a una clasificación de ASA = III (p = 0, 026), a pacientes de edad más avanzada (p = 0, 009), mayor IMC (p = 0, 002) y a un tiempo de exploración más prolongado (p = 0, 034). La dosis de inducción de propofol también se relacionó con mayor probabilidad de eventos adversos (p = 0, 045), pero no la dosis total de propofol administrado (p = 0, 153). En el análisis de regresión logística multivariante, la edad, el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la duración de la exploración se registran como predictores independientes de EAS (p < 0, 05). Conclusión: la sedación profunda con propofol controlada por personal de endoscopia entrenado es un método seguro en procedimientos endoscópicos complejos como la CPRE. Introduction: propofol administered by an endoscopist with a trained nurse has evolved as an alternative to anesthesia monitoring and is increasingly common in the routine clinical practice, even in advanced endoscopy. Objective: to evaluate the safety of deep sedation with endoscopist-controlled propofol in patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Material and methods: this was a prospective study in patients undergoing ERCP under deep sedation with propofol. Different patient-related variables were included and the initial and final data on oxygen saturation (SatO(2)) blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded in order to determine the presence of adverse events due to sedation (hypoxemia, hypotension, or bradycardia). Results: a total of 661 patients underwent ERCP under sedation with propofol over a 24-month period. The rate of recorded adverse events was 9.7%. The most frequent adverse event was hypoxemia (5.7%), followed by bradycardia (2.4%) and hypotension (1.6%). According to the univariate analysis, the occurrence of adverse events due to sedation (AES) was associated with an ASA score >= III (p = 0.026), older patients (p = 0.009), higher body mass index (BMI) (p = 0.002) and a longer exploration time (p = 0.034). The induction dose of propofol was also associated with a greater likelihood of adverse events (p = 0.045) but not the total dose of propofol administered (p = 0.153). According to the multivariate logistic regression analysis, age, body mass index (BMI) and the duration of the exploration were independent predictors of SAE (p < 0.05). Conclusion: deep sedation with propofol controlled by trained endoscopy staff is a safe method in complex endoscopic procedures such as ERCP

    Impact of the clinical context on the 14-3-3 test for the diagnosis of sporadic CJD

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    BACKGROUND: The 14-3-3 test appears to be a valuable aid for the clinical diagnosis of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) in selected populations. However, its usefulness in routine practice has been challenged. In this study, the influence of the clinical context on the performance of the 14-3-3 test for the diagnosis of sCJD is investigated through the analysis of a large prospective clinical series. METHODS: Six hundred seventy-two Spanish patients with clinically suspected sCJD were analyzed. Clinical classification at sample reception according to the World Health Organization's (WHO) criteria (excluding the 14-3-3 test result) was used to explore the influence of the clinical context on the pre-test probabilities, and positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values of the 14-3-3 test. RESULTS: Predictive values of the test varied greatly according to the initial clinical classification: PPV of 98.8%, 96.5% and 45.0%, and NPV of 26.1%, 66.6% and 100% for probable sCJDi (n = 115), possible sCJDi (n = 73) and non-sCJDi (n = 484) cases, respectively. According to multivariate and Bayesian analyses, these values represent an improvement of diagnostic certainty compared to clinical data alone. CONCLUSION: In three different contexts of sCJD suspicion, the 14-3-3 assay provides useful information complementary to clinical and electroencephalographic (EEG) data. The test is most useful supporting a clinical impression, whilst it may show deceptive when it is not in agreement with clinical data

    Health Services Utilization, Work Absenteeism and Costs of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 in Spain: A Multicenter-Longitudinal Study

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    Background: The aim of this study was to estimate healthcare resource utilization, work absenteeism and cost per patient with pandemic influenza (H1N1)2009, from its beginning to March 2010, in Spain. We also estimated the economic impact on healthcare services. Methods and Findings: Longitudinal, descriptive,multicenter study of in- and outpatients with confirmed diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) in Spain. Temporal distribution of cases was comparable to that in Spain. Information of healthcare and social resources used from one week before admission (inpatient) or index-medical visit (outpatient) until recovery was gathered. Unit cost was imputed to utilization frequency for the monetary valuation of use. Mean cost per patient was calculated. A sensitivity analysis was conducted, and variables correlated with cost per patient were identified. Economic impact on the healthcare system was estimated using healthcare costs per patient and both, the reported number of confirmed and clinical cases in Spain. 172 inpatients and 224 outpatients were included. Less than 10% were over 65 years old and more than 50% had previous comorbidities. 12.8% of inpatients were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Mean length of hospital stay of patients not requiring critical care was 5 days (SD =4.4). All working-inpatients and 91.7% working-outpatients went on sick leave. On average, work absenteeism was 30.5 days (SD=20.7) for the first ones and 9 days (SD= 6.3) for the latest. Caregivers of 21.7% of inpatients and 8.5% of outpatients also had work absenteeism during 10.7 and 4.1 days on average respectively. Mean cost was J6,236/inpatient (CI95%=1,384-14,623) and J940/outpatient (CI95% =66-3,064). The healthcare economic burden of patients with confirmed influenza was J144,773,577 (IC95% 13,753,043-383,467,535). More than 86% of expenditures were a result of outpatients" utilization. Conclusion: Cost per H1N1-patient did not defer much from seasonal influenza estimates. Hospitalizations and work absenteeism represented the highest cost per patient

    Risk factors for severe outcomes following 2009 influenza A (H1N1) infection: a global pooled analysis

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    Background Since the start of the 2009 influenza A pandemic (H1N1pdm), the World Health Organization and its member states have gathered information to characterize the clinical severity of H1N1pdm infection and to assist policy makers to determine risk groups for targeted control measures. Methods and Findings Data were collected on approximately 70,000 laboratory-confirmed hospitalized H1N1pdm patients, 9,700 patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs), and 2,500 deaths reported between 1 April 2009 and 1 January 2010 from 19 countries or administrative regions—Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, the United States, and the United Kingdom—to characterize and compare the distribution of risk factors among H1N1pdm patients at three levels of severity: hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths. The median age of patients increased with severity of disease. The highest per capita risk of hospitalization was among patients <5 y and 5–14 y (relative risk [RR] = 3.3 and 3.2, respectively, compared to the general population), whereas the highest risk of death per capita was in the age groups 50–64 y and ≥65 y (RR = 1.5 and 1.6, respectively, compared to the general population). Similarly, the ratio of H1N1pdm deaths to hospitalizations increased with age and was the highest in the ≥65-y-old age group, indicating that while infection rates have been observed to be very low in the oldest age group, risk of death in those over the age of 64 y who became infected was higher than in younger groups. The proportion of H1N1pdm patients with one or more reported chronic conditions increased with severity (median = 31.1%, 52.3%, and 61.8% of hospitalized, ICU-admitted, and fatal H1N1pdm cases, respectively). With the exception of the risk factors asthma, pregnancy, and obesity, the proportion of patients with each risk factor increased with severity level. For all levels of severity, pregnant women in their third trimester consistently accounted for the majority of the total of pregnant women. Our findings suggest that morbid obesity might be a risk factor for ICU admission and fatal outcome (RR = 36.3). Conclusions Our results demonstrate that risk factors for severe H1N1pdm infection are similar to those for seasonal influenza, with some notable differences, such as younger age groups and obesity, and reinforce the need to identify and protect groups at highest risk of severe outcomes

    Different transmission patterns in the early stages of the influenza A(H1N1)v pandemic: a comparative analysis of 12 European countries.

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    Following the emergence of a novel strain of influenza A(H1N1) in Mexico and the United States in April 2009, its epidemiology in Europe during the summer was limited to sporadic and localised outbreaks. Only the United Kingdom experienced widespread transmission declining with school holidays in late July. Using statistical modelling where applicable we explored the following causes that could explain this surprising difference in transmission dynamics: extinction by chance, differences in the susceptibility profile, age distribution of the imported cases, differences in contact patterns, mitigation strategies, school holidays and weather patterns. No single factor was able to explain the differences sufficiently. Hence an additive mixed model was used to model the country-specific weekly estimates of the effective reproductive number using the extinction probability, school holidays and weather patterns as explanatory variables. The average extinction probability, its trend and the trend in absolute humidity were found to be significantly negatively correlated with the effective reproduction number - although they could only explain about 3% of the variability in the model. By comparing the initial epidemiology of influenza A (H1N1) across different European countries, our analysis was able to uncover a possible role for the timing of importations (extinction probability), mixing patterns and the absolute humidity as underlying factors. However, much uncertainty remains. With better information on the role of these epidemiological factors, the control of influenza could be improved