94 research outputs found

    Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase Genotype Identifies Individuals Less Susceptible to Bias in Computer-Assisted Decision Making

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    Computerized aiding systems can assist human decision makers in complex tasks but can impair performance when they provide incorrect advice that humans erroneously follow, a phenomenon known as “automation bias.” The extent to which people exhibit automation bias varies significantly and may reflect inter-individual variation in the capacity of working memory and the efficiency of executive function, both of which are highly heritable and under dopaminergic and noradrenergic control in prefrontal cortex. The dopamine beta hydroxylase (DBH) gene is thought to regulate the differential availability of dopamine and norepinephrine in prefrontal cortex. We therefore examined decision-making performance under imperfect computer aiding in 100 participants performing a simulated command and control task. Based on two single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) of the DBH gene, −1041 C/T (rs1611115) and 444 G/A (rs1108580), participants were divided into groups of low and high DBH enzyme activity, where low enzyme activity is associated with greater dopamine relative to norepinephrine levels in cortex. Compared to those in the high DBH enzyme activity group, individuals in the low DBH enzyme activity group were more accurate and speedier in their decisions when incorrect advice was given and verified automation recommendations more frequently. These results indicate that a gene that regulates relative prefrontal cortex dopamine availability, DBH, can identify those individuals who are less susceptible to bias in using computerized decision-aiding systems

    The Emotional and Attentional Impact of Exposure to One's Own Body in Bulimia Nervosa: A Physiological View

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    Background: Body dissatisfaction is the most relevant body image disturbance in bulimia nervosa (BN). Research has shown that viewing one's own body evokes negative thoughts and emotions in individuals with BN. However, the psychophysiological mechanisms involved in this negative reaction have not yet been clearly established. Our aim was to examine the emotional and attentional processes that are activated when patients with BN view their own bodies. Method: We examined the effects of viewing a video of one's own body on the physiological (eye-blink startle, cardiac defense, and skin conductance) and subjective (pleasure, arousal, and control ratings) responses elicited by a burst of 110 dB white noise of 500 ms duration. The participants were 30 women with BN and 30 healthy control women. The experimental task consisted of two consecutive and counterbalanced presentations of the auditory stimulus preceded, alternatively, by a video of the participant's own body versus no such video. Results: The results showed that, when viewing their own bodies, women with BN experienced (a) greater inhibition of the startle reflex, (b) greater cardiac acceleration in the first component of the defense reaction, (c) greater skin conductance response, and (d) less subjective pleasure and control combined with greater arousal, compared with the control participants. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that, for women with BN, peripheral-physiological responses to self-images are dominated by attentional processes, which provoke an immobility reaction caused by a dysfunctional negative response to their own body.The present research was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [PSI2009-08417 and PSI2012-31395]. P.P. was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and University Jaume I [ECO2011-23634, P1-1B2012-27, and JCI-2010-06790]

    International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (Version 2020).

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    Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation(VNS) and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between studies, replication of studies, as well as enhancing study participant safety. We systematically reviewed the existing tVNS literature to evaluate current reporting practices. Based on this review, and consensus among participating authors, we propose a set of minimal reporting items to guide future tVNS studies. The suggested items address specific technical aspects of the device and stimulation parameters. We also cover general recommendations including inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants, outcome parameters and the detailed reporting of side effects. Furthermore, we review strategies used to identify the optimal stimulation parameters for a given research setting and summarize ongoing developments in animal research with potential implications for the application of tVNS in humans. Finally, we discuss the potential of tVNS in future research as well as the associated challenges across several disciplines in research and clinical practice

    An evolutionary perspective on the co-occurrence of social anxiety disorder and alcohol use disorder

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    Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) commonly co-occurs with, and often precedes, Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). In this paper, we address the relationship between SAD and AUD by considering how natural selection left socially anxious individuals vulnerable to alcohol use, and by addressing the underlying mechanisms. We review research suggesting that social anxiety has evolved for the regulation of behaviors involved in reducing the likelihood or consequences of threats to social status. The management of potential threats to social standing is important considering that these threats can result in reduced cooperation or ostracism – and therefore to reduced access to coalitional partners, resources or mates. Alcohol exerts effects upon evolutionarily conserved emotion circuits, and can down-regulate or block anxiety (or may be expected to do so). As such, the ingestion of alcohol can artificially signal the absence or successful management of social threats. In turn, alcohol use may be reinforced in socially anxious people because of this reduction in subjective malaise, and because it facilitates social behaviors – particularly in individuals for whom the persistent avoidance of social situations poses its own threat (i.e., difficulty finding mates). Although the frequent co-occurrence of SAD and AUD is associated with poorer treatment outcomes than either condition alone, a richer understanding of the biological and psychosocial drives underlying susceptibility to alcohol use among socially anxious individuals may improve the efficacy of therapeutic interventions aimed at preventing or treating this comorbidity

    Data from: Molecular phylogeny and pollen evolution of Euphorbiaceae tribe Plukenetieaeï»ż

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    Tribe Plukenetieae (Euphorbiaceae, Acalyphoideae) is a pantropical lineage of mostly stinging, twining vines and lianas with diverse floral and pollen morphology. To elucidate generic relationships in the tribe and examine patterns of pollen morphology evolution, we conducted phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid psbA-trnH DNA sequence and indel gap-scored data. We sampled all genera in subtribes Dalechampiinae and Tragiinae, and most in Plukenetiinae; species sampling was broad in the latter two subtribes. Our efforts produced a 2,207 character dataset of 154 terminals (representing ca. 93 species). Analyses of these data support the monophyly of each subtribe and weakly suggest Dalechampiinae (Dalechampia) is sister to Plukenetiinae + Tragiinae. Within Plukenetiinae, Haematostemon is resolved as sister to Romanoa + Plukenetia, and Plukenetia is divided into five subclades that mostly correspond to the current infrageneric classification. Tragiinae is resolved into an Old World lineage and a mostly New World lineage, and is divided into ten subclades also supported by floral and/or pollen morphology. Species-rich Tragia is recovered as para- or polyphyletic and intermixed with all other currently recognized Tragiinae genera. The recently segregated genera, Bia, Ctenomeria, and Zuckertia, are upheld, and Gitara is resurrected from Acidoton, resulting in two new combinations: Gitara nicaraguensis and Zuckertia manuelii. Pollen aperture and exine morphology are largely correlated with phylogeny. The loss of pollen endopores is a potential synapomorphy of Plukenetiinae + Tragiinae, and we hypothesize that weakly defined apertures and inaperturate pollen originated independently four and three times, respectively

    Monadelpha (Euphorbiaceae, Plukenetieae), a new genus of Tragiinae from the Amazon rainforest of Venezuela and Brazil

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    Monadelpha L.J.Gillespie & Card.-McTeag., gen. nov., is described as a new member of Euphorbiaceae tribe Plukenetieae subtribe Tragiinae, to accommodate Tragia guayanensis, a species known from western Amazonas, Venezuela and, newly reported here, from Amazonas, Brazil. The genus is unique in the subtribe for having 5-colpate pollen and staminate flowers with filaments entirely connate into an elongate, cylindrical staminal column terminated by a tight cluster of anthers. Phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear rDNA ITS and sampling 156 accessions across the diversity of Tragiinae (all 12 genera and 77 of ~195 species) also support Monadelpha as a distinct lineage that is separate from Tragia. A revised key to the genera of Tragiinae in South America and Central America is provided

    Monadelpha (Euphorbiaceae, Plukenetieae), a new genus of Tragiinae from the Amazon rainforest of Venezuela and Brazil

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    Monadelpha L.J.Gillespie & Card.-McTeag., gen. nov., is described as a new member of Euphorbiaceae tribe Plukenetieae subtribe Tragiinae, to accommodate Tragia guayanensis, a species known from western Amazonas, Venezuela and, newly reported here, from Amazonas, Brazil. The genus is unique in the subtribe for having 5-colpate pollen and staminate flowers with filaments entirely connate into an elongate, cylindrical staminal column terminated by a tight cluster of anthers. Phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear rDNA ITS and sampling 156 accessions across the diversity of Tragiinae (all 12 genera and 77 of ~195 species) also support Monadelpha as a distinct lineage that is separate from Tragia. A revised key to the genera of Tragiinae in South America and Central America is provided
