154 research outputs found

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    Renal Sympathetic Denervation and Quality of Life

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    ABSTRACTBackgroundRenal sympathetic denervation (RSD) is a promising strategy in the treatment of resistant hypertension. No studies have assessed the effect of RSD on quality of life in our country, which was the aim of this study.MethodsThe EuroQol5 Dimensions questionnaire (EQ5D5L) was chosen to evaluate quality of life in 10 patients undergoing RSD, and it was applied before and 3 months after the procedure.ResultsMean age was 47.3 ± 12 years and 90% of the patients were female. Baseline blood pressure was 187 ± 37.5/104 ± 18.5mmHg and the number of antihypertensive drugs was 7.6 ± 1.3. Before the procedure, the value assigned to health status was 37.5 ± 22.7, increasing at 3 months to 70.5 ± 20.9 (P = 0.01). In the follow-up, in addition to a decrease in the number of antihypertensive drugs (7.6 ± 1.3 vs. 6 ± 2.2; P = 0.05), a trend towards reduced levels of systolic blood pressure (187 ± 36mmHg vs 170 ± 44mmHg; P = 0.10) and diastolic blood pressure (104 ± 18mmHg vs 98 ± 20mmHg; P = 0.20) was observed. Health status improvement resulted from a reduction of problems related to mobility, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. The magnitude of blood pressure reduction was not associated with improved quality in all of the patients. On the other hand, those who had a decrease in the number of antihypertensive drugs reported a better health status.ConclusionsPatients with resistant hypertension have poor health status scores. RSD improved quality of life in most patients. Further studies are required to confirm consistent benefits

    Modeling glioblastoma heterogeneity as a dynamic network of cell states

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    Tumor cell heterogeneity is a crucial characteristic of malignant brain tumors and underpins phenomena such as therapy resistance and tumor recurrence. Advances in single-cell analysis have enabled the delineation of distinct cellular states of brain tumor cells, but the time-dependent changes in such states remain poorly understood. Here, we construct quantitative models of the time-dependent transcriptional variation of patient-derived glioblastoma (GBM) cells. We build the models by sampling and profiling barcoded GBM cells and their progeny over the course of 3\ua0weeks and by fitting a mathematical model to estimate changes in GBM cell states and their growth rates. Our model suggests a hierarchical yet plastic organization of GBM, where the rates and patterns of cell state switching are partly patient-specific. Therapeutic interventions produce complex dynamic effects, including inhibition of specific states and altered differentiation. Our method provides a general strategy to uncover time-dependent changes in cancer cells and offers a way to evaluate and predict how therapy affects cell state composition

    Variações do Carbono Orgânico Dissolvido e de Atributos Físicos do Solo Sob Diferentes Sistemas de Uso da Terra na Amazônia Central

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a relação entre C orgânico dissolvido (COD) e atributos físicos do solo em diferentes sistemas de uso da terra na Amazônia central. Quantificaram-se as concentrações de COD sob floresta primária, em três posições topográficas, e em áreas de pastagem, sucessão secundária e sistema agroflorestal (SAF) até a profundidade de 2 m. Instalaram-se extratores de solução do solo para coleta e análise do C da solução na fase orgânica durante um ciclo hidrológico. As concentrações médias de C orgânico dissolvido (COD) na solução do solo seguiram a ordem SAF ou sucessão secundária > floresta (platô) > pastagem (períodos seco e chuvoso-seco), exceto nos períodos chuvoso e seco-chuvoso, em que a pastagem iguala ou ultrapassa as concentrações de COD dos outros ambientes em determinadas profundidades. Os resultados demonstraram a capacidade do SAF e sucessão secundária em recuperar e, ou, disponibilizar o C na solução do solo, sendo formas de utilização do solo recomendadas para manter o C no ambiente terrestre. O COD apresentou variação temporal, espacial e em profundidade, decrescendo nesta última. A ação da estruturação do solo, representada pela agregação, C orgânico total (COT) e porosidade, exerce grande influência nas concentrações de COD nas camadas do solo e, aliada à matéria orgânica mais lábil do solo, determinam a manutenção do C na solução do solo. As concentrações de COD obtidas sob os diferentes ambientes estudados refletem a importância do manejo adequado do solo para a permanência do C no ecossistema do solo

    Fulguraçao endocavitária com choques elétricos de alta energia na taquicardia ventricular incessante

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    A taquicardia ventricular incessante, definida como aquela com duraçao superior a 24 horas, freqüência acima de 120 sístoles por minuto, refratária à cardioversao elétrica e aos antiarrítmicos disponíveis, é uma arritmia rara e grave, que pode culminar com a morte, se nao for tratada agressivamente. Sao mostrados os resultados imediatos e evoluçao clínica de 6 pacientes portadores deste distúrbio, com idade média de 57 anos, sendo 5 do sexo masculino, tratados por fulguraçao endocavitária com choques elétricos de alta energia. Em 3, havia miocardiopatia chagásica crônica; os demais apresentavam infarto do miocárdio cicatrizado, sendo um deles com artérias coronárias normais. A taquicardia ventricular teve duraçao média de 9,8 dias, refratária à lidocaína, procainamida, propafenona, amiodarona, difenil-hidantoína, potássio e magnésio, administrados por via venosa e a cardioversoes elétricas (92 tentativas) ou estimulaçao artificial endocavitária. O mapeamento eletrofisiológico localizou a origem da taquicardia, nas seguintes regioes: inferior do ventrículo esquerdo, em 3; ínfero-apical do ventrículo esquerdo, em 2; ínfero-lateral do ventrículo esquerdo, em 1. Foram aplicados 2 choques em cada paciente, com intensidade que variou entre 100 e 300J (média de 195,8J). Em 2 casos, foi necessária uma nova sessao de ablaçao, sendo aplicados 4 choques (entre 200 e 300J). Houve reversao da arritmia em todos, sem complicaçoes. Um dos pacientes faleceu 6 meses após o procedimento, por complicaçoes d

    Feeding common carp Cyprinus carpio with b-glucan supplemented diet stimulates C-reactive protein and complement immune acute phase responses following PAMPs injection

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    The effect of β-glucan as a feed additive on the serum and gene profile of C-reactive protein (CRP) and complement acute phase responses was ascertained in common carp Cyprinus carpio. In addition effects of subsequent intraperitoneal injections of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), i.e. LPS or poly(I:C), to mimic bacterial or viral infection respectively, were studied. Carp were first orally fed with β-glucan (MacroGard®) with a daily β-glucan intake of 6 mg per kg body weight or with control food for 25 days and then injected with PBS containing either LPS (4 mg/kg) or poly(I:C) (5 mg/kg) or PBS alone. Fish were sampled during the 25 days of the feeding period and up to 7 days post-PAMPs injections for serum and liver, head kidney and mid-gut tissues. Oral administration of β-glucan for 25 days significantly increased serum CRP levels and alternative complement activity (ACP). In addition, the subsequent LPS and poly(I:C) challenges significantly affected CRP and complement related gene expression profiles (crp1, crp2, c1r/s, bf/c2, c3 and masp2), with the greatest effects observed in the β-glucan fed fish. However, in fish fed β-glucan the PAMPs injections had less effects on CRP levels and complement activity in the serum than in control fed fish, suggesting that the 25 days of β-glucan immunostimulation was sufficient enough to reduce the effects of LPS and poly(I:C) injections. Results suggest that MacroGard® stimulated CRP and complement responses to PAMPs immunological challenges in common carp thus highlighting the beneficial β-glucan immunostimulant properties

    Dietary b-glucan (MacroGard®) enhances survival of first feeding turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) larvae by altering immunity, metabolism and microbiota

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    Reflecting the natural biology of mass spawning fish aquaculture production of fish larvae is often hampered by high and unpredictable mortality rates. The present study aimed to enhance larval performance and immunity via the oral administration of an immunomodulator, β-glucan (MacroGard®) in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) were incubated with or without yeast β-1,3/1,6-glucan in form of MacroGard® at a concentration of 0.5 g/L. Rotifers were fed to first feeding turbot larvae once a day. From day 13 dph onwards all tanks were additionally fed untreated Artemia sp. nauplii (1 nauplius ml/L). Daily mortality was monitored and larvae were sampled at 11 and 24 dph for expression of 30 genes, microbiota analysis, trypsin activity and size measurements. Along with the feeding of β-glucan daily mortality was significantly reduced by ca. 15% and an alteration of the larval microbiota was observed. At 11 dph gene expression of trypsin and chymotrypsin was elevated in the MacroGard® fed fish, which resulted in heightened tryptic enzyme activity. No effect on genes encoding antioxidative proteins was observed, whilst the immune response was clearly modulated by β-glucan. At 11 dph complement component c3 was elevated whilst cytokines, antimicrobial peptides, toll like receptor 3 and heat shock protein 70 were not affected. At the later time point (24 dph) an anti-inflammatory effect in form of a down-regulation of hsp 70, tnf-α and il-1β was observed. We conclude that the administration of MacroGard® induced an immunomodulatory response and could be used as an effective measure to increase survival in rearing of turbot