12 research outputs found

    The spectacle of the poor. Or: ‘Wow!! Awesome. Nice to know that people care!’

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    On the night of 14 November 2012, a police officer of the New York Police Department encountered a homeless person while performing his duties around Times Square. He gave him a pair of boots and while doing so, he was photographed by a tourist. The photo was posted on Facebook, receiving in a few days more than 1.6 million visits. The paper unfolds the reasons why this particular image and story have gone, as the media has put it, ‘viral’. The paper investigates the spaces that have emerged in the media elongation of DePrimo's practice of care and, introducing the notion of ‘spectacle of the poor’, it argues that this specific case simplifies the dominant western framings around matter of ‘caring for the poor’. The political and cultural consequences of these framings are investigated, and reflections on how to tackle them provided.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis via http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14649365.2014.91674

    Synthesis of Ethanol from Syngas over Rh/MCM-41 Catalyst: Effect of Water on Product Selectivity

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    The thermochemical processing of biomass is an alternative route for the manufacture of fuel-grade ethanol, in which the catalytic conversion of syngas to ethanol is a key step. The search for novel catalyst formulations, active sites and types of support is of current interest. In this work, the catalytic performance of an Rh/MCM-41 catalyst has been evaluated and compared with a typical Rh/SiO2 catalyst. They have been compared at identical reaction conditions (280 °C and 20 bar), at low syngas conversion (2.8%) and at same metal dispersion (H/Rh = 22%). Under these conditions, the catalysts showed different product selectivities. The differences have been attributed to the concentration of water vapor in the pores of Rh/MCM-41. The concentration of water vapor could promote the water-gas-shift-reaction generating some extra carbon dioxide and hydrogen, which in turn can induce side reactions and change the product selectivity. The extra hydrogen generated could facilitate the hydrogenation of a C2-oxygenated intermediate to ethanol, thus resulting in a higher ethanol selectivity over the Rh/MCM-41 catalyst as compared to the typical Rh/SiO2 catalyst; 24% and 8%, respectively. The catalysts have been characterized, before and after reaction, by N2-physisorption, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, H2-chemisorption, transmission electron microscopy and temperature programmed reduction

    Life Cycle Assessment of Thermal Treatment Technologies : An environmental and financial systems analysis of gasification, incineration and landfilling of waste

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    A technology which is currently developed by researchers at KTH is catalytic combustion which is one component of a gasification system. Instead of performing the combustion in the gas turbine by a flame, a catalyst is used. When the development of a new technology (as catalytic combustion) reaches a certain step where it is possible to quantify material-, energy- and capital flows, the prerequisites for performing a systems analysis is at hand. The systems analysis can be used to expand the know-how about the potential advantages of the catalytic combustion technology by highlighting its function as a component of a larger system. In this way it may be possible to point out weak points which have to be investigated more, but also strong points to emphasise the importance of further development. The aim of this project was to assess the energy turnover as well as the potential environmental impacts and economic costs of thermal treatment technologies in general and catalytic combustion in particular. By using a holistic assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of catalytic combustion of waste it was possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technology under different conditions. Following different treatment scenarios have been studied: (1) Gasification with catalytic combustion, (2) Gasification with flame combustion, (3) Incineration with energy recovery and (4) Landfilling with gas collection. In the study compensatory district heating is produced by combustion of biofuel. The power used for running the processes in the scenarios is supplied by the waste-to-energy technologies themselves while compensatory power is assumed to be produced from natural gas. The emissions from the system studied were classified and characterised using methodology from Life Cycle Assessment into the following environmental impact categories: Global Warming Potential (also called the green house effect), Acidification Potential, Eutrophication Potential and finally Formation of Photochemical Oxidants. It is obvious that a decreased use of landfilling in favour of an increased energy recovery from waste is positive from all considered impact categories. Gasification with energy recovery in a combi cycle using catalytic combustion in the gas turbine is the most competitive technology from primarily an environmental point of view. The financial costs are however a bit higher than for incineration with energy recovery. This conclusion depends, however, on the assumption that the gasification and catalyst technologies work as the researchers presume and that the fuel is of high quality. For this, the pelletising unit is vital in the technology chain. A comparison of the catalytic combustion and the flame combustion shows that all impact categories except acidification, eutrophication and photochemical oxidants remain the same. The gasification process is identical between the two alternatives; it is just the combustion technology in the gas turbine that is different. This explains why the fuel consumption and the financial costs are not changed (a minor extra investment is made for the catalyst but is not noticeable in comparison to the total impact). Emissions of greenhouse gases are also identical. For the other impact categories there are differences for several of the emissions involved in the impact assessment but NOX is clearly the dominating one. Gasification with catalytic combustion is competitive to incineration. The small difference for eutrophication is within the error margin and is strongly dependent on the reduction of NOX in the incineration plant. The explanation to this result is that a combi cycle in combination with natural gas as the alternative power generation is a better system solution than incineration with biofuel as compensatory fuel. Financial costs are somewhat higher than for incineration but could also claimed to be within the error margin since the inventory of costs are more uncertain due to the fact that there is no plant with gasification and catalytic combustion in operation.Katalytisk förbränning är en ny teknik som utvecklas av bl.a. forskare vid KTH. Istället för att förbränningen i en gasturbin sker med flamma används en katalysator. Genom att göra så kan emissionerna av framförallt kväveoxider minskas drastiskt. När utvecklingen av en ny teknik som katalytisk förbränning kommer till en punkt där det är möjligt att kvantifiera material-, energi- och kapitalflöden finns förutsättningarna för att kunna belysa tekniken ur ett systemperspektiv. Systemanalysen kan användas till att öka kunskapen om fördelarna med katalytisk förbränning genom att belysa dess funktion som komponent i ett tekniksystem eller teknikkedja. På detta sätt är det möjligt att identifiera svaga punkter i kedjan som kräver ytterligare forskningsinsatser, såväl som styrkor vilka motiverar en fortsatt teknikutveckling. Syftet med detta projekt har varit att beskriva energiflödena och den potentiella miljöpåverkan samt härtill förknippade kostnader för olika termiska avfallsbehandlingstekniker i allmänhet och katalytisk förbränning i synnerhet och jämföra dessa mot varandra och mot avfallsdeponering. Genom att göra en helhetsbedömning av fördelar och nackdelar med katalytisk förbränning vid avfallsbehandling har det blivit möjligt att identifiera teknikens styrkor och svagheter under olika förhållanden. Följande behandlingsscenarier har studerats: (1) Förgasning med katalytisk förbränning, (2) Förgasning med flamförbränning, (3) Avfallsförbränning med energiutvinning samt (4) Avfallsdeponering med gasuppsamling. I studien antas att den fjärrvärme som behövs för processer i systemet samt för att i förekommande fall ersätta avfallsbaserad fjärrvärme, genereras genom förbränning av biobränsle. Elektricitet som används av processer i systemet samt kompletterande elproduktion antas genereras genom förbränning av naturgas. Emissionerna från systemet har klassificerats och karakteriserats enligt metodik från livscykelanalys i följande miljöpåverkanskategorier: Växthuseffekt (global uppvärmning), Försurning, Eutrofiering (övergödning) och Bildning av fotokemiska oxidanter. Det är uppenbart att en minskad avfallsdeponering som syftar till ett ökat energiutnyttjande från avfall är positivt ur alla här beaktade påverkanskategorier. Förgasning i en kombicykel där gasturbinen använder katalytisk förbränning är den mest fördelaktiga tekniken ur miljöperspektiv. De företagsekonomiska kostnaderna är dock något högre än för avfallsförbränning med energiutvinning. Slutsatsen baseras på antagandet att förgasnings- och katalysteknikerna fungerar som forskarna förutser och att bränslet håller en hög och jämn kvalitet. Av detta följer att pelletiseringen av avfall innan förgasning är en viktig del av teknikkedjan. En jämförelse av katalytisk förbränning och flamförbränning ger vid handen att alla påverkanskategorier utom försurning, övergödning och bildning av fotokemiska oxidanter är lika för de två teknikerna. Förgasningsprocessen är lika för de två scenarierna, det är endast förbränningstekniken i gasturbinen som skiljer alternativen åt. Det förklarar varför bränsleförbrukningen och den företagsekonomiska kostnaden för emissionerna inte skiljer alternativen åt (katalysatorn medför en mindre extrainvestering som dock inte slår igenom i totalkostnaden). Emissioner av växthusgaser är också identiska för de två scenarierna. I övrigt skiljer sig emissionerna åt på en del punkter men den största skillnaden ligger i utsläpp av kväveoxider som är lägre för katalytisk förbränning. Förgasning med katalytisk förbränning är konkurrenskraftig i förhållande till avfallsförbränning. En liten skillnad kan skönjas för övergödning (där förbränning ger lägre påverkan än förgasning) men är så liten att den ligger inom felmarginalen för analysen. Resultatet beror starkt av vilken typ av kväveoxidreducering som finns i förbränningsanläggningen. Att resultatet blir så här förklaras av att en kombicykel i kombination med naturgas som alternativt bränsle för elproduktion är en bättre systemlösning än avfallsförbränning med biobränsle som kompletterande bränsle för fjärrvärme. De företagsekonomiska kostnaderna är något lägre för avfallsförbränningen men skillnaden ligger även här inom felmarginalen eftersom inventeringsdata för kostnader är mer osäkra än emissionsdata. Detta beror på att ingen förgasningsanläggning med katalytisk förbränning existerar varifrån uppgifter skulle kunna ha hämtats.Catalytic combustion of gasified waste-systems analysi

    Effect of metal loading on activity, selectivity and deactivation behavior of Pd/silica-alumina catalysts in the hydroconversion of n-hexadecane

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    Bifunctional catalysts consisting of palladium on amorphous silica-alumina with different metal loadings (0 wt% to 1.2 wt%) were compared in the hydrocracking/hydroisomerization of n-hexadecane. The reaction conditions were: pressure = 30 bar; temperature = 310 degrees C; hydrogen-to-hexadecane feed molar ratio = 10. Metal loading was found to have a remarkable influence on the initial deactivation rate, which could be related to the formation of carbonaceous deposits. The dependence of activity on the metal-acid site ratio was the typical one for bifunctional hydrocracking where, after reaching a threshold value, the catalytic activity does not appreciably increase with increasing metal loading. On the Pd-containing catalysts, the methane space-time-yield showed a strong dependence on conversion, but no clear relationship with metal surface area, indicating that the formation of methane might not proceed by purely metal-catalyzed hydrogenolysis.QC 20140213. Updated from accepted to published.</p

    Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Over Zr-Promoted Co/γ-Al2O3 Catalysts

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    Two Zr-modified alumina supports were synthetized containing the same amount of Zr but a different distribution of this modifier over the alumina surface. These supports, together with the unmodified alumina carrier, were used to prepare three cobalt-based catalysts which were characterized and tested under relevant Fischer–Tropsch conditions. The three catalysts presented very similar porosity and cobalt dispersion. The addition of Zr nor its distribution enhanced the catalyst reducibility. The catalyst activity was superior when using a carrier consisting of large ZrO islands over the alumina surface. The use of a carrier with a homogeneous Zr distribution had however, a detrimental effect. Moreover, a faster initial deactivation rate was observed for the Zr-promoted catalysts, fact that may explain this contradictory effect of Zr on activity. Finally, the addition of Zr showed a clear enhancement of the selectivity to long chain hydrocarbons and ethylene, especially when Zr was well dispersed.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2013) under Grant Agreement No. 308733. The authors are thankful to the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad—MINECO (references: BES-2013-062806, ENE2013-47880-C3-2-R and ENE2015-66975-C3-2-R) co-financed by FEDER funds from the European Union

    Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Over Zr-Promoted Co/γ-Al2O3 Catalysts

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    Two Zr-modified alumina supports were synthetized containing the same amount of Zr but a different distribution of this modifier over the alumina surface. These supports, together with the unmodified alumina carrier, were used to prepare three cobalt-based catalysts which were characterized and tested under relevant Fischer–Tropsch conditions. The three catalysts presented very similar porosity and cobalt dispersion. The addition of Zr nor its distribution enhanced the catalyst reducibility. The catalyst activity was superior when using a carrier consisting of large ZrO2 islands over the alumina surface. The use of a carrier with a homogeneous Zr distribution had however, a detrimental effect. Moreover, a faster initial deactivation rate was observed for the Zr-promoted catalysts, fact that may explain this contradictory effect of Zr on activity. Finally, the addition of Zr showed a clear enhancement of the selectivity to long chain hydrocarbons and ethylene, especially when Zr was well dispersed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad—MINECO (BES-2013-062806, ENE2013-47880- C3-2-R and ENE2015-66975-C3-2-R) co-financed by FEDER funds from the European UnionEuropean Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2013) under Grant Agreement No. 30873

    Comparison and Functionalization Study of Microemulsion-Prepared Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

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    Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (MION) for protein binding and separation were obtained from water-in-oil (w/o) and oil-in-water (o/w) microemulsions. Characterization of the prepared nanoparticles have been performed by TEM, XRD, SQUID magnetometry, and BET. Microemulsion-prepared magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (ME-MION) with sizes ranging from 2 to 10 nm were obtained. Study on the magnetic properties at 300 K shows a large increase of the magnetization ~35 emu/g for w/o-ME-MION with superparamagnetic behavior and nanoscale dimensions in comparison with o/w-ME-MION (10 emu/g) due to larger particle size and anisotropic property. Moringa oleifera coagulation protein (MOCP) bound w/o- and o/w-ME-MION showed an enhanced performance in terms of coagulation activity. A significant interaction between the magnetic nanoparticles and the protein can be described by changes in fluorescence emission spectra. Adsorbed protein from MOCP is still retaining its functionality even after binding to the nanoparticles, thus implying the extension of this technique for various applications.We are grateful for the financial support of the Swedish Research Council, Formas, as well as the Cost Action D43, Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology. M.S.-D. acknowledges NaNoTeCh, the National Nanotechnology Laboratory of Mexico, and Cesar Leyva (CIMAV, S.C.) for HRTEM/STEM measurements and assistance, and A.T.T. (CIMAV, S.C.) for ATR-IR measurements and assistance. Financial support by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN Spain, grant number CTQ2008-01979) and Generalitat de Catalunya (Agaur, grant number 2009SGR-961) is also aknowledged. C.C. acknowledges financial support from Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion; MAT 2008-02542 and GR35/10-A-950247.Peer reviewe