46 research outputs found
Utricular hypofunction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Lobiettivo di questo studio è stato quello di valutare la funzione utricolare e la funzione dei canali semicircolari laterali in pazienti con diabete mellito di tipo 2, con o senza cadute, afferenti allassistenza sanitaria di base. Sono stati arruolati 101 pazienti con diabete mellito di tipo 2 (26 con storia di cadute, 75 senza), di età compresa tra 34 e 84 anni, e 51 volontari sani di età compresa tra 40 e 83 anni, i quali hanno negato vertigini, capogiri, instabilità , ipoacusia o disordini neurologici. Nessuno di loro era in cerca di cure per deficit sensoriali o dellequilibrio. Dopo aver effettuato una valutazione clinica e dopo aver indagato i sintomi relativi alla sfera dellequilibrio con lausilio di un questionario standardizzato, la funzione dei canali semicircolari laterali è stata studiata con il test sinusoidale alle velocità di 0,16 Hz e 1,28 Hz (il picco della velocità è stato fissato a 60°/s); la funzione otolitica, invece, è stata studiata con la verticale visiva soggettiva, determinata sia tramite test statico sia tramite test dinamico, durante centrifugazione unilaterale (300°/s a 3.5 cm); è stata eseguita inoltre la posturografia statica, su pedana soffice e dura, ad occhi aperti e chiusi. Confrontando i risultati ottenuti nei pazienti diabetici e in quelli sani, i pazienti diabetici hanno mostrato risposte inferiori alla centrifugazione unilaterale, ma risposte simili alla stimolazione dei canali semicircolari laterali, indipendentemente da età , neuropatie periferiche o storia di cadute (ANCoVA p < 0.05). I pazienti con storia di cadute, rispetto a quelli senza storia di cadute, erano per lo più donne e hanno raggiunto più facilmente un punteggio maggiore o pari a 4 al questionario sui sintomi relativi al senso dellequilibrio; tuttavia i due gruppi hanno mostrato simili età , indice di massa corporea e neuropatia periferica. Nei pazienti con diabete di tipo 2, afferenti allassistenza sanitaria di base e non in cerca di cure per deficit sensoriali o dellequilibrio, la funzione utricolare potrebbe essere alterata, anche in assenza di disfunzione dei canali semicircolari laterali o di storia di cadute
Spatial anxiety contributes to the dizziness-related handicap of adults with peripheral vestibular disease
In subjects with peripheral vestibular disease and controls, we assessed: 1. The relationship between spatial anxiety and perceived stress, and 2. The combined contribution of spatial anxiety, spatial perspective-taking, and individual cofactors to dizziness-related handicap. 309 adults participated in the study (153 with and 156 without peripheral vestibular disease), including patients with bilateral vestibular deficiency, unilateral deficiency (evolution <3 or ≥3 months), Meniere’s disease, and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Assessments included: general health, personal habits, spatial anxiety (3-domains), perceived stress, spatial perspective-taking, dizziness-related handicap (3-domains), unsteadiness, sleep quality, motion sickness susceptibility, trait anxiety/depression, state anxiety, depersonalization/derealization. After bivariate analyses, analysis of covariance was performed (p ≤ 0.05). Spatial anxiety was related to unsteadiness and perceived stress, with an inverse relationship with trait anxiety (ANCoVA, adjusted R2 = 0.27–0.30, F = 17.945–20.086, p < 0.00001). Variability on perspective-taking was related to vestibular disease, trait and state anxiety, motion sickness susceptibility, and age (ANCoVA, adjusted R2 = 0.18, F = 5.834, p < 0.00001). All domains of spatial anxiety contributed to the Physical domain of dizziness-related handicap, while the Navigation domain contributed to the Functional domain of handicap. Handicap variability was also related to unsteadiness, spatial perspective-taking, quality of sleep, and trait anxiety/depression (ANCoVA, adjusted R2 = 0.66, F = 39.07, p < 0.00001). Spatial anxiety is related to perceived stress in adults both with and without vestibular disease, subjects with trait anxiety rated lower on spatial anxiety. State anxiety and acute stress could be helpful for recovery after peripheral vestibular lesion. Spatial anxiety and perspective-taking contribute to the Physical and Functional domains of dizziness-related handicap, possibly because it discourages behavior beneficial to adaptation
Acute Stress in Health Workers during Two Consecutive EpidemicWaves of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has provoked generalized uncertainty around the world, with health workers experiencing anxiety, depression, burnout, insomnia, and stress. Although the effects of the pandemic on mental health may change as it evolves, the majority of reports have been web-based, cross-sectional studies. We performed a study assessing acute stress in frontline healthworkers during two consecutive epidemic waves. After screening for trait anxiety/depression and dissociative experiences, we evaluated changes in acute stress, considering resilience, state anxiety, burnout, depersonalization/derealization symptoms, and quality of sleep as cofactors. During the first epidemic wave (April 2020), health workers reported acute stress related to COVID-19, which was related to state anxiety. After the first epidemic wave, acute stress decreased, with no increase during the second epidemic wave (December 2020), and further decreased when vaccination started.During the follow-up (April 2020 to February 2021), the acute stress score was related to bad quality of sleep. However, acute stress, state anxiety, and burnout were all related to trait anxiety/depression, while the resilience score was invariant through time. Overall, the results emphasize the relevance of mental health screening before, during
Symptoms of depersonalisation/derealisation disorder as measured by brain electrical activity: A systematic review
Depersonalisation/derealisation disorder (DPD) refers to frequent and persistent detachment from bodily self and disengagement from the outside world. As a dissociative disorder, DPD affects 1–2 % of the population, but takes 7–12 years on average to be accurately diagnosed. In this systematic review, we comprehensively describe research targeting the neural correlates of core DPD symptoms, covering publications between 1992 and 2020 that have used electrophysiological techniques. The aim was to investigate the diagnostic potential of these relatively inexpensive and convenient neuroimaging tools. We review the EEG power spectrum, components of the event-related potential (ERP), as well as vestibular and heartbeat evoked potentials as likely electrophysiological biomarkers to study DPD symptoms. We argue that acute anxiety- or trauma-related impairments in the integration of interoceptive and exteroceptive signals play a key role in the formation of DPD symptoms, and that future research needs analysis methods that can take this integration into account. We suggest tools for prospective studies of electrophysiological DPD biomarkers, which are urgently needed to fully develop their diagnostic potential
Introduction. Sauver les Dieux
L’adjectif anthrōpomorphos apparaît dans nos sources à l’époque hellénistique pour désigner la représentation erronée ou imparfaite du divin. C’est un terme aux connotations généralement négatives. Hécatée d’Abdère, sous le règne de Ptolémée Ier, l’utilise peut-être déjà pour faire référence au refus de Moïse de façonner les agalmata de l’idolâtrie, puisqu’« il ne considérait pas que Dieu est anthropomorphe, mais que le ciel qui entoure la terre seul est Dieu et le maître de toutes choses ». ..