170 research outputs found

    Increase of CXCR3+ T cells impairs Th17 cells recruitment in the small intestine mucosa through IFN-g and IL-18 during treated HIV-1 infection

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    The restoration of CD4+ T cells, especially T-helper type 17 (Th17) cells, remains incomplete in the gut mucosa of most human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)–infected individuals despite sustained antiretroviral therapy (ART). Herein, we report an increase in the absolute number of CXCR3+ T cells in the duodenal mucosa during ART. The frequencies of Th1 and CXCR3+ CD8+ T cells were increased and negatively correlated with CCL20 and CCL25 expression in the mucosa. In ex vivo analyses, we showed that interferon γ, the main cytokine produced by Th1 and effector CD8+ T cells, downregulates the expression of CCL20 and CCL25 by small intestine enterocytes, while it increases the expression of CXCL9/10/11, the ligands of CXCR3. Interleukin 18, a pro-Th1 cytokine produced by enterocytes, also contributes to the downregulation of CCL20 expression and increases interferon γ production by Th1 cells. This could perpetuate an amplification loop for CXCR3-driven Th1 and effector CD8+ T cells recruitment to the gut, while impairing Th17 cells homing through the CCR6-CCL20 axis in treated HIV-1–infected individuals

    Scaling up of highly active antiretroviral therapy in a rural district of Malawi: an effectiveness assessment.

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    BACKGROUND: The recording of outcomes from large-scale, simplified HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) programmes in sub-Saharan Africa is critical. We aimed to assess the effectiveness of such a programme held by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in the Chiradzulu district, Malawi. METHODS: We scaled up and simplified HAART in this programme since August, 2002. We analysed survival indicators, CD4 count evolution, virological response, and adherence to treatment. We included adults who all started HAART 6 months or more before the analysis. HIV-1 RNA plasma viral load and self-reported adherence were assessed on a subsample of patients, and antiretroviral resistance mutations were analysed in plasma with viral loads greater than 1000 copies per mL. Analysis was by intention to treat. FINDINGS: Of the 1308 patients who were eligible, 827 (64%) were female, the median age was 34.9 years (IQR 29.9-41.0), and 1023 (78%) received d4T/3TC/NVP (stavudine, lamivudine, and nevirapine) as a fixed-dose combination. At baseline, 1266 individuals (97%) were HAART-naive, 357 (27%) were at WHO stage IV, 311 (33%) had a body-mass index of less than 18.5 kg/m2, and 208 (21%) had a CD4 count lower than 50 cells per muL. At follow-up (median 8.3 months, IQR 5.5-13.1), 967 (74%) were still on HAART, 243 (19%) had died, 91 (7%) were lost to follow-up, and seven (0.5%) discontinued treatment. Low body-mass index, WHO stage IV, male sex, and baseline CD4 count lower than 50 cells per muL were independent determinants of death in the first 6 months. At 12 months, the probability of individuals still in care was 0.76 (95% CI 0.73-0.78) and the median CD4 gain was 165 (IQR 67-259) cells per muL. In the cross-sectional survey (n=398), 334 (84%) had a viral load of less than 400 copies per mL. Of several indicators measuring adherence, self-reported poor adherence (<80%) in the past 4 days was the best predictor of detectable viral load (odds ratio 5.4, 95% CI 1.9-15.6). INTERPRETATION: These data show that large numbers of people can rapidly benefit from antiretroviral therapy in rural resource-poor settings and strongly supports the implementation of such large-scale simplified programmes in Africa

    Variability and pathogenicity of hepatitis E virus genotype 3 variants

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    Infection with hepatitis E virus (HEV) can be clinically inapparent or produce symptoms and signs of hepatitis of varying severity and occasional fatality. This variability in clinical outcomes may reflect differences in host susceptibility or the presence of virally encoded determinants of pathogenicity. Analysis of complete genome sequences supports the division of HEV genotype 3 (HEV-3) variants into three major clades: 3ra comprising HEV isolates from rabbits, and 3efg and 3abchij comprising the corresponding named subtypes derived from humans and pigs. Using this framework, we investigated associations between viral genetic variability of HEV-3 in symptomatic and asymptomatic infections by comparing HEV-3 subgenomic sequences previously obtained from blood donors with those from patients presenting with hepatitis in the UK (54 blood donors, 148 hepatitis patients), the Netherlands (38 blood donors, 119 hepatitis patients), France (24 blood donors, 55 hepatitis patients) and Germany (14 blood donors, 36 hepatitis patients). In none of these countries was evidence found for a significant association between virus variants and patient group (P>0.05 Fisher's exact test). Furthermore, within a group of 123 patients in Scotland with clinically apparent HEV infections, we found no evidence for an association between variants of HEV-3 and disease severity or alanine aminotransferase level. The lack of detectable virally encoded determinants of disease outcomes in HEV-3 infection implies a more important role for host factors in its clinical phenotype

    A Follow-Up of the Multicenter Collaborative Study on HIV-1 Drug Resistance and Tropism Testing Using 454 Ultra Deep Pyrosequencing

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    Background: Ultra deep sequencing is of increasing use not only in research but also in diagnostics. For implementation of ultra deep sequencing assays in clinical laboratories for routine diagnostics, intra- and inter-laboratory testing are of the utmost importance. Methods: A multicenter study was conducted to validate an updated assay design for 454 Life Sciences’ GS FLX Titanium system targeting protease/reverse transcriptase (RTP) and env (V3) regions to identify HIV-1 drug-resistance mutations and determine co-receptor use with high sensitivity. The study included 30 HIV-1 subtype B and 6 subtype non-B samples with viral titers (VT) of 3,940–447,400 copies/mL, two dilution series (52,129–1,340 and 25,130–734 copies/mL), and triplicate samples. Amplicons spanning PR codons 10–99, RT codons 1–251 and the entire V3 region were generated using barcoded primers. Analysis was performed using the GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer and geno2pheno for tropism. For comparison, population sequencing was performed using the ViroSeq HIV-1 genotyping system. Results: The median sequencing depth across the 11 sites was 1,829 reads per position for RTP (IQR 592–3,488) and 2,410 for V3 (IQR 786–3,695). 10 preselected drug resistant variants were measured across sites and showed high inter-laboratory correlation across all sites with data (P20% were missed, variants 2–10% were detected at most sites (even at low VT), and variants 1–2% were detected by some sites. All mutations detected by population sequencing were also detected by UDS. Conclusions: This assay design results in an accurate and reproducible approach to analyze HIV-1 mutant spectra, even at variant frequencies well below those routinely detectable by population sequencing

    Evolutionary history of hepatitis C virus genotype 5a in France, a multicenter ANRS study

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    The epidemic history of HCV genotype 5a is poorly documented in France, where its prevalence is very low, except in a small central area, where it accounts for 14.2% of chronic hepatitis C cases. A Bayesian coalescent phylogenetic investigation based on the E1 envelope gene and a non-structural genomic segment (NS3/4) was carried out to trace the origin of this epidemic using a large sample of genotype 5a isolates collected throughout France. The dates of documented transmissions by blood transfusion were used to calibrate five nodes in the phylogeny. The results of the E1 gene analysis showed that the best-fitting population dynamic model was the expansion growth model under a relaxed molecular clock. The rate of nucleotide substitutions and time to the most recent common ancestors (tMRCA) of genotype 5a isolates were estimated. The divergence of all the French HCV genotype 5a strains included in this study was dated to 1939 [95% HPD: 1921–1956], and the tMRCA of isolates from central France was dated to 1954 [1942–1967], which is in agreement with epidemiological data. NS3/4 analysis provided similar estimates with strongly overlapping HPD values. Phylodynamic analyses give a plausible reconstruction of the evolutionary history of HCV genotype 5a in France, suggesting the concomitant roles of transfusion, iatrogenic route and intra-familial transmission in viral diffusion

    NS3 protease polymorphism and natural resistance to protease inhibitors in French patients infected with HCV genotypes 1–5

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    Background: Resistant HCV populations may pre-exist in patients before NS3 protease inhibitor therapy and would likely be selected under specific antiviral pressure. The higher prevalence and lower rate of response to treatment associated with HCV genotype 1 infections has led to drug discovery efforts being focused primarily on enzymes produced by this genotype. Protease inhibitors may also be useful for non-genotype-1-infected patients, notably for non-responders.Methods: We investigated the prevalence of dominant resistance mutations and polymorphism in 298 HCV protease-inhibitor-naive patients infected with HCV genotypes 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Genotype-specific NS3 primers were designed to amplify and sequence the NS3 protease gene. Results: None of the 233 analysed sequences contained major telaprevir (TVR) or boceprevir (BOC) resistance mutations (R155K/T/M, A156S/V/T and V170A). Some substitutions (V36L, T54S, Q80K/R, D168Q and V170T) linked to low or moderate decreases in HCV sensitivity to protease inhibitors were prevalent according to genotype (between 2% and 100%). Other than genotype signature mutations at positions 36, 80 and 168, the most frequent substitution was T54S (4 genotype 1 and 2 genotype 4 sequences). All genotype 2–5 sequences had the non-genotype-1 signature V36L mutation known to confer low-level resistance to both TVR and BOC. Conclusions: We have developed an HCV protease NS3 inhibitor resistance genotyping tool suitable for use with HCV genotypes 1–5. Polymorphism data is valuable for interpreting genotypic resistance profiles in cases of failure of anti-HCV NS3 protease treatment

    Factors Influencing the Emergence and Spread of HIV Drug Resistance Arising from Rollout of Antiretroviral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

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    Background: The potential for emergence and spread of HIV drug resistance from rollout of antiretroviral (ARV) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an important public health concern. We investigated determinants of HIV drug resistance prevalence after PrEP implementation through mathematical modeling. Methodology: A model incorporating heterogeneity in age, gender, sexual activity, HIV infection status, stage of disease, PrEP coverage/discontinuation, and HIV drug susceptibility, was designed to simulate the impact of PrEP on HIV prevention and drug resistance in a sub-Saharan epidemic. Principal Findings: Analyses suggest that the prevalence of HIV drug resistance is influenced most by the extent and duration of inadvertent PrEP use in individuals already infected with HIV. Other key factors affecting drug resistance prevalence include the persistence time of transmitted resistance and the duration of inadvertent PrEP use in individuals who become infected on PrEP. From uncertainty analysis, the median overall prevalence of drug resistance at 10 years was predicted to be 9.2% (interquartile range 6.9%-12.2%). An optimistic scenario of 75% PrEP efficacy, 60% coverage of the susceptible population, and 5% inadvertent PrEP use predicts a rise in HIV drug resistance prevalence to only 2.5% after 10 years. By contrast, in a pessimistic scenario of 25% PrEP efficacy, 15% population coverage, and 25% inadvertent PrEP use, resistance prevalence increased to over 40%. Conclusions: Inadvertent PrEP use in previously-infected individuals is the major determinant of HIV drug resistance prevalence arising from PrEP. Both the rate and duration of inadvertent PrEP use are key factors. PrEP rollout programs should include routine monitoring of HIV infection status to limit the spread of drug resistance. © 2011 Abbas et al

    Potential Impact of Antiretroviral Chemoprophylaxis on HIV-1 Transmission in Resource-Limited Settings

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    Background. The potential impact of pre-exposure chemoprophylaxis (PrEP) an heterosexual transmission of HIV-1 infection in resource-limited settings is uncertain. Methodology/Principle Findings. A deterministic mathematical model was used to simulate the effects of antiretroval PreP on an HIV-1 epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa under different scenarios (optimistic neutral and pessimistic) both with and without sexual disinhibition. Sensitivity analyses were used to evaluate the effect of uncertainty in input parameters on model output and included calculation of partial rank correlations and standardized rank regressions. In the scenario without sexual disinhibition after PrEP initiation, key parameters influencing infections prevented were effectiveness of PrEP (partial rank correlation coefficient (PRCC) = 0.94), PrEP discontinuation rate (PRCC=-0.94), level of coverage (PRCC=0.92), and time to achieve target coverage (PRCC=-082). In the scenario with sexual disinhibition, PrEP effectiveness and the extent of sexual disinhibition had the greatest impact on prevention. An optimistic scenario of PrEP with 90% effectiveness and 75% coverage of the general population predicted a 74% decline in cumulative HIV-1 infections after 10 years, and a 28.8% decline with PrEP targeted to the highest risk groups (16% of the population). Even With a 100% increase in at-risk behavior from sexual disinhibition, a beneficial effect (23.4%-62.7% decrease in infections) was seen with 90% effective PrEP across a broad range of coverage (25%-75%). Similar disinhibition led to a rise in infections with lower effectiveness of PrEP (≤50%). Conclusions/Significance. Mathematical modeling supports the potential public health benefit of PrEP. Approximately 2.7 to 3.2 million new HIV-1 infections could be averaged in southern sub-Saharan Africa over 10 years by targeting PrEP (having 90% effectiveness) to those at highest behavioral risk and by preventing sexual disinhibition. This benefit could be lost, however, by sexual disinhibition and by high PrEP discontinuation, especially with lower PrEP effectiveness (≤:50%). © 2007 Abbas et al
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