161 research outputs found

    A columnar model explaining long-term memory

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    A hologram provides a useful model for explaining the associative memory of the brain. Recent advances in neuroscience emphasize that single neurons can store complex information and that subtle changes in neurons underlie the process of memorization. Experimental results suggest that memory has a localized character. This finding is inconsistent with the characteristics of holographic memory, because this memory has a delocalized, uniform distribution of refractive index in the recorded medium. The recently proposed columnar memory model has a discrete distribution of refractive index. In this study, we first examined the performance of columnar memory and found that it was comparable to holographic memory. Secondly, we showed that this model could explain the above-mentioned experimental results as well as associative memory


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    科学研究費助成事業 研究成果報告書:挑戦的萌芽研究2015-2017課題番号 : 15K1339

    Cross-sectional particle measurement in the resonance domain on the substrate through scatterometry

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    We developed a versatile method for three-dimensional shape measurement where a specific particle can be selected on the substrate and its cross-sectional shape and size can be measured. A non-contact fast measurement is possible for the particle in the resonance domain. We applied rigorous coupled-wave analysis to the particle and calculated the diffraction patterns, comparing the patterns with the experimental results to obtain the size and shape. The shape and position of the focusing spot on the scattering particle was controlled precisely. With this method, the category of the analyzable object is extended to more shapes, such as rectangles and triangles, in addition to a conventional ellipsoid

    Retardagraphy: a technique for optical recording of the retardance pattern of an optical anisotropic object on a polarization-sensitive film using a single beam

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    A technique that employs a single laser beam is proposed for recording the retardance of an optical anisotropic object. The retardance pattern is converted into a polarization pattern using a quarter-wave plate and recorded on a polarization-sensitive medium. The recording medium is illuminated by homogeneous polarized light, and the light transmitted by the recording medium is analyzed to reconstruct the recorded retardance pattern

    Automatic characterization and segmentation of human skin using three-dimensional optical coherence tomography

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    A set of fully automated algorithms that is specialized for analyzing a three-dimensional optical coherence tomography (OCT) volume of human skin is reported. The algorithm set first determines the skin surface of the OCT volume, and a depth-oriented algorithm provides the mean epidermal thickness, distribution map of the epidermis, and a segmented volume of the epidermis. Subsequently, an en face shadowgram is produced by an algorithm to visualize the infundibula in the skin with high contrast. The population and occupation ratio of the infundibula are provided by a histogram-based thresholding algorithm and a distance mapping algorithm. En face OCT slices at constant depths from the sample surface are extracted, and the histogram-based thresholding algorithm is again applied to these slices, yielding a three-dimensional segmented volume of the infundibula. The dermal attenuation coefficient is also calculated from the OCT volume in order to evaluate the skin texture. The algorithm set examines swept-source OCT volumes of the skins of several volunteers, and the results show the high stability, portability and reproducibility of the algorithm.This paper was published in Optics Express and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-14-5-1862. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law

    Loss of Deacetylation Activity of Hdac6 Affects Emotional Behavior in Mice

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    Acetylation is mediated by acetyltransferases and deacetylases, and occurs not only on histones but also on diverse proteins. Although histone acetylation in chromatin structure and transcription has been well studied, the biological roles of non-histone acetylation remain elusive. Histone deacetylase 6 (Hdac6), a member of the histone deacetylase (HDAC) family, is a unique deacetylase that localizes to cytoplasm and functions in many cellular events by deacetylating non-histone proteins including α-tubulin, Hsp90, and cortactin. Since robust expression of Hdac6 is observed in brain, it would be expected that Hdac6-mediated reversible acetylation plays essential roles in CNS. Here we demonstrate the crucial roles of Hdac6 deacetylase activity in the expression of emotional behavior in mice. We found that Hdac6-deficient mice exhibit hyperactivity, less anxiety, and antidepressant-like behavior in behavioral tests. Moreover, administration of Hdac6-specific inhibitor replicated antidepressant-like behavior in mice. In good agreement with behavioral phenotypes of Hdac6-deficient mice, Hdac6 dominantly localizes to the dorsal and median raphe nuclei, which are involved in emotional behaviors. These findings suggest that HDAC6-mediated reversible acetylation might contribute to maintain proper neuronal activity in serotonergic neurons, and also provide a new therapeutic target for depression

    A genome database for a Japanese population of the larvacean Oikopleura dioica

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    The larvacean Oikopleura dioica is a planktonic chordate, and is tunicate that belongs to the closest relatives to vertebrates. Its simple and transparent body, invariant embryonic cell lineages, and short life cycle of five days make it a promising model organism for developmental biology research. The genome browser OikoBase was established in 2013 using Norwegian O. dioica. However, genome information for other populations is not available, even though many researchers have studied local populations. In the present study, we sequenced using Illumina and PacBio RSII technologies the genome of O. dioica from a southwestern Japanese population that was cultured in our laboratory for three years. The genome of Japanese O. dioica was assembled into 576 scaffold sequences with a total length and N50 length of 56.6 Mb and 1.5 Mb, respectively. A total of 18,743 gene models (transcript models) were predicted in the genome assembly, named as OSKA2016. In addition, 19,277 non-redundant transcripts were assembled using RNA-seq data. The OSKA2016 has global sequence similarity of only 86.5% when compared with the OikoBase, highlighting the sequence difference between the two far distant O. dioica populations on the globe. The genome assembly, transcript assembly, and transcript models were incorporated into ANISEED (https://www.aniseed.cnrs.fr/) for genome browsing and blast searches. Moreover, screening of the male-specific scaffolds revealed that over 2.6 Mb of sequence were included in the male-specific Yregion. The genome and transcriptome resources from two distinct populations will be useful datasets for developmental biology, evolutionary biology, and molecular ecology using this model organism

    The Constrained Maximal Expression Level Owing to Haploidy Shapes Gene Content on the Mammalian X Chromosome.

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    X chromosomes are unusual in many regards, not least of which is their nonrandom gene content. The causes of this bias are commonly discussed in the context of sexual antagonism and the avoidance of activity in the male germline. Here, we examine the notion that, at least in some taxa, functionally biased gene content may more profoundly be shaped by limits imposed on gene expression owing to haploid expression of the X chromosome. Notably, if the X, as in primates, is transcribed at rates comparable to the ancestral rate (per promoter) prior to the X chromosome formation, then the X is not a tolerable environment for genes with very high maximal net levels of expression, owing to transcriptional traffic jams. We test this hypothesis using The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) and data from the Functional Annotation of the Mammalian Genome (FANTOM5) project. As predicted, the maximal expression of human X-linked genes is much lower than that of genes on autosomes: on average, maximal expression is three times lower on the X chromosome than on autosomes. Similarly, autosome-to-X retroposition events are associated with lower maximal expression of retrogenes on the X than seen for X-to-autosome retrogenes on autosomes. Also as expected, X-linked genes have a lesser degree of increase in gene expression than autosomal ones (compared to the human/Chimpanzee common ancestor) if highly expressed, but not if lowly expressed. The traffic jam model also explains the known lower breadth of expression for genes on the X (and the Z of birds), as genes with broad expression are, on average, those with high maximal expression. As then further predicted, highly expressed tissue-specific genes are also rare on the X and broadly expressed genes on the X tend to be lowly expressed, both indicating that the trend is shaped by the maximal expression level not the breadth of expression per se. Importantly, a limit to the maximal expression level explains biased tissue of expression profiles of X-linked genes. Tissues whose tissue-specific genes are very highly expressed (e.g., secretory tissues, tissues abundant in structural proteins) are also tissues in which gene expression is relatively rare on the X chromosome. These trends cannot be fully accounted for in terms of alternative models of biased expression. In conclusion, the notion that it is hard for genes on the Therian X to be highly expressed, owing to transcriptional traffic jams, provides a simple yet robustly supported rationale of many peculiar features of X's gene content, gene expression, and evolution

    Development of an Optical Neural Network Module

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    Introduction Some efforts to develop optical computing systems have been made in this decade. Many researchers have studied the hardware required for artificial neural networks and the software for such highly parallel computations. In terms of the hardware, two different approaches have been proposed: VLSI-based neural networks and optical neural networks. Many advantages of applying optics to artificial neural networks have been discussed, and many optical and optoelectronic neural networks have been proposed. The optics, which has inherent parallelism and high speed features, offers high potential interconnections in terms of density, capacity, and flexibility. Optical techniques lead to huge parallel operations and interconnections, and provide useful hardware for artificial neural networks. In order to develop a large scale optical neural network computing system, a smaller module is developing at the first step. We present two architectural approaches considered, that is

    研究速報 : 0bservation of Thermal Stresses Induced by Laser Irradiation in Transparent Optical Materials

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