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    山梨県山中湖村における薪需要把握 : 煙突等の目視踏査、アンケート調査、薪原木販売実験

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    東方文化事業"上海自然科学研究所"の漢方生薬研究 : 中尾萬三蒐集・満洲生薬標本

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    Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, which was founded in 1884, is the second oldest private Japanese pharmaceutical university. The university owns a considerable number of historical and natural medicinal specimens, including the Manchurian herbal medicinal specimens, which were collected in 1913 by an authority on pharmacognosy, NAKAO Manzo, the head of the Chinese medicine department in Shanghai Natural Science Laboratories. The crude drugs (n=305) were identified by their Latin names and added to the list. This study shows that these traditional herbal drug specimens may provide a big clue in verifying their origin and furnishing the market situation of Manchurian natural medicine before the World War II and Proletarian culture revolution of China. Keywords: Chinese traditional medicine, Manchuria, Shanghai Natural Science Laboratories, NAKAO Manzo, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University


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    Price Rigidity at Near-Zero Inflation Rates: Evidence from Japan

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    A notable characteristic of Japan's deflation since the mid-1990s is the mild pace of price decline, with the CPI falling at an annual rate of only around 1 percent. Moreover, even though unemployment increased, prices hardly reacted, giving rise to a flattening of the Phillips curve. In this paper, we address why deflation was so mild and why the Phillips curve flattened, focusing on changes in price stickiness. Our first finding is that, for the majority of the 588 items constituting the CPI, making up about 50 percent of the CPI in terms of weight, the year-on-year rate of price change was near-zero, indicating the presence of very high price stickiness. This situation started during the onset of deflation in the second half of the 1990s and continued even after the CPI inflation rate turned positive in spring 2013. Second, we find that there is a negative correlation between trend inflation and the share of items whose rate of price change is near zero, which is consistent with Ball and Mankiw's (1994) argument based on the menu cost model that the opportunity cost of leaving prices unchanged decreases as trend inflation approaches zero. This result suggests that the price stickiness observed over the last two decades arose endogenously as a result of the decline in inflation. Third and finally, a cross-country comparison of the price change distribution reveals that Japan differs significantly from other countries in that the mode of the distribution is very close to zero for Japan, while it is near 2 percent for other countries including the United States. Japan continues to be an "outlier" even if we look at the mode of the distribution conditional on the rate of inflation. This suggests that whereas in the United States and other countries the "default" is for firms to raise prices by about 2 percent each year, in Japan the default is that, as a result of prolonged deflation, firms keep prices unchanged.2012~2016年度科学研究費補助金[基盤研究(S)]「長期デフレの解明」(研究代表者 東京大学経済学研究科・渡辺努, 課題番号:24223003

    地震災害は現在バイアスを強めるか : 熊本地震災害を事例として

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    家族内財産承継の租税法的把握をめぐる問題 : 非典型財産承継の局面を中心に

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    本稿の目的は、多様化・国際化する家族関係を反映して多様な進化を遂げる家族内財産承継の諸類型を、租税法が安定的な形で把握し課税を行いうるか、という関心から、現行法の批判的検証を行うことにある。「非典型財産承継」の具体例として、事実婚の当事者が法定相続制に代替する手段として法定相続人以外の者への相続分譲渡の方法を用いた場面の課税関係、および、わが国私法に不知の外国法制度である米国州法上のジョイント・テナンシーを介した財産承継の課税関係、を検討した。その結果、民法上の概念(「相続」「贈与」)を借用して課税要件を設定しつつ、「みなし」課税でこれを補う現行税法のアプローチは、今後増えることが予想される非典型財産承継に対しては、課税関係への過剰な包摂や不明確性をもたらしていることが、明らかとなった。家族の財産関係を租税法がどう扱い補足すべきかは、原理的な問題であると同時に法技術的な問題でもあり、租税法学は両者をバランス良く検討する必要がある。Forms of family wealth transfer are constantly developing, partly due to the diversification and globalization of family affairs. Such rise of “atypical forms of family wealth transfer” poses a particular challenge to tax law, which shall comprehend socio-economic activities by legally conceptualizing them into taxable events. Particularly, Japanese tax law had “borrowed” key concepts (such as inheritance or gift) from Civil law when setting tax provisions, while complementing them by “deeming” clauses, which, for the tax law purpose, treats certain economically equivalent activities as if they are typical taxable events such as inheritance. This approach had been very practical but has revealed its weakness vis-à-vis “atypical” forms, either by giving rise to tax results not necessarily warranted by sound policy reasons, or by introducing unexpected ambiguity. These offers agenda for tax law scholarship in the forthcoming era, when family property relation will be even dramatically globalized and diversified.特集 家族・財産・


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    本稿は、個人の死亡時における相続以外の財産移転制度(「相続代替制度」)の国際的側面に関する抵触法上の問題を検討することにある。近時では、とりわけ情報通信手段の発達により、個人が複数国に資産を保有したり、外国の相続代替制度を利用したりする事例が増加しており、今後、我が国も含め、これらの制度の受益者と相続人との間で国際民事紛争の益々の増加が予想される。相続代替制度の利用を巡る国際的紛争を予防・解決するためには、当該制度の有効性や第三者に対する効力等、関連する法的諸問題に関する準拠法選択が適切且つ明確になされる必要がある。そこで、本稿では、この点について検討する。相続代替制度のために新たな準拠法選択規則を構想する必要はなく、現状では従来の準拠法選択規則の何れかに法的問題を性質決定すれば足りる、但し、例外的処理を行う可能性については、今後さらに検討が必要である、というのが本稿の結論である。This paper examines conflict-of-laws issues with regard to international aspects of succession substitutes (institutions for the transfer of properties at the death of an individual other than succession). Particularly through the development of telecommunication means, people can more easily hold their properties in different countries and make use of succession substitutes in a foreign country. Thus, it is expected that disputes will increase between a beneficiary of these institutions and a successor worldwide, including in Japan. A proper and predictable choice of law relating to relevant issues such as the validity of a succession substitute and its effect against the third party is important in order to prevent or resolve international disputes with regard to the use of succession substitutes. Thus, this article deals with this choice-of-law issues.特集 家族・財産・

    修辞学と対話 : フェヌロン『雄弁についての対話』

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    À la fin de sa vie, Fénelon rêve d’une « excellente rhétorique » dans sa Lettre à l’Académie, qui repose sur un écrit de jeunesse non publié : Dialogues sur l’éloquence (vers 1680). Texte adressé, ils ont pour but de persuader avec efficacité le lecteur. Notre propos est de montrer qu’on ne saurait saisir leur portée et leur originalité hors de la référence au lien entre matière et forme : la théorie rhétorique et la pratique du dialogue. À qui s’adressent ces Dialogues ? Deux tiers sont consacrés à la rhétorique païenne, plus que ne le fait le De doctrina christiana de saint Augustin, manuel le plus important des prédicateurs auquel Fénelon emprunte la conception fondamentale. Au XVIIe siècle en France, la prédication décline à cause de la dissociation de ses réalités d’avec le principe du concile de Trente. Suivant la tendance de la Contre-Réforme, Fénelon essaie de s’adresser aux prédicateurs et d’attirer leur intérêt pour réformer la prédication. Le dialogue fénelonien se distingue néanmoins de la forme à la mode à cette époque ; il s’éloigne de la représentation d’une conversation réelle que valorise l’esthétique dite galante. La nature, dont notre auteur fait le principe, ne porte plus sur une imitation, mais sur une perfection de l’art, voire de la rhétorique, qui permet de garder l’ordre de l’invention à l’élocution, puis de mélanger les divers styles. Mais, comment le style simple du dialogue amène-t-il l’auditeur ou le lecteur aux effets pathétiques liés au style sublime dans la tradition rhétorique ? À la différence de Boileau, Fénelon ne sépare pas totalement le sublime d’avec le style sublime. L’homélie, pratiquée surtout par Jean Chrysostome, lui fournit dès lors l’idéal de la prédication familière qui peut aussi accéder au sublime, non sans paradoxe, à travers la préparation rhétorique. Cette méthode est non seulement théorisée mais aussi pratiquée dans les Dialogues, puisqu’elle suppose, malgré l’apparence dialogique, le régime monologique


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    Japanese Language Learning and Employment Opportunities for Foreign Residents : Russian-speaking Migrants in Japan

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    The ability of migrants to integrate with a host society is deeply affected by the migrant’s knowledge of the host country’s language. This paper presents the empirical findings of our study conducted in Japan in 2015-2016. The focus was the degree of Japanese language ability among Russian-speaking migrants in Japan, and the association between language skills and employment opportunities available to this population. We describe the learning sites and practices that Russian-speaking migrants utilized before and after their migration, offer insight into their Japanese language ability, and highlight the relationship between migrants’ employment status and Japanese language skills. Our aim is to illustrate the importance of affordable opportunities for effective learning and the role such learning plays in developing the language skills of migrants, thereby promoting their ability to secure employment in Japan. The analysis focuses on learning sites in Japan where the respondents studied Japanese. The sites included Japanese language schools, universities, private tutoring, and free language classes provided by regional administration centers and volunteer centers. As illustrated by both the objective and the subjective language ability assessments the respondents provided, overall language ability varied per group along a continuum that can be conceptualized as “university – Japanese language school – private tutoring – other.” The findings revealed discrepancies in the employment status of participants among these four groups. Narratives obtained through interviews helped us to identify areas of concern that potentially hamper migrants from obtaining the expected degree of oral proficiency and literacy in Japanese, at the corresponding learning sites. The data and findings presented here may serve to inform policy for targeted instruction in Japanese for migrants, according to their ability level and occupations, which would help to deliver effective training in Japanese that accords with migrants’ needs.Section 1: Original Researc


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