32 research outputs found

    Linking landscape characteristics, streamwater acidity and brown trout (Salmo trutta) distributions in a boreal stream network

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    Perturbations of stream ecosystems are often mediated by the terrestrial watershed, making the understanding of linkages between watersheds and streams essential. In this thesis I explore the connections between landscape characteristics, streamwater acidity and brown trout (Salmo trutta) distributions in Krycklan, a 67 km2 boreal stream network in northern Sweden. The study focuses on hydrochemical changes during the snowmelt-driven spring flood, a period of episodic acidity which is thought to place a restraint on acid-sensitive biota such as brown trout. pH ranged from 4.5-7.0 at different stream sites during winter baseflow, and declined by 0-2 pH units during spring flood. The magnitude of the pH drop at a given site was in large part controlled by changes in acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and in natural organic acids associated with dissolved organic carbon (DOC). pH, ANC and DOC were all correlated with landscape characteristics such as proportion of peat wetlands, and stream hydrochemical response during spring flood could be explained by altered hydrological flowpaths through the catchment. The impact of acidity on brown trout distributions within the stream network was evaluated and compared to the apparent influence of other site and catchment-scale environmental factors. In situ bioassays demonstrated a strong relationship between spring flood pH and juvenile brown trout mortality, with a toxicity threshold at pH 4.8-5.4. In field surveys brown trout were not found at any sites which had pH <5.0 during spring flood, and were rare at sites which had pH <5.5 during spring flood, suggesting limitation by acidity for some streams. However, over the whole of the Krycklan stream network brown trout were more consistently associated with alluvial sediment deposits than with high pH or low inorganic aluminum concentrations. Acidity thus apparently influences trout distributions by setting a maximum potential distribution; within that potential distribution, actual dispersal is influenced by other factors, notably presence of physical substrate suitable for feeding and spawning habitat. Fulfilling chemical thresholds is therefore necessary but not sufficient for sustaining brown trout populations. In the context of environmental monitoring or stream restoration, consideration of physical habitat together with chemical conditions is advised

    Influence of the Landscape Template on Chemical and Physical Habitat for Brown Trout Within a Boreal Stream Network

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    We used the distribution of stream-dwelling brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a 67 km(2) boreal catchment to explore the importance of environmental organizing factors at a range of spatial scales, including whole-catchment characteristics derived from map data, and stream reach chemical and physical characteristics. Brown trout were not observed at any sites characterized by pH < 5.0 during the spring snowmelt episode, matching published toxicity thresholds. Brown trout distributions were patchy even in less acidic regions of the stream network, positively associated with glaciofluvial substrate and negatively associated with fine sand/silty sediments. A multivariate model including only whole-catchment characteristics explained 43% of the variation in brown trout densities, while models with local site physical habitat characteristics or local stream chemistry explained 33 and 25%, respectively. At the stream reach scale, physical habitat apparently played a primary role in organizing brown trout distributions in this stream network, with acidity placing an additional restriction by excluding brown trout from acidic headwater streams. Much of the strength of the catchment characteristics-fish association could be explained by the correlation of catchment-scale landscape characteristics with local stream chemistry and site physical characteristics. These results, consistent with the concept of multiple hierarchical environmental filters regulating the distribution of this fish species, underline the importance of considering a range of spatial scales and both physical and chemical environments when attempting to manage or restore streams for brown trout

    Dissolved organic carbon uptake in streams: A review and assessment of reach‐scale measurements

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    Quantifying the role that freshwater ecosystems play in the global carbon cycle requires accurate measurement and scaling of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal in river networks. We reviewed reach‐scale measurements of DOC uptake from experimental additions of simple organic compounds or leachates to inform development of aquatic DOC models that operate at the river network, regional, or continental scale. Median DOC uptake velocity (vf) across all measurements was 2.28 mm min−1. Measurements using simple compound additions resulted in faster vf (2.94 mm min−1) than additions of leachates (1.11 mm min−1). We also reviewed published data of DOC bioavailability for ambient stream water and leaf leachate DOC from laboratory experiments. We used these data to calculate and apply a correction factor to leaf leachate uptake velocity to estimate ambient stream water DOC uptake rates at the reach scale. Using this approach, we estimated a median ambient stream DOC vf of 0.26 mm min−1. Applying these DOC vf values (0.26, 1.11, 2.28, and 2.94 mm min−1) in a river network inverse model in seven watersheds revealed that our estimated ambient DOC vf value is plausible at the network scale and 27 to 45% of DOC input was removed. Applying the median measured simple compound or leachate vf in whole river networks would require unjustifiably high terrestrial DOC inputs to match observed DOC concentrations at the basin mouth. To improve the understanding and importance of DOC uptake in fluvial systems, we recommend using a multiscale approach coupling laboratory assays, with reach‐scale measurements, and modeling

    Priorities and barriers for urban ecosystem service provision: A comparison of stakeholder perspectives from three cities

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    Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) can provide many needed ecosystem services (ES) to help address challenges like biodiversity loss and climate change while contributing to the health and wellbeing of urban inhabitants. In order to optimize UGI for a given city, a first step is to assess the local ES needs and the potential barriers to ES provision. However, it is not known how consistent these needs and barriers are among cities in different settings. To help address this knowledge gap, the aim of this study was to assess ES priorities and existing barriers to ES provision for three cities varying in socioeconomic, cultural and climatic setting: Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Cincinnati (USA) and Malmö (Sweden). In case studies of each of the three cities, we carried out workshops with key stakeholders and collected their assessments of both current provision of ES from UGI and future priorities. The workshops were followed by expert stakeholder interviews aimed at highlighting existing barriers to ES provision. In spite of the different urban contexts, expressed ES priorities were similar among the cities, with the highest cross-cutting priorities being climate change adaptation, stormwater runoff management and water quality, mental and physical health, biodiversity, and provision of local food. Stakeholder-expressed barriers to ES provision were also broadly similar among cities, falling into three main categories: structural pressures, gaps in governance, and lack of ecological awareness and vision. Our results suggest that certain key ES priorities and barriers may apply broadly to cities regardless of climatic or socio-cultural context. These generic needs can help direct the focus of future studies, and imply a clear benefit to international, even cross-continental study and knowledge-exchange among practitioners and researchers working with UGI

    Forest streams are important sources for nitrous oxide emissions - Nitrous oxide emissions from Swedish streams

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    Streams and river networks are increasingly recognized as significant sources for the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). N2O is a transformation product of nitrogenous compounds in soil, sediment and water. Agricultural areas are considered a particular hotspot for emissions because of the large input of nitrogen (N) fertilizers applied on arable land. However, there is little information on N2O emissions from forest streams although they constitute a major part of the total stream network globally. Here, we compiled N2O concentration data from low-order streams (~1,000 observations from 172 stream sites) covering a large geographical gradient in Sweden from the temperate to the boreal zone and representing catchments with various degrees of agriculture and forest coverage. Our results showed that agricultural and forest streams had comparable N2O concentrations of 1.6 +/- 2.1 and 1.3 +/- 1.8 mu g N/L, respectively (mean +/- SD) despite higher total N (TN) concentrations in agricultural streams (1,520 +/- 1,640 vs. 780 +/- 600 mu g N/L). Although clear patterns linking N2O concentrations and environmental variables were difficult to discern, the percent saturation of N2O in the streams was positively correlated with stream concentration of TN and negatively correlated with pH. We speculate that the apparent contradiction between lower TN concentration but similar N2O concentrations in forest streams than in agricultural streams is due to the low pH (&lt;6) in forest soils and streams which affects denitrification and yields higher N2O emissions. An estimate of the N2O emission from low-order streams at the national scale revealed that ~1.8 x 10(9) g N2O-N are emitted annually in Sweden, with forest streams contributing about 80% of the total stream emission. Hence, our results provide evidence that forest streams can act as substantial N2O sources in the landscape with 800 x 10(9) g CO2-eq emitted annually in Sweden, equivalent to 25% of the total N2O emissions from the Swedish agricultural sector

    Unified understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic controls of dissolved organic carbon reactivity in aquatic ecosystems

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    Despite our growing understanding of the global carbon cycle, scientific consensus on the drivers and mechanisms that control dissolved organic carbon (DOC) turnover in aquatic systems is lacking, hampered by the mismatch between research that approaches DOC reactivity from either intrinsic (inherent chemical properties) or extrinsic (environmental context) perspectives. Here we propose a conceptual view of DOC reactivity in which the combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors controls turnover rates and determines which reactions will occur. We review three major types of reactions (biological, photochemical, and flocculation) from an intrinsic chemical perspective and further define the environmental features that modulate the expression of chemically inherent reactivity potential. Finally, we propose hypotheses of how extrinsic and intrinsic factors together shape patterns in DOC turnover across the land-to-ocean continuum, underscoring that there is no intrinsic DOC reactivity without environmental context. By acknowledging the intrinsic–extrinsic control duality, our framework intends to foster improved modeling of DOC reactivity and its impact on ecosystem services

    Unified understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic controls of dissolved organic carbon reactivity in aquatic ecosystems

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    Despite our growing understanding of the global carbon cycle, scientific consensus on the drivers and mechanisms that control dissolved organic carbon (DOC) turnover in aquatic systems is lacking, hampered by the mismatch between research that approaches DOC reactivity from either intrinsic (inherent chemical properties) or extrinsic (environmental context) perspectives. Here we propose a conceptual view of DOC reactivity in which the combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors controls turnover rates and determines which reactions will occur. We review three major types of reactions (biological, photochemical, and flocculation) from an intrinsic chemical perspective and further define the environmental features that modulate the expression of chemically inherent reactivity potential. Finally, we propose hypotheses of how extrinsic and intrinsic factors together shape patterns in DOC turnover across the land-to-ocean continuum, underscoring that there is no intrinsic DOC reactivity without environmental context. By acknowledging the intrinsic–extrinsic control duality, our framework intends to foster improved modeling of DOC reactivity and its impact on ecosystem services.publishedVersio

    Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release from soils, streams, and wildfire : an expert assessment

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    As the permafrost region warms, its large organic carbon pool will be increasingly vulnerable to decomposition, combustion, and hydrologic export. Models predict that some portion of this release will be offset by increased production of Arctic and boreal biomass; however, the lack of robust estimates of net carbon balance increases the risk of further overshooting international emissions targets. Precise empirical or model-based assessments of the critical factors driving carbon balance are unlikely in the near future, so to address this gap, we present estimates from 98 permafrost-region experts of the response of biomass, wildfire, and hydrologic carbon flux to climate change. Results suggest that contrary to model projections, total permafrost-region biomass could decrease due to water stress and disturbance, factors that are not adequately incorporated in current models. Assessments indicate that end-of-the-century organic carbon release from Arctic rivers and collapsing coastlines could increase by 75% while carbon loss via burning could increase four-fold. Experts identified water balance, shifts in vegetation community, and permafrost degradation as the key sources of uncertainty in predicting future system response. In combination with previous findings, results suggest the permafrost region will become a carbon source to the atmosphere by 2100 regardless of warming scenario but that 65%-85% of permafrost carbon release can still be avoided if human emissions are actively reduced.Peer reviewe

    Biochar-amended substrate improves nutrient retention in green roof plots

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    Green roofs can act as pollutant sources due to the nutrients nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) leaching from the engineered soil-like substrate. Designing substrate to reduce this effect, while continuing to provide nutrients for plants, is essential to minimize this ecosystem disservice. Biochar is a water-retaining soil additive with the potential to increase stormwater retention and bind nutrients, thus could reduce loss of nutrients in runoff and simultaneously improve plant performance. Over two growing seasons, our study evaluated plant cover, nutrient retention and water retention in green roof experimental plots after the addition of biochar to the substrate. Replicated plots of green roof substrate amended with different amounts of biochar were established, both vegetated (Sedum mixture) and unvegetated. After initial establishment, plant cover was highest in the intermediate (5% w/w) biochar treatment, and lowest in the high (10% w/w) biochar treatment. Biochar addition did not significantly affect water retention, but improved runoff water quality by decreasing phosphorus, organic carbon and organic nitrogen export, all of which were high in runoff from the standard green roof substrate. Biochar was found to be a minor source of nitrate, but this effect was counteracted by plant presence, with plants greatly reducing N runoff losses. Overall, these results strengthen the case for biochar as a potentially useful amendment for green roofs