251 research outputs found

    Tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) exhibit novelty preference in the novel location memory task with 24-h retention periods

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    Novelty preference is pervasive in mammalian species, and describes an inherent tendency to preferentially explore novelty. The novel location memory task studied here assesses the ability of animals to form accurate memories of a spatial configuration, consisting of several identical objects placed within an arena. Tree shrews were first familiarized with a particular object configuration during several sessions, and then an object was displaced during a test session. Tree shrews exhibited enhanced exploration when confronted with this novel configuration. The most reliable indicator associated with novelty preference was an enhancement in directed exploration towards the novel object, although we also observed a non-specific overall increase in exploration in one experiment. During the test session, we also observed an exploration of the location, which had previously been occupied by the displaced object, an effect termed empty quadrant. Our behavioral findings suggest multiple stages of spatial memory formation in tree shrews that are associated with various forms of behavioral responses to novelty. Reduced novelty preference has been linked to major depressive disorder in human patients. Given the established social conflict depression model in tree shrews, we anticipate that the study of the neural circuits of novelty preference and their malfunction during depression may have implications for understanding or treating depression in humans

    Evaluating a childhood obesity program with the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework.

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    Primary care providers can use behavioral lifestyle interventions to effectively treat children with overweight and obesity, but implementing these interventions is challenging. Most childhood obesity intervention evaluation studies focus on effectiveness. Few studies describe implementation. Our goal was to evaluate critical components of a childhood obesity intervention in primary care. We conducted a pilot implementation study of an existing structured lifestyle intervention in the Canton of Bern, Switzerland from 2013 to 2015. The intervention consisted of 10 sessions, led by a primary care physician. It included children aged 6-8 years old, with BMI over the 90th age-adjusted percentile. We used the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance (RE-AIM) evaluation framework to describe the pilot implementation study. We stratified description of RE-AIM components at the patient- and physician-level. For Reach: 864 children were screened; 65 were overweight; 394 physicians were invited to participate in the study. For Effectiveness: BMI z-score significantly decreased (-5.6%, p = 0.01). For Adoption: 14 participating physicians treated 26 patients. Implementation: the mean number of consultations was 8. For Maintenance: 9 (35%) children discontinued the intervention; 7 (50%) of physicians continued to apply at least one component of the intervention. The summarized components of the program within the RE-AIM framework suggest the program was successful. Stakeholders can use our results if they intend to disseminate and evaluate similar interventions in different settings

    Inactivation combined with cell lysis of Pseudomonas putida using a low pressure carbon dioxide microbubble technology

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    BACKGROUND Inactivation processes can be classified into non-thermal inactivation methods such as ethylene oxide and Îł-radiation, and thermal methods such as autoclaving. The ability of carbon dioxide enriched microbubbles to inactivate Pseudomonas putida suspended in physiological saline, as a non-thermal sterilisation method, was investigated in this study with many operational advantages over both traditional thermal and non-thermal sterilisation methods. RESULTS Introducing carbon dioxide enriched microbubbles can achieve ∌2-Log reduction in the bacterial population after 90 min of treatment, addition of ethanol to the inactivation solution further enhanced the inactivation process to achieve 3, 2.5 and 3.5-Log reduction for 2%, 5% and 10 %( v/v) ethanol, respectively. A range of morphological changes was observed on Pseudomonas cells after each treatment, and these changes extended from changing cell shape from rod shape to coccus shape to severe lesions and cell death. Pseudomonas putida KT 2440 was used as a model of gram-negative bacteria. CONCLUSION Using CO2 enriched microbubbles technology has many advantages such as efficient energy consumption (no heat source), avoidance of toxic and corrosive reagents, and in situ treatment. In addition, many findings from this study could apply to other gram-negative bacteria

    A Review on the Effects of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide on Enzyme Activity

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    Different types of enzymes such as lipases, several phosphatases, dehydrogenases, oxidases, amylases and others are well suited for the reactions in SC-CO2. The stability and the activity of enzymes exposed to carbon dioxide under high pressure depend on enzyme species, water content in the solution and on the pressure and temperature of the reaction system. The three-dimensional structure of enzymes may be significantly altered under extreme conditions, causing their denaturation and consequent loss of activity. If the conditions are less adverse, the protein structure may be largely retained. Minor structural changes may induce an alternative active protein state with altered enzyme activity, specificity and stability

    Self-reported emotion regulation difficulties are associated with mood but not with the biological stress response to thin ideal exposure

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    BACKGROUND:Difficulties in emotion regulation have been related to psychological and physiological stress responses such as lower mood and lower parasympathetic activation (HF-HRV) under resting condition, but evidence on the potential link to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis functioning and to physiological stress responses during a stress task is still scarce. The aim of the study was to investigate stress responses in young women when confronted to a daily stressor such as exposure to thin ideals and to understand the role of correlates of self-reported trait-like emotion regulation difficulties (ERD). METHODS:Heart rate variability (HRV) and salivary cortisol data were collected in a sample of 273 young women aged 18-35 with and without mental disorders during a vivid imagination of thin ideals (experimental condition) or landscapes (control condition). Changes in mood states were measured on a visual analogue scale (0-100). Correlates of trait-like ERD were self-reported using the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). RESULTS:Participants with higher ERD showed a stronger decline in self-reported mood after vivid imagination of thin ideals compared to participants with lower ERD in the experimental condition but also a stronger increase of positive mood with increasing ERD in the control condition. ERD were not related to baseline HF-HRV or baseline salivary cortisol levels nor to any physiological response during and after the imagination of thin ideals. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION:The results corroborate the role of ERD regarding the immediate psychological impact of daily stressors. Exposition to daily stressors in the laboratory results in discrepant psychological and physiological reactivity. Future studies should investigate under what conditions the complex interrelations between immediate and long-term ERD and biological activation are amenable to assessment in a laboratory setting. The additive effects of multiple exposition to stressors, such as thin ideals in daily life, also need to be addressed

    Anorexia and bulimia

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