176 research outputs found

    Exploring invasiveness and versatility of used microhabitats of the globally invasive Gambusia holbrooki.

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    Introductions of non-native species can lead to severe impacts, including the decline of ecosystem function through deleterious impacts on species diversity. The successful establishment of non-native species in new environments is the first barrier a species must overcome, ultimately depending on its ability to either cope with or adapt to local site-specific conditions. Despite the widespread distribution and ecological consequences of many freshwater invaders, site-specific and climatic preferences are often unknown, as in the case of the Eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki, a global invader considered as a pervasive threat to endemic species. Here, we determined the ecological features and preferred site-specific conditions of G. holbrooki in Türkiye, which spans a wide range of diverse biogeographically distinct ecosystems, by surveying populations from 130 localities in 2016 and 2017. Gambusia holbrooki were detected by hand-net in 48 of these sites (19 lotic, 29 lentic). It showed a preference for shallow waters with medium sized rocks, and abundances differed spatially across a latitudinal gradient and was influenced predominantly by variations in pH. The only other factors predicting its presence were low current velocities and gravel substrate, highlighting its ecological versatility in utilising a wide range of microhabitats. Bioclimatic models suggest that G. holbrooki is found in areas with an average annual temperature ranging from 10 to 20 °C, but with temperature not being a limiting factor to its invasion. Gambusia holbrooki shows a preference for xeric freshwater ecosystems and endorheic basins, as well as temperate coastal rivers, temperate upland rivers, temperate floodplain rivers and wetlands, and tropical and subtropical coastal rivers. These results, particularly the wide occurrence with only few limiting factors, emphasise the invasion potential of mosquitofish and should substantiate the need for localised invasive species management and conservation efforts, particularly in smaller or insular areas where mosquitofish and endemic fish species co-exist

    Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with iron deficiency chlorosis resistance in groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea )

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    Iron deficiency chlorosis is an important abiotic stress affecting groundnut production worldwide in calcareous and alkaline soils with a pH of 7.5–8.5. To identify genomic regions controlling iron deficiency chlorosis resistance in groundnut, the recombinant inbred line population from the cross TAG 24 × ICGV 86031 was evaluated for associated traits like visual chlorosis rating and SPAD chlorophyll meter reading across three crop growth stages for two consecutive years. Thirty-two QTLs were identified for visual chlorosis rating (3.9%–31.8% phenotypic variance explained [PVE]) and SPAD chlorophyll meter reading [3.8%–11% PVE] across three stages over 2 years. This is the first report of identification of QTLs for iron deficiency chlorosis resistance- associated traits in groundnut. Three major QTLs (>10% PVE) were identified at severe stage, while majority of other QTLs were having small effects. Interestingly, two major QTLs for visual chlorosis rating at 60 days (2013) and 90 days (2014) were located at same position on LG AhXIII. The identified QTLs/markers after validation across diverse genetic material could be used in genomics-assisted breeding

    Differential expression of Caveolin-1 in hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with differentiation state, motility and invasion

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    WOS: 000264914000001PubMed ID: 19239691Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [SBAG-107S026]; Dokuz Eylul University Research FoundationDokuz Eylul University [05.KB.SAG.071]We thank Prof. Mehmet Ozturk for providing us HCC cell lines and for his critical reading of the manuscript; and Prof. Aykut Uren for his helpful discussions on the manuscript. We also thank to Evin Ozen for her technical assistance. This work was supported by grants to Nese ATABEY from the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK, SBAG-107S026) and Dokuz Eylul University Research Foundation (05.KB.SAG.071)

    A summer heat wave decreases the immunocompetence of the mesograzer, Idotea baltica

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    Extreme events associated with global change will impose increasing stress on coastal organisms. How strong biological interactions such as the host–parasite arms-race are modulated by environmental change is largely unknown. The immune system of invertebrates, in particular phagocytosis and phenoloxidase activity response are key defence mechanisms against parasites, yet they may be sensitive to environmental perturbations. We here simulated an extreme event that mimicked the European heat wave in 2003 to investigate the effect of environmental change on the immunocompetence of the mesograzer Idotea baltica. Unlike earlier studies, our experiment aimed at simulation of the natural situation as closely as possible by using long acclimation, a slow increase in temperature and a natural community setting including the animals’ providence with natural food sources (Zostera marina and Fucus vesiculosus). Our results demonstrate that a simulated heat wave results in decreased immunocompetence of the mesograzer Idotea baltica, in particular a drop of phagocytosis by 50%. This suggests that global change has the potential to significantly affect host–parasite interactions

    Combined proteome and transcriptome analyses for the discovery of urinary biomarkers for urothelial carcinoma

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    Background: Proteomic discovery of cancer biomarkers in body fluids is challenging because of their low abundance in a complex background. Altered gene expression in tumours may not reflect protein levels in body fluids. We have tested combining gene expression profiling of tumours with proteomic analysis of cancer cell line secretomes as a strategy to discover urinary biomarkers for bladder cancer. Methods: We used shotgun proteomics to identify proteins secreted by three bladder cancer cell lines. Secreted proteins with high mRNA levels in bladder tumours relative to normal urothelium were assayed by ELISA in urine samples from 642 patients. Results: Midkine and HAI-1 were significantly increased in bladder cancer patients, with the highest levels in invasive disease (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve 0.89 vs non-cancer). The urinary concentration of both proteins was too high to be explained by bladder cancer associated haematuria and most likely arises by direct tumour secretion. Conclusions: This ‘dual-omic’ strategy identified tumour secreted proteins whose urine concentrations are increased significantly by bladder cancer. Combined secretome-transcriptome analysis may be more useful than direct proteomic analysis of body fluids for biomarker discovery in both bladder cancer and other tumour type

    The Potential Role of ORM2 in the Development of Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common malignancy in the world. The risk of death is closely correlated to the stage of CRC at the time of primary diagnosis. Therefore, there is a compelling need for the identification of blood biomarkers that can enable early detection of CRC. We used a quantitative proteomic approach with isobaric labeling (iTRAQ) to examine changes in the plasma proteome of 10 patients with CRC compared to healthy volunteers. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbnent Assay (ELISA) and Western blot were used for further validation. In our quantitative proteomics analysis, we detected 75 human plasma proteins with more than 95% confidence using iTRAQ labeling in conjunction with microQ-TOF MS. 9 up-regulated and 4 down-regulated proteins were observed in the CRC group. The ORM2 level in plasma was confirmed to be significantly elevated in patients suffering from CRC compared with the controls. ORM2 expression in CRC tissues was significantly increased compared with that in corresponding adjacent normal mucous tissues (P<0.001). ITRAQ together with Q-TOF/MS is a sensitive and reproducible technique of quantitative proteomics. Alteration in expression of ORM2 suggests that ORM2 could be used as a potential biomarker in the diagnosis of CRC

    Association between adolescent idiopathic scoliosis prevalence and age at menarche in different geographic latitudes

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    BACKGROUND: Age at menarche is considered a reliable prognostic factor for idiopathic scoliosis and varies in different geographic latitudes. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis prevalence has also been reported to be different in various latitudes and demonstrates higher values in northern countries. A study on epidemiological reports from the literature was conducted to investigate a possible association between prevalence of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and age at menarche among normal girls in various geographic latitudes. An attempt is also made to implicate a possible role of melatonin in the above association. MATERIAL-METHODS: 20 peer-reviewed published papers reporting adolescent idiopathic scoliosis prevalence and 33 peer-reviewed papers reporting age at menarche in normal girls from most geographic areas of the northern hemisphere were retrieved from the literature. The geographic latitude of each centre where a particular study was originated was documented. The statistical analysis included regression of the adolescent idiopathic scoliosis prevalence and age at menarche by latitude. RESULTS: The regression of prevalence of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and age at menarche by latitude is statistically significant (p < 0.001) and are following a parallel declining course of their regression curves, especially in latitudes northern than 25 degrees. CONCLUSION: Late age at menarche is parallel with higher prevalence of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Pubarche appears later in girls that live in northern latitudes and thus prolongs the period of spine vulnerability while other pre-existing or aetiological factors are contributing to the development of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. A possible role of geography in the pathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis is discussed, as it appears that latitude which differentiates the sunlight influences melatonin secretion and modifies age at menarche, which is associated to the prevalence of idiopathic scoliosis

    Dietary Education Provision Within a Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme in the UK: A Pilot Study Evaluating Nutritional Intakes Alongside Physical Activity Levels

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    Background/aims: The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of two 30-minute dietary education sessions, within cardiac rehabilitation (CR), as a means to optimise nutrient and energy intakes (EI). A secondary aim was to evaluate patients’ habitual physical activity (PA) levels. Methods: Thirty patients (males: n = 24, 61.8 ± 11.2 years; females: n = 6, 66.7 ± 8.5 years) attended a six-week early outpatient CR programme in the UK and received two 30-minute dietary education sessions emphasising Mediterranean diet principles. EI and nutrient intakes were measured through completion of three-day food diaries in weeks one and six (before and after the dietary education sessions) to assess the impact of these sessions on nutrient intakes. At the same time-points, a sub-group (n = 13) of patients had their PA levels assessed via accelerometery to assess the impact of the CR programme on PA. Findings: Estimated energy requirements (EER) at week one (1988 ± 366 kcal . d -1 ) were not matched by actual EI (1785 ± 561 kcal . d -1 ) ( P = 0.047, d = -0.36). EI reduced to 1655 ± 470 kcal . d -1 at week six ( P = 0.66, d = -0.33) whereas EER increased as a function of increased activity (CR sessions). Nutrient intakes remained suboptimal, while no significant increases were observed in healthy fats and fibre, which consist core elements of a Mediterranean diet. Statistically significant increases were not observed in PA however patients decreased sedentary time by 11 ± 12% in week six compared to week one ( P = 0.009; d = -0.54). Conclusion : The present study findings suggest that two 30-minute dietary education sessions did not positively influence EI and nutrient intakes, while habitual PA levels were not significantly increased as a result of the CR programme. Future research should explore means of optimising nutrition and habitual PA within UK CR

    Early Diagnosis of Vegetation Health From High-Resolution Hyperspectral and Thermal Imagery: Lessons Learned From Empirical Relationships and Radiative Transfer Modelling

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    [Purpose of Review] We provide a comprehensive review of the empirical and modelling approaches used to quantify the radiation–vegetation interactions related to vegetation temperature, leaf optical properties linked to pigment absorption and chlorophyll fluorescence emission, and of their capability to monitor vegetation health. Part 1 provides an overview of the main physiological indicators (PIs) applied in remote sensing to detect alterations in plant functioning linked to vegetation diseases and decline processes. Part 2 reviews the recent advances in the development of quantitative methods to assess PI through hyperspectral and thermal images.[Recent Findings] In recent years, the availability of high-resolution hyperspectral and thermal images has increased due to the extraordinary progress made in sensor technology, including the miniaturization of advanced cameras designed for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems and lightweight aircrafts. This technological revolution has contributed to the wider use of hyperspectral imaging sensors by the scientific community and industry; it has led to better modelling and understanding of the sensitivity of different ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum to detect biophysical alterations used as early warning indicators of vegetation health.[Summary] The review deals with the capability of PIs such as vegetation temperature, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic energy downregulation and photosynthetic pigments detected through remote sensing to monitor the early responses of plants to different stressors. Various methods for the detection of PI alterations have recently been proposed and validated to monitor vegetation health. The greatest challenges for the remote sensing community today are (i) the availability of high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution image data; (ii) the empirical validation of radiation–vegetation interactions; (iii) the upscaling of physiological alterations from the leaf to the canopy, mainly in complex heterogeneous vegetation landscapes; and (iv) the temporal dynamics of the PIs and the interaction between physiological changes.The authors received funding provided by the FluorFLIGHT (GGR801) Marie Curie Fellowship, the QUERCUSAT and ESPECTRAMED projects (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness), the Academy of Finland (grants 266152, 317387) and the European Research Council Synergy grant ERC-2013-SyG-610028 IMBALANCE-P.Peer reviewe