247 research outputs found
The role of external broadcasting in a closed political system
This article investigates the role and impact of external broadcasting (radio and television) on a closed political system, through the example of the two post-war German states: the West German Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the East German German Democratic Republic (GDR). The aim is to debunk myths about the influence of external broadcasting on the events that led to German reunification in 1990. The study follows a historical approach and discusses what role external media played during the years of a divided Germany. The findings are based on several historical sources, research reports from the 1950s and 1960s and over 100 biographical interviews with former residents of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). The article analyses the impact of external broadcasting on citizens and the political elite in times of crisis as well as during everyday life
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Flexible work and immigration in Europe
Immigration has risen substantially in many European economies, with far-reaching if still uncertain implications for labor markets and industrial relations. This paper investigates such implications, focusing on employment flexibility, involving both ‘external flexibility’ (fixed-term or temporary agency and/or involuntary part-time work) and ‘internal flexibility’ (overtime and/or balancing-time accounts). The paper identifies reasons why immigration should generally increase the incidence of such flexibility, and why external should rise more than internal flexibility. The paper supports these claims using a dataset of establishments in sixteen European countries
How Much Can We Trust Maternal Ratings of Early Child Development in Disadvantaged Samples?
An increasing number of panel studies use short screening questionnaires to assess infant development. Although some research examines the validity of screening questionnaires for middleclass families, knowledge about their accuracy in disadvantaged households is scarce. This paper validates a short screening questionnaire included in the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) with the Bayley Scales for Infant Development (BSID) as an external criterion with a disadvantaged population. The results reveal significant correlations between the screening questionnaire ratings and the BSID scores for disadvantaged mothers. However, the concordance of maternal ratings and test results decreased in mothers with multiple risk burdens
Reliability in the German value of time study
The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure is currently preparing the 2015 Federal Transport Investment Plan. As part of this, it is updating the overall methodology of its cost-benefit analysis meaning values of both reliability (VOR) and travel time (VOT) for personal and business travel will be estimated. While the VOTs will replace a set of existing values, the VOR will be estimated for the first time as they are not incorporated in the standard appraisal yet. The data collection adopted a two-stage approach: first respondents reported about current trips (revealed preference), which were then systematically varied to be the basis for stated preference experiments. This paper presents the findings of estimating the VOR. In the SP experiments the reliability of the travel modes was presented with different formats. The final model formulation differs in the definition of reliability for private and public transport. For car trips, saving travel time is “worthier” to the respondents than reducing the variability. The calculated VOR for the mean expected unscheduled delay of public transport trips are slightly lower than the VOTs which means that the reliability is here less important to the respondents than relevant travel time saving. One minute of mean expected unscheduled delay and one minute of standard deviation are almost equivalent to one minute of travel time saving (reliability ratio). As this has been the first official estimation of the value of reliability and time for Germany, the values should be reconsidered and updated on a regular basis
Clashing Traditions: German Foreign Policy in a New Era
A series of crises over the last decade have put pressure on Europe's fundamental ordering principles. In response, German policymakers have scrambled to reinterpret Germany's foreign policy for a new era. To understand this process, the authors utilize an interpretivist approach, analyzing the discourse of German foreign policymakers through the lens of four traditions of thought informing debates: regionalism, pacifism, realism, and hegemonism. The article suggests that despite serious challenges, prevailing patterns of belief centered round regionalism and pacifism, supported by a particular civilian understanding of hegemony, persist. Yet, Germany's allies are challenging this framework and calling for it to accept more responsibility for regional and global security. As a result, a realist tradition is reemerging in Germany's discourse. The taxonomy provided here allows a richer understanding of these debates as well as an appreciation of how policymakers mobilize ideas to resist or enable policy change
What determines the motivation for further training? Results from a factorial survey among jobseekers
Publically sponsored further trainings for the unemployed are an important measure of active labour market policies (ALMP) in Germany. Current discussions within this context also focus on the willingness to participate, which is an important prerequisite for the success of the programs. Financial incentives may foster both participation and successful completion, thereby reducing opportunity costs of these measures. We investigate the question what factors determine the motivation to participate by conducting a CATI survey among around 4000 unemployed persons from the unemployment insurance system (Social Code III) and the means-tested basic income support system for needy recipients (Social Code II). We use a factorial survey - also known as vignette analysis - in combination with administrative data of the Federal Employment Agency (FEA), the latter providing detailed information about the individual labour market history. Multivariate analyses suggest that a program's duration, monthly bonus payments in addition to regular unemployment benefits, future job prospects and gratifications for successful completion influence the probability of participation mostly in the theoretically expected way
Citizens and Welfare State
Economic, social and occupational situation of the population. Attitude of the population to the welfare state system and individual social services. Topics: judgement on one´s own economic situation in comparison over time; satisfaction with income; judgement on the economic and social situation of pensioners; judgement on adequate security of one´s own provision for old age; detailed information on income composition; payments received from the social services office or a charity organization; attitude to the welfare state as well as to reducing government expenditures in certain areas and especially social expenditures; judgement on tax equity; interest in honorary activity in the social area; social security versus personal responsibility; occupational mobility; interest in change of company and change of occupation; assessment of age limits for occupational development and capability; time worked daily and weekly; personal times of absence at work; attitude to reduction in working hours; assessment of the stress burden at work; assessment of personal job security; knowledge about the works council; satisfaction with the job of employee representation; membership in a trade union and participation in meetings; membership of family members in a trade union; definition of the most important areas of social progress; adequate time for relaxation and last vacation trip; need for help due to physical handicap or age; persons or organizations providing assistance; person in need of help in the household; degree of reduction in earning capacity. Demography: age; sex; marital status; ages of children (classified); school education; occupational training; occupation; employment; area of business of company; company size; income; household income; sources of income; household size; household composition; respondent is head of household; characteristics of head of household; city size; degree of urbanization; state; union membership.Wirtschaftliche, soziale und berufliche Situation der Bevölkerung. Einstellung der Bevölkerung zum Sozialstaat-System und zu einzelnen Sozialleistungen. Themen: Beurteilung der eigenen wirtschaftlichen Situation im Zeitvergleich; Zufriedenheit mit dem Einkommen; Beurteilung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Situation der Rentner; Beurteilung der ausreichenden Absicherung der eigenen Altersversorgung; detaillierte Angaben über die Einkommenszusammensetzung; empfangene Leistungen vom Sozialamt oder von einem Wohlfahrtsverband; Einstellung zum Wohlfahrtsstaat sowie zur Reduzierung staatlicher Ausgaben in bestimmten Bereichen und speziell der Sozialausgaben; Beurteilung der Steuergerechtigkeit; Interesse an ehrenamtlicher Tätigkeit im sozialen Bereich; soziale Sicherung versus Eigenverantwortung; berufliche Mobilität; Interesse an Betriebswechsel und Berufswechsel; Einschätzung der Altersgrenzen für berufliche Entwicklung und Leistungsfähigkeit; tägliche und wöchentliche Arbeitszeit; eigene Fehlzeiten im Betrieb; Einstellung zur Arbeitszeitverkürzung; Einschätzung der Streßbelastung am Arbeitsplatz; Einschätzung der eigenen Arbeitsplatzsicherheit; Kenntnis des Betriebsrates; Zufriedenheit mit der Arbeit der Arbeitnehmervertretung; Mitgliedschaft in einer Gewerkschaft und Teilnahme an Versammlungen; Mitgliedschaft von Familienangehörigen in einer Gewerkschaft; Definition der wichtigsten Bereiche sozialen Fortschritts; ausreichende Zeit zum Ausspannen und letzte Urlaubsreise; Hilfsbedürftigkeit durch Körperbehinderung oder Alter; Personen oder Organisationen, die Hilfeleistungen durchführen; hilfsbedürftige Person im Haushalt; Grad der Erwerbsminderung. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Familienstand; Alter der Kinder (klassiert); Schulbildung; Berufsausbildung; Beruf; Berufstätigkeit; Branche des Betriebes; Betriebsgröße; Einkommen; Haushaltseinkommen; Einkommensquellen; Haushaltsgröße; Haushaltszusammensetzung; Befragter ist Haushaltsvorstand; Charakteristika des Haushaltsvorstands; Ortsgröße; Urbanisierungsgrad; Bundesland; Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft
Social Data of the Federal Republic of Germany
Social data of the residential population of the Federal Republic and attitude to data protection. Topics: Attitude to protection of personal data or attitude to their being given to various authorities and institutions; occupational contact with personal data; information on all completed insurance policies; type of loans currently outstanding; payment of fine as road-user; participation in legal proceedings; type of social services received; type of taxes paid; participation in military service; last visit to the doctor; number of doctors visited in the last six months; last hospital stay; membership in clubs or citizen initiatives. Demography: age; sex; marital status; school education; vocational training; occupation; professional position; employment; type of company; household income; size of household; composition of household; head of household; city size; state.Sozialdaten der Wohnbevölkerung der Bundesrepublik und Einstellung zum Datenschutz. Themen: Einstellung zum Schutz persönlicher Daten bzw. Einstellung zu deren Weitergabe an verschiedene Behörden und Institutionen; beruflicher Kontakt mit personenbezogenen Daten; Angabe aller abgeschlossenen Versicherungen; Art der derzeit laufenden Kredite; Zahlung von Bußgeld als Verkehrsteilnehmer; Beteiligung an Gerichtsverfahren; Art der empfangenen Sozialleistungen; Art der abgeführten Steuern; Teilnahme am Wehrdienst; letzter Arztbesuch; Anzahl der im letzten Halbjahr besuchten Ärzte; letzter Krankenhausaufenthalt; Mitgliedschaft in Vereinen oder Bürgerinitiativen. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Familienstand; Schulbildung; Berufsausbildung; Beruf; berufliche Position; Berufstätigkeit; Art des Betriebs; Haushaltseinkommen; Haushaltsgröße; Haushaltszusammensetzung; Haushaltungsvorstand; Ortsgröße; Bundesland
College Barometer (Survey of Students, Winter Semester 1973/74)
Representative survey among students at scientific colleges and universities for applied science in the Federal Republic. The following topic complexes were dealt with: 1. General studies data, 2. Studies and college in the judgement of the students, 3. Attitudes to college policies and politics in general, 4. Financing studies and housing situation. Topics: 1. Type of personal entitlement to university admission; existence of a curriculum as well as an intermediate examination; hours per week per semester registered; degrees sought; reasons for lengthening one´s own study time; personal impact of restricted admission and change of original study desire; personal interim course of study and change of college; personal studies abroad; reasons for change of subject; help in deciding on the choice of subject. 2. Judgement on study advice; general judgement on the situation at the colleges and expectations of studies (scale); contact with instructors; weekly study time, organized according to courses, library work, study-groups, coach and homework. 3. Means of college political activities preferred, conducted or classed as effective; attitude to fixed mandate for students representative; general judgement on college political groups, parties and organs of the university; attitude to a college reform; participation in elections at the university; personal candidacy for the student parlament and membership in college committees or college groups; extent to which informed about the general outline of a law providing guidelines for universities; personal attitude to college reform (scale); attitude to radicals in the civil service; judgement on the educational goals and functions of the college; political interest; party preference; judgement on the job of the Federal Government and opposition (scale); desired image of the Federal Republic (semantic differential). 4. Sources of income and financial support for studies received (student aid); attitude to support for loans; preferred form of housing; housing situation and monthly rent costs; number of siblings in training or education degrees of siblings. Demography: age; sex; marital status; number of children; school education; vocational training; income; composition of household; self-assessment of social class; city size; state. Interviewer rating: interest and willingness of respondent to cooperate. Also encoded was: city code.Repräsentativerhebung bei Studierenden an wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen in der Bundesrepublik. Folgende Themenkomplexe wurden behandelt: 1.) allgemeine Studiendaten, 2.) Studium und Hochschule im Urteil der Studierenden, 3.) Einstellungen zur Hochschulpolitik und zur Politik allgemein, 4.) Studienfinanzierung und Wohnsituation. Themen: Zu 1.): Art der eigenen Hochschulzugangsberechtigung; Existenz einer Studienordnung sowie einer Zwischenprüfung; belegte Semesterwochenstunden; angestrebte Studienabschlüsse; Gründe für die Verlängerung der eigenen Studienzeit; eigene Betroffenheit von Numerus Clausus und Änderung des ursprünglichen Studienwunsches; eigenes Parkstudium und Hochschulwechsel; eigenes Auslandsstudium; Gründe für Studienfachwechsel; Entscheidungshilfen bei der Studienfachwahl. Zu 2.): Beurteilung der Studienberatung; allgemeine Beurteilung der Situation an den Hochschulen und der Erwartungen an das Studium (Skala); Kontakt zum Lehrpersonal; wöchentliche Studienzeit, aufgegliedert nach Lehrveranstaltungen, Bibliotheksarbeit, Arbeitsgemeinschaften, Repetitor und Hausarbeit. Zu 3.): präferierte, durchgeführte bzw. als wirksam eingestufte Mittel hochschulpolitischer Aktivitäten; Einstellung zum imperativen Mandat für die Studentenvertreter; allgemeine Beurteilung von hochschulpolitischen Gruppen, Parteien und Organen der Universität; Einstellung zu einer Hochschulreform; Beteiligung bei Wahlen in der Universität; eigene Kandidatur für das Studentenparlament und Mitgliedschaft in Hochschulgremien bzw. Hochschulgruppen; Informiertheit über das Hochschulrahmengesetz; eigene Einstellung zur Hochschulreform (Skala); Einstellung zu Radikalen im öffentlichen Dienst; Beurteilung der Erziehungsziele und der Funktionen der Hochschule; politisches Interesse; Parteipräferenz; Beurteilung der Arbeit der Bundesregierung und der Opposition (Skalometer); gewünschtes Bild der Bundesrepublik (semantisches Differential). Zu 4.): Einkommensquellen und erhaltene finanzielle Studienförderungen (BAFÖG); Einstellung zur Darlehnsförderung; präferierte Wohnform; Wohnsituation und monatliche Mietkosten; Geschwisterzahl in der Ausbildung bzw. Bildungsabschlüsse der Geschwister. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Familienstand; Kinderzahl; Schulbildung; Berufsausbildung; Einkommen; Haushaltszusammensetzung; Selbsteinschätzung der Schichtzugehörigkeit; Ortsgröße; Bundesland. Interviewerrating: Interesse und Kooperationsbereitschaft des Befragten. Zusätzlich verkodet wurde: Kennziffer für den Ort
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