3,279 research outputs found

    Ecophysiological modeling of photosynthesis and carbon allocation to the tree stem in the boreal forest

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    A better understanding of the coupling between photosynthesis and carbon allocation in the boreal forest, together with its associated environmental factors and mechanistic rules, is crucial to accurately predict boreal forest carbon stocks and fluxes, which are significant components of the global carbon budget. Here, we adapted the MAIDEN ecophysiological forest model to consider important processes for boreal tree species, such as nonlinear acclimation of photosynthesis to temperature changes, canopy development as a function of previous-year climate variables influencing bud formation and the temperature dependence of carbon partition in summer. We tested these modifications in the eastern Canadian taiga using black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) gross primary production and ring width data. MAIDEN explains 90% of the observed daily gross primary production variability, 73% of the annual ring width variability and 20-30% of its high-frequency component (i.e., when decadal trends are removed). The positive effect on stem growth due to climate warming over the last several decades is well captured by the model. In addition, we illustrate how we improve the model with each introduced model adaptation and compare the model results with those of linear response functions. Our results demonstrate that MAIDEN simulates robust relationships with the most important climate variables (those detected by classical response-function analysis) and is a powerful tool for understanding how environmental factors interact with black spruce ecophysiol-ogy to influence present-day and future boreal forest carbon fluxes.Peer reviewe

    Detecting Electronic States at Stacking Faults in Magnetic Thin Films by Tunneling Spectroscopy

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    Co islands grown on Cu(111) with a stacking fault at the interface present a conductance in the empty electronic states larger than the Co islands that follow the stacking sequence of the Cu substrate. Electrons can be more easily injected into these faulted interfaces, providing a way to enhance transmission in future spintronic devices. The electronic states associated to the stacking fault are visualized by tunneling spectroscopy and its origin is identified by band structure calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett (2000

    Borates or phosphates? That is the question

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    [EN] Chemical nomenclature is perceived to be a closed topic. However, this work shows that the identification of polyanionic groups is still ambiguous and so is the nomenclature for some ternary compounds. Two examples, boron phosphate (BPO4) and boron arsenate (BAsO4), which were assigned to the large phosphate and arsenate families, respectively, nearly a century ago, are explored. The analyses show that these two compounds should be renamed phosphorus borate (PBO4) and arsenic borate (AsBO4). Beyond epistemology, this has pleasing consequences at several levels for the predictive character of chemistry. It paves the way for future work on the possible syntheses of SbBO4 and BiBO4, and it also renders previous structure field maps completely predictive, allowing us to foresee the structure and phase transitions of NbBO4 and TaBO4. Overall, this work demonstrates that quantum mechanics calculations can contribute to the improvement of current chemical nomenclature. Such revisitation is necessary to classify compounds and understand their properties, leading to the main final aim of a chemist: predicting new compounds, their structures and their transformations.This research was partially supported by Spanish MINECO (grant Nos. MAT2015-71070-REDC and MAT2016-75586-C4-2-P, and MALTA Consolider Team RED2018-102612-T) and Generalitat Valenciana (grant No. PROMETEO/2018/123-EFIMAT). J. Contreras-Garci ' a thanks CALSIMLAB (public grant No. ANR-11-LABX-0037-01), overseen by the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the Investissements d'Avenir program (grant No. ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02). M. Marque ' s acknowledges support from the ERC grant `Hecate' and computational resources provided by the UKCP consortium under EPSRC grant EP/P022561/1.Contreras-García, J.; Izquierdo-Ruiz, F.; Marqués, M.; Manjón, F. (2020). Borates or phosphates? That is the question. 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    Cytomegalovirus erosive gastritis in a healthy infant: update about a case

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    El citomegalovirus es un virus ADN de la familia Herpesviridae que puede afectar al tubo digestivo. Dentro de éste, las dianas de afectación suelen ser el colon, el esófago y el estómago. Se ha descrito ampliamente su asociación con el síndrome de Ménétrier (hiperplasia foveolar con pérdida de proteínas), si bien también puede producir cuadros de gastritis erosiva. En el presente artículo se describe un caso de gastritis erosiva en una lactante sana de 4 meses de edad, que se inició en forma de hemorragia digestiva alta. A partir de este caso, se lleva a cabo una puesta al día de este subgrupo de infecciones por citomegalovirusCytomegalovirus is a DNA Herpesviridae family which can affect the digestive tract. From the standpoint of the stomach, has been widely described his association with Ménétrier syndrome (foveolar hyperplasia with protein-losing) but can also produce erosive gastritis. This article describes a case of erosive gastritis in a healthy 4 months infant which debuted as upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition we perform an update of this subgroup of cytomegalovirus infection

    Extensions, expansions, Lie algebra cohomology and enlarged superspaces

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    After briefly reviewing the methods that allow us to derive consistently new Lie (super)algebras from given ones, we consider enlarged superspaces and superalgebras, their relevance and some possible applications.Comment: 9 pages. Invited talk delivered at the EU RTN Workshop, Copenhagen, Sep. 15-19 and at the Argonne Workshop on Branes and Generalized Dynamics, Oct. 20-24, 2003. Only change: wrong number of a reference correcte

    On two-dimensional superpotentials: from classical Hamilton-Jacobi theory to 2D supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    Superpotentials in N=2{\cal N}=2 supersymmetric classical mechanics are no more than the Hamilton characteristic function of the Hamilton-Jacobi theory for the associated purely bosonic dynamical system. Modulo a global sign, there are several superpotentials ruling Hamilton-Jacobi separable supersymmetric systems, with a number of degrees of freedom greater than one. Here, we explore how supersymmetry and separability are entangled in the quantum version of this kind of system. We also show that the planar anisotropic harmonic oscillator and the two-Newtonian centers of force problem admit two non-equivalent supersymmetric extensions with different ground states and Yukawa couplings.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Engaging End-Users in the Collaborative Development of Domain-Speci c Modelling Languages

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    International audienceDomain-Speci c Modelling Languages (DSMLs) are high-level languages specially designed to perform tasks in a particular domain. When developing DSMLs, the participation of end-users is normally limited to providing domain knowledge and testing the resulting language prototypes. Language developers, which are perhaps not domain experts, are therefore in control of the language development and evolution. This may cause misinterpretations which hamper the development process and the quality of the DSML. Thus, it would be bene cial to promote a more active participation of end-users in the development process of DSMLs. While current DSML workbenches are mono-user and designed for technical experts, we present a process and tool support for the example-driven, collaborative construction of DSMLs in order to engage end-users in the creation of their own languages

    Determination of automatic weather station self‐heating originating from accompanying electronics

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    open7openPavlasek, P.; Merlone, A.; Sanna, F.; Coppa, G.; Izquierdo, C. G.; Palencar, J.; Duris, S.Pavlasek, P.; Merlone, A.; Sanna, F.; Coppa, G.; Izquierdo, C. G.; Palencar, J.; Duris, S

    Accelerated expansion of a universe containing a self-interacting Bose-Einstein gas

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    Acceleration of the universe is obtained from a model of non-relativistic particles with a short-range attractive interaction, at low enough temperature to produce a Bose-Einstein condensate. Conditions are derived for negative-pressure behavior. In particular, we show that a phantom-accelerated regime at the beginning of the universe solves the horizon problem, consistently with nucleosynthesis.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure